29 October, 2005
Communal Riot in Mau: A Report
By Roop Rekha Verma & Nasiruddin Haider Khan
Report of a fact finding visit to the riot hit city of Mau
27 October, 2005
Dead Fishes On Juhu Beach
By Subhash Gatade
The immersion of idols causing irreparable damage to the environment is not the only example which demonstrate how rituals of a section of people can become nuisance of sorts for the wider populace or for that matter the ecosystem itself
25 October, 2005
Set Back To Amity Initiatives In Ayodhya
By Ram Puniyani
Under the influence of VHP a section of Hanuman Garhi mahants filed a case in the court that Roza Iftar is against the by laws of the temple, and court ruled in their favor. Also, many a VHP activists sat on a Dharna in front of Hanuman Garhi to oppose the Muslims entry into the temple premises for the Roza Iftar party
16 October, 2005
RSS And The Politics Of Disaster Relief
By Ra Ravishankar
Not surprisingly, if there is one set of people that's smugly delighted with the earthquake that has devastated Pakistan, it has got to be the Hindu fascists owing allegiance to the RSS ideology. RSS apologists routinely point to its alleged relief work during disasters (as if this could compense for its numerous crimes), but a peek into the Hindutva listservs offers a different reality
10 October, 2005
Defining Minorities In A Democratic Setup
By Ram Puniyani
By asserting that only Jews and Parsis are minorities,RSS chief Sudarshan wants to do away with the safeguards for weaker religious denominations, especially Muslims and Christians, who are the major victims of RSS progeny's Trishuls and Lathis
30 September, 2005
Communal Politics Climax And Downfall
By Asghar Ali Engineer
Communal politics, being highly emotional, is heady and creates strong illusion of success. Those who indulge in communal politics create emotional hysteria among their followers. We in India have had many experiences such emotional politics
15 September, 2005
Is 'Riot Free India' A Possibility?
By Ram Puniyani
The demonization of minorities seems to be the ground on which violence stands and sustains itself. No measures for the riot free India can be complete without bringing to halt the stereotyping the minorities and effectively neutralizing the 'hate other' propaganda
11 September, 2005
War In The Parivar
By Jyotirmaya Sharma
As the Bharatiya Janata Party prepares to hold its National Executive meeting in Chennai next week, dissonance within the organisation over questions of ideology, leadership and politics is clearly visible
22 August, 2005
See RSS, Think Al Queda!
By Subhash Gatade
The RSS may call itself a cultural organisation, but an established US think tank has virtually equated it with Al Queda and some other outfits, terming them "new religious movements (NRMs) that have also emerged as sources of violence". ..
16 August, 2005
Our" Women, "Their" Women
By Ram Puniyani
The shifting of girls' college away from Muslim locality by the BJP led Madhya Pradesh government reveals the deeper communal agenda, it does intensify the communalization process in the manners which are novel and horrific, both at the same time
The Nanavati Report And After
By Praful Bidwai
India's claim to high stature in the world does not lie in a Security Council seat or in nuclear weapons, and not even in economic might. It lies in democracy and pluralism. That claim will be reduced to a farce if heinous mass-level crimes and barbaric forms of collective victimisation go unpunished. That would be a tragedy not just for Delhi's Sikhs or Gujarat's Muslims, but for all Indian citizens
14 August, 2005
An Evaluation Of The Communal Violence (Suppression) Bill, 2005
By Colin Gonsalves
The big question is, would a communal violence law have prevented the 1984 riots? My guess is that the Communal Violence (Suppression) Bill, 2005, in its present draft, would have proved a dud
Shameless Collaborators
By V.B.Rawat
The ghost of the 1984 massacre of Sikhs has returned to haunt the Congress. For two days you make noise in the parliament and then ask a person to resign. It's good but not enough
Stop Funding Hate By Yoginder
Sikand & Biju Mathew
Biju Mathew is a prominent Indian leftist social activist based in New York. In this interview he talks about his work, particularly about the Campaign to Stop Funding Hate that has sought to stop American funding to Hindutva groups in India
02 June, 2005
Is RSS A Terrorist Organization?
By Ram Puniyani
The only point of overt confusion some times can be that unlike Osama, or the AK 47 weilding terrorist in parts of the World, RSS volunteer will appear to be the apostle of quietness. The violence is leased out by clever social and psychological manipulation. In that sense AK 47 may miss the target but a mind poisoned and initiated by Hate ideology propagated by RSS will come out as violence some time or the other, here or there, it's just a question of time
01 June, 2005
Why RSS Is Angry ?
By Subhash gatade
The Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) is furious with an American think-tank for declaring it a terrorist organisation and lumping it with a host of jihadi organisations and secessionist outfits.The Sangh leadership has written to the Terrorism Research Centre, protesting against the terrorist tag, but is yet to get a response....
22 May, 2005
Aggressive Vegetarianism
By Ram Puniyani
In certain parts of India vegetarianism is also being used as a social and political weapon to browbeat the muslim community
25 April, 2005
Hindutva Undivided Family
By Ram Puniyani
Recent statement of K. Sudarshan that Vajpayee and Advani should retire created a lot of storm in the tea cup. As matters shaped up, in due course the storm was brought under control and the storm in the tea cup is showing the signs of subsiding
18 April, 2005
RSS And The Gender Question
By Ram Puniyani
RSS Supreme leader K. Sudarshan pointed out recently that women are barred from RSS as Indian society did not accept, and does not accept even now, young boys and girls working together because it could have consequences on the society. One wonders which Indian society Mr. Sudarshan is talking about !
07 April, 2005
Twenty Five Years Of Bharatiya Janata Party
By Ram Puniyani
Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) completes twenty five years on sixth April, 2005. Founded in 1980 on the plank of Gandhian Socialism it has traveled a long journey
11 March, 2005
Masks Unlimited:Vajpayee, Babri Demolition
And Gujarat Riots
By Ram Puniyani
Vajpayee's association with RSS and his loyalty to the agenda of RSS, the one of Hindu Nation and Hindutva politics remained the central point of his politics and gave him the craftiness and ability to pretend moderation and double speak, a role which suited him perfectly
07 March, 2005
RSS In Action In Rajasthan
By Nalini Taneja
If anybody needs convincing that every election is important, they should look at the chain of events in Rajasthan since the BJP came to power in the state
23 February, 2005
Savarkar: The Whole Truth
By Ram Puniyani
Review of the book "Savarkar: Myths and Facts" by Shamsul Islam
20 February, 2005
Fresh Light On 1984 Riots
By Kuldip Nayar
Riots were "organized", some Congressmen instigating the anti-social elements to "target the Sikh community" without any "meaningful intervention" by the police. This is the import of the report by former Supreme Court judge G.T. Nanavati on the 1984 riots
10 January, 2005
Communalism 2004
By Ram Puniyani
2004 was a year that saw tremendous set back for hate driven Hindutwa politics in India