31 July, 2006
Can We Stand By And Allow This To Go On?'
By Robert Fisk
In all, there were 56 corpses brought to the Tyre
government hospital and other surgeries, and 34 of them were children.
When they ran out of plastic bags, they wrapped the small corpses in
carpets. Their hair was matted with dust, most had blood running from
their noses
Qana Massacre...
By Baghdad Burning
The UN is beyond useless. They’ve gone from
a union of nations working for the good of the world (if they ever were
even that), to a bunch of gravediggers. They’re only good for
digging mangled bodies out of the ruins of buildings and helping to
identify and put them into mass graves
US Media
Alibis For Qana Massacre
By David Walsh
As the news broke Sunday morning of the Israeli
massacre in the southern Lebanese village of Qana, the American media
swung into action to provide alibis and excuses for the horrific war
Arab States
Must Repudiate Ties With Israel Now
By Ali Abunimah
After Qana, Jordan's foreign minister Abul-Ilah
al-Khatib urged the international community "take a firm stand
against the aggression." Amman and Cairo should lead the way with
more than words
Latest Massacre In Qana:
Racist Jewish Fundamentalism A Factor
By Omar Barghouti
Israel's latest bloodbath, which claimed the lives
of dozens of children and women hiding from the relentless bombing in
what they hoped was a secure basement in Qana, betrays not only Israel's
criminal disregard for the value of Arab human life, a typical colonial
attitude towards natives, but also its increasingly fundamentalist perception
of Gentiles in general as lesser humans
Why Do They
Hate Us? Listen To Qana (again)
By Jonathan Cook
If Israel wanted to widen its war, it could not
have chosen a better way to achieve it than by sending its war planes
back to the mixed Muslim and Christian village of Qana in south Lebanon
to massacre civilians there, as if marking a morbid anniversary
Why Must
The Right Wing Sound
So Brutally Stupid?
By John Chuckman
Just when I thought he had shown a glimmer of statesmanship,
Stephen Harper, Canada's prime minister courtesy of just over one-third
of the vote, reverted to character. Following Israel's apparently-deliberate
targeting of four UN observers in Lebanon, including one Canadian, Harper
thought it appropriate to ask, not why Israel killed them, but why the
observers were there?
You Haven't Left, You're Hezbollah"
By Dahr Jamail
Large numbers fled the south after Israelis dropped
leaflets warning of attacks. Others have been unable to leave, often
because they have not found the means. The Israelis have taken that
to mean that they are therefore Hezbollah
Oil Spill
Hits Lebanon
By Dahr Jamail
More than 15,000 tons of oil have hit the coast
after the bombing of five of six storage tanks at the plant in the coastal
village El-Jiye, 30km south of Beirut. The northern winds have taken
the massive oil slick to beaches and ports a long way up the coast
The New Middle
By Ali Quli Qarai
When the dusts of the war have settled, the world
will see a Hezbollah and Hamas that have not been weakened but grown
in strength and stature several times. The new Middle East was born
in 1982 when Israel invaded Lebanon. Now it is coming of age
What Exactly
Is An "Existential" Threat, Mr. Olmert?
By Am Johal
The past few weeks have seen dozens of non-violent
protestors arrested, aggressively pushed and detained for simply questioning
Israeli policy in Lebanon. Security officials have attacked protestors
without provocation. Israel is the clearest example of a state where
security matters precede the importance of human rights
Rulers And The Deadly Games They Play
By Jason Miller
The militant Neocon and Zionist leaders in the
United States and Israel are deaf to lamentations and blind to scenes
of carnage. As long as they remain in power and have pawns to sacrifice,
the “War on Terror” will continue to escalate
Madrasas And Cultural 'Arabisation':
Insights From India
By Yoginder Sikand
Mindless berating of the madrasas for allegedly
being actively engaged in promoting 'Arabisation', without looking at
the phenomenon as, at least in part, a reaction to Hindutva and to the
homogenising agenda of the Indian state that defines itself in Brahminical
Hindu terms, is hardly fair and can only further reinforce the insular,
exclusivist character that most madrasas are today identified with
29 July, 2006
Disaster Unfolding In Palestine
By Anne Penketh
A 12-year-old boy dead on a stretcher. A mother
in shock and disbelief after her son was shot dead for standing on their
roof. A phone rings and a voice in broken Arabic orders residents to
abandon their home on pain of death. Those are snapshots of a day in
Gaza where Israel is waging a hidden war, as the world looks the other
way, focusing on Lebanon
The Lies Israel
Tells Itself
(and we tell on its behalf)
By Jonathan Cook
How many many of us believe that our values demand
that we fall in behind a new world order in which Arab deaths are not
real deaths because “they” are not fully human?
Trauma Of A Nation
By Iftikhar H. Malik
In 1982, while going beyond his cue cards, President
Reagan, during his meeting with Prime Minister Menachem Begin, had described
the then Israeli devastation of Lebanon as a Holocaust, but a quarter
of century later, Bush and Blair would not agree even to the inclusion
of the prefix such as ‘immediate’ or `urgent’ to forestall
brutalisation in Lebanon and Gaza
Death Toll
Could Be Twice The Official Figure
By Dahr Jamail
Lebanese doctors, aid workers and refugees are
all reporting that the official number of dead in Lebanon is far lower
than the actual."I think that the real number is at least 750 dead
so far," Dr. Bachir el-Sham at the Complex Hospital in Sidon city
told IPS in a telephone interview
Accused Of Using Illegal Weapons
By Dahr Jamail
The Israeli military is using illegal weapons against
civilians in southern Lebanon, according to several reports. U.S.-based
Human Rights Watch (HRW) said this week that Israel had used cluster
bombs in civilian areas of Lebanon, in clear violation of international
Israel's Superiority
Isn't Moral
By Jeff Berg
Until Israel and America cease their occupations
and rejoin the international community, both America and Israel no more
have a right to claim moral superiority over Hamas or Hizbollah than
the British had a right to consider themselves morally superior to Michael
Collins and the Sinn Fein or George Washington and the Continentalist
The Pathology
Of Israeli Power
By Issa Khalaf
As we witness the unfolding spectacle of ferocious,
indiscriminate violence, destruction, and brutality in Gaza and Lebanon,
it’s difficult to resist the conclusion that there is something
terribly wrong with the Israeli state and society
Who Is Winning?
By Uri Avnery
Questions And Answers About the War in Lebanon
In This War
- Nobody Wins
By Brita Rose
The international community, including Iraqi Prime
Minister, Jawad al-Maliki, proposes an immediate ceasefire to end the
bloodshed, but a conspicuous three nations oppose it - Israel, U.S.,
and Britain. Once again their solution is the terror of hard power -
bomb them into our image whatever the cost. This is an avoidable, immoral
and counterproductive war
: Not Just The Name Of A Massacre
By Subhash Gatade
The court of Additional Sessions Judge, Delhi has
finally framed charges of murder, attempt to murder, criminal conspiracy,
abduction, unlawful confinement, assault and unlawful compulsory labour
against these PAC men charged with killing Muslims during curfew in
Meerut on May 22, 1987. And the trial has started on 15 th July after
an agonising wait for 19 years
28 July, 2006
Prepares Major Escalation Of
Lebanon Aggression
By Patrick Martin
The Israeli government issued orders Thursday to
mobilize as many as 40,000 additional reserve soldiers in preparation
for an escalation of its war of aggression against Lebanon. The action
was taken by the security cabinet of Prime Minister Ehud Olmert in response
to mounting demands from the military brass and the media for a full-scale
invasion of south Lebanon
Of Al-Zawahiri Video:
Is Hezbollah Winning?
By Taj Hashmi
An unlikely al-Qaeda breakthrough in winning over
sections of the Lebanese population, Sunni Palestinian refugees in the
country for example, does not bode well for Israel and its allies. If
further pushed against the wall, Hezbollah might extend its hand towards
al-Qaeda against their common enemy
War On Lebanon And The Battle For Oil
By Michel Chossudovsky
Is there a relationship between the bombing of
Lebanon and the inauguration of the World's largest strategic pipeline,
which will channel more than a million barrels of oil a day to Western
On A Red Cross
Mission Of Mercy When
Israeli Air Force Came Calling
By Robert Fisk
The Israeli attack on the Qana ambulances - their
missiles plunging through the red crosses on the roofs - had contaminated
even our own vehicles. He was just one man. But for him, the Israelis
had turned the Red Cross - the symbol of hope on our roofs and the sides
of our vehicles - into a symbol of danger and fear
The Beating Heart Of Middle East
By Nicola Nasser
The Bush administration's approach to the “New
Middle East” is doomed to failure because it rules out addressing
Syrian national strategic concerns and Syria as a regional key player,
irrespective of who rules in Damascus
By John Chuckman
Israel could not be destroyed by anyone, but there
is an important exception to that statement: Israel could well be destroyed
by itself
Is The Total Failure Of The Human Spirit."
By Dahr Jamail
"The bombs are everywhere, and there are thousands
of families there with nothing and nowhere to go," she tells me.
She was clearly traumatized after seeing bodies scorched by white phosphorous,
and others cut to shreds by what were most likely cluster bombs
Another Act
In The Mizrahi-Palestinian Tragedy
By Reuven Abarjel & Smadar Lavie
The Mizrahim, Palestinians and foreign guest workers
will resurrect Lebanon, Palestine and Israel from under the rubble,
at near-slavery wages and with no social benefits. The US will provide
the funding. As long as Mizrahi communities fail to understand that
these wars commemorate their disenfranchised poverty, as long as there
is no insistence on organized, popular Mizrahi resistance, no just peace
will be achieved in our region
And Shatila And The Brave Woman
Who Awoke The Press To The Massacres
By Maher Osserian
An interview with the woman who told the world
about the massacres at Sabra And Shatila
China As
The Next Honest Broker?
By Farzana Hassan-Shahid
As a permanent member of the Security Council,
China is not forceful enough to present its vision for a lasting peace
in the historically holy lands of the Middle East. It must press the
United Nations to enforce an immediate ceasefire and to negotiate the
immediate exchange of prisoners in addition to urging all concerned
to come to the negotiating table once again to make a clean breast of
Blasts: Hindutva Lobby
Launches Anti-Muslim Tirade
By Yoginder Sikand
Even as scores of Indian Muslim organizations have
forcefully denounced the recent Mumbai train blasts and called for an
impartial investigation into the carnage, the Hindutva lobby, ever on
the prowl for an excuse to hound Muslims, has launched a massive anti-Muslim
Iron Harvest" By C.P. Surendran
Reviewed By Vinod K. Jose
This is the debut novel of C.P. Surendran, a Resident
Editor with The Times of India. The novel is set in Wayanad, Kerala
and its Naxalite movement of 70s
27 July, 2006
Israel Losing Its War In Lebanon?
By Robert Fisk
Is it possible - is it conceivable - that Israel
is losing its war in Lebanon?
Babies Among
Dead On Gaza Front Line
By Anne Penketh in Gaza and Daniel Howden
Only the bloodstains on their white shrouds spoke
of the tragedy that had unfolded. Two Palestinian girls, one just eight
months old, were dead. They were killed when an Israeli tank shell struck
a house near Jabalya in the besieged Gaza Strip
Is Beirut
By Uri Avnery
From this war nothing good will come - not for
Israel, not for Lebanon and not for Palestine. The "New Middle
East" that will be its result will be a worse place to live in
The Crime
Of Lebanon And Palestine -
Are Iran And Syria Next?: Part II
By Stephen Lendman
The world is holding its collective breath with
no clear idea yet what may unfold or what will result if the worst happens
- a nuclear terror-war against Iran
"New Middle East"
By Tanya Reinhart
As I argued in Israel/Palestine, already when the
Israeli army left Southern Lebanon in 2000, the plans to return were
ready.But in Israel's military vision, in the next round, the land should
be first "cleaned" of its residents, as Israel did when it
occupied the Syrian Golan Heights in 1967, and as it is doing now in
southern Lebanon
War And Propaganda
By John Pilger
The US role in supporting Israel’s military
assault on Lebanon falls into a pattern of imperial tyranny, where history
is rewritten to suit America’s needs while Europe stands cravenly
A Road To
Peace In Lebanon?
By Jeremy Brecher & Brendan Smith
Virtually all the governments of the world publicly
support an end to the Israeli attacks on Lebanon – a.k.a. an immediate
ceasefire. The demand that they immediately initiate a Uniting for Peace
resolution in the U.N. General Assembly could serve as a very concrete
way for their citizens to pressure them to walk the walk as well as
talk the talk
Crisis Brings
Rice, Not Peace
By Dahr Jamail
U.S. secretary of state Condoleezza Rice has come
and gone, but the conflict in Lebanon continues. Most Lebanese believe
she had little to say for them through her talks with leaders of the
Could Be Gaining Strength
By Dahr Jamail
The continuing Israeli bombing of south Lebanon
and south Beirut might just have strengthened the Hezbollah. The bombings
appear particularly to have strengthened the hand of Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah,
the charismatic Hezbollah leader
Govt Leads Devastated Country
By Dahr Jamail
Amidst the rapidly worsening situation in Lebanon,
the government finds itself too weak and divided to deal either with
the Israel or with Hezbollah
In My Life Is Destroyed Now,
So I Will Fight Them."
By Dahr Jamail
"I am in Hezbollah because I care," the
fighter, who agreed to the interview on condition of anonymity, told
me. "I care about my people, my country, and defending them from
the Zionist aggression."-An interview with a Hezbollah fighter
What Are
The Root Causes,Mr. Bush And Ms. Rice?
By Am Johal
The Middle East is a mess entirely created by US
and European foreign policy negligence and weak leadership in the region
itself. Without these factors, there would be no Hassan Nusrallah or
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
Hindu Extremists
Disguised As Muslims
Behind Mumbai Blasts?
By IndianMuslims.info Staff
In an edit-page article “Bomb Blasts do not
Prove Muslims Terrorists” (the Rashtriya Sahara, July 18), journalist
Zafar Agha has come down heavily on Prime Minister Manmohan Singh for
strangulating the voice of reason raised by Union Ministers Arjun Singh
and A.R. Antulay. Citing Indian Express of July 13, he reveals that
in a Cabinet meeting discussing Mumbai blasts these Ministers held the
Hindu extremists, who want to defame Muslims, responsible for these
25 July, 2006
On Verge Of Major Biodiversity Crisis
By Haider Rizvi
Mindful that life on Earth is seriously threatened
by the continued loss of thousands of plant and animal species, an international
group of scientists is calling for the creation of a global forum to
help officials craft plans to preserve biodiversity on the planet
Global Warming:Signed,
Sealed, And Delivered
By Naomi Oreskes
Climate-change deniers can imagine all the hypotheses
they like, but it will not change the facts nor "the general induction
from the phenomena."
A Dying Planet
By Chris Flavin
Weather-related disasters like Hurricane Katrina—or
the intense heat wave now hitting the United States—are on the
rise. The toll of these catastrophes is exacerbated by growing ecological
stresses and the future health of the global economy. The stability
of nations will be shaped by our ability to address the huge imbalances
in natural systems that now exist
In Israel Or Captured In Lebanon?
By Joshua Frank
Official Justification for Israel’s Invasion
on Thin Ice
Five Myths
That Sanction Israel’s War Crimes
By Jonathan Cook
Five minutes of listening to Horowitz speak, and
the sympathy with which his arguments were greeted by Laura (“The
Professors -- your book’s a great read, David”), left me
a lot more frightened about the world’s future
Rice begins
Mideast Tour To
Promote US-Israeli War Aims
By Patrick Martin
US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice arrived
in Beirut, Lebanon Monday, the first stop in a trip whose purpose is
to shore up the joint US-Israeli military campaign against Hezbollah
and give more time for the Israeli military to use American bombs and
weapons to devastate Lebanon
A War Crime?
By Robert Fisk
For the second time in eight days, the Israelis
committed a war crime yesterday. They ordered the villagers of Taire,
near the border, to leave their homes and then - as their convoy of
cars and minibuses obediently trailed northwards - the Israeli air force
fired a missile into the rear minibus, killing three refugees and seriously
wounding 13 other civilians
The Frankenstein
Monster And Frankenstein
By William C. Carlotti
Israel's messianic military absorption of Palestine
and parts of Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Egypt to create the Eretz (Greater)
Israel of Ezekiel's proportions and the United States drive for hegemony
over the oil of the Middle-East and the Caspian Sea produce a symbiotic
relationship that makes it clear that those that devise and carry out
the combined Israeli and United States policies in the Middle East transform
Israel into a Frankenstein monster and the United States into theFrankenstein
that produced it
Steady Game
Of Brinkmanship In Lebanon
By Mathew Maavak
If Iraq - once a top exporter of oil - can be reduced
to a heap of rubble and bones, why not Lebanon? After all, it too was
once reduced to a mangled heap through nearly two decades of civil war
and an earlier Israeli invasion. The past and present are hardly ruffling
global "consumer sentiments."
The Lobby
Or Not The Lobby?
By Issa Khalaf
Israel and its lobbying friends have managed to
subvert and avoid a balanced, rational system of American relations
with and support for Israel, the Palestinians, and the Arab states,
thereby generating a persistent environment for potential conflict,
terrorism, and political upheaval. These chronic, ever worsening conditions
are good for no one
100 Hours
In The Holy Land
By Am Johal
Establishing a just peace is not rocket science.
It could be done within 36 months. It is a matter of whether the leaders
and the international power brokers truthfully want that or whether
there is a bigger regional game being played
That Dog Don’t
By Annie & Buddy Spell
An insiders view of Bush's NAACP speech
Decline Of Islamic
Civilizations -
Causes - Time For A New Paradigm
By Mirza A. Beg
It is time for a new paradigm to aspire and work
for - a complete universal freedom of religion as enshrined in the UN
charter and was the demand of the nascent Islamic polity when others
were trying to suppress it
Muslim Reactions
To Mumbai Blasts
By Yoginder Sikand
Muslims from a wide cross-section of society I
have been interacting with in Delhi in recent days are visibly upset
about the way in which the Mumbai blasts have been used to tarnish the
image of the community
Killing Of
Innocent People In Balochistan
An Appeal from Asian Human Rights Commission
Urgent help is needed for 200,000 displaced victims
of military operations in Balochistan province
24 July, 2006
Prepares To Launch Ground War In Lebanon
By Mike Head
With Washington’s backing, Israel is preparing
to launch a ground invasion of Lebanon, having called up thousands of
army reservists and massed tanks and armoured personnel carriers on
the border
The Crime
Of Lebanon And Palestine:
Are Iran And Syria Next?
By Stephen Lendman
It's clear at this time of great potential danger,
a lot more than that is needed. The Arab street in the region and Muslim
one around the world may be ready to explode if two more of its states
are attacked by the US and/or Israel with support or compliance of the
West and its own leaders
More To Lebanon
War Than Meets The Eye
By Ramzy Baroud
Hizbollah cannot lose if it wishes to survive as
a formidable political force in Lebanon. If Hizbollah is disarmed, it
is feared that Israel will go back to its full scale meddling in Lebanese
affairs, isolating Syria even further, and gaining a strategic battle
in its looming showdown with Tehran
Massacre Will Live In Infamy
By Ghali Hassan
Like major historical war crimes against innocent
civilians, the complicity of major Western powers, particularly the
U.S., in Israel’s war crimes against Lebanon and the Lebanese
civilian population will live in infamy. Israel’s terror will
fail to achieve its intended goal
A Gripping
Diary Of One Week In
The Life And Death Of Beirut
By Robert Fisk
We watch the warships sliding into Beirut port.
"What will happen when all the foreigners have gone?" he asks.
That's what we are all asking. We shall find out this week
Devastated In All Sorts Of Ways
By Dahr Jamail
"How many Hezbollah have they killed,"
Mothman said. "Maybe just a few, while they've killed over 350
Lebanese civilians. What kind of war are they waging against my country?"
The Road
To Destruction: Israel
Confronts The Middle East
By Dan Lieberman
Israel’s similar actions in Gaza and Lebanon,
in reaction to the seizure of its border guards, demonstrate that Israel
is on a well-calculated strategy; control nations without occupying
them – simply destroy them - which is a sinister forecast to the
future of the Middle East
All Are
Equal, Middle East Included
By Sonia Nettnin
The fundamental problem behind the crises in the
Middle East is that not all the people who live there are viewed as
equal. The US-Israel political, military and financial alliance protects
the human rights and dignity of Israeli-Jews, but qualifies and selects
the human rights and dignity of the Middle East’s indigenous and
multifarious ethnic, religious and sectarian peoples
9/11 Anniversary Is Just Around The Corner
By Vincent L. Guarisco
For me, the 5th anniversary of 9/11 is just like
the four previous ones -- a shrill, never-ending scream of what should
never have been allowed to happen. The horror of 9/11 will forever remain
embedded in all of us as an evil lesson of what can happen -- what will
surely happen -- to a nation's people when they lose control of their
leaders' actions
Ghost In
The Machine
By John Mackenzie
Hegemonic dominance cannot be sustained, empires
rise and fall. Ours may end up the quickest round trip in history
Quit India:
Hindutva Goons
By Subhash Gatade
And now when life is becoming normal and people
want to move ahead has come the news that Hindutva people won't let
the people do so. Under a 'public awareness campaign: ‘‘Chhodo
Hindustan,’’ a series of banners urging Muslims who are
‘‘supporters of terrorism’’ to leave the country.
The Vishwa Hindu Parishad which has put these banners all over the city
has also decided to 'urge our people to stop buying anything from Muslims.'
21 July, 2006
And US Defy Demand
For Immediate Ceasefire
By Anne Penketh, Ben Russell, Colin Brown and Stephen Castle
Two countries, the US and Britain, defiantly refused
to back the international clamour for an immediate ceasfire between
Israel and Hizbollah guerrillas. Their ambivalence about civilian deaths
in Lebanon has given Israel a powerful signal that it can continue its
attacks with impunity
On "World War III"
By Bill Berkowitz
During the past week or so, with the Israeli/Hezbollah
crisis in full swing, Newt Gingrich, the former speaker of the United
States House of Representatives, is using any platform available to
him to convince the public that the U.S. is engaged in World War III
The Long,
Hot Summer Has Already Begun
By Robert Rosenberg
So, the Israeli air war over Lebanon continues
and the Hizbollah's missile war against Israel continues. The outlines
of a solution are becoming clear -- a ceasefire, a prisoner exchange,
a Lebanese Army or multinational force led by Americans or British deployment
in south Lebanon and some form of disarmament of Hizbollah - but how
the sides will get there remains a mystery
And After
The Attacks In Lebanon And Israel?
By George E. Bisharat
Yet Israel will harvest the future of conflict
and violence it has sown, facing foes of ever-increasing sophistication
and determination. Some Lebanese may resent being dragged into a firestorm
by Hezbollah. But they know who their real tormentor is, and who has
thwarted their country's march toward peace and prosperity
Punishing Lebanon
By Dahr Jamail
"A friend of mine just called and told me
of a massacre: civilian building destroyed in Tyre by Israeli aggression.
There, Zouhair Edde's mother has been killed. Rayaan Qudsi has been
killed along with her two daughters. This is a conservative number of
martyrs thus far. This building is where refugees typically hide."
Of Israeli Wars In Lebanon,
Palestine: Back To Roots
By Nicola Nasser
The ongoing Israeli wars on Arabs in Palestine
and Lebanon are just the latest rounds of the cycle of violence that
has raged in and around Palestine since 1917, and are vivid and bloody
evidence that imposition of political realities by military means won’t
last and that “Whoever takes by the sword, by the sword will be
Confronts Israel
By Dan Lieberman
It’s not often that one antagonist helps
the other antagonist to accomplish its objective. Nevertheless, Hezbollah
stumbled into giving Israel an excuse for accomplishing a long sought
objective – the destruction of Lebanon
Did Hizbullah
Do The Right Thing?
By Joshua Frank
One thing goes without question; Hizbullah’s
response was bold and timely. Given that most Arab countries have failed
to lift a finger against the nuclear-armed nation of Israel, they have
not backed down and have proven they are far more prepared to challenge
Israel than intelligence operatives in the US and Israel had expected
Iraq War Is A Huge Success
By Aseem Srivastava
Is there reason to believe that the war, far from
being a disaster, has actually proceeded quite well from Washington’s
point of view? That the view that the war has been a fiasco is merely
a convenient smokescreen of innocence helpful to keep in check public
perceptions of the monstrous crimes of leaders in Washington and London?
The Great
Divide: Gated Communities
And Street Children
By Joseph Grosso
A look at the city of Sao Paulo in wake of the
ongoing gang violence there the past two months as well as the more
violent police response through the extremely wide gulf between the
metropolis' rich and also at the phenomenon of child soldiers enslaved
in the civil wars of failed states
Betrayal Of
the Empire Or Fealty To Humanity?
By Jason Miller
Confessions and Reflections of a Recovering White
Middle Class Hegemon
Dalits: Law As Paper Tiger!
By Subhash Gatade
Thus India, a country of billion plus people, which
is itching to get a superpower status, which takes pride in its ancient
tradition and culture and whose elite goes gaga over the booming sensex,
rather presents a strange spectacle of a nation. But a close look at
the goings on within the society makes it clear that there is a disjunction
between the world of economics and the lifeworlds of its people. The
core of the society bears its encounter with barbarism in abundance
Sufism: Theological Resources
For Peace-Building
By Yoginder Sikand
Kashmir provides some of the clearest instances
of shared religious identities, remnants of which are still to be found,
in however attenuated forms, today. As numerous writers have noted,
the Kashmiri Muslims and Pandits shared several customs and beliefs
in common, and the numerous Sufi shrines that dot the Valley attracted
Hindus as well as Muslims in large
20 July, 2006
Hezbollah Is Winning... So Far
By William S Lind
So far, Hezbollah is winning. As Arab states stood
silent and helpless before Israel’s assault on Hamas, another
non-state entity, Hezbollah, intervened to relieve the siege of Gaza
by opening a second front
An Emerging Political Force
By Dahr Jamail
As through its chequered history, Hezbollah is
again winning praise and support from the Arab and Muslim world, while
it is accused of terrorism by the West. Hezbollah is about the most
prominent division points at present between the two worlds
That shit!"
By Uri Avnery
Palestine is the key to ending the bloodshed in
The Child
Lies Like A Rag Doll -A Symbol
Of The Latest Lebanon War
By Robert Fisk
The child whose dead body lies like a rag doll
beside the cars which were supposedly taking her and her family to safety
is a symbol of the latest Lebanon war
By Robert Fisk
Fisk's elegy for Beirut
Notes From
Northern Israel
By Jonathan Cook
Similarly oblivious to the ironies, the Israeli
and foreign media have been running heart-warming stories about how
“Israelis” are opening their homes and hearths to their
compatriots fleeing the north. Again for “Israelis” substitute
“Israeli Jews”
War" In The Middle East
By Dahr Jamail
Both Hezbollah and the Israeli government have
their "open war." As usual, while the politicians and the
UN wring their hands and twiddle their thumbs, those bearing the brunt
are the civilians on both sides, whether they live in Israel, Lebanon
or Palestine
Refugees Crowd Damascus
By Dahr Jamail
Syrian capital Damascus is being flooded with refugees.
The devastation in Beirut is beginning to show in another capital
Bush Uncut
By Joshua Frank
If the Bush administration and their Democratic
enablers were truly serious about ending the violence in the Middle
East, the first honest step would be for the US to cut off all funding
to Israel. But I think we are more likely to see Syria step in than
for that to happen
The Politics
Of Proportionality
By Remi Kanazi
In the US, the sense of outrage from the Lebanese
and Arab community has been unlike anything I’ve ever seen. People
are angry, disgusted, and enraged by these recent events
Patriotism SMS At ....
By Sorit Gupto
Now it is the turn of the TV anchor. She is raising
a question, whether India should follow the path of Israel and bombard
the Terrorist training camp of PoK and other cities of Pakistan? According
to the poll survey of the SMSs some ninety percent of viewers says 'yes'.
We should follow the Israeli way!
In Kashmir: Engaging Creatively With Religion
By Yoginder Sikand
While the political and economic roots of the Kashmir
conflict cannot be ignored, the religious dimension is of central importance,
but this is often missed out even in serious analyses of the question
18 July, 2006
Toll Passes 200
By Aljazeera
At least 23 people have been killed in the latest
air strikes by Israeli warplanes in Lebanon, raising the toll there
to more than 220
Lebanese Speak Of Indiscriminate Bombing
By Dahr Jamail
People fleeing the bombing of Lebanon say the Israelis
are targeting civilian neighbourhoods and vital infrastructure, and
not just Hezbollah centres
War In Lebanon: The Latest Chapter
Of The Original 1948 Conflict
By Raja Halwani
Fouad Siniora, the levelheaded Lebanese Prime Minister,
has said the truest thing so far. In an interview with CNN two days
ago, he stressed that all the conflicts in the region are due to the
fact that the original conflict with Israel that started in 1948 has
not been resolved. We need to solve this problem, he said, and then
and only then will we reach a lasting peace. How right he is. But those
who have the ability to do something about this are not listening
Israelis Are
Dying:It Must Be An Escalation
By Jonathan Cook
Here we go again -- another “serious escalation”
has begun in the Middle East, or so BBC World was telling audiences
throughout Sunday. So what prompted the BBC’s judgment that the
crisis was escalating once more?
BBC: A Zionist Propaganda?
By Ghali Hassan
A study by Greg Philo and Mike Berry of the Glasgow
University Media Unit in Scotland reveals that the British media, including
the BBC denying the public an opportunity to understand the rights of
the Palestinian people resistance to Israel’s terror and Israeli
occupation of Palestinian land
Change Of Direction: Toward Israeli
Military Action In Syria And Iran
By Ira Glunts
The massive military response in Gaza and Lebanon
by Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and his Defense Minister Amir Peretz,
may be influenced by a desire to counter the criticism that they lack
the military experience necessary to effectively defend the country
From Haifa
To Jerusalem
By Am Johal
Make no mistake - we have now collectively crossed
the Rubicon in to dangerous times. The question is not if there is going
to be a war with Iran - the question is when?
Why Is Israel
Back In Gaza?
By Ramzy Baroud
It’s not clear where this Israeli experiment
is heading. But what is hardly unmistakable is that by maintaining low
intensity warfare in Gaza, Israel is creating the perfect cover up to
its army bulldozers to partition the rest of the West Bank and Jerusalem
in accordance with the second phase of Olmert’s Disengagement
Plan which intends to slice up the West Bank into various enclaves with
no physical continuity
The Power
Of Arrogance
By Niranjan Ramakrishnan
Notwithstanding cries of outrage and shock over
the events in the Middle East, is there really any difference between
the US invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq and the Israeli attacks on
Lebanon? A parody of the Cartesian mindset of recent vintage is in play
once more -- I (think I) can get away with it, therefore I do
Destruction - Stadium
By Bill Henderson
So far rising gas prices have had little effect
on North American consumption patterns. But high fuel prices are seriously
exacerbating basic survival problems in those many developing countries
with limited oil reserves. Some countries are already having a very
hard time keeping their economies from drowning in the rising tide of
fuel prices
G8 Ignores
Mounting Problems In World Economy
By Nick Beams
The scant attention to the global economy, let
alone any discussion of co-ordinated economic policies, is remarkable
given the fact that, despite continued economic growth, the world economy
is facing a series of problems as serious as any since the so-called
Asian economic crisis of 1997-98
Jana Gana Mana
By Shumon Sengupta
A friend of mine recently forwarded me an email
chain that aims at mobilizing support to substitute Jana Gana Mana with
Vande Mataram as India’s National Anthem. And as far as the contrived
Jana Gana Mana controversy is concerned, I would urge everyone to study
Tagore more extensively before jumping on the bandwagon or making unsubstantiated
17 July, 2006
Real Aim Is Regime Change
By Uri Avnery
The real aim is to change the regime in Lebanon
and to install a puppet government.That was the aim of Ariel Sharon's
invasion of Lebanon in 1982. It failed. But Sharon and his pupils in
the military and political leadership have never really given up on
'If Our Prime
Minister Is Crying,
What Are We To Do?'
By Robert Fisk in Beirut
Why isn't Hariri the son on his private jet to
the G8 summit in St Petersburg to demand of President Bush that he protect
the democratically-elected government and the nation he praised for
its "cedar revolution" last year? Or doesn't democracy matter
when Israel is smashing Lebanon? Answer: no, it doesn't
Crescent Pierces Heart Of Arab World
By Nicholas Blandford
Sunni governments are nervously eyeing a militant
alliance capable of taking on Israel
The Final
By Eric Margolis
Israel and its enemies will talk eventually, the
only issue is how many civilians on all sides will have to die before
it happens
Reports From Israel's
Assault On Lebanon
Around 60,000 refugees from the south of Lebanon
and the southern suburbs of Beirut have arrived in the capital. Schools
have been opened for them to shelter in and activists are organising
relief. Many schools are now full
The Unthinkable
By Norman Church
Oil depletion is just the first of a series of
resource crisis humanity is about to face because there are just too
many of us! This century we will face peak resources, period
How The Kyoto
Protocol Was Gored
By Joshua Frank
Seems as if Al Gore's part-documentary part-campaign
flick is reaching quite a few people this summer. Environmentalists
and skeptics alike. Perhaps the ol’ VP is repenting for some of
the dirty deeds he supported during his compliant years in Washington
To Tolerance, But Options Are Limited Too
By Siddharth Varadarajan
Despite the Musharraf regime's equivocation on
terrorism, India will gain nothing by allowing the authors of the Mumbai
blasts to disrupt the peace process with Pakistan
A Day In
Gandoh: Hindu-Muslim Relations In Doda
By Yoginder Sikand
Like the rest of Jammu and Kashmir's Doda district,
the Gandoh tehsil has been wracked by fifteen or more years of ongoing
16 July, 2006
One Man Stands Between Israel
And World War III
By Geov Parrish
There is one man, and one man only, who can prevent
what is otherwise rapidly going to escalate into at minimum, a messy
and destructive regional war; at worst, World War III. That man is,
unfortunately, George W. Bush, who in five years has never shown the
slightest inclination for doing what he must now do at a time of great
provocation and crisis: rein in Israel
Response Reveals Months Of Planning
By Robert Fisk
The original border crossing, the capture of the
two soldiers and the killing of three others was planned, according
to Hassan Nasrallah, the Hizbollah leader who escaped assassination
by the Israelis on Friday evening, more than five months ago
When Civilians
Become Targets: The Israeli
Destruction Of Lebanon and Gaza
By Remi Kanazi
In the last two weeks, Israel has sent a chilling
message to the Palestinian and Lebanese people: civilians and infrastructure
are legitimate targets in their war of aggression. The Geneva Conventions
have been fragrantly violated and humanitarian law has been thrown into
the garbage can
Speak Of Catastrophic Bombing
By Dahr Jamail
"Both Syrian and Lebanese people are leaving
now," he said. "There is no more food, not even bread. There
was no electricity or water in our area. If this situation continues,
it will be a giant catastrophe."
Is A Big Disaster For The Lebanese."
By Dahr Jamail
Interviewing people at the border who had fled
the bombs in Beirut, I felt like I was back in Iraq by what people were
telling me
The Bamiyan Buddhas
And The WTC:
Two Perspectives Enlightenment vs. Entitlement
By Ingmar Lee
Only by the immediate destruction of this greed-fuelled
Bush American empire, that the beings of this beautiful Earth are offered
any glimmer of hope. The Buddha's great and enduring message which rings
true for all time, is that greed is the root cause of all suffering.
This is alas, the antithesis of the George W. Bush version
Nightmare's Children
By Sorit Gupto
Just imagine yourself as an individual of Iraq
or Kashmir. Your sister or mother is raped, your brother or father is
murdered or imprisoned, you are living under constant fear, your home
is bombarded. The humiliation ,cold blooded murder, rape and above all
the immunity provided to the criminals has virtually transforms the
places like Kashmir and Iraq as breeding ground for counter attacks,
the revenge
By Ram Puniyani
The two previous blasts in Mumbai showed in a clear-cut
manner correlations to these episodes of violence. In the current one
the additional aspect of Nanded blasts and their implications have to
be thought of, more so in the light of the fact that Mumbai blasts did
not use the dreaded RDX
15 July, 2006
Waits: Is Damascus The Key?
By Robert Fisk
By nightfall, Israel's air raids had begun to spread
across the country--the first civilians to die were killed when an aircraft
bombed a small road bridge at Qasmiyeh--but would they go even further
and include a target in Syria? This would be the gravest escalation
so far and would have US as well as UN diplomats appealing for that
familiar, tired quality--"restraint"
Tremors Rock Syria
By Dahr Jamail
People in Damascus also fear that a regional war
may spread to Syria. "The entire region is now involved,"
said Emad Huria, a 45-year-old literary critic. "All Arabs should
raise their voices against the Israeli invasion of Lebanon."
By Am Johal
Living in Haifa, Israel, and well within the missile
range of Hezbollah, Am Johal writes a personal note on the madness that
is engulfing region
Latest Bureaucratic Obscenity
By Jonathan Cook
Israel’s interior ministry has been quietly
implementing a new rule since April that allows it to refuse entry to
Palestinians holding foreign passports to Israel and the occupied territories.
Most of those affected are Palestinians who today have citizenship in
America or Europe
Connection: Time To Make or Break
By Nicola Nasser
Several indicators have shown recently how fragile
has been the “connection” between the Palestine Liberation
Organization (PLO) and the United States. And because Washington could
deliver but won’t and the Palestinian people could not be held
forever hostage to waiting for the American Godot, time seems ripe to
make or break this futile connection
East: Cradle Or Graveyard Of The Empire?
By Ardeshir Mehrdad
There is no doubt that worldwide protests against
Bush' war mongering policies have the potential of becoming an influential
power capable of changing the course of events in the Middle East. However
the realization of such an aim demands that such protests take place
not only against imperialism's war efforts but also in protest against
the dictatorial, repressive policies of corrupt reactionary regimes
in the region
Nuclear Cement
For US Imperialism's "Strategic Partnership" With India: A
Case Of A Carrot And A Rod
By Hari P. Sharma
Keynote address given at the World Peace Forum
in Vancouver
By Yoginder Sikand
Whether or not the SIMI was behind the blasts in
Mumbai will be known only after a fair and impartial investigation.
Yet, the fact remains that groups like the SIMI, although representing
a tiny fringe of the varied landscape of Islam in India, do pose a grave
threat not only to the country as a whole but, equally, to the Indian
Muslims as well
14 July, 2006
Bombings:A Requiem For The Victims
By Mirza A. Beg
The train bombings in Mumbai India, the attacks
of 9/11 in the US, the Madrid and London bombings the suicide bombings
on Middle East, Sri Lanka and many other places are not isolated incidents,
but a pattern of deadly causes and deadly effects
Plagues Western Media Coverage
By Ramzy Baroud
By not challenging the Israeli narrative in any
meaningful way, the uncritical media has become a tool in the hands
of Israel's war strategists and their eternal concoctions
Global Warming
'Will Cancel Out Western Aid
And Devastate Africa'
By Andrew Grice
Climate change could have a devastating impact
on Africa, wiping out all the benefits from the measures to help the
continent agreed by the world's richest nations last year
13 July, 2006
Fact Finding
Report On The Attack
On RSS Head Quarters
Fact Finding Report
All these confounding happenings lead the team
to question the veracity of the Commissioner of Police's narration of
the encounter. The 'Cock and Bull' story of the encounter thus compels
the team to infer that the encounter appears to be fake and requires,
at the interest of the nation society, a fair probing
Attacks: More To It Than Meets The Eye
By Ram Puniyani
The claim to unearth the arms and ammunition, the
projection of terrorist activity in nearby areas, the probable stage
managed attack on Nagpur Head Quarter of RSS, are these meant to hide,
the Nanded blasts and involvement of RSS affiliates in the ghastly crime,
under the carpet?
Face, Another Raid
By Dahr Jamail and Ali Fadhil
Sinan Abdul-Ilah al-Mashadani, who was a student
at al-Mustansiriya University and the sole supporter of his mother and
younger brother and sister, was killed in the raid, apparently by a
special operations team supported by the U.S. military, according to
witnesses. "They are a special force of Americans that assassinates
more people than it arrests."
By Baghdad Burning
Rape. The latest of American atrocities. Though
it's not really the latest- it's just the one that's being publicized
the most. The poor girl Abeer was neither the first to be raped by American
troops, nor will she be the last
Is safe”
By Mona El-Farra
MONA EL-FARRA is a physician and human rights activist
living in Gaza. She has been writing a blog from her home since the
beginning of Israel’s assault--when the flow of electricity permits.
Here, we reprint excerpts from her blog entries
12 July, 2006
Blasts Rock Mumbai, 183 Feared Dead
By Agencies
Seven major explosions rocked the western Indian
city of Mumbai (Bombay) on Tuesday. The serial blasts occurred at Borivili,
Khar, Meera Road, Matunga, Jogeshwari, Bhayander railway stations and
a seventh on the Khar-Santacruz subway. 183 people have been killed
in the blasts. About 350 people have been injured
Zidane And
The ‘War On Terror’
By Gabriele Zamparini
If the ‘war on terror’ played a role
in the 2006 World Cup, Zidane’s answer is not a disgrace but an
act of courage that deserves to be acknowledged for what it is. If Italian
football player Materazzi really called Zidane ‘a terrorist’,
FIFA should strip Italy of the World Cup and leave the 2006 tournament
without a winner
Iraq: Raped
By Raed Jarrar
What is happening in Iraq is a rape of a nation,
not just a rape of a 12-year-old girl, and it has to be stopped as soon
as possible
Life In Gaza
By Mona El-Farra
Most Gazans also believe that Israel's latest assault
was pre-planned, that the soldier's capture is merely a trigger. Israel
dropped thousands of shells on Gaza, killing women, children and old
people, long before his capture
Mexican Style - Part II
By Stephen Lendman
There's much happening in Mexico in the aftermath
of the nation's most contentious election ever, but it began many months
before the first vote was cast
Ned Lamont
And The Progressive Democrats:
Not Ready For Prime Time
By Stanley Rogouski
For someone who supports an end to the war in Iraq,
the Connecticut Senate debate between the pro-war incumbent Joseph Lieberman
and his Daily Kos endorsed challenger Ned Lamont was painful to watch
Why This
By Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich
It is extraordinary to what lengths this Administration
will go to halt Iran’s progress. Its paranoia at Iran becoming
independent lends one to believe that Iran is a far greater adversary
than common sense dictates. A developing nation striving to meet the
energy demands of 70 million
India: UPA
Government Forced To
Put Disinvestment Plans On Hold
By T. Kala and Arun Kumar
India’s United Progressive Alliance (UPA)
government announced the temporary suspension of its disinvestment/privatisation
programme last Thursday, after a member of the Congress Party-led coalition
threatened to quit the government if it proceeded with the sale of a
10 percent interest in the Neyveli Lignite Corporation (NLC)
A Month After The Massacre
By Yoginder Sikand
Early last month, unidentified gunmen shot dead
22 Hindus in Kulhand, a remote mountain village in Doda in Jammu and
Kashmir. The massacre is an indication that the situation in Doda district,
racked by conflict over the last fifteen years, continues to be volatile
11 July, 2006
Civilians: 50,000 Dead-But Who's Counting?
By Juliana Lara Resende
After famously telling reporters that they "don't
do body counts," Pentagon officials now say that they have in fact
been keeping a record of civilian casualties in Iraq for one year. And
while that number remains classified, independent estimates suggest
that at least 50,000 people have died in the country since the 2003
Iraq's Civil
War Turns More Violent
By Joshua Frank
No matter how many troops the US and its allies
shovel at the ever-growing sectarian flames, the fighting is sure to
spread. The US military is only fueling the fire. And if there were
ever a reason why the troops should be brought home immediately, this
would be it
It In"
By Dahr Jamail
So while Iraqis are being killed or fearing death
as they suffer through the daily hell that is the US occupation, Cheney,
the real force behind this "administration," tells CNN, "No
matter how you carve it - you can call it anything you want - but basically,
it is packing it in, going home, persuading and convincing and validating
the theory that the Americans don't have the stomach for this fight."
Fraud And Rebellion In Mexico
By Roger Burbach
Over half a million people took to the streets
of Mexico City on Saturday to protest the fraudulent election of Felipe
Calderon. Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, the real winner of the presidential
election, told the huge crowd, “the elections were fraudulent
from the start,” adding the incumbent president, Vincente Fox
“has betrayed democracy.”
One-Sided War
By Uri Avnery
The world cup is over and now the public can return
to less important matters, such as the daily killing and destruction,
the captured soldier, the launching of Qassam rockets and everything
else connected with the invasion of Gaza
Bush's Mental
Illness Screening
Squad On the Move
By Evelyn Pringle
The tax dollar funded mental health screening programs
popping up in every corner of the nation represent an enormous gift
to Big Pharma from the Bush administration. After all, drug companies
can't push drugs without a lucrative customer base, so the screening
programs are a great solution for that little problem
Of Indian Stock Market Point
To Future Economic Instability
By Parwini Zora and Kranti Kumara
The wild fluctuations in Indian share prices over
the past two months point to the increasing power foreign finance capital
is exerting over Indian equity markets and indirectly the Indian economy
Was Ziaur Rahman
Responsible For
Islamic Resurgence In Bangladesh?
By Taj Hashmi
Of late, Ziaur Rahman is held solely responsible
for the Islamization of politics and the polity of Bangladesh. Even
the recent surge in “Islamic” terrorism, including suicide
bombing in the country, is imputed to Zia and his political successors
and allies. This essay aims at analyzing facts and differentiating those
from fiction with regard to Islamization of Bangladeshi politics and
Of A New Kind-Autonomy And Discrimination
By Subhash Gatade
The heated debate revolving around ‘autonomy’ of AIIMS (
All India Institute of Medical Sciences) and its alleged ‘intrusion’
has papered over the quantum jump in the discrimination faced by the
reserved category students there. ‘Parts of AIIMS hostels are
turning into SC/ST ghettos. Reserved category students said they were
being “hunted out of the remaining rooms” by upper-caste
students and driven to two floors of the hostels.’
10 July, 2006
‘Roadmap’ To Palestinian Ghettos
By Ghali Hassan
Just as the civilised world stood together against
Fascism and Apartheid, so it today must join to condemn Israel and call
on it to stop committing crimes against the Palestinian people
Global Powers
Failing Palestinians Once Again
By Jamal Juma
This year the 9th of July is a bitter day for Palestinians.
The Occupation Army besieges Gaza, massacres its people and attacks
its infrastructure. The ghettos of the West Bank take shape as the Apartheid
Wall edges closer to completion and the Palestinian exodus from Jerusalem
has begun
Time To End The "Last Taboo"And
Hold Israel Accountable For Its Actions
By Stephen Lendman
Will the world community finally take note and
act to stop a likely impending slaughter. The past record indicates
it won’t. It’s the purpose of this writing to demand it
does so and quickly and to hold a criminal Israeli leadership accountable
for its war crimes and crimes against humanity
The Reoccupation
Of Gaza:
Israel And The Big Lie
By Chris Marsden
There is arguably no modern state that more shamelessly
employs the propaganda technique of the Big Lie than Israel. Since July
6, Israel has been deploying its military forces in an operation to
reoccupy Northern Gaza, killing dozens of Palestinians, including civilians,
and injuring many more
Save Our Oceans
By Ralph Nader
Just a few days ago, another foreboding peril was
documented connecting global warming with the accelerating deterioration
of coral reefs around the world
The Rendition
Of Christ
By Jason Miller
Were Jesus Christ incarnate today and living in
America, what would he think of a nation inhabited by many who claim
to be followers of the spiritual movement he founded? And how would
the ruling elite of the United States receive him?
Witless: Ann Coulter's
Junk Science
By Jennie and Phillip Lightweis-Goff
In her book Godless: The Church of Liberalism right-wing
pundit Ann Coulter devotes two chapters to a bizarre attempt to disprove
the theory of evolution
The Myth
Of The New India
By Pankaj Mishra
It was not so long ago that India appeared in the
American press as a poor, backward and often violent nation, saddled
with an inefficient bureaucracy and, though officially nonaligned, friendly
to the Soviet Union. Suddenly the country seems to be a "roaring
capitalist success story"
And Castiesm
By Jai Birdi & Indira Prahst
“Racism and Castiesm discussed at the World Peace Forum”
By Jai Birdi Chair, Ending Racism Casteism Working Group for World Peace
Forum and Indira Prahst, Race and Ethnic Relations Instructor, Department
of Sociology, Langara College
09 July, 2006
Mexican Style
By Stephen Lendman
What do these presidential elections all have in
common: Mexico, 1988, US, 2000, US, 2004, Colombia and Peru, 2006 and
the just concluded Mexican election on July 2? In each case, the outcome
was "arranged" and known in advance before voters went to
the polls
Mexico's Surreal
By John Ross
Mexican elections are stolen before, during, and
after Election Day. Just look at what happened in the days leading up
to the tightest presidential election in the nation's history this past
July 2nd
Last Stand
By Seymour M. Hersh
The military's problem with the President's Iran
Experiment In Human Despair
By Jonathan Cook
If this experiment in human despair works in the
small Gaza Strip, its lessons can be applied to much bigger effect in
the West Bank ghettoes left behind after convergence. This is how ethnic
cleansing looks when it is designed not by butchers in uniforms but
by technocrats in suits
Summer Rain
Over Gaza
By Alice Gray
Only when the Gazans are given the opportunity
to experience emotions other than impotent fury and crushing grief will
the infrastructure of terrorism be torn down. The current Israeli strategy
of communal punishment in reality strengthens that infrastructure, with
every missile that falls, with every death
Is No One's War
By John Chuckman
There is no reason to feel hopeful or idealistic
about anyone’s role in Afghanistan. Afghanistan and Iraq are neither
wars in the traditional sense nor humanitarian projects. They are foreign
occupations of people who do not want to occupied
A Motorbike Trip
To Little Tibet- Part 1
By Ingmar Lee
Ladakh, is a wonderous desert moonscape of a land,
set amidst the Earth's most spectacular mountain ranges, where an ancient
culture strives to preserve its timeless way of life
08 July, 2006
Of Cheap Oil, The Global
Energy Crisis And Climate Change
By Vandana Shiva
While the political parties protest against the
hike in oil prices, society also needs to start taking a long-term view
of the ecological, economic and social costs of our growing oil addition
An Inconvenient
By Jules and Maxwell Boykoff
With Al Gore's recently released book and film
on global warming - "An Inconvenient Truth" - the former vice
president has managed to deliver a one-two punch that is both staggering
and, well, chilling
The Anti-War
Movement Needs
The Right Policy And The Right Message
By Kevin B. Zeese & Bill Curry
An Interview with Bill Curry, former director of
Freeze Voter
Second Palestinian Intifada:A Chronicle
Of A People’s Struggle
Book Review By Jim Miles
A chronicle is a “continuous register of
events on order of time” and within that framework, Ramzy Baroud
recounts the reality of the Intifada as seen from inside the wall, through
the distorted lenses of the western media, as well as a more analytical
view of politics
State Secrets
By William Fisher
As demonstrated by last week's landmark Supreme
Court ruling on the legality of military tribunals to try "enemy
combatants," the administration of President George W. Bush has
consistently sought to expand the power of the presidency in the name
of the "Global War on Terror."
Merck Legal
Team Makes A Killing
Off Losing Vioxx Strategy
By Evelyn Pringle
Not much has changed at Merck since Vioxx was pulled
off the market. The only difference for shareholders is that instead
of spending hundreds of millions of dollars a year to promote Vioxx,
the attorney's fees are now costing hundreds of millions of dollars
a year
By Joshua Frank
I’m shocked to say that when Portland, Oregon
based trio Sleater-Kinney announced last week that they were taking
an “indefinite hiatus”, I was crushed
My Reminiscence
Of Taj Mahal
By Mirza A. Beg
I have been to Taj Mahal many times since. I have
seen its unbelievable beauty in the evocative pale light of the harvest
moon, its reflection in the waters of River Jamuna and in the blazing
heat of June at high noon. Every time I see it, I feel the tug of the
ultimate love incarnate in stone and discover new hidden aspects of
its beauty. It beckons me to come again and again