Counter Solutions

Territorialisation of Land

In the early seventh century in rural England, the process of territorialisation has played a major role in the transformation of land into private property in its institutionalised form. This…


 Evolutionary theory or the Darwinian theory of Natural Selection explains how biological life has developed and evolved to its present state on our planet.  Darwin’s theory proposes that Individuals of…

Debt Forgiveness in the Bronze Age

Whether in the realms of trade or agriculture, the operative principle was that debtors should not lose their economic liberty by being held liable for “acts of God.” When interest-bearing…

Can the Kids Change Our World?

“All Americans owe them a debt for — if nothing else — releasing the idealism locked so long inside a nation that has not recently tasted the drama of a…

Explaining the Commons Economy

The word ‘commons’ can mean different things to different people. We’ve been working with specialists to help build the commons economy, so we’d like to concisely describe what we mean,…

Awakening Aesthetic Awareness

Revisiting the Aesthetic education in art, architecture, and design From teaching to enabling knowledge creation From conditioning to awakening My recent experience at a design institute is the basis for…

Needed: Either Degrowth or Two Earths

In a May 30 essay for the New York Times titled “The New Climate Law Is Working. Clean Energy Investments Are Soaring,” one of the architects of last year’s Inflation…

How do we know what is true?

It is self-evident that to survive this critical century, we need to learn the truth about it. Whether it is specific issues like the Ukraine war, the Covid pandemic, a…

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