From Below
By Rana Bose
12 April, 2006
Something is happening in this
post-Cold War era of struggles for social justice. There is a spectre
once again haunting the world, when it comes to popular movements. It
is the spectre of movements rooted in pragmatic thinking (as opposed
to hidebound theory), enjoying significant popular support and more
importantly aligned internationally with a global enthusiasm to counter
the will and strong arm tactics of a failing empire known as the United
States. These movements are firmly rooted in their people and at the
same time they have an astounding maturity that combines the local and
indigenous element with the global condition. They have a plan for the
immediate and a plan for the future. They want to achieve what is achievable,
today, taking the people along with them, make the necessary compromises
and they have in certain cases the resources to fight the onslaught
of finance and military muscle arranged against them, with their own
The depression in the left-wing camp after the demise of the erstwhile
Soviet Union has been put aside. It is a period of recovery. Whereas
the media-savvy Chiapas-style movement combined a certain contemporariness
with indigenous mass involvement in an era of combating “globalization”,
the current condition is best described by two developments of a different
nature. Nepal and Venezuela represent this new development and have
basically drawn a “line in the terrain of the whole world”
so as to speak.
The Maoists in Nepal have proven repeatedly that while they can operate
with impunity in the jungles and mountains and have virtually surrounded
all the major centers (and can even knock out military helicopters from
the skies) they can also come out of their hideouts and give interviews
to the BBC and many other mainstream media and eloquently present themselves
as having consistently asked for a constituent assembly and a multi-party
system. Their demand for Nepal to come out of an archaic monarchist-feudal
era run by palace buffoons and military thugs, rings true. They have
also successfully aligned themselves with mainstream opposition parties
to form a classic United Front against backward elements and toadies.
Theirs is a genuine armed
struggle whose end goal is to end the armed struggle. They have clearly
advanced in forming a parallel society in the countryside and are already
running it and defending it. The fabled Royal Nepalese Army can do very
little except to confine themselves to city centers and launch occasional
forays and cause civilian casualties. The Maoists also admit to their
mistakes openly, do not have illusions of marching into Katmandu at
the head of a column of tanks and also do not expect a communist regime
to emerge out of such a feudal developmental stage that Nepal is in.
The Maoists in Nepal also
know that the Indian government (and its so-called Left wing allies)
would not like to see a successful Maoist movement in Nepal and its
impact on Indian Maoists. They also know what the nearly hysterical
rants of the US Ambassador to Nepal amount to and they also know what
the totally misguided policies of the government of China amount to.
They see their struggle for basic democracy as defending the rights
of the poorest sections of the Nepalese people who form the majority
of Nepal’s poverty–ridden population, while walking a very
tight corridor of international intrigue and intrusion. They know how
to negotiate. They know how to call a cease-fire and also go on the
offensive. They know how to stick to their promises and they also expose
the buffoon king every day, without much effort. Their maturity should
be a lesson for those who in India have thumped their chests for nearly
forty years announcing that liberation was imminent for the Indian peasantry.
Their call for a democratic constitution born out of a constituent assembly--
no one should doubt.
Several continents away another story is emerging. Out of Latin America
a spate of alliances and changes have started happening with Venezuela
leading the foray with their Bolivarian revolution asserting the right
of nations to develop their economies independent of the diktat of the
policies of the US-led IMF and World Bank. Latin American nations are
forming their own alliances regionally and no amount of demonizing and
Hugo-bashing can detract from the fact that Venezuela is significantly
more democratic and an open society, then the Latin America that the
United States would like to see. In Venezuela, Argentina, Peru, and
even in Uruguay, Brazil and Chile one can see a growing assertion of
people and indigenous movements to come out of the centuries old stranglehold
of US policies operating through tin-pot dictatorships and fascistic
military putschists of the old era. The Monroe doctrine has been pitched
and cannot be revived. Even the Sandinistas may soon be back in power.
In Latin America, there is one important element to be recognized. For
once, oil wealth is being turned into a resource to provide health,
education, housing and food for the poor. In fact Venezuela even controls
one of the largest oil companies operating in the US (Citgo) and has
effectively offered discount gasoline to the poorer sections of the
US population and it is actually a functional operation in many southern
states, even though the United States hates to admit it.
The dilemma with pre-democratic (feudal Nepal) and “post-democratic”(
post-feudal Venezuela and Latin America) is that both palace thugs and
modern capitalists require the trappings of “democracy”
to go about palace intrigue and capital accumulation. A subservient
social class that can maintain this set-up for the kings and the Pinochets
of the world have now been virtually made to run in both Nepal and Venezuela.
Methods of popular self-government
(village people’s committees) and barrio assemblies have been
developed to run civic society more and more. What has radicalized both
Nepalese society and Venezuelan society is the “decommissioning”
of these “middle-forces” (the petit-bourgeoisie representatives)
and their “democratic” institutions. These institutions
relied on the legacy of “aid” “loans” and the
attendant dependence and corruption to completely paralyze these economies.
This has all come to a head. In Nepal, by the assertion of the Maoists
through their ten-year consistent armed self-defense and widespread
popularization of their struggles and in Venezuela by the brash but
thoughtful assertion of Hugo Chavez to tear up old arrangements where
Venezuela’s oil billions went to a handful of wealthy families
and instead use that wealth to fight poverty. Democracy from below is
replacing democracy from above. The world is witnessing, in Nepal and
Venezuela, a phenomena that is rare. Two different types of popular
and pragmatic uprisings in a post-doctrinal era.
Rana Bose is a novelist, performance artist and engineer