12 May, 2006
And US: Nuclear Standoff Or Realpolitik?
By Ramzy Baroud
Iran 2006 is certainly not Iraq of 1990-1991, or
2003. Some major changes to the political map of the Middle East have
taken place and serious challenges are appearing day after day to the
astonishment of the beleaguered U.S. government and its president
Letter From
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
By Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
President Of Iran, To George Bush
The Cards In Iraq
By Ghali Hassan
Unless the U.S. is forced to withdraw from Iraq
immediately, no re-shuffling of the same cards will change the situation
on the ground in Iraq. The only option remains for people around the
world is to provide moral support for the Iraqi people Resistance to
self-determination and national independence
Comments On
David Sirota's New Book:
Hostile Takeover
By Stephen Lendman
I'd like to begin my commentary on David Sirota's
important new book Hostile Takeover with my strong endorsement of his
fine work. Everyone should read it to learn what's really going on around
us that affects us all in the most important ways I know and which most
people at best only vaguely understand on many if not most of the major
The Royal
Nepalese Army And
The imperialist Agency In Nepal
By Pratyush Chandra
The imperialist network fears that this rise of
the red scourge in this supposed "backwater" of global capitalism
will blow away the mirage of the new Asian "miracles" in the
region, who have been long fishing their booty in these same "backwaters"
What Mothers
Really Want
By Lucinda Marshall
The great thing about Mother’s Day is that
for one day, everyone has to at least pretend to listen respectfully
to what mothers have to say. So come on Moms, let’s not pass up
24 hours of precious soapbox time, we can talk about what we always
talk about. Children
Road To ‘Convergence’ Began With Rabin
By Jonathan Cook
With his coalition partners on board, Israel’s
prime minister Ehud Olmert is plotting his next move: a partial withdrawal
from the West Bank over the next few years which he and his government
will declare as the end of the occupation and therefore also any legitimate
grounds for Palestinian grievance.From hereon in, Israel will portray
itself as the benevolent provider of a Palestinian state
09 May, 2006
US Provoking Civil War In Iraq?
By Robert Fisk
The Americans are trying to provoke an Iraqi civil
war so that Sunni Muslim insurgents spend their energies killing their
Shia co-religionists rather than soldiers of the Western occupation
For Their Death Is Known"
By Dahr Jamail
The numbers are being hidden … and the Badr,
operating out of the Ministry of Interior, which is funded by the US,
are making sure the numbers remain shrouded.Yet on Tuesday of this week,
a spokesman at that same hospital, speaking on condition of anonymity
of course, announced that in the last 48 hours alone Yarmouk Hospital
had received 65 bodies, most of them slaughtered by death squads in
execution-style murders. That day they had received 40 bodies, and Monday,
Hillary Clinton
By Joshua Frank
Hillary Clinton is pocketing enormous amounts of
cash across the country for her reelection campaign, from Manhattan
to Hollywood. Yet, Hillary is facing what seems to be fierce opposition
from within her own party, as well as from third parties here in New
York. The main reason candidates have signed up to challenge Hillary
is her position, er, non-position on the disgraceful "war on terror"
Next Military
Crusade Is Beckoning
By Amr Ismail
Contradictions of America’s capitalism are
getting sharper, and the language of force and total destruction is
hardly absent from delivered statements by White House officials and
some members of congress. Can we justifiably signal Israel for using
the US as proxy for war and for its chief role in manipulating the American
Sudden Resignation
Of CIA Director Goss:
Another Tremor In Bush Administration
By Patrick Martin
The resignation of CIA Director Porter Goss, announced
abruptly by the White House on Friday, is another demonstration of the
instability and vicious infighting within the Bush administration
An Open Letter
To The Class Of 2006
By Paul Moore
You know when your class started the journey through
this high school four years ago you were nearly a thousand strong. There
are but 492 of you left. Even more tragically there will be several
empty chairs at the graduation ceremonies on May 25th
Kansat, Cricket
And “Caretaker”: Height Of Regression
And De-politicization Of Bangladesh
By Taj Hashmi
Witnessing the cricket fiasco and the hyper politicking
over reforming the election machinery while Bangladeshi police were
killing innocent villagers at Kansat is like visiting a nihilistic world
of anarchy and absurdity
Non Violent
Protest - Then And Now
By Anuja Mirchandaney
Reflections on the Narmada Bachao Andolan's recent
experiences in Delhi
08 May, 2006
Roof Of World Turns To Desert
By Geoffrey Lean
Scientists warn of ecological catastrophe across
Asia as glaciers melt and continent's great rivers dry up
Cock-Fights And Fandangos
In The Persian Gulf
By Mathew Maavak
After Osama bin Laden kicked off the game on 9/11,
the bulls veered off their objective and geography to perform a bloodsport
in Iraq and Afghanistan. Now, Iran may get into the game
Straw's Departure
Strengthens Blair's
Agenda Against Iran
By Abid Mustafa
The media has given three reasons for Straw's dismissal:
a) forging closer links with Gordon Brown b) admitting mistakes over
Iraq c) undermining Blair's authority over Iran. The latter appears
to be the real reason for Straw's demotion to the leader of the commons
Raid On Nuclear
Fuel Market
By Rudo de Ruijter
In the background of the political joust about
Iran, a few countries are reshaping the world. They are taking possession
of the global nuclear fuel market
To The Rogue
Tyrants Belong The Spoils
By Jason Miller
Regardless of what one believes about Chomsky or
his motives, Failed States is a brilliant dissection of the increasingly
inhumane and authoritarian political structure of the United States
America's Forgotten War
By William Fisher
“Contractors in Afghanistan are making big
money for bad work.”This is the conclusion reached in a new report
from CorpWatch written by an Afghan-American journalist who returned
to her native country to examine the progress of reconstruction
Long Path Back To Umm al-Zinat
For Palestine’s Refugees
By Jonathan Cook
On Wednesday 3 May, Israel celebrated its 58th
Independence Day, marking the declaration of statehood on midnight 14
May 1948.But not everyone was included in the celebrations. One in five
of Israel’s population is Palestinian. The names of their dead
from the 1948 war -- including unarmed women and children killed in
a spate of massacres documented by Israeli historians -- were not listed
on television
Debate: A Great Opportunity
To Restrengthen Dalit Bahujan Alliance
By V.B.Rawat
It is time the Dalits, backwards, Adivasis come
together and give a fitting reply. Organise debates and debunk the upper
caste merit
05 May, 2006
Salvador Option Has Been Invoked In Iraq
By John Pilger
The American public is being prepared. If the attack
on Iran does come, there will be no warning, no declaration of war,
no truth
Beating About
The Bush? Not With Hersh
By Robert Fisk
Sy Hersh is an ornery, cussed sort of guy, not
one to suffer fools gladly. As the man who broke the My Lai story and
the atrocities at Abu Ghraib, I reckon he has a right to be ornery from
time to time – and cussed
Evo Morales'
Courageous Move Now Makes
Him A Us Target Along With Hugo Chavez
By Stephen Lendman
I'll only state my strong belief that something
big is planned to oust President Chavez (and now maybe Evo Morales as
well) that will only become apparent once the fireworks begin. Today's
feature article in the Wall Street Journal only strengthens my view
04 May, 2006
Warming Fastest For 20,000 Years
By Steve Connor
Global warming is made worse by man-made pollution
and the scale of the problem is unprecedented in at least 20,000 years,
according to a draft report by the world's leading climate scientists
Drive For Oil Company Profits
Threatens Overall Economy
By Evelyn Pringle
The higher oil prices are a threat to America's
overall economy and the skyrocketing costs of heating public facilities
and keeping school buses, police cars, emergency vehicles and snowplows
running are wreaking havoc on local governments all across the country
Failed States
By Stephen Lendman
Comments On Noam Chomsky's New Book
Australian Iraq
Kickback Scam –
Did Bush And Blair Know, Lie And Betray?
By Gideon Polya
The Australian Wheat Board (AWB) scam is estimated
to have killed up to 21,000 Iraqi infants through diversion of scarce
funds from food and medical supplies. However this appalling “collateral
damage” from a greedy corporate scam has simply not been reported
by Australian or Anglo-American mainstream media
The Smokescreen For Savagery
By Ghali Hassan
Open any Western newspaper and you are struck by
the abundant use of the word “diplomacy”. It is the second
most used word after “democracy”. However, careful analysis
shows that U.S. version of diplomacy has become the favourite smokescreen
of U.S. war of aggression. Iraq and Iran provide the best cases
A Spade A Spade
By Remi Kanazi
How long is a sane man expected to sit on his hands
while his enemy slaps him in the face? The Palestinian people have endured
a prolonged aggression by a pariah state, and yet the world not only
expects them to sit on their hands, the world blames them for it
Sovereignty And Military
Occupation Not Compatible
By Ramzy Baroud
Without real control over the country’s physical
space and wealth and without a serious and fully independent political
role, what can any prospective Iraqi government really achieve? How
can Al Maliki and his sectarian government end the ‘insurgency’
without ending the occupation
Non Violent
Protest - Then And Now
By Anuja Mirchandaney
Reflections on the Narmada Bachao Andolan's recent
experiences in Delhi
Kansat, Cricket
And “Caretaker”
By Taj Hashmi
The dust has settled on the cricket pitches in
Bangladesh after the humiliating defeats of the home team by Sri Lanka
and Australia in a row. Meanwhile, the average Bangladeshi has forgotten
the brutal massacre of innocent villagers at Kansat by Bangladeshi police
in the midst of the ongoing debate on reforming the unique (and absurd)
“Caretaker Government” to hold free and fair elections