31 December, 2010
Birth Defects In Fallujah Linked To US assault
By Samira Alaani, Mozhgan Savabieasfahani ,
Mohammad Tafash & Paola Manduca
Since 2003, congenital malformations have increased to account for 15% of all births in Fallujah, Iraq. Congenital heart defects have the highest incidence, followed by neural tube defects. Similar birth defects were reported in other populations exposed to war contaminants. While the causes of increased prevalence of birth defects are under investigation, we opted to release this communication to contribute to exploration of these issues- The Report in PDF
Commodity Price Surge Sets Stage For
Global Food Crisis In New Year
By Barry Grey
The price of traded food staples such as wheat, corn and rice soared 26 percent from June to November, nearing the peaks reached during the global food crisis of 2008, according to the Food Price Index kept by the United Nations' Food and Agriculture Organization
Wave Of Garment-Worker Suicides In Tirupur
By M. Kailasam & K. Sundaram
In the environs of Tirupur, a reputed boom town in the southeast Indian state of Tamil Nadu, close to a thousand garment workers or their family members have committed suicide during the past two years
A Nobel Peace Prize Winner
Torturing Bradley Manning
By Chris Floyd
Yet tonight, in the tenth year of the 21st century, in the United States of America, under the leadership of the Nobel Peace Prize laureate Barack Obama, 23-year-old Bradley Manning is being subjected to same tortures routinely inflicted on other unindicted, untried captives of the militarist state
Wikileaks Busts The Myth Of
Private Communication
By Jim Taylor
At the turn of the year, one's thoughts naturally turn to the significant events of the past year – earthquakes, hurricanes, scandals, floods, royal engagements, tax revolts.... I suspect that the long-term significance of the Wikileaks disclosures has not been fully appreciated yet
Hope In 2011: Peoples, Civil Society Stand Tall
By Ramzy Baroud
Words don’t end wars, confront greed or slow down the devastation caused by natural disasters. People do. Let 2011 be a year of action, hope, and the uninterrupted triumph of civil society
Hail To The Chief: Spinning Obama's Presidency
By Stephen Lendman
Christmas came early for Obama, never mind two years delivering lumps of coal for American workers and promises for worse ahead, what media hype won't explain
Nothing Dogmatic About It
By Prabhat Sharan
It’s darkness at noon at Dharavi, the world's biggest slum. And hope trickles like wounds simmering inside the labyrinth of hopeless inner lanes
Raising Legitimate Questions Is Not
By Ram Puniyani
Mr Digvijay Singh is right when he says, “If I point out that Karkare was under threat from Hindu fundamentalist organizations, I am accused of being anti-national and pro-Pakistan. However, if a former Union home minister and the shadow prime minister doubts the integrity of a police officer like Karkare, and demands a judicial probe into the ATS action against Pragya Thakur, he is a nationalist!”
Satyam’s Raju And Satyam Babu
By Anand Teltumbde
Rich and powerful “fraudsters” like Satyam’s Ramalinga Raju will get away; the down and out like Satyam Babu, a poor dalit wrongly convicted for a murder he did not commit, will rot in jail. Caste and – its modern correlate – class matter as never before in India today
Savarkar – A Poetic Genius Or A Psychotic?
By Anil Pundlik Gokhale
Response to Ashok Malik’s ‘Savarkar the man who saw tomorrow’. Read the article in PDF
30 December, 2010
India Succumbs To US Pressure:
Iran Halts Oil Sales To India
By Aljazeera
An oil trading dispute between India and Iran has further escalated, with Tehran refusing to sell oil to India under new rules instituted by New Delhi
The Peak Oil Crisis: 2011 – A Pivotal Year?
By Tom Whipple
Some are already saying that the IEA's forecast of a 1.3 million b/d increase for next year is much too low. The big unknown for the coming years is the size and availability of OPEC's spare capacity. If much of the 5 or 6 million b/d of productive capacity that OPEC claims to have in reserve does not really exist or cannot be opened in a timely manner, then much higher oil prices seem likely by spring
Peak Oil, International Trade And Population
By Jason G. Brent
Humanity must plan its future on the assumption that international trade will be dramatically reduced once oil is exhausted. A dramatic reduction in international trade must be followed by a dramatic reduction in the human population and the collapse of civilization. Humanity has a choice – reduce population before international trade collapses using the intelligence of humanity or suffer the horrors of the dramatic drop in population caused by the destruction of civilization and the starvation of billions of humans
Threat To Arrest Human Rights Activists
And Journalists By Gujarat Police
By Sabrang
There is some suggestion and strong possibilities that the Gujarat Police may try to stage an arrest of Teesta Setalvad, journists from Sahara, NDTV, CNN-IBN in a cooked up case
Veteran Human Rights’ Activist And Advocate,
K G Kannabiran Is No More
By Mahtab Alam
Veteran Human Rights’ activist, lawyer and former national president of Peoples’ Union of Civil Liberties (PUCL) passed away on Thursday evening around 5 pm in Hyderabad after a long ailment. He was 82 years and is survived by his wife and two children
Eight Homeless Youth Die In New Orleans Fire –
What Does It Say About Us?
By Bill Quigley
Eight young people, who the Fire Department said were “trying to stay warm,” perished in a raging fire during the night in New Orleans. The young people were squatting in an abandoned wood framed tin walled warehouse in a Ninth Ward neighborhood bordering a large train yard. The young people apparently had a barrel with wood burning in it for heat
Hillary Clinton Plays Russian Roulette With Justice
By Yvonne Ridley
My advice to Clinton is do not lecture anyone about human rights and legal issues until you clean up your own backyard. In fact the next time she decides to open her mouth perhaps one of her aides can do us all a favour and ram in a slice of humble pie
If Obama Could Put America’s Own
Real Interests First…
By Alan Hart
The headline is not meant to imply that I think he will. As things are he can’t because of the stranglehold on American policy for Israel/Palestine of the Zionist lobby and its stooges in Congress, the mainstream media and many institutions of state including the Pentagon and intelligence agencies. My purpose is only to offer an answer to this question: What could happen if President Obama was able to put America’s own real interests first?
The Magic of Two-Year-Olds
And Death By Cell Phone Use
By Shepherd Bliss
The recent death of two-year-old Callie Murray hit me hard. She would have been three on the day that I began writing this, Dec. 25, the birthday of another baby. She was walking across the street hand-and-hand with her mom Ling Murray on Dec. 1. A student from Sonoma State University, where I teach, who was using a phone in her car at the time, crashed into them, killing tiny Callie and severely injuring her mother. Cars and cell phones have become two of the major addictions of our fast-moving civilization; they are both deadly
What Lies At The Core of Pattern Language,
And Why Should We Care?
By Carolyn Baker
The current collapse and transition is and will be an onerous, but perhaps ultimately joyful journey, in rediscovering and re-embracing our luminous ground. Out of this return to the mysteries of which Alexander speaks, an opportunity for unprecedented patterns of wholeness and relationship offers itself to human egos weary of pretending that disconnected matter, people, and places are humanity’s final frontier
Report Reveals Deeply Divided New York City
By Billy Wharton
For low and moderate-income New Yorkers 2010 felt every bit as terrible as 2009. Though economists pontificated about the end of the economic crisis, those surveyed in the Community Service Society’s end of the year poll continue to suffer from crisis economics. The study entitled "The Unheard Third 2010,” asked 1,400 New York City residents about their current economic situation as well as their thoughts about the future. It revealed a city deeply divided between rich and poor
Questioning Authority Globally And
Locally In 2011: Will We Resist
Domination By Hypocrites And Parasites?
By Tom Stephens
Party it up. Get ready to fight. The space you occupy is liberated territory. Defend it at all costs
In Chhattisgarh, The Only Criminal Is Law
By Javed Iqbal
But for the adivasi in Dantewada facing brutal repression and for Binayak Sen, the Law had been abandoned a long time ago
Need Judicial Reforms And A Debate
On The Issues Of Sedition And Governance
By Vidya Bhushan Rawat
As year 2010 is approaching to an end, the outrageous verdict pronounced by a Raipur court to Dr Binayak Sen is a reminder of how judicial system is working in India particularly the lower judiciary
Rajasthan Turns To For Profit Education
By Kranti Kapoor & B.C.Mehta
Rajasthan government has decided to absorb about 10,000 teachers and non-academic staff of aided educational institutions (schools and colleges) into the State-run schools and colleges in Rajasthan. They will be given an option for joining a newly created rural education service cadre
Shopping Malls And The Anti-Book Culture
By Vidyadhar Date
Few know that the citizens of India have a legal right to get free access to every book published in all languages in India and which is expected by law to be stocked in the four central libraries in the metro cities of Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai and Mumbai
America's Gulf: New Report Says It's Dying
By Stephen Lendman
Concerned Citizens of Florida.com (CCF) believe efforts must be made now "to address what may very well be the greatest environmental catastrophe of North America in modern history....government (and media) cannot be relied on" for truthful information. As a result, its site is a platform for truth and accuracy on a disaster of such magnitude. On December 1, CCF published a special Dr. Tom Termotto Gulf disaster report, titled "The Gulf of Mexico is Dying."
Palestine Today: A Reality of Justice Denied
By Stephen Lendman
On December 23, Israeli forces shot and killed Salama Abu Harhish without warning while herding sheep and goats in Beit Lahya. Civilized nations don't murder nonviolent civilians in cold blood, this time leaving a widow and day-old unnamed baby. What "democracy" thrives on violence, spurns peace, and wages preemptive wars like Cast Lead. Besides America, only Israel, a global menace like its Washington paymaster/partner, together with Britain the real axis of evil
Israel Hardens Repression As Palestinian
Recognition Increases
By Stephen Lendman
On December 24, Ecuador became the fifth Latin American country to recognize "the Palestine state as free and independent within its borders since 1967."
America's Gulf Disaster: Accidental or Deliberate?
By Stephen Lendman
Major unaddressed problems, initial explosions, subsequent small ones, intense heat, and poor evacuation drills left 11 crew members dead. Their epitaph should indict BP officials and complicit Obama officials for homicide. Justice demands holding them accountable
28 December, 2010
'Asia To Gaza' Negotiates Entry With Cairo
By Amira Howeidy
The Asia to Gaza convoy is stationed in Latakia, Syria, pending negotiations with Cairo
CIA Drone Strikes Kill 25 In Pakistan
By Joseph Kishore
As part of an escalating US campaign in Pakistan, missiles from suspected CIA drones killed up to 25 people on Monday
Sedition Decision ‘Misuse’ Of Laws: Amartya Sen
By Amartya Sen
I am very upset about the court decision in Chhattisgarh about Binayak Sen. It is a huge perversion of our system of justice, and particularly of the laws concerning sedition. It’s not at all clear, to start with, that the thing he has been exactly accused of — of passing letters — has been really proved beyond doubt
The Worsening Journalistic Disgrace At Wired
By Glenn Greenwald
For more than six months, Wired's Senior Editor Kevin Poulsen has possessed -- but refuses to publish -- the key evidence in one of the year's most significant political stories: the arrest of U.S. Army PFC Bradley Manning for allegedly acting as WikiLeaks' source
Gaza Families Recall Horror Two Years
After Israel's Assault
By Rami Almeghari
Gazans speak about their suffering on the second anniversary of the Gaza massacre by Israel
“The Darkness To Expel!”
By Uri Avnery
When our racists present the ugliest face of Judaism, ignoring its universalist message, they do great damage to the religion of millions of Jews around the world. The most important Jewish rabbis were silent this week in face of the racist fire that was ignited by rabbis, or murmured something about “ways of peace”
God-TV Helps Israel Oust Bedouin
By Jonathan Cook
Half a million trees planted over the past 18 months on the ancestral lands of Bedouin tribes in Israel's Negev region were bought by a controversial Christian evangelical television channel that calls itself God-TV
Obama Year Two: Continued Betrayal
And Failure (Part II)
By Stephen Lendman
Part II concludes an assessment of Obama's year two
The Denouement: Pax UNita
By Cameron Hunt
This is an extract from the novel, Pax UNita, published June 2006. In it, Australia's Ambassador to the United Nations addresses the General Assembly on a 'N o-State Solution' to the Israel-Palestine Conflict, and argues that ending the Conflict first requires us to end the ‘power of veto' in the UN Security Council
Changing Society's View Of Challenged Individuals
Through Picture And Song
By Marwan Asmar
Helping challenged individuals to lead normal lives is the aim of the video clip recently launched Amman Jordan, Wednesday, 22 December, 2010. Under the patronage of HRH Prince Raad, the five-minute video clip shows slick cinematography and song to inspire and cope, lead and to show, to prove and exist
27 December, 2010
Oil Sands To Boom: Internal Federal Report
By Stanley Tromp
Expect a rise in greenhouse-gas emitting heavy crude oil production in North America, says federal government report
An Open Letter From Gaza: Two Years After
The Massacre, A Demand For Justice
We the Palestinians of the Besieged Gaza Strip, on this day, two years on from Israel's genocidal attack on our families, our houses, our roads, our factories and our schools, are saying enough inaction, enough discussion, enough waiting – the time is now to hold Israel to account for its ongoing crimes against us
The Gaza Massacre And The Struggle For Justice
By Ali Abunimah
The Gaza massacre, which Israel launched two years ago today, did not end on 18 January 2009, but continues. It was not only a massacre of human bodies, but of the truth and of justice. Only our actions can help bring it to an end
The Drums of War Are Heard Again In Israel
By Ilan Pappe
The drums of war are heard again in Israel and they are sounded because once more Israel's invincibility is in question. Despite the triumphant rhetoric in the various media commemorative reports, two years after 'Cast Lead', the sense is that that campaign was as much of a failure as was the second Lebanon war of 2006
Peace On Earth, Even In Palestine!
By Mazin Qumsiyeh, PhD
Here in Bethlehem were we celebrate the birth of the Prince of Peace, we yearn for a just and durable peace. Like that good teacher 2000 years ago that spoke truth to power without worrying about reprisal, we believe the power structures will collapse and the word of truth will remain and grow. We will thus continue to work to build bridges and challenge walls (both physical and metaphysical). We believe peace based on justice for the dispossessed Palestinians will be good for all people who inhabit this historically burdened land and for the world at large
The Awful Truth Must Stop
Global Gasland Disaster
By Dr Gideon Polya
Top climate scientists say that the World must stop carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) emissions by 2050 and that top per capita polluters such as Australia and the US must stop by 2020. However Australia and the US are involved in a Planet-threatening, greenhouse gas polluting gas rush and gas boom, the effects of which on America have been devastatingly described in the recent movie Gasland. I have set out below an informational resource that can help enable sidelined scientists and concerned citizens to unite on this issue – the awful truth can and must stop the terracidal, global Gasland disaster
Indian Temperatures Could Rise Significantly
By 2030, New Study Shows
By Yale Environment 360
A new report forecasts that average temperatures in India could climb 2 degrees C (3.6 F) within two decades, with even higher temperatures projected for some coastal regions. According to the Indian Network for Climate Change Assessment
A Critique Of Binayak Sen’s Judgment
By Ilinia Sen, Sudha Bharadwaj & Kavita Srivastava
A ninety two page judgement was delivered by Judge BP Verma on the 24 December, 2010. What follows is a quick analysis of the facts of the case and the judgement that has finally been delivered
The Trial of Binayak Sen
By Jyoti Punwani
Going through the trial proceedings makes one laugh at the kind of evidence the Chhattisgarh police have managed to gather against Binayak Sen, writes Jyoti Punwani
A Strange Democracy
By M J Akbar
India has become a strange democracy where Binayak Sen gets life in jail and dacoits get a life in luxury
Not To Question Why
By Ramachandra Guha
Sen’s conviction happened in a court subject to intimidation by a government run by (and I use the word advisedly) paranoid politicians (helped by sometimes paranoid police officers). His conviction will and should be challenged. As it stands, however, it is a disgrace to democracy
Binayak Sen: A Victim Of Unfair Trial
By SP Kalantri
In December 2010, our worst fears turned true. If activists like Binayak are sent to prison in a democratic country, who would work for the marginalized and socially disadvantaged?
2011: A Brave New Dystopia
By Chris Hedges
The façade is crumbling. And as more and more people realize that they have been used and robbed, we will move swiftly from Huxley’s “Brave New World” to Orwell’s “1984.” The public, at some point, will have to face some very unpleasant truths. The good-paying jobs are not coming back
Wikileaks Memos Reveal U.S. Gov't Pushing
Gene-Altered Crops Worldwide
By Emily Main
U.S. officials have reached out to agriculture secretaries across the globe in order to speed adoption of genetically engineered crops, according to leaked documents
Bradley Manning's Pre-Trial Punishment
By Mary Shaw
I get the impression that the military is trying to get some extrajudicial revenge on Manning. And this is another glaring example of how prisoner rights, the law, and true justice have all taken a back seat since George W. Bush declared his "war on terror". This is what America has become. And we don't have Bush to blame for it now
Iraqi Cabinet Established
Nine Months After Election
By James Cogan
The Iraqi parliament ratified Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki’s new cabinet on Tuesday, more than nine months after the March 7 election. Its composition conforms to US demands that Maliki give cabinet posts to all the main ethno-sectarian factions in the parliament and senior positions to the Sunni-based Iraqiya alliance led by former CIA asset Ayad Allawi
Onion Crisis Was Stage Managed
By Devinder Sharma
Now it can be told. Onion crisis was stage managed to justify the approval for FDI in multi-brand retail
Politics Around Farmer Suicides.
To Whose Benefit?
By Devinder Sharma
Let me acknowledge that Chandrababu Naidu is the only political leader who has taken this important step to draw the nation's attention to the plight of the farming community. Naidu succeeded where other farmer leaders failed. I have always wondered why have the farmer leaders (who claim to be non-political) failed to sit on a nationwide indefinite fast to demand better conditions for the farming community
Obama Year Two: Continued Betrayal
And Failure (Part I)
By Stephen Lendman
The worst of bad practices will continue, besides teams of lawyers devising ways around whatever regulations emerge. According to University of San Diego Law Professor Frank Partnoy, "Wall Street has always been very skilled at getting around rules, and this law will be no different," especially with its loopholes, half-measures, and overall weakness. Bankers got the best deal big money can buy. The public again was scammed
Injustice For All: Obama's Immigration Agenda
By Stephen Lendman
Since taking office, Obama achieved the impossible - compiling a worse record than his fiercest critics feared, worse than George Bush across the board on domestic and foreign policies
26 December, 2010
Dr Binayak Sen’s Conviction And
Life Sentence Mock Justice
By Amnesty International
The life sentence handed down against Dr Binayak Sen by a court in the India state of Chhattisgarh violates international fair trial standards and is likely to enflame tensions in the conflict-affected area
Life Of And For Comrade Binayak Sen
By Farzana Versey
There will be an appeal against this judgement. But, it is a sad state of affairs when after 1000 pages of the charge-sheet, the Indian courts come out the worse for the wear. There is nothing that reveals that Comrade Binayak Sen has betrayed the country. The judiciary has
Undo The Misdeed
PUDR strongly protests against the verdict of the Sessions Court at Raipur. We demand that the judiciary take suo moto notice of this grave miscarriage of justice and take measures to undo the misdeed that this verdict involves. PUDR also demands that governments stop taking recourse the use of sedition and special laws for silencing dissent and criminalising human rights activity to cover up their own crimes
Merry Christmas Dr. Binayak Sen
By Karthick RM
Love and serve the poor. That is the crime Dr. Binayak Sen is guilty of. The place of his work is what we, the comfortably settled urban middle class, would call hell. Dirt, disease, starvation and poverty filled districts of Chhattisgarh. The wretched place cries, it shrieks for attention. And as an individual, Dr. Sen dedicated the best part of his life giving precisely that. Attention and care. Indeed, like Christ, Dr. Sen was a healer. Literally
M.K Gandhi On His Conviction For Sedition
By Mahatma Gandhi
M.K Gandhi On His Conviction For Sedition: A selection from Gandhi’s closing statement to the judge on March 23, 1922
A Mother’s Appeal
By Anasuya Sen
An appeal from Dr. Binayak Sen's mother
They’re 'Slow-Torturing' Bradley Manning
Right Under Our Noses
By John Grant
There are two sides to the Bradley Manning/WikiLeaks story, one legal and one moral. The United States government is playing the legal game because it has a lot to hide under its overwhelming regime of secrecy, which of course is all legal. Evidence suggests they are employing nefarious methods to crush a key voice on the moral side of the dialogue
Jesus Was Palestinian And Why It Matters
By Jehanzeb Dar
Because of modern alarmist reactions to the word "Palestine," many non-Arabs and non-Muslims take offense when it is argued that Jesus was a Palestinian (peace be upon him). Jesus’ ethnicity, skin color, and culture often accompany this conversation, but few people are willing to acknowledge the fact he was non-European. A simple stroll down the Christmas aisle will show you the dominant depiction of Jesus: a blonde-haired, blue-eyed, white man
Invisible Bethlehem
By Lamis Andoni
As Christians flock to the birthplace of Jesus, the plight of the city's Palestinian inhabitants goes unnoticed
A Palestinian Appeal To Europe
To Recognize The Free Palestine
By Salim Nazzal
In memory of the 1400 palestinians in Gaza killed by Israeli troops like these days two years ago
Rising Poverty In America And Israel
By Stephen Lendman
Nearly one-third of US families struggle to meet basic needs and 1.77 million Israelis are poor. About 850,000 Israeli children live in poverty, and 75% of impoverished Israelis miss meals because of cost, a 21% increase from 2009
Watching Men At Work Destroy The World
By Steve Salmony
The current primrose path to the future could be abandoned before it is too late to make necessary behavior changes to sustainable lifestyles and right-sized enterprises
Fear Over Konkan
By Prabhat Sharan
Natives of Jaitapur in Konkan-the green ribbon which runs across the coastline of Maharashtra, is flaming red. The anger of people is expanding against Jaitapur Nuclear Power Plant
Kashmir And WikiLeaks
By Tariq Shah
The weighty truth is causing massive leaks of the shaky lies
Kashmir: State And Academia At Loggerheads
By Inshah Malik
The academic space is fast shrinking in Kashmir. Recently, the alarmed state’s intervention has been about the concerned matters of academia, it has booked professors for ‘politicizing education’ others are under scrutiny on the questions of ‘morality’
2010: Another Hard Year For American Muslims
By Abdus Sattar Ghazali
Recent episodes symbolize the dilemma of the seven-million-strong American Muslim community more than nine years after the 9/11 tragedy. Such frequent episodes are the result of almost a decade old demonization of Islam and Muslims by increasingly aggressive far-right groups and government-stocked xenophobia about Muslims
Supporters Demand Justice For Aafia Siddiqui
By Stephen Lendman
Wrongfully persecuted, she was sentenced to 86 years in prison on September 23, 2010, a gross miscarriage of justice since her March 30, 2003 abduction, imprisonment, torture and witch-hunt prosecution, providing no evidence whatever to convict
Resisting Tyranny: A Universal Right
By Stephen Lendman
Israel's new referendum law defines Jerusalem as its "eternal and indivisible" capital, as well as requiring a two-thirds Knesset majority to cede East Jerusalem land to the Palestinians or in Golan to Syria. Failing that, either withdrawal would be subject to a national referendum. In other words, Jews alone will decide whether or not to return some stolen land. Those losing it have no say
25 December, 2010
Dr Binayak Sen Sentenced
To Life Imprisonment
By Md. Ali & Mahtab Alam
Eminent human rights’ activist and award winning doctor, Binayak Sen has been sentenced to life imprisonment by a session court of Raipur, Chhattisgarh on Friday early evening along with Piyush Guha, a businessman, and Narayan Sanyal, a Maoist ideologue. He is convicted under section 124A (sedition) and 120 B (conspiracy) of IPC and Chhattisgarh Special Public Security Act
Dr. Binayak Sen: A Miscarriage Of Justice
By Trevor Selvam
I sit at my laptop trying to control my anger, grief and frustration. Dr. Sen sits behind bars (sentenced to life by a judge in Chattisgarh) and scamsters, hucksters lounge around in the company of lawmakers, home ministers, prime ministers as they shuffle and slither around with folded hands and fluttering eyes, seeking further immunity from justice
A Miscarriage Of Justice
The PUCL will continue to work towards Dr. Binayak Sen release and take all legal measures in this regard. It will also work towards building public opinion against the ongoing persecution of activists and Human Rights Defenders in the country
Indian Justice Has Failed Dr Binayak Sen
Petition Campaign
Please sign the petition
Bradley Manning Speaks About His Conditions
By David House
David House is one of the few people allowed to visit Bradley Manning while he is detained in the Quantico brig. Here he speaks to Manning about the condition of his detention in Quantico and bares open the Pentagon spin
UN Probing Bradley Manning’s Mistreatment
By Jason Ditz
The United Nations office for torture issues confirmed today that they have received a complaint regarding the mistreatment of Pfc. Bradley Manning in detention by the US military, and that the matter is under investigation
Obama’s Liberty Problem
By Bill Quigley & Vince Warren
The right to liberty is one of the foundation rights of a free people. The idea that any US President can bypass Congress and bypass the Courts by issuing an Executive Order setting up a new legal system for indefinite detention of people should rightfully scare the hell out of the American people
The Rise and Rise of Super Fascism
By Ghali Hassan
Mention fascism and most peoples' minds turn to Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, Franco's Spain, Salazar's Portugal, Japanese Fascism, Papadopoulos' Greece and South Africa's Apartheid regime. However, most people are blissfully unaware of a rising form of fascism, more virulent than all past fascist regimes combined. Its aim is to subjugate the entire planet and its resources to U.S. corporate interests
Pope’s Child Porn 'Normal' Claim
Sparks Outrage Among Victims
By Belfast Telegraph
Victims of clerical sex abuse have reacted furiously to Pope Benedict's claim that paedophilia wasn't considered an “absolute evil” as recently as the 1970s. In his traditional Christmas address yesterday to cardinals and officials working in Rome, Pope Benedict XVI also claimed that child pornography was increasingly considered “normal” by society
2011:Prospects For Humanity?
By Francis A. Boyle
The factual circumstances surrounding the outbreaks of both the First World War and the Second World War currently hover like the Sword of Damocles over the heads of all humanity. It is imperative that we undertake a committed and concerted effort to head-off Hans Morgenthau’s final prediction on the cataclysmic demise of the human race
Taming The “Wild West” of Microfinance
By Kavaljit Singh
As rightly pointed out by Dr. Y.V. Reddy (former Governor of RBI), commercial MFIs are leveraged moneylenders and borrow huge amount of money from banks and other financial institutions for on-lending. Besides, commercial MFIs operate on a mass scale serving millions of customers in the country. Therefore, it is high time that big commercial players realize that the “Wild West” period of microfinance is over
Christmas Beyond The Manger
By Madhu Chandra
One of its unreported, unheard and hidden stories beyond the manger is the caste apartheid that existed in India for last three thousand years under the Brahmanical control. While celebrating Christmas year after years around the manger, India churches have failed to take note of caste and its apartheid, which also migrated within the Indian churches
Burning Of Two Dalit Girls Is The Lingering
Funeral Pyre Of The Rule Of Law
By Avinash Pandey Samar
The ghoulish killings of two Dalit girls in Moradabad, an industrial town not far away from the national capital Delhi, is yet another reminder of almost everyday recurrence of attacks on Dalit communities in India. They encompass, also the grim truth of the complete failure of the Indian state in containing, leave aside eradicating, violence committed against the Dalit communities
22 December, 2010
NYTimes Reports US Plans For
Military Escalation In Pakistan
By Barry Grey
Whether Washington is about to approve expanded ground raids or is, for the present, using the threat of such a policy shift to blackmail the Pakistani regime into extending its offensive against internal opponents of the colonial war in Afghanistan, the basic thrust of US policy is to escalate the war. The inevitable result will be the destabilization of the entire region and a far wider military conflagration
The Government's One-Way Mirror
By Glenn Greenwald
The special operations units deployed overseas to kill the al-Qaeda leadership drove technological advances that are now expanding in use across the United States. On the front lines, those advances allowed the rapid fusing of biometric identification, captured computer records and cellphone numbers so troops could launch the next surprise raid. Here at home, it's the DHS that is enamored with collecting photos, video images and other personal information about U.S. residents in the hopes of teasing out terrorists
The Other World Is Here
By Rebecca Solnit
Think of those doing the research on altruism and compassion as a radical scholarly movement, one that could undermine the philosophical and political assumptions behind our current economic system, which is also our political system. These individuals and organizations are putting together the proof that not only is another world possible, but it’s been here all along, as visible, should we care to look, as Nabokov’s butterflies
Julian Assange Replies To
Media Smear Campaign
By Patrick Martin
In a lengthy interview with BBC News , broadcast Tuesday, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange answered many of the smears directed by the media against him as part of a campaign to discredit the organization as it releases of thousands of secret US diplomatic cables
US Drops Demand For Israel
To Freeze Settlement Building
By Jean Shaoul & Ann Talbot
The US government has dropped its demand that Israel halt the building of new Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories. An editorial in the British-based Guardian noted that the Middle East "peace process died a quiet, undramatic death" with this announcement
Tell That To The Liberty’s Survivors,
Mr. Lieberman
By Alan Hart
The job Mr. Lieberman wants most of all is Netanyahu’s. The way things are in Israel and look like going, it’s not impossible that he will get it. If he does become prime minister, I imagine that would signal a move from rhetoric to action as in the chants of his supporters – “Death to the Arabs!”
Some Bold Proposals For Middle East Peace
By Rabbi Michael Lerner
Instead of playing to each side's elites, those who seek peace must now launch a broad educational campaign to reach ordinary citizens (if necessary, over the heads of those elites) with a message that is convincing -- a message that says, here are the terms of a fair peace agreement and here is why we believe that if each side makes the necessary compromises, it will work to meet your best interests
Spoiling For A Fight?
By Stephen Lendman
A charter "axis of evil" member, imperial America targets North Korea, perhaps more aggressively than earlier with help from the International Criminal Court
Yet Another Attempt To Manufacture
Muslim ‘Terrorists’
By Mahtab Alam
While news is coming from Hyderabad that, the AP govt. is ready to apologise to Muslim youth and the community for its role in Macca Masjid blast case of 2007, here in the capital city of Jhakhand, the leading newspapers are hell bent to manufacture Muslim ‘terrorists’
An Open Letter To The Kashmir Interlocutors
By Javed Naqi
I want AZADI from the six months isolation during winter. I don’t want to see it as a fate as it has been accepted by my people for this long. This isolation has rendered us as the most backward district in the entire country
Tiding Over Farm Woes: Reaping The Advantage
By Devinder Sharma
Farmers’ unions, who only organise protests demanding higher prices, have failed to educate their members
Mohamed Haneef And The Middle-Class
By Farzana Versey
Mohamed Haneef will be paid compensation, reportedly worth Aus $1 million. The manner in which his inquiry was conducted, the lack of evidence or rather the wrongful use of evidence, shows that there was a vicious attempt to incarcerate him, probably also the first showpiece for its 2005 Australian Anti-Terrorism Act. Since July 2007 when he was arrested to now, he has had to fight to prove that he is innocent
21 December, 2010
Yes, There Is An Alternative
By Robin Broad & John Cavanagh
More and more people, communities, and nations are taking steps to reduce their vulnerability to a volatile global economy
Jafar Panahi Jailed For Six Years
By Huffington Post
Iran has sentenced two prominent opposition filmmakers to six years in jail each on vague charges of working against the ruling system, their lawyers said Monday. One of the two, internationally renowned filmmaker Jafar Panahi, has won awards at the Chicago, Cannes and Berlin film festivals. He has also been banned from shooting films or scriptwriting for 20 years and was barred from leaving the country for the same period, his lawyer Farideh Qeirat said
Extreme Cold In The UK Really Could Be
A Result Of Global Warming
By George Monbiot
Yes, the extreme cold in the UK right now really could be a result of global warming
Global Warming Could Cool Down
Northern Temperatures In Winter
By Science Daily
The overall warming of Earth's northern half could result in cold winters, new research shows. The shrinking of sea-ice in the eastern Arctic causes some regional heating of the lower levels of air -- which may lead to strong anomalies in atmospheric airstreams, triggering an overall cooling of the northern continents, according to a study recently published in the Journal of Geophysical Research
Iñupiaq People Ask: “Will We Be The Victims Of
The Next Oil Spill Disaster?”
By Harvard Ayers & Chie Sakakibara
Is our addiction to petroleum going to drive us Americans to deprive an ancient Native culture of North America, the Iñupiat, of their heart and soul? Are our Suburbans, our Yukons and our Hummers going to demand it? Our addiction has consequences
A View From Inside A Bronx Courthouse
By Billy Wharton
A visit to a US courthouse and some observations on the American justice system
O Little Town Of Bethlehem Today
By Ron Forthofer
During Christmas time, the town of Bethlehem in the West Bank, the birthplace of Jesus, comes to mind. I wonder what Jesus would think were he to return to Bethlehem and to the rest of the West Bank today. Unfortunately, he would still see a foreign military force occupying the land. Since Jesus had experienced the Roman occupation when he was alive, he might not be too surprised about the occupation
Julian Assange – A Christmas Story
By Rachel Stephens
Rachel Stephens argues that this Christmas people should “celebrate the continuing tradition of Christ, who railed against the law makers of his time in an attempt to bring love, hope and justice”, by supporting and following the example of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange in vowing “to spread the truth and to work against the tendency in governments towards evil”
Slave To Shame, Whipped By Deceit
By William A. Cook
Perhaps it’s time for Israel to put aside the sword and turn its attention to plowshares that it might live in peace and justice with its neighbors rather than dominate them with the military might they’ve acquired from their American hosts
Rape Rampant In US Military
By Dahr Jamail
Statistics and soldiers' testimonies reveal a harrowing epidemic of sexual assault in the US military
Australian Complicity In 20 Million Muslim
Refugees And Christmas Island Disaster
By Dr Gideon Polya
What can decent people do about Australian holocaust commission, genocide commission, holocaust ignoring and genocide ignoring? Peace is the only way but silence kills and silence is complicity. Decent people must (a) inform everyone they can and (b) apply and urge Sanctions and Boycotts against all people, politicians, corporations and countries complicit holocaust commission, genocide commission, holocaust ignoring and genocide ignoring. Would you buy soap made in Auschwitz?
Haiti's Raging Cholera, Electoral Fraud
And Deportations
By Stephen Lendman
Haitians remains plagued by a perfect storm combination of earthquake devastation, crushing poverty, raging cholera, electoral fraud, exploitation, persecution, Obama-ordered deportations, and world indifference to their plight, with few exceptions like Cuba and Venezuela
WikiLeaks, ICRC And Kashmir
By Murtaza Shibli
The WikiLeaks report on widespread torture employed by the Indian army and paramilitary forces in Kashmir may have come as a surprise to some people for it raises serious questions about the institutional integrity of the ‘largest democracy in the world’. However, in Kashmir the leak was simply digested as a mere attestation of what has been going on for decades. This lack of any enthusiasm at the revelations may be due to the near total cynicism among Kashmiris as the world has forgotten their sufferings
Look Who’s Talking (To Whom):
FBI And Special Cell
By Jamia Teachers’ Solidarity Association
Wikileaks has exposed that there existed secret channels of communication between the US agency FBI and our very own Delhi Police Special Cell
Indian National Congress And Communalism
By Ram Puniyani
Will Congress take up the battle against the distortion of history, the word of mouth propaganda against minorities, spreading of religious prejudices against minorities? Is it equipped to take on the multiple tasks which are needed to preserve and promote secular values? Does it train its cadres in the values of secularism and democracy?
Language Of Politics
By Nawaz Gul Qanungo
Is there any scope for comparison between an individual like Noor Muhammed Bhat and a state that by definition is infinitely more powerful than the individuals it is supposed to represent? If there is an element of protest and dissent in Bhat's conduct, there is also a background of the reality of Kashmir's unending suppression
20 December, 2010
Will 2011 Be A Rerun Of 2008?
By Gail Tverberg
We all remember the oil price run-up (and run back down) of 2008. Now, with prices similar to where they were in the fall of 2007, the question quite naturally arises as to whether we are headed for another similar scenario
300 Years Of Fossil Fuels And Not One Bad Gal:
Peak Oil,Women's History And Everyone's Future
By Sharon Astyk
If we understand on some level that in order to address our energy consumption, we have to go home again and we need the participation of both men and women to alter our consumer culture, this will have to be formulated, argued and organized as first and second wave feminism themselves were formulated, argued and organized
South Korean Military Exercise Raises
Danger Of War
By John Chan
In a calculated and reckless provocation directed in the first instance against North Korea, the Obama administration has encouraged South Korea to hold live-fire drills in the vicinity of Yeonpyeong Island. The highly sensitive island was the site of artillery exchanges on November 23 between South and North Korea
Bitter Memories Of War On The Way To Jail
By Chris Hedges
The solemnity of that funerary march, the hush, was the hardest and most moving part of Thursday’s protest against the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. It unwound the bitter memories and images of war I keep wrapped in the thick cotton wool of forgetfulness. I was transported in that short walk to places I do not like to go
Aasia Bibi And Impurities In The Land Of The Pure
By Manzer Munir
The case of Aasia Noreen aka Aasia Bibi illustrates how far Pakistan has to go to secure freedoms for its religious minorities. Christians and Hindus are not the only minorities who are persecuted for their beliefs but it is also Muslim minorities such as the Ismailis, Ahmadis, and Shiites who are routinely harassed, discriminated and also killed. Sadly, it is the case of Aasia Bibi that has brought some much needed attention to Pakistan’s sad state of affairs towards the treatment of its religious minorities
We Hypocritical Muslims
By Dr Manzur Ejaz
What if a Christian or Jew saw a Muslim salesperson throwing his card with Jesus or Moses’ name on it and called the police to register a case of blasphemy against him/her and the police arrested the violator? Most western readers would laugh out loud at this unlikely scenario but it is not a laughing matter for a physician from Hyderabad, Pakistan, who, unwittingly, threw a Muslim’s visiting card in the trash basket. He apologised to the offended party and yet the police arrested him under pressure from religious fanatics
How Can The Pakistani Left Become Relevant?
By Pervez Hoodbhoy
If it chooses, the Left can play an important role to play in setting the moral compass. Only then will it matter to Pakistan, and only then can it grow in strength
A Typical Day For PFC Bradley Manning
By Armycourtmartialdefense.info
Bradley Manning's a day in prison
Newly Leaked Cable:
Pope ‘Quietly Supportive' Of GMOs
By Rady Ananda
Just released yesterday, a November 19, 2009 leaked cable indicates Pope Benedict XVI supports genetically modified foods, though he will not publicly admit it. A June 2009 cable from the US Vatican Embassy confirmed the Pontiff's refusal to take a stance on GM foods, which was verified in December 2010 by a Vatican spokesperson
Cover-ups, Coups, And Drones – A Holiday Sampler Of What Wikileaks Reveals About The US
By Bill Quigley
Human rights advocates have significant new sources of information to hold the United States accountable. The transparency, which Wikileaks has brought about, unveils many cover-ups of injustices in US relations with Honduras, Spain, Thailand, UK and Yemen over issues of torture at Guantanamo, civilian casualties from drones, and the war in Iraq
Sweden's Serial Negligence In Prosecuting
Rape Further Highlights The Politics
Behind Julian Assange's Arrest
By Naomi Wolf
Shame on Sweden; shame on Interpol; shame on Britain. And lasting shame, given this farcical hijacking of a sex crime law that is scarcely ever enforced in Sweden in far less ambiguous contexts, on the United States of America
Amnesty International Responds To
Wikileaks Controversy
By Mary Shaw
Human rights group Amnesty International was mostly silent for quite a while after the Wikileaks scandal hit the fan. Initially, Amnesty had responded only to a handful of select revelations that corroborated its suspicions of human rights abuses, like the airstrikes on Yemen . Now Amnesty has released a much broader Q&A on the whole Wikileaks matter and freedom of expression. Below are some key excerpts
John Pilger's 'The War You Don't See'
An Indictment On Journalists
By Rady Ananda
The public needs to see 'The War You Don't See', but the film's target audience is professional journalists, whose complicity in spreading misinformation is most responsible for ongoing wars. Without media complicity, peace would break out
Chavez Given Enabling Law Power
By Stephen Lendman
On December 17, parliament gave Chavez enabling law power in response to torrential rains and severe floods that ravaged Venezuelan communities, killed at least 35, destroyed over 5,000 homes, and displaced about 120,000 or more people in 11 of the country's 23 states. He asked for one year. Parliament gave him 18 months to deal with the crisis
Social Inequality In Israel
By Stephen Lendman
Israel not only flaunts democracy, it's a land of extreme and growing inequality
19 December, 2010
Manning Within His Rights
To Give Secrets To Wikileaks
By Sherwood Ross
If the U.S. is an aggressor state, as Germany was when Hitler invaded Poland in 1939, doesn't that change everything? America under President George W. Bush attacked two small nations that posed no threat to it
Bank Of America Cuts Off WikiLeaks Payments
By Rick Rothacker
Bank of America Corp. Friday evening said it was joining other financial institutions in declining to process payments intended for WikiLeaks
Bradley Manning's Prison Hell
By Denver Nicks
Bradley Manning, who allegedly leaked hundreds of thousands of secret government documents to Julian Assange’s WikiLeaks, turned 23 in jail Friday. The Daily Beast’s Denver Nicks, in an exclusive interview with Manning’s attorney, reports on his solitary confinement, what he’s reading (from George W. Bush to Howard Zinn), and his legal strategy
Forgetting Bradley Manning
By Laura Flanders
Assange is out of jail. But let's not forget that without Bradley Manning and many others like him, Julian Assange and WikiLeaks and all our new-found public information would be as in the dark as Manning is right now
Joe Biden v. Joe Biden On WikiLeaks
By Glenn Greenwald
In one day, Biden went from giddily declaring that "I don't think there's any damage" to gravely warning that "it has done damage."
US Drones Slaughter 54 In Pakistan
By Bill Van Auken
A series of CIA drone missile attacks Friday killed at least 54 people in Pakistan’s Khyber tribal region near the Afghanistan border
What H. Res. 1765 Tells Us About The Peace Camp?
By Sama Adnan
As House Resolution 1765, formerly 1731 and 1734, passed in the House by a voice vote enjoining the Obama administration to oppose a unilateral Palestinian declaration of independence, the peace camp looked disheveled and mystified
Net Neutrality Threatened (Part II)
By Stephen Lendman
A leaked September 2010 House Energy and Commerce Committee draft bill, if enacted, will let them establish higher-priced premium lanes (two Internets), effectively destroying Net Neutrality, compromising the last free and open space. New FCC provisions may do the same
The Delusions Of The Peace Process
By Richard Falk
Is it not better at this time to rely on the growing Palestine Solidarity Movement, peace from below, and the related success being experienced in waging the Legitimacy War against Israel, what Israel itself nervously calls "the de-legitimacy project" that is viewed by its leaders and think tanks as a far greater threat to its illicit ambitions than armed resistance?
Israel Leaves Us No Choice But To Boycott
By Ali Abunimah
Palestinians have already given up so much since 1948. It's up to Israel to end its campaign of ethnic cleansing for the peace process to move forward
Ship Of Fools 2
By Uri Avnery
Everything is alright, nothing to worry about. This time, the euphoria is not producing a harvest of victory albums and songs of glory, but a deluge of racist laws that apartheid South Africa would have been jealous of, and declarations of rabbis who boast of conserving our “racial purity” (and we need not mention the place where that notion came from)
Israel's Sham Democracy
By Stephen Lendman
The Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI) expressed concern about increasing anti-democratic Knesset measures proposed or passed. They're "gaining momentum and, regrettably" the new session may be worse, though at times, language in original submissions is softened
Peak Oil And Population Decline
By Peter Goodchild
Unfortunately there is no practical humane means of imposing a similar 6 percent annual rate of decline on the world’s population. If we let Nature, i.e. loss of petroleum, take its course, a decline of 6 percent would result in a drop in world population to half its present level, i.e. to 3.5 billion, by about the year 2020, a mere decade from now. The only means, however, would be a rather grim one: famine
The United Nations, Total Fertility Rate (TFR)
And China
By Jason Brent
The present leadership of humanity must at least consider the 25 or 30 year history of China in evaluating the choice between voluntary and coercive population control
Stay Out Of Trouble By Not Speaking
To Western Spies
By Robert Fisk
I have avoided Western embassies throughout the world. With the exception of Irish, Swedish and Norwegian diplomats whom I know, you will find me at no Western missions anywhere. And I have never been kidnapped
So, It Is Christmas!
By Chandi Sinnathurai
Both sides cannot get stuck in this vicious cycle of blame game. New vistas must open up in order for generations of mistrust, violence and abuse to be overcome. The future is in the hands of the new generation who ought to be thinking out side the box by transcending old ways of thinking. All communities must reject the path of the painful past and must open doors for a hopeful future! Hope and peace for the future generations
American Hedgeonomy: The Final Outcome
By Timothy V. Gatto
Like the Roman Empire, thousands of years ago, the American Empire has never fought an offensive war. We have always been fighting “threats” to our way of life. While many of our best and brightest were being savagely killed and crippled by our “enemies”, corporations were making ungodly profits on war materials with plenty of funds for research and development for new weapons to kill human beings
Rahul Gandhi, Saffron Terrorism And America
By Farzana Versey
Is the BJP in charge of the Hindu ethos? It is a way of life, isn’t it? It is about karma, isn’t it? So, let the Hindus decide what ethos they wish to follow. I don’t know how exactly Rahul Gandhi has been quoted, but since he has stood by the general comment, I’d like to state that any person with some perspective can see that ‘more dangerous’ is contextual. It also means that the BJP is not denying anything
Let It Burn?
By TheOncomingStorm
The good people who protested on Dec. 16 at the White House have given us a beacon in the fog of war and greed, a beacon of hope that dissent, bravery, courage, determination, chutzpah is not dead in America. Chris Hedges, Dan Ellsberg, the Veterans Against the War, all of them…singing the old songs whilst chaining themselves to the White House gates - the gates of greed, hell and damnation…be there with them in jail
Better Be In Afghanistan
By Zia Ur Rehman
Afghan refugees choose to go home as the situation worsens in Pakistan
Millions Of Flood Victims In Pakistan
Now Face Harsh Winter
By Brian McAfee
Reports indicate that the hardships from Pakistan’s earlier monsoon floods have been exacerbated by the onslaught of winter. The floods impacted 20 million of Pakistan’s population of just over 180 million people. As the temperature dips, hundreds of thousands of displaced children and adults are susceptible to pneumonia and other cold related diseases
America's War On Islam: New Republican
Offensive Planned
By Stephen Lendman
Rep. Peter King (R. NY), new House Homeland Security Committee chairman, announced he's "planning to open a Congressional inquiry into what he calls 'the radicalization' of the Muslim community when his party takes over the House next year."
Lynne Stewart Transferred To Texas
By Stephen Lendman
She's a heroic role model deserving support at her time of need, facing nine more years unless granted redress at a very tough time when prosecutors demand cruel and unusual punishment, not mitigation. Silence, timidity, and inaction are no options against it
17 December, 2010
Abuse 'Widespread' In Kashmir Jails
By Aljazeera
Leaked cable suggests US diplomats were briefed by the Red Cross of continued torture in Indian-administered Kashmir
Getting To Assange Through Manning
By Glenn Greenwald
Federal investigators "are looking for evidence of any collusion" between WikiLeaks and Bradley Manning -- "trying to find out whether Mr. Assange encouraged or even helped" the Army Private leak the documents -- and then "charge him as a conspirator in the leak, not just as a passive recipient of the documents who then published them." To achieve this, it is particularly important to "persuade Private Manning to testify against Mr. Assange." I want to make two points about this. This raises several questions about investigative journalism
Julian Assange: WikiLeaks Faces
'Very Aggressive' Investigation By US
By Peter Walker
Assange says he is reliant on public opinion to rein in 'superpower that does not appear to be following rule of law'
Climate Capitalism Wins At Cancún
By Patrick Bond
Patrick Bond, author of Climate Change, Carbon Trading and Civil Society: Negative Returns on South African Investments and director of the University of KwaZulu-Natal Center for Civil Society, assesses the outcome of the United Nations climate summit
Cancun Agreement Stripped Bare
By Bolivia's Dissent
By Nick Buxton
Bolivia's indefatigable negotiator, Pablo Solon, put it most cogently in the concluding plenary, when he said that the only way to assess whether the agreement had any 'clothes' was to see if it included firm commitments to reduce emissions and whether it was enough to prevent catastrophic climate change
Manufacturing Discontent
By Gregory Vickrey
Manufacturing discontent is an important method for the climate movement to employ in order to implement sound reasoning for moving away from modern capitalism and its predatory effects to something of the people. It is probably the most important component, because learning the truth about corporate control of our lives inherently leads to discontent amongst all but the richest in society
Does Peak Oil Even Matter?
By David Murphy
The question is no longer "when will peak oil occur," but "how long will the effects of peak oil last?"
Zionist Lobby’s New Orders For Obama
By Alan Hart
House Resolution 1734, approved unanimously by the House of Representatives on 15 December which strongly and unequivocally opposes any attempt to seek recognition of a Palestinian state by the United Nations or other international forums and calls upon the Administration to continue its opposition to the unilateral declaration of a Palestinian state is the new order to President Obama from the zionist lobby
Insisting On Their Humanity:
‘The Plight Of The Palestinians’
By Ramzy Baroud
It is the very balance between destruction and rebuilding, despair and hope, occupation and perseverance that makes the Palestinian people powerful. Their power cannot be demonstrated in numbers, but it can be felt, experienced, and understood. " The Plight of the Palestinians: A Long History of Destruction" spreads the seeds of understanding, which is so essential to any meaningful and lasting change
Censorship And Genocide Ignoring By Australian
Mainstream Media and WikiLeaks
By Dr Gideon Polya
Two major features of WikiLeaks are that (1) the leaked US cables simply provide documentary confirmation what sensible people had surmised already about the conduct of the US Alliance; and (2) the real scandal is that neither WikiLeaks nor Mainstream media (MSM) will report the horrendous carnage of 8 million dead so far in the US War on Terror. Below is documentary evidence of how one of Australia 's leading newspapers, The Age (Melbourne), actively censors reportage of this ongoing, largely Muslim Holocaust
Beverages Bottled In PET Plastic
Maybe Not Safe To Drink
By Sarah (Steve) Mosko
New evidence that PET drink bottles can leach substances into the contents that mimic the sex hormone estrogen – phthalates and antimony – has put PET bottles in the crosshairs also of scientists worried about their health safety
Afghans: Victimized By Conflict, Occupation,
Extreme Deprivation And Genocide
By Stephen Lendman
A December 15 ICRC press release expressed deep concern about how dire conditions have gotten in Afghanistan, their worst ever since America's illegal war of aggression began in October 2001
Procter&Gamble To Use Rajasthan Health Workers
To Sell Sanitary Napkins
By Devinder Sharma
The multinational giant Procter&Gamble will now utilise the government machinery to sell its products, thereby opening up a marketing channel that the private companies had never thought of. Socialising the costs, and privatising the profits. Isn't this a remarkable marketing strategy?
Post Babri Masjid-Ramjanmabhoomi Verdict:
Whither Indian Democracy?
By Teesta Setalvad
The September 30 2010 verdict in the Babri Masjid-Ramjanmabhoomi case, that began as a dispute over a title suit but escalated into a full blown politico-religious conflict--- one that legitimized the criminal assault on a 450 plus year old mosque as also targeted minority life and property--- has raised serious issues for the future of Indian democracy given the fact that the verdict was disproportionately based on issues of contested faith and disputed histories
Investors and supporters in 23 cities across the US tell financial giant TIAA-CREF to divest from CATERPILLAR and other companies that profit from the Israeli occupation
16 December, 2010
Assange Freed On Bail
By Aljazeera
Founder of whistleblower website released late on Thursday after senior British judge sets conditional bail
The Empire On The Prisoners' Dock
By Fidel Castro
Julian Assange, a man who was known by very few people in the world a few months ago, is showing that the most powerful empire that ever existed in history can be challenged
Everything Is Negotiable, Except With Nature
By Bill McKibben
You can’t bargain about global warming with chemistry and physics
The United States Of War Criminals
By Mickey Z.
When you’ve screamed "enough," what can/will you do and how soon will you start doing it?
Young Black Males Bear Brunt Of Economic Crisis
By Billy Wharton
While Manhattan salaries surged this year, up 12% because of Wall Street's recovery, young black males continue to bear the burden of the economic crisis that ensued in 2008. A new report by the Community Service Society (CSS) indicates that only one in four young black men between the ages of 16 and 24 in New York City is employed
“All That We Share” Isn't Enough
By Robert Jensen
A review of " All That We Share: A Field Guide to the Commons/How to Save the Economy, the Environment, the Internet, Democracy, Our Communities, and Everything Else That Belongs to All of Us" by Jay Walljasper and On the Commons
Obama's Tragi-Comedy: “Honey, I Shrunk
The Presidency”
By Robert Becker
Prescient even for Gore Vidal, as early as 2002 he nailed W.'s exit, “Mark my words, he will leave office the most unpopular President in history.” Unfortunately, we won't need Vidal's cheeky brilliance to imagine Barack Obama's finale, short of a miracle, as the most bloodied and compromised president in decades
America's Dirty Secret: AfPak War Not Winnable
By Stephen Lendman
Millions of lives were lost, an endless toll raging out-of-control in AfPak. Ending that atrocity and holding culpable officials accountable would be top priority in any just society. Only America's victims pay. Its officials, like Richard Holbrooke, are eulogized for services rendered
Devil’s Playground
By Prabhat Sharan
A random epidemiological survey carried out last month jointly by the state government’s health and agriculture department, revealed that 2,210 victims of Endosulfan poisoning in Kasargod, with nearly 200 deaths due to cancer in last eight years
Living Under Bondage - Bonded Labourers
in JNU- Video
By Venkat
This film exposes the corrupt JNU administration which is helping the contractors to violate all legal provisions and exploit the poor migrant contract labourers by denying them all basic facilities including minimum wages
Villain In Life, Hero in Death ! Hindutva's
New found Love For Hemant Karkare
By Subhash Gatade
The present controversy around Maharashtra ATS chief Hemant Karkare’s last days once again corroborates the fact that the malaise of social amnesia runs quite deep in the Hindutva brigade. Forget decades, they seem to be collectively forgetting, (or one should say do not want to remember) things which happened just one-two years back
Beyond The Politics Of Ban
By Mahtab Alam
Do you think extremist organizations of Sangh Parivar would ever be banned? Many would say it would not ever but it should be. But, the question is that, is banning a solution? No matter, what is the colour of extremism, Red, Green or Bhagwa. Certainly, it is not a solution
Freedom For The Soul - Fighting Mind Control
By Ravi S Ghosh
This seemingly harmless rituals to regiment the young bodies, in reality, prepare the ground to regiment their conscience as they grow adult. This is how we get to a population ready to kill at the rulers' will, ready to die at the ruler's wish
Israel's Jerusalem Master Plan 2020
By Stephen Lendman
Israel, however, transformed Jerusalem from a multi-cultural, multi-religious city into a predominantly Jewish one toward eventually Judaizing it entirely. For decades, incremental progress continued. The goal remained constant, to establish irreversible "facts on the ground," making Jerusalem Israel's capital with an exclusive Jewish presence, despite Palestinians rightfully claiming it for their own
A Government Of Pyromaniacs
By Ido Mahel
The Carmel fires of December 2010 were not the result of just another failure or the hand of fate. They arose from the policies of the government of Israel, which pays close attention to the stock exchange while ignoring the consequences of its own neoliberalism: wars, “natural” disasters, poverty and unemployment
Factory Fire And Police Killings Fuel Discontent
Among Bangladeshi Garment Workers
By W.A. Sunil & John Chan
Tensions remain high in the Bangladeshi garment industry as a result of Sunday’s bloody crackdown by the Awami League government, in which police fatally shot four striking workers, followed two days later by a factory fire that killed more than 30 workers near Dhaka, the capital
15 December, 2010
Hike Food Prices To Boost GM Crop Approval In Europe: Leaked Cable
By Rady Ananda
In a January 2008 meeting, US and Spain trade officials strategized how to increase acceptance of genetically modified foods in Europe, including inflating food prices on the commodities market, according to a leaked US diplomatic cable released by WikiLeaks
Protect Assange, Don’t Abuse Him
By John Pilger
"Guardians of women’s rights" in the British liberal press have rushed to condemn the WikiLeaks founder. In fact, at every turn in his dealings with our justice system, his basic human rights have been breached
‘Assangination’: From Character Assassination
To The Real Thing
By Amy Goodman
The U.S. Justice Department, if it pursues a case, will have to answer the question: If WikiLeaks is a criminal organization, what of its media partners, like The New York Times?
The Inhumane Conditions Of
Bradley Manning's Detention
By Glenn Greenwald
Interviews with several people directly familiar with the conditions of Manning's detention, ultimately including a Quantico brig official (Lt. Brian Villiard) who confirmed much of what they conveyed, establishes that the accused leaker is subjected to detention conditions likely to create long-term psychological injuries
We Want You Out
By Afghan Youth Peace Volunteers & Afghans for Peace
As the Obama administration releases its December Review of U.S. war in Afghanistan, the Afghan Youth Peace Volunteers, along with Afghans for Peace, have issued a review of their experiences
Apartheid Israel-style: Law To Keep
Jews And Arabs Apart
By Jonathan Cook
In October, the Israeli parliament moved to enshrine in law the right of these associations, comprising nearly 70 per cent of all communities in Israel, to accept only Jews. The Constitution, Law and Justice Committee approved a private members' bill that will uphold the right of the communities' admissions committees to continue excluding Arab citizens, who make up one-fifth of the population
Death Of Those Garments Workers
By Farooque Chowdhury
Thirty-one workers died of fire and smoke in a garments factory near Savar, a few km from Dhaka,Bangladesh, as parts of the factory gutted on December 14, 2010
Bangladesh Police Shoot Striking Garment Workers
By Wimal Perera
Police mobilised by the Awami League government killed four garment workers and injured at least 150 after opening fire with live bullets and tear gas shells on striking workers in Bangladesh last Sunday
The German Economical Model: Structural
Imbalances In The Euro Currency Zone
By Dr. Peter Custers
For Europe´s powerful states there is no way back. Their interests continue to lie in continuation of the export-oriented strategy they have been pursuing, and in survival of the Euro as common currency
Wealth Is No Protection Against
Future Dangers - Part 1
By Lionel Anet
What the dominant people must face to survive
Hacktivism For Cyber Democracy
By Joel S. Hirschhorn
Hacktivism is not so much the problem as a symptom of a far more serious, deeper set of problems
The True Richard Holbrooke Legacy
By Stephen Lendman
Holbrooke helped further Washington's imperial agenda, from Vietnam to the Balkans to Afghanistan and Pakistan, his role as Special Representative from January 26, 2009 until his death
Kashmir: Diplomatic Deception Is No Solution
By Tariq Shah
Will silencing Arundhati Roy silence the streets of Kashmir? Will Professor Noor Mohammad Bhat's incarceration silence his students? Will the Kashmiri youth take any notice at all of a ‘show cause notice’ on Congress minister Sham Lal Sharma? The shrill answer is no, it will not change the ground reality in Kashmir
Shopian Double Rape And Murder :
Activists’ Gift To CBI,Sheets For Next Cover-Up
Tired of trying to seek justice through the usual channels about 100 women and men from women’s groups, students groups, democratic rights as well as concerned individuals gathered near the CBI Headquarters in Delhi today to gift the CBI some more bedsheets for their next cover-ups
Indian Media: Humpty Dumpty Had A Great Fall
By Prabhat Sharan
Like any pop culture, the Indian media that had subliminally permeated the culture, influencing the masses without any responsibility is now going through doldrums; it has caught fever when the society finally sneezed
Ayodhya Verdict, Temple And Indian Nationalism
By Ram Puniyani
Ayodyah judgment also needs a relook form the same barometer of Indian legality and not RSS agenda of dividing people along religious lines. It is needed that all those committed to the values of amity of communities, and Indian Constitution, all those valuing the concept of Human rights come forward and spread the awareness about the Indian nationalism and build the bridges amongst religious communities
Punjab Farmers Victim Of
Sophisticated Technology
By Devinder Sharma
In the past few days, at least four farmers have committed suicide in the frontline agricultural state of Punjab. In just two districts – Sangrur and Barnala – more than 3,000 farmers have taken the fatal route in the past decade to escape the humiliation that comes along with increasing indebtedness. If a more detailed and exhaustive study of agrarian distress was to be conducted, I am sure Punjab would emerge on the top leaving behind even the suicide-prone belt of Vidharba of Maharashtra
14 December, 2010
Assange's Bail Challenged
By Aljazeera
Swedish prosecutors have opted to appeal a British court's decison to grant WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange bail
Epitaph For Richard Holbrooke
By Francis A. Boyle
I am very sorry to learn that Richard Holbrooke has died . Because I fully intended to bring him to Justice and get him criminally indicted for the genocidal massacre at Srebrenica on behalf of my clients, the Mothers of Srebrenica and Podrinja
Richard Holbrooke's Deathbed Conversion
By David Swanson
Asked at a U.S. Senate hearing earlier this year what in the world he was doing and toward what end in Afghanistan, Holbrooke repeatedly failed to produce an answer. That could explain his deathbed conversion and his final words to his surgeon: "You've got to stop this war in Afghanistan." As if his doctor could do what he refused to play any role in
Obama’s Last Card – Will He Play It?
By Alan Hart
President Obama ought to have trouble sleeping at night knowing that by allowing Israel to continue its illegal settlement activity on the occupied West Bank he has made himself, and his country, openly complicit in the Zionist state’s defiance of international law. In a different America that ought to be enough to have any president removed from office
Rescuing Zionism At Palestinian Expense
By Ali Abunimah
Those who support genuine peace for Palestinians and Israeli Jews, based on universal rights, equality, restitution and the decolonization of the relationship between the populations, must escalate the real peace process: boycott, divestment and sanctions to force Israel to respect Palestinian rights and obey international law
Civil Rights For Palestinian Refugees
By Dr. Franklin Lamb
The European Union can redeem its charter and alleviate widespread suffering in Lebanon's refugee camps
Wikileaks, Imperialism, And The Western Media
By Sean Fenley
Knowing what we know about the Western media consistently and reliably servicing war, neoliberalism, and imperialism, we should be certain that Wikileaks is not involved in supporting them too. We don’t want to hop on the Wikileaks bandwagon of cheering for a man who is “surely” a force for peace, justice, transparency, and good
Hey, American People!
By Sheila Samples
Let's do it! The time is right. Let's give Scalia another badly needed "burst of progressivism." After all -- like McConnell says -- we're the american people...
A Zoo Of Our Own Making: We Will Kill
For Empire And A Parking Space
By Phil Rockstroh
A Zoo of our own Making: We will kill for empire and a parking space: A visual poem, video and words, on empire, alienation, and parking problems. Created and written by Phil Rockstroh. Directed and edited by Angela Tyler-Rockstroh
Holder Defends Entrapment
By Stephen Lendman
What he already said revealed plenty - how FBI agents operate lawlessly, entrapping innocent victims, paying plants like Monteilh generously to snare them
Haiti's Electoral Council Tries Alternate Ways
To Legitimize Fraud
By Stephen Lendman
It's almost surreal following Haiti's November 28 elections, a process elevating fraud to a new level. So bad, in fact, most candidates demanded voiding it and starting over, but no matter
Proposal To Put Indian Residents
Under Surveillance Forever
By Gopal Krishna
Besides UID Number Bill, several other related Bills on the horizon
13 December, 2010
Where The Cancún Climate Conference Leaves Us
By Jan Lundberg
It sounds good enough, but is it good enough? It seems to me, far from Cancún, after looking at various reports on the conference , that the U.N. process was being cheered more than actual climate protection progress. I do not have much faith in agreements or intentions when corporatism and consumerism still rule
Bolivia Decries Adoption of Copenhagen Accord II
Without Consensus
Plurinational State of Bolivia / Press Release
The Plurinational State of Bolivia believes that the Cancun text is a hollow and false victory that was imposed without consensus, and its cost will be measured in human lives. History will judge harshly
Reading The Coca Leaves: Climate Change,
Cancun And Bolivia
By Medea Benjamin
If we are to avoid ecocide, we cannot rely on government officials meeting in plush golf resorts
The Climate Deal That Failed Us
By Shefali Sharma
It is a deal that will be remembered by our future generations as one that killed the climate treaty, unless we radically change course
Obama Joins Attack On WikiLeaks
By Joseph Kishore
US president Barack Obama added his own comments to the increasingly vitriolic campaign against WikiLeaks and its founder, Julian Assange, over the weekend
WikiRebels: Swedish Docufilm
On WikiLeaks - Video
By Rady Ananda
WikiRebels: Swedish Docufilm On WikiLeaks chronicles a new form of global resistance
No Act Of Rebellion Is Wasted
By Chris Hedges
As long as a few of us rebel it will always remain possible to defeat a system of centralized, corporate power that is as criminal and heartless as those I watched tumble into the ash bin of history in Eastern Europe
Farewell To Afghanistan
By Dr. Sama Adnan
President Obama and congress should push to include the Taliban in the Afghan government, prepare for a troops withdrawal, maintain strong intelligence ties with the Afghan government to capture the few Al-Qaeda operatives, and invest in the development of Afghanistan with the local population. Extricating the United States from this war, with its ever-shifting justifications, will be good for the United States, Afghanistan and Pakistan
Israel’s War On Jerusalem Children
By Jonathan Cook
In the past year, criminal investigations have been opened against more than 1,200 Palestinian minors in Jerusalem on stone-throwing charges, according to police statistics gathered by the Association of Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI). That was nearly twice the number of children arrested last year in the much larger Palestinian territory of the West Bank
Labor's Last Stand In 2011?
By Shamus Cooke
Public workers cannot be spectators in this unfolding drama. They must learn to act, collectively. Unions must educate their membership as to the gravity of the coming assault. Resisting these attacks must be done while proposing alternatives
The Year That Never Was
By Peter Goodchild
Why do I call it “the Year That Never Was”? Because I’ve decided it wasn’t really a year at all. It was a Hole in Time. Somehow that makes me feel better
On The Chopping Block: Social Security,
Medicare And Medicaid
By Stephen Lendman
Planned is death by a thousand cuts - aka "creeping normalcy," defined as a way to make major changes seem normal if happen slowly, incrementally like boiling a frog unaware it's dinner until cooked
The Dictatorship Of America's Aristocracy
By Stephen Lendman
Whether voters catch on and say no we'll discover by following credible polls as human misery index numbers rise. Make no mistake. There's nothing planned to improve them, more takeaways than serious relief. If that doesn't provoke public anger, what will?
Updating Mohamed Harkat's Persecution
By Stephen Lendman
Mohamed Harkat is one of Canada's Secret Trial Five - five Muslim men, bogusly arrested and persecuted. He wasn't charged, but was imprisoned on secret evidence, denied bail, held mostly in solitary confinement, prevented from contacting family or friends, and under Canadian law can't appeal a judge's ruling by order of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS). Yet he never before was accused, convicted, or even suspected of a crime. He's an innocent man now
The Fix Is In: Expect Democrats To Buckle
By Stephen Lendman
The criminal class in Washington is bipartisan. On core issues, Democrats are no different from Republicans. Expect more bluster before caving like Obama, enacting his deal with the devil worth up to $1 trillion dollars. The lion's share goes to corporations and America's wealthy, middle and low income workers getting crumbs. The fix is in. It'll happen, promoted as stimulus to create jobs and revive economic growth. Not so
Will California Execute An Innocent Man?
By Mary Shaw
Kevin Cooper sits on California's death row at San Quentin. I hope Governor Schwarzenegger will reconsider now and choose to err on the side of life, not death, in this case. He needn't play the Terminator in real life too
The Conditions Of The Contract Workers In 2010
At Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur
A Fact Finding Report by Raj Sahai
Conditions Of Contract Labourers In JNU
By Rashmi Singh
This article is based on the research conducted by the author on informal labour, for AMAN Trust
Multiple Attack On Mirwaiz Umar Farooq
And The Silence
By Avinash Pandey Samar
Stoic silence maintained by the Government of India on multiple attacks on Mirwaiz Umar Farooq is criminal
Why Can’t Hemant Karkare’s Death Be Politicised?
By Farzana Versey
It is widow’s right to express regret over her husband’s death being politicised. But he was also an officer, and for that reason his life was and his death is a matter of national concern. She may not wish to raise the questions she did earlier, but those queries must not die
Why Still Politicking Over Karkare!
By Mustafa Khan
Why so much of hush up with the widows of the martyred fellow police officers of repute? It is not only the Agriculture Minister Sharad Pawar who should ask the home minister of Maharashtra to clarify the matter but the people of India
Irresponsibility On Assam Wildlife Preservation
By Nava Thakuria
Two investigations into the devastation of some of the world's most endangered species in Northeast India appear to be stalled. Although India's Environment and Forests Minister Jairam Ramesh himself has called for a Central Bureau of Investigation probe of the smuggling of tiger parts, so far nothing has happened
11 December, 2010
UN Rapporteur Says Assange
Shouldn't Be Prosecuted
By Eleanor Hall
The United Nations representative for freedom of opinion and expression, Frank La Rue, says he is now working on a new report on free speech and the internet. He says he doesn't think that the United States Government will be able to make a case against Julian Assange. But he warns it would set a very bad example for free speech if it did take action against him
Charging Julian Assange Could Be Unconstitutional
By Bruce Ackerman & Sara Aronchick Solow
The due process clause rules out prosecuting WikiLeaks' founder – a non-US citizen – for extraterritorial offences
Espionage Act: How The Government Can
Engage In Serious Aggression Against
The People Of The United States
By Naomi Wolf
These two Senators, and the rest of the Congressional and White House leadership are manipulatively counting on Americans to have no knowledge or memory of the dark history of the Espionage Act -- a history that should alert us all at once to the fact that this Act has only ever been used -- was designed deliberately to be used -- specifically and viciously to silence people like you and me
Naomi Wolf Writes To Interpol
By Naomi Wolf
As a longtime feminist activist, I have been overjoyed to discover your new commitment to engaging in global manhunts to arrest and prosecute men who behave like narcissistic jerks to women they are dating
Why Are Wars Not Being Reported Honestly?
By John Pilger
The public needs to know the truth about wars. So why have journalists colluded with governments to hoodwink us?
US Lackey Australian Labor Government Threatens
WikiLeaks And Julian Assange
By Dr Gideon Polya
The US lackey Australian Government has reacted by threatening Assange with criminal proceedings, this in turn provoking widespread support for Julian Assange from both ordinary and eminent Australians
Stating The Obvious: WikiLeaks
Indicts And Vindicates U.S. Diplomats
By Ramzy Baroud
The value of these finds – representing the largest leak in history – was unmatched. It effectively brought to an end the illusion that all was well in Mesopotamia. As with the Afghanistan documents, these files too constituted a narrative, albeit an extremely long and disturbing one. The fact that 15,000 Iraqi deaths are now officially included in the Iraqi death count is in itself a remarkable achievement
Greens Defending Assange
While GOP And Dems Do Not
By Sherwood Ross
The striking similarities of the two parties may be seen in the bipartisan attacks on Julian Assange, the Australian-born founder of WikiLeaks. By contrast, the emerging Green Party is unequivocal in its support for Assange
State Department's Wikipocrisy
By Franklin Lamb
So Who Exactly is Sowing Strife in Lebanon?
Out Of Failure, A Chance For Justice
By William A. Cook
Time and conditions change but humankind remains the same. Greed and power are the sinews that bind minds indifferent to the havoc they wreak on the helpless and the weak; it's time for the US to exit the broker's role and give the peace process to the United Nations so that justice can at last prevail
The Nobel Dissonance: Dissident Peace
By Farzana Versey
It is only natural, then, that China tried to muscle its way in to prevent other nations from attending the ceremony to celebrate one who has maligned its reputation. Or so it would appear. China cannot deny Tiananmen. It cannot deny its role in Tibet. It cannot deny that under the garb of Communism it has prevented any other ideologies. The question is: Has China ever wanted to?
FBI Sting Entraps Another Victim
By Stephen Lendman
Entrapped, Martinez now faces merciless prosecution, pitting him against the Justice Department's intent to convict so the Obama administration can claim another war on terror victory. Innocence or guilt doesn't matter, just the illusion that America is now safer
Corporate Media's Version Of Economic Justice
By Stephen Lendman
Besides misreporting on Obama capitulating to Republicans, major media op-eds and editorials expressed support for a deal only the devil and super-rich love
A Message From Israeli Military Prison
On International Human Rights Day
By Majida Abu Rahmah
My imprisoned husband Abdullah Abu Rahmah passed the fallowing message through his lawyer
09 December, 2010
The Accusations Are False: Julian Assange
By Natalia Viana
An Exclusive interview Julian Assange gave to Brazilian journalist Natalia Viana of the online publication Opera Mundi on the Eve of His Arrest. He says, " there are many accusations. The most serious is that I and our people have committed espionage against the United States. This is false. There is also a so-called "rape" investigation from Sweden. This is false and will go away once the facts come out, but is being used to attack our reputation in the meantime."
Cable: Shell 'Infiltrated' Nigeria
By Aljazeera
Cables released by WikiLeaks allege the Dutch oil giant had 'access to everything' in key government ministries
WikiLeaks Cable Exposes NATO War Plan
Against Russia
By Bill Van Auken
US State Department cables released by WikiLeaks have unveiled secret NATO plans for a US-led war against Russia over the Baltic states
Australia: WikiLeaks Cables Reveal Secret Ties
Between Rudd Coup Plotters And US Embassy
By Patrick O’Connor
The latest batch of the several hundred leaked US diplomatic cables concerning Australia, provided by WikiLeaks to the Fairfax company’s Sydney Morning Herald and Melbourne Age, provide further extraordinary evidence of Washington’s direct involvement in the anti-democratic coup against former Prime Minister Kevin Rudd last June
From Jefferson To Assange
By Robert Scheer
It is outrageous for any journalist, or respecter of what every American president has claimed is our inalienable, God-given right to a free press, not to join in Assange’s defense on this issue, as distinct from what increasingly appear to be trumped-up charges that led to his voluntary arrest on Tuesday in London in a case involving his personal behavior. Abandon Assange and you abandon the bedrock of our republic: the public’s right to know
The War Against Pakistan
By Fatima Bhutto
What the Wikileaks revelations tell us about how Washington runs Pakistan
Israel’s Racist Rabbis
By Jonathan Cook
Jews must not rent homes to “gentiles”. That was the religious decree issued this week by at least 50 of Israel’s leading rabbis, many of them employed by the state as municipal religious leaders. Jews should first warn, then “ostracise” fellow Jews who fail to heed the directive, the rabbis declared.The decree is the latest in a wave of racist pronouncements from some of Israel’s most influential rabbis
China Can Slow Global Warming If The US Won’t
By James Hansen
In an op-ed, "Chinese Leadership Needed to Save Humanity," published in the South China Morning Post on November 3, I argue that China should impose a rising fee (tax) on carbon, for China's own sake and for the future of humanity
The Peak Oil Crisis: The Future Of Government
By Tom Whipple
We are trapped in a very complex civilization that is rapidly losing the sources of energy and numerous other raw materials that built and maintained it
Transition: The Sacred, The Scared,
And The Scarred
By Carolyn Baker
A response to Rob Hopkins’ critical response to Michael Brownlee’s November 26 article “The Evolution of Transition In The U.S.”
The Ram-Rajapaksa Tape: Fictional
By Satya Sagar
In the interests of public debate on what constitutes good journalism and what media ethics are all about we are releasing below transcripts of a recent fictional telephone talk between N.Ram and M.Rajapaksa. Unlike The Hindu we don't believe in presenting fiction as news and since we are not authorized to tap other people's phones we confess openly to have invented the content of this entire conversation
Gurukul For Explosives?
By Subhash Gatade
With the arrest of Swami Anand Mitranand, and the police searching for his other colleague, both working with a Gurukul run by Maharshi Dayanand Ashram, at village Bhadas, district Mewat, Haryana, it seems an important dimension of the way Hindutva fanatics operate has come to the fore
Will Bihar Be The Future Model Of Growth
That Is Just And Equitable?
By Devinder Sharma
“We were wrongly advised that we should take care of GDP and it will automatically take care of poverty. This is not correct. We need to take care of poverty and it will automatically take care of economic growth". This is exactly what Nitish Kumar did. And true to what Mehbub-ul-Haq had predicted, people of Bihar have voted him back to power. He invested in the people, and the people paid back
More On Obama's Capitulation And Betrayal
By Stephen Lendman
With help from Democrats controlling both Houses, Obama put a criminal cabal in charge of furthering the greatest wealth transfer in history. In the process, he's hollowing out America, eliminating the middle class, centralizing power, eroding social services, destroying jobs and communities, and creating poverty, unemployment, homelessness, hunger, a permanent underclass, and depravation under militarized homeland repression
08 December, 2010
MasterCard Site Partially Frozen
By Hackers In WikiLeaks 'Revenge'
By Esther Addley
The website of MasterCard, the international credit card, has been hacked and partially paralysed by hackers, in apparent revenge for the payment network's decision to cease taking donations to WikiLeaks
Visa And Mastercard Are Happy To Transfer
Donations To The Ku Klux Klan, But Not WikiLeaks
By War In Context
Charles Arthur, the Guardian’s technology editor, points out that while MasterCard and Visa have cut WikiLeaks off you can still use those cards to donate to overtly racist organisations such as the Knights Party, which is supported by the Ku Klux Klan
Assange Case: Evidence Destroyed
Over And Over Again
By Göran Rudling
An extraordinary internet detective work by Göran Rudling one of the alleged victims of Julian Assange's sexual offence, tried to destroy evidence over and over again
Assange Could Face Espionage Trial In US
By Kim Sengupta
Informal discussions have already taken place between US and Swedish officials over the possibility of the WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange being delivered into American custody, according to diplomatic sources
When Interpol Cares About Sexual Assault
By Laura Flanders
Tell it to hundreds of women in US jails and immigration detention centers -- who charge that they can't get justice against accused rapists -- or women in the US military (two of out three of whom allege they've experienced assault.) In Haiti hundreds of unprosecuted cases of rape in refugee camps could use some of Interpol's attention
We Will Not Be Gagged: Wikileaks
By Wikileaks
Statement from Wikileaks: " We will not be gagged, either by judicial action or corporate censorship"
Cancun, Climate Change And WikiLeaks
By Amy Goodman
Critical negotiations are under way here in Cancun, under the auspices of the United Nations, to reverse human-induced global warming. This is the first major meeting since the failed Copenhagen summit last year. As we have just learned with the release of classified diplomatic cables from WikiLeaks, the United States, the largest polluter in the history of the planet, is engaged in what one journalist here called “a very, very dirty business.”
Losing Time, Not Buying Time
By Real Climate
Control of methane, soot, and other short-lived climate-forcing agents has often been described as a cheap way to "buy time" to get carbon dioxide emissions under control. But is it really?
Himalayan Glaciers Melting At Alarming Rates
By Institute for Governance & Sustainable Development
Concern for high-mountain regions of the world is rising, according to a new report released by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) today, which states that the Himalayas and many other glaciers are melting quickly, threatening lives by flooding, and by reducing the region’s freshwater supply
New Study Puts The ‘hell’ In Hell And High Water
By Climateprogress.org
Must-read NCAR analysis warns we risk multiple, devastating global droughts even on moderate emissions path
We Have The Technology—Let’s Go
By Subhankar Banerjee
No matter what technology we invent (clean or dirty) our current way of life is unsustainable—there are too many of us consuming too much. It might pay off in the long run if we start learning how to live sustainably
Arrest Barkha Dutt And Vir Sanghvi: Ajit Sahi
By Afroz Alam Sahil & Md. Ali
In a frank and straightforward interview senior journalist and former executive editor of Tehelka weekly, Ajit Sahi demanded immediate arrest of senior journalists Barkha Dutt and Vir Sanghvi for undermining the constitution by their alleged lobbying for A Raja as the Telecom Minister when Union Cabinet was being formed in 2009
Obama To Netanyahu - “You win”
By Alan Hart
With his decision to abandon efforts to persuade Israel to renew a freeze on illegal settlement building on the occupied West Bank, he has proved that the makers of American policy for resolving the conflict are Israel’s leaders and their lobby in the U.S. (including its many stooges in Congress and the mainstream media), not the man who occupies the Oval Office in the White House
Mavi Marmara Returns To Istanbul Ahead Of
Leading New Gaza Flotilla
By Palestine Monitor
The Turkish ship the Mavi Marmara, on which nine activists were killed on the May 31 Flotilla Massacre, is returning to Istanbul on the anniversary of 'Operation Cast Lead’. In a ceremony organised by the Humanitarian Relief Foundation (IHH), politicians, activists and survivors will gather to mourn the losses on the flotilla and in Gaza, while reiterating their commitment to ending Israel’s illegal policies
The Sounds Of Silence: Reactions
To Political Despair
By Bernard Weiner
Action can be an effective antidote for despair. Working on behalf of others leads to more care and appreciation of one's own life-direction. The confusion of depression is a ripe time to build, to explore, to be more creative about our approaches. And above all, to organize, Organize, ORGANIZE so that when the tectonic political plates finally start to shift, the Movement is in place and ready to act
Obama Capitulates To Republicans
By Stephen Lendman
Obama's "compromise" does provide a two-year expanded tax credits extension, including the Earned Income Tax Credit, Child Tax Credit, and American Opportunity Tax Credit as well as a 2% cut in payroll taxes in lieu of eliminating the Making Work Pay tax credit
More Fraud, Intimidation, And Illegitimacy
Assured In Haiti's Electoral Runoff
By Stephen Lendman
On November 28, Haiti's first round legislative and presidential elections were so tainted, they elevated sham elections to a new level - a cruel joke, a process in name only, one fraudulent enough to make a despot blush. Now round two
North East Migration And Challenges
In Mega Cities
By Madhu Chandra
There has been unanswered questions why has the people from North East India, particularly girls and women become vulnerable for sexual abuse in national capital city. It will be worth to look at some realities on North East Indian migration and challenges in mega cities
07 December, 2010
The Arrest Of Julian Assange: Truth In Chains
By Chris Floyd
Well, they got him at last. WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, the target of several of the world’s most powerful governments, turned himself into British authorities today and is now at the mercy of state authorities who have already shown their wolfish – and lawless – desire to destroy him and his organization
WikiLeaks To Keep Releasing Cables
Despite Assange Arrest
By Robert Booth
WikiLeaks will continue releasing the leaked US embassy cables in spite of the arrest this morning of its founder, Julian Assange, over allegations in Sweden of sexual offences
The Truth Will Always Win
By Julian Assange
In its landmark ruling in the Pentagon Papers case, the US Supreme Court said "only a free and unrestrained press can effectively expose deception in government". The swirling storm around WikiLeaks today reinforces the need to defend the right of all media to reveal the truth
WikiLeaks: What, Really, Is The Problem?
By Alan Hart
Alan Hart's vote of confidence for WikiLeaks and Julian Assange and an indictment on the mainstream media for the way it reported the leaks
Assange ‘Rape’ Accuser Linked To
Notorious CIA Operative
By David Edwards
One of the women that is accusing WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange of sex crimes appears to have worked with a group that has connections to the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
Happy As A Hangman
By Chris Hedges
Those who do not carry out acts of rebellion, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant, are guilty of solidifying and perpetuating these crimes. Those who do not act delude themselves into believing they are innocent. They are not
Challenging Obama's Anti-Progressivism
By Stephen Lendman
Believing Obama is progressive is like calling a cat a dog. Only the delusional think so. He's, in fact, hard-right, a neocon, a warrior president, a corporatist pursuing anti-populist policies favoring wealth and privilege, not social justice when more than ever it's needed
The Plight Of The Palestinians
Book Review by Edward Jayne
In his collection of thirty-two articles by almost as many authors, The Plight of the Palestinians: A Long History of Destruction, William Cook provides a devastating assessment of Zionist violence against Palestinians. Relentlessly told are one atrocity after another, one act of deception after another, one broken treaty after another, one surprise attack after another, one policy reversal after another--all of which are described with both effective immediacy and an adequate sense of historic context
06 December, 2010
WikiLeaks Continues Exposure Of Predatory
US Foreign Policy
By Patrick Martin
Material made public Sunday sheds light on the increasingly incendiary state of world relations, under conditions of deepening world economic crisis. In particular, the declining world power, the United States, is seeking to maintain its domination against the rise of rivals like China
The Decline And Fall Of The American Empire
By Alfred W. McCoy
Four Scenarios for the End of the American Century by 2025
After The Arctic Spill—Shell, Palin And Obama
By Subhankar Banerjee
Here is a fictional story titled, ‘After The Arctic Spill,’ that I’m offering as my public comment and am requesting that this story be entered as a public record in the federal register. Because it is fictional I’m not 100% certain what to do about the ‘under the penalty of perjury’ clause. But I have used real character names with the hope that they might perfectly fill these roles if it were a real story
Seven Reasons Why Capitalism Can't
Recover Anytime Soon
By Shamus Cooke
As the recession grinds on, politicians in most industrial countries have an incentive to make exaggerated claims about the supposed coming economic recovery. Some say the recession is over. Obama is in the group that claims we're on "the road to recovery,” while other nations can only spot recovery "on the horizon.” Below are seven important social phenomena that point to a more realistic economic and political outlook
The Oppressed Mind
By Dave Fryett
If quoting a Jewish racist's hateful screed against Gentiles is anti-Semitism, then by this logic, reproducing the equally horrific writings of Adolf Hitler against the Jews is mere anti-Germanism. Condemnation of his ghastly book, Mein Kampf, and by extrapolation, the entire Nazi movement, would then be nothing more than an expression of sordid prejudice against Germans. Nobody believes this, so why is it that criticism of Zionist polity carries with it the unique liability of being called a bigot?
Haitians Protest Sham Elections
By Stephen Lendman
Furious demonstrations continued across Haiti (days after) the Nov. 28 highly contested election in which thousands (were) unable to vote. They reacted by rock-throwing, barricading roads, and protesting angrily in Port-au-Prince, Cap Haitien, Les Cayes, Hinche, Petit Goave, Archaie, and elsewhere
Flotilla Support For Gaza
By Stephen Lendman
On May 28 (three days before Israel's high seas massacre), Haaretz writers Jack Khoury and Yuval Azoulay headlined, "Hamas: Flotilla shows whole world opposes Gaza siege". Indeed so, and more are now coming from over 10 countries, including America. FreeGaza.org updates them. Angered by Israel's May 31 massacre, local initiatives plan their own missions. Their aim: highlight Gaza's siege and shame Israel by bringing aid until it ends
The Endgame: International Jerusalem
By Cameron Hunt
In the past days, Mr Abbas has again hinted at dissolving the PA if the current round of ‘talks’ fail. If indeed the best that the PA can reasonably hope for in any future negotiations is an ‘International Jerusalem’, and no Right of Return whatsoever, why wouldn’t the PA adopt ‘The No-State Alternative’ proposed in my earlier Article of the same name, and dissolve the ‘State of Israel’ along with the PA? Yes, Jerusalem would be internationalized either way, but under the No-State proposal, the Right of Return of millions of Palestinian refugees would be fulfilled in its entirety
Mumbai 26/11: Two Years Later,
Unanswered Questions
By Ram Puniyani
The Mumbai terror attack once more proves that what comes to social awareness is just a tip of the iceberg. Sometimes what is presented is obvious and the deeper truth remains under the hue of the hysterical response. We need to learn a lesson in public life to treat all uncomfortable questions with utmost seriousness and not to be dismissive of the truth hidden in the missing links of the story
05 December, 2010
WikiLeaks Cables Reveal How US Manipulated Climate Accord
By Damian Carrington
Embassy dispatches show America used spying, threats and promises of aid to get support for Copenhagen accord
PayPal Cuts Wikileaks Access For Donations
By BBC News
The online payments processor, PayPal, says it has cut access for donations to the whistle-blowing website Wikileaks
WikiLeaks – Threat To U.S. Interest?
By Habib Siddiqui
WikiLeaks must be allowed to remain free and provide critical information that public has a right to know. Gestapo-like conduct and McCarthy-era gagging are simply unacceptable in a society that promotes itself as an open society
Perpetual War, No Jobs And No Justice
Equals No Confidence
By Larry Pinkney
As our planet is polluted and its resources increasingly plundered by corruption, arrogance, and greed of avaricious corporate vampires; we have reached an urgent historical crossroad. We must make a choice, while we still can, for ourselves and the rest of humanity. And yes, we must organize for real and complete systemic change, while there is yet time
United Nations Silent As NATO Destroys
Potentially Thousands Of Afghan Homes
By Matthew Nasuti
NATO officials confirmed to this reporter that they routinely destroy Afghan homes, businesses and other structures that may be linked to the Taliban, but they refuse to provide any statistics as to how many have been destroyed. The Washington Post and The New York Times indicate that the practice is widespread and they have confirmed that whole villages have been leveled
Bellemare’s STL ‘Procedural’ Problems:
Indict, Quit And Blame The System!
By Franklin Lamb
It is unlikely, but not impossible, that Special Tribunal for Lebanon Prosecutor, Daniel Bellemare ever met, U.S. Senator Wayne Lyman Morse (Dem. Oregon), one of three Senators to vote against Lyndon Johnson’s fake Gulf of Tonkin resolution that authorized the US military to bomb North Vietnam a generation ago and a leading American legal scholar
Honduras: Latin America's Murder Capital
By Stephen Lendman
By some accounts, it's the world's murder capital. The UN Development Program (UNDP) reported 4,473 2008 murders (61.3 per 100,000) in a country with about 7.3 million people, the equivalent of over 190,000 annual US killings, over 10 times the actual rate
After Ayodhya: The New Improved Indian Muslim?
By Farzana Versey
Tomorrow is the anniversary of the Babri Masjid demolition. In the 18 years the onus has been on the victims rather than the perpetrators of the crime. In this scenario there is also the rather patronising idea of the good, the improved Muslim and the flawed idea of modernity
04 December, 2010
Infowar Launced On WikiLeaks
By Stephen C. Webster
WikiLeaks.org domain taken down: DNS host cites ‘mass attacks’ as site vanishes from Web. Electronic Frontiers Foundation co-founder says 'The first serious infowar is now engaged. The field of battle is WikiLeaks. You are the troops
WikiLeaks Document Exposes US Complicity
In Sri Lankan War Crimes
By K. Ratnayake
One of the diplomatic cables from the US embassy in Colombo released by WikiLeaks this week shows that the Obama administration was well aware of the war crimes committed by Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapakse and his regime in the final stages of its war against the separatist Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE)
“Islam Is The Solution”
By Uri Avnery
To those who chant “Islam is the Solution”, our answer should be: “A just Peace is the Solution”
WikiLeaks Scandals And Media Ignoring
Horrendous US Crimes
By Dr Gideon Polya
WikiLeaks has been closed down world-wide and its heroic Australian founder Julian Assange is facing arrest. But the real WikiLeaks scandal is that while there is selective reportage of the WikiLeaks US document leaks, Mainstream media resolutely refuse to report horrendous US crimes that involve scores of millions of deaths and which are publicly documented by readily accessed data from authoritative UN agencies
Treating Australia With Contempt
By Francis Enden
The faceless men of the Israel Lobby
Elderly Man Evicted From His Land
For Living Off The Grid
By Rady Ananda
On Nov. 30, the Madison County (Indiana) Planning Commission evicted a 72-year-old man from his 38 acres, reported Wish TV. County Prosecutor Thomas Broderick says the Alexandria resident, Richard L. Thompson, broke all kinds of laws -- no electricity, no septic system, no running water, and (lions and tigers and bears!) he lived in a camper on land he bought from his parents
New Scientist Plants False Story
That Pope Approves GM Crops
By Rady Ananda
Talk about psyops. If you can’t get the people to eat your dangerous, unwanted frankenfoods, just lie and say the Pope approves it. On November 30, the magazine, New Scientist, published “Vatican scientists urge support for engineered crops,” which the Vatican immediately denied
Sanction Congress, Not One Member
By Stephen Lendman
Besides their own compromised ethics, notably their ties to big money donors, both Congress and administration officials are guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors, ones far greater than Rangel's self-enrichment
Nine Obama Pardons Mock Equity And Justice
By Stephen Lendman
After the annual Thanksgiving Day turkey "pardoning" travesty, Obama granted nine executive pardons, a December 3 White House press release announcing them by name, date of sentencing, and offense committed
Scams Unlimited!
By MuraleeDharan Raghavan
The ill-gotten money becomes the biggest weapon to fight charges against our polity and administrators and manipulate the procedure. They are helped in the process again by their business partners. The corrupt remain the most united and flock together. Clearly, India could boast of being the most corrupt in the world, thanks to public-private partnership
03 December, 2010
Climate Talks Promise Little, Deliver Less
By Dan Brennan
Delegates from over 180 nations converged Monday on Cancun, Mexico, as a two-week-long United Nations climate change conference commenced. They were joined by a swarm of industry representatives, environmental activists and media, all together numbering near 15,000. But what the conference boasted in terms of attendance was hardly matched by any hope for a comprehensive strategy to address climate change
Climate Inaction Conference
By Chris Williams
Chris Williams, author of Ecology and Socialism: Solutions to Capitalist Ecological Crisis, explains what's at stake at the UN-sponsored climate change talks in Cancún
After The Ruin Of The Mid–Terms,
Is There Hope From Down Under?
By Peter Boyer
The US mid–term elections brought the global climate campaign to its knees, but as November drew to a close we in Australia got the most promising signal for a long time that our own national leadership is beginning to take climate policy seriously. Is this real hope, or just clutching at straws as we sink into a bottomless quagmire?
We’re Toast
By Guy R. McPherson
It’s too late to avoid terrifyingly bad climate change, and avoiding catastrophe seems increasingly unlikely, even to the mainstream media. The numbers keep coming at us, too: greenhouse gases are near the all-time peak, at least since the industrial era began. The United Nations concurs: We’re unlikely to avoid runaway greenhouse. In short, we’re toast
Oil And The Economy: Three Possible Scenarios
By Gail Tverberg
Three scenarios of we may be headed are presented (continued exponential growth, downturn based on geological decline, and a collapse scenario). The major problems foreseen are different in each these three scenarios, as are the likely solutions. This post gives a brief overview of how these differ
Corporations Found Guilty At Russell Tribunal
Second Session
By Adri Nieuwhof
On 22 November a jury of international experts announced their verdict that compelling evidence shows corporate complicity in Israeli violations of international law. The verdict followed two full days of presentations in London at the second international session of the Russell Tribunal on Palestine from 20 to 21 November
Uprooting The Bedouins Of Israel
By Neve Gordon
Despite the fact that it was the seventh demolition since last July, this time the destruction of the Bedouin village Al-Arakib in the Israeli Negev was different. This time Christian evangelists from the United States and England were involved
O Little Town of Bethlehem
By Francis A. Boyle
Some thoughts on Christmas, Israel, Palestine and American christian hypocrites
Targeting Silwan's Children
By Jillian Kestler-D'Amours
According to the Wadi Hilweh Information Center, approximately 51 Palestinian children have been arrested in Silwan since mid-September, when clashes erupted after an Israeli settler security guard shot and killed neighborhood resident Samer Sarhan
Lebanon At Stake: Turkey Must Reveal Its Cards
By Ramzy Baroud
The timing of the Turkish Prime Minister’s two-day visit to Lebanon could not be more judicious. Lebanon’s enemies have been banging the drums of war louder than ever before
NGO Monitor Targets Truth For Israel
By Stephen Lendman
NGO Monito is a Jerusalem-based pro-Israeli front group, disseminating propaganda and hate, debasing legitimate human rights organizations, independent journalism, and other advocates for truth, equity and justice. Recently it has turned against Electronic Intifada
International Day of Solidarity
With The Palestinian People
By Stephen Lendman
On November 29 and every day, solidarity with them should be affirmed until they're free and independent on their own land in peace
The Roof Is Now the Field
By Eva Bartlett
“We grow on our roof because we are farmers but have no land now,” says Moatassan Hamad, 21, from Beit Hanoun in northern Gaza Strip
The Folly Of The Israeli And Arab
Approach To Iran
By Alan Hart
The Wikileaks revelation that some Persian Gulf Arab leaders wanted (and still want?) America to attack Iran is confirmation of what some of us thought we knew – that Arab leaders are not merely impotent but as dangerously deluded as their Israeli counterparts
Wikileaks A Call To Struggle Against Empire
By Andrea Pason & Billy Wharton
The more than 250,000 messages map out the complex interconnections of a US empire managed by a murky group of diplomats, secret agents and military personnel. They document scandalous acts such as the horse-trading of human beings for diplomatic access, the plotting of the payoffs necessary after the demise of North Korea and the employing of diplomatic muscle to shield intelligence agents from criminal prosecution. All of these acts are part of the everyday reality created by US imperial dominance
Out Of The Diplomatic Bag
By William Bowles
Wikileaks has committed the unforgivable sin of revealing the inner workings of Empire, what the servants of Empire really think and in so doing it has also revealed the extremely comfortable relationship between the media and the state in making sure that the truth behind the headlines is kept from us
Amnesia As A Way Of Life: WikiLeaks
Amid The "Careless People"
By Phil Rockstroh
As many wags have noted, the disclosures of Wikileaks have subjected the US Empire and its operatives to a full-body scan. Turnaround is fair play, because, until now, in the US, the powerless masses are subject to arbitrary pat downs and body scans, while the powerful and connected are massaged by privilege and ensconced in immunity
WikiLeaks Reveals Diplomatic Cables
On Aafia Siddiqui
By Stephen Lendman
In several December 1 reports, the London Guardian discussed them, including its article headlined, "US embassy cables: Bagram officials deny detaining Aafia Siddiqui." US deception and lies about her date from initial accusations, regarding a bogus plot to bomb New York landmarks, charges omitted from her indictment
The United States Has Long Supported
Brutal Regimes Around The World: Robert Jensen
Interview by Kourosh Ziabari
Here is the full transcript of the in-depth interview with Robert Jensen, the professor of journalism at the University of Texas at Austin
Impact of Globalization On A
Southern Cosmopolitan City ( Cairo ):
A Human Rights Perspective
By Dr.Samir Naim Ahmed
All the cities of the world have been affected by globalization. However it affected cities of the south differently than cities of the north due to the mechanisms of globalization of the world market which has led to the widening of the gap between the north and the south and between the rich and the poor. This paper discusses how this has been associated with economic, social and spatial polarization within the cities of the south and assesses the impact of this polarization on the different aspects of human rights of the people in a southern cosmopolitan city
Media: Blurred Lies, Concaved Truths
By Prabhat Sharan
The recent scandal tapes involving conversations between hacks and PR agents, is nothing to be surprised of. Neither it is surprising to hear or see in the media offices the gradation of journalist being rated on the scale of fixing deals he or she manages in political-corporate nexus or how snugly is mollycoddled by a lobbyist or an industrialist. After all the aim of media in these times is not to present the truth but to blur lies
I Am A Nationalist But Not Anti-Pakistan,
Anwaar Ul Haq, Speaker of AJK Assembly
By Dr Shabir Choudhry
Fact remains that government of Jammu and Kashmir on the other side of LOC is called a ‘puppet government’, yet leaders of that government spend most of their time inside the State territory and enjoy considerable more powers than the government on the Pakistani side of the LOC. And despite that fact, the government on this side of the LOC is called Azad - independent, even though they have very limited powers and they spend most of their time in a capitol of a country which is perceived as an occupier by genuine sons of soil
Myth of “American Exceptionalism”:
The Ultimate, Pernicious Howler
By Robert Becker
God’s mysterious sense of humor strikes again, afflicting the lunatic fringe with this especially ludicrous zinger: the delusion of infallibility. Beyond the ‘50’s jingoism of “America, right or wrong,” the right now stays this course, “America, never wrong.” We must be special, the chosen elect, morally superior to every other country. Why else would an omnipotent God put us in charge? End of discussion
01 December, 2010
Sri Lanka Execution Video:
New War Crimes Claims
By Channel 4 News
Channel 4 News reveals new footage of the alleged massacre of Tamil prisoners which promoted a UN investigation last year, as the Sri Lanka President Mahinda Rajapakse arrives in London
Will Irom Sharmila Meet Her Mother?
By K.P. Sasi
Sakhi Devi never visited Sharmila after the fast. There was a deep fear that her emotions after seeing the daughter would break Sharmila's determination. As per the words of Sakhi Devi `I am weak hearted. If I see her, I will cry. I do not want to erode her determination, so I have resolved not to meet Sharmila till she reaches her goal'. A long period of ten years have passed. The question before us today is: `Will Sakhi Devi meet her daughter?'
The Warming Of Antarctica: A Citadel Of Ice
Begins To Melt
By Fen Montaigne
The fringes of the coldest continent are starting to feel the heat, with the northern Antarctic Peninsula warming faster than virtually any place on Earth. These rapidly rising temperatures represent the first breach in the enormous frozen dome that holds 90 percent of the world’s ice
My Journey Into Kivalina v. ExxonMobil et al.
By Christine Shearer
In 2008, a small Inupiat village in Alaska sued ExxonMobil and 23 other fossil fuel companies including Peabody Energy and BP for contributing to the destruction of their homeland, and charged a smaller subset with deliberately creating a false debate around climate change science. You might have heard of the lawsuit—Kivalina v. ExxonMobil et al. The suit was framed by some as a David and Goliath story, with people wondering if it would be the first successful climate change claim
Mother Nature Is Not Fooled By Euphemisms
By Tim Murray
We can't fool Mother Nature at any time. She's not fooled by trendy green euphemisms or oxymorons. Call it economic development or sustainable development, but she has only one word for it---growth. All human activity is subject to her objective measure, and it will be registered as having an impact
Climate Realism: Too Late For What?
By Eban Goodstein
In our lifetimes, it will never be too late to fight global warming. Every degree will matter. Over the coming years and decades, there will be no better fight, no victory that will more enrich the lives of countless human generations to follow, than to stabilize the climate
Interpol Issues Wanted Notice For Julian Assange
By Jerome Taylor
Interpol has issued a wanted notice for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, heightening the Australian's status as a virtual refugee. The "Red Notice", circulated to the International Criminal Police Organisation's 188 members, concerns the warrant issued by police in Sweden in connection with a sex crime investigation in Sweden, and instructs anyone with any information to "contact local or national police"
Obama Administration Seeks
To Criminalize WikiLeaks
By Patrick Martin
Top officials of the Obama administration have threatened criminal prosecution of WikiLeaks for its latest release of secret US diplomatic documents. Attorney General Eric Holder, at a press conference Monday, declared, “There’s a predicate for us to believe that crimes have been committed here and we are in the process of investigating those crimes.”
Australian Government Joins Persecution Of
WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange
By James Cogan
The Australian Labor government has joined with the Obama administration in its attempt to manufacture criminal charges against Julian Assange, an Australian citizen and the editor of WikiLeaks
"We Have Not Seen Anything Yet"
By David Leigh & Amy Goodman
Guardian Editor Says Most Startling WikiLeaks Cables Still To Be Released
WikiLeaks Cables Reveal "Profound
Hatred For Democracy On The Part Of
Our Political Leadership"
By Noam Chomsky & Amy Goodman
A Democracy Now! interview with Noam Chomsky
Why Wikileaks Is Good For Democracy
By Bill Quigley
The US has been going in the wrong direction for years by classifying millions of documents as secrets. Wikileaks and other media which report these so called secrets will embarrass people yes. Wikileaks and other media will make leaders uncomfortable yes. But embarrassment and discomfort are small prices to pay for a healthier democracy. Wikileaks has the potential to make transparency and accountability more robust in the US. That is good for democracy
Assange Is Headed For Prosecution
For Publishing The Truth About U.S
By Sherwood Ross
Assange may or may not have raped a couple of Swedish ladies, as that spineless government suddenly needs to know, but there is no question he has disrobed the Statue of Liberty and shown all the world the whore she has become
Choice Of Wars
By Dave Lannen
When this “war on terror” started, my oldest son was seven. Today he turns 17 and eligible to enlist in the military with his choice of wars - his father’s (Iraq & Afghanistan) or his grandfather’s (ROK) (PDF)
Letter From Prison: I Have
A Lot Of Energy To Struggle
By Ameer Makhoul writing from Gilboa prison
The following is an excerpt from a letter by Palestinian political prisoner and civil society leader Ameer Makhoul, written in response to a postcard featuring an image of a lighthouse sent by The Electronic Intifada contributor Adri Nieuwhof
The Truth About Trees
By Julia Mitchell
Trees are NOT just here to convert carbon dioxide to oxygen for us to breathe. Their purpose reaches much farther and cannot be ignored. Trees fight drought, prevent soil erosion, stabilize earth, shade us from sun, are key in the conservation of water, provide us with heat, control the effects of wind, provide shelter for animals and encourage biodiversity and nutrients for soil. So, the next time you see a beautiful tree, don’t just thank it for being beautiful; thank it for being on of the most valuable things on this planet
10 Skills Needed To Thrive
In A Post-Collapse World
By Jeffrey Green
Remember, knowledge of and skills to produce human necessities will be the only form of wealth creation in a hand-made world. Knowledge is something that no one can take from you. It’s the eternal wealth that will help you thrive in a Post-Collapse world. Get Prepared Now!
Religion As A Tool Of Repression
By Charles Sullivan
Certainly Christ would be appalled by the selfish political conservatism of today that claims him for its own. He would be as much a leftist revolutionary today as he was some two thousand years ago. And no doubt, cheered by a mob of reputable corporatists, the money changers would crucify him again
Chanukah And Christmas: When Hope
Triumphs Over Cynical Realism
By Rabbi Michael Lerner
Jews and Christians have much in common in celebrating at this time of year. We certainly want to use this holiday season to once again affirm our commitment to end the war in Iraq, to end global poverty and hunger by embracing the Network of Spiritual Progressives' version of the Global Marshall Plan, to reduce carbon emissions and population growth and to save the world from ecological destruction. We live in dark times--but these holidays help us reaffirm our hope for a fundamentally different reality that we can help bring about in the coming years
Coercive Population Control
By Jason G. Brent
Since no rational human being can dispute the fact that the Earth is finite, no rational human being can dispute the fact that both population growth and economic growth must cease sometime in the future
Judge Bars Certification Of Oklahoma
Anti-Islam Constitutional Amendment
By Abdus Sattar Ghazali
In a strongly-worded ruling a federal judge in Oklahoma on November 29, 2010 granted an injunction that bars certification of an anti-Islam state ballot measure (SQ 755) passed in the November 2 election
Incarceration's Effect On Economic Mobility
By Stephen Lendman
Pew studied the relationship between incarceration and mobility, asking to what extent does it create lasting impediments to economic progress. Overall, how does America's burgeoning prison population affect the American dream? Negatively, in fact, for the vast majority because authorities make it so
The New York Times Endorses
Haiti's Coup d' Etat "Elections"
By Stephen Lendman
No matter for The New York Times, a notorious voice for wealth and power. On November 30, its editorial titled "Haiti After the Vote" endorsed the sham election
Guerilla Mistress To Obama Confidant;
The Life And Crimes Of Gayle Smith
By Thomas C Mountain
Once the mistress of a marxist guerilla fighter in the Horn of Africa, today Gayle Smith is a senior advisor to Barack Obama in the White House, USA
NDTV Exposes NDTV?
By Farzana Versey
Barkha Dutt came on her own show to answer questions by an independent panel on a channel in which she is the group editor. The host, Sonia Singh, started by saying that they had earlier wanted someone else to ask Barkha because they believed in a level-playing field. They should have continued with that belief. This show was a farce not because of the emotions, which are natural, but because of several other reasons
Counterpoint: We, The People
By Amit Sengupta
So how come editors have become brokers and messengers of corporate and political scamsters? And what is so surprising about it anyway?