Big Winner In
Indian Elections Remains Best Kept Secret
By Thomas C.
24 November, 2004
Ambedkar Journal
months after the national elections in India, the biggest winner in
the election remains a well kept secret. With the media trumpeting the
election as a battle of the two supposed heavy weight parties culminating
in an alleged knockout punch by the Congress Party of their rivals,
Bharatiya Janata Party, or BJP , one would never know that the party
of India's bahujans or majority, indegenous peoples made the biggest
A quick look at a break down of the gains made by the Dalit led party,
the Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) , whose leadership torch has been passed
to India's Iron Lady, Dalit woman leader Mayawati, (as researched by
Dr. Umakant of the India Institute of Dalit Studies, and published in
the Dalit
International Newsletter, June 2004), shows just how fast the BSP is
The BSP ran candidates
for more seats in the Indian Lok Sabha, or Lower House of the Indian
Parliament, than any other party, with 435 candidates out of a possible
543 seats. The two largest parties in India, the Congress Party and
the BJP (the former ruling party) each were able to stand 417 and 364
candidates respectively, inspite of their massive lead in financial
and human resources.
A very significant
statistic is that the BSP sponsored 150 candidates in the 25-40 years
of age group, more than any other party. The BSP stood 193 candidates
in the 41-55 age group, 85 candidates in the 56-70 age group and just
a handful, 7 candidates, in the 71 years old group. The BSP stood head
and shoulders above the other parties in promoting the youth movement
from amongst its ranks, a trend that bodes well for its future.
The BSP increased
the percentage of the national vote total it recieved in 2004 to 5.35%
from 4.17% in 1999, over 25%, continuing a trend by increasing its percentage
of the popular vote by nearly 50% since the 1996 election.The BSP increased
its representatives of seats on the Lok Sabha by 75% from the 1996 election,
to 19 from 11
While only winning seats in Uttar Pradesh, India's largest and most
influential state, the BSP did very well in other states such as Maharashtra,
Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, and Rajasthan, a major leap in
expanding its influence and support outside of its traditional base
in Uttar Pradesh. While contesting all 40 seats in Bihar, for the first
time, though not winning any, the BSP still was able to pull almost
a million votes.
Another very encouraging trend for the BSP is the broadening of its
support base from its traditional Dalit constituency to large numbers
of lower backward castes, lower caste/Dalit Muslims and other oppressed
tribal and minority groups. The BSP tactic of running candidates from
these other groups paid off. Of the 19 successful BSP candidates, 5
were Dalits, 5 were Yadavs (backward castes or Shudras), 4 were Muslims,
4 were other backward castes and one was even a Brahmin. The BSP also
continued to expand its support amongst its core Dalit constituency,
growing from 62% of the Dalit
vote in 1996 to 71% in 2004 in Uttar Pradesh. Nationally, the BSP took
30% of the Dalit vote, second only to the Congress Party which took
35%, with the Dalit vote for the BJP dropping dramatically to 23%.
The gains of the
BSP were instrumental in the defeat of the ruling party, the BJP, and
hurt the Congress Party in a significant way. With the Iron Lady, Mayawati,
having shut down her attempts to work in coalition with the BJP, and
targetting the Congress Party as the "other high caste party",
the BSP has choosen to go it alone for the time being and made major
gains despite lacking the money or patronage of the BSP or Congress.
Having only been formed in 1986 and for the first time making a nation
wide challenge to the traditional ruling elite, the BSP can only be
encouraged by its successes. In time, if she survives the assassins
bullet, Mayawati could one day be India's first Bahujan or Dalit Prime
India's Dalits
say Caste means Varna, and in Sanskrit, the written language of Hinduism,
Varna means Color. With Caste/Varna/Color dominating Indian society,
Dalits have taken to describing Indian society as Indian Apartheid.
To counter this, Dalits are getting organized and are starting to see
the light at the end of the 3000 year old Apartheid in India tunnel.
The only question to be answered is just how fast they can organize
their people. Ignored? Yes. Slandered? With out a doubt. Defeated? Wishful
thinking. The name of the BSP's Iron Lady,Mayawati, is quickly becoming
part of the nightmares disturbing the sleep of India's caste infested
For more information
on this article or India's Dalit movement contact the writer at;
[email protected]
or send to;
Ambedkar Journal
c/o Thomas C. Mountain
47-431 Hui Nene St.
Kaneohe, Hawaii USA 96744