04 June, 2005
To The Rescue Of Coca Cola
By Karthika Thampan
In an unprecedented judgement Division Bench of
the Kerala High Court directed Perumatty gramapanchayath (local council)
to renew within one week from Wednesday, the licence granted by the
panchayat to Hindustan Coca Cola Beverages Ltd to run its plant at Plachimada
in Palakkad district, in the south Indian state of Kerala. The court
ordered that if a formal licence is not issued by the panchayat within
the time prescribed, it should be deemed that the company possesses
the renewed licence
Who Killed
Samir Kassir?
By Robert Fisk
The bloody hand has reached out to Lebanon once
more, striking down one of its most prominent journalists and one of
the most vociferous and bravest critics of the Syrian regime
Bolivia Rocked
By Mass Protests Over Energy Law
By Bill Van Auken
Bolivias capital of La Paz has entered its
second week of mass protests by workers, indigenous peasants and students
demanding the nationalization of the countrys energy industry
"The Free
Software Challenge In Latin America"
By David Sugar
As nations of the world increasingly turn to free
software to cut costs and promote local development, some powerful North
American commercial interests have responded by bullying
By M. Swathy Margaret
I appeal to young Dalit women not to get subsumed
in the relatively macro-identities of mainstream progressive movements
such as the male Dalit movement or the upper-caste feminist movement.
It is only by retaining our unique voice within these movements that
we can contribute meaningfully to these movements and benefit from them
Cultural History
And Emergent Dalit Alternatives
By Goldy M. George
Dalits search for alternative media is in
fact the search for a counter-culture, that will stand as a paradigm
to protect human existence; re-write history and evolve a new culture
of love and caring
02 June, 2005
Voters Reject EU Constitution
By Chris Marsden
Voters in the Netherlands have overwhelmingly rejected
the proposed European Union constitution. Initial projections based
on more than half the ballots cast in the June 1 referendum indicate
that at least 62 percent voted against the treaty, with turnout also
as high as 62 to 63 percent of the electorate
To Admit It Is Only Gravel
By Hasan Abu Nimah
Mahmoud Abbas has just completed a "successful"
visit to Washington. He expressed great satisfaction with the results,
and comparing what he had expected to what he had achieved, he must
be right. But what benefits the visit did bring the Palestinians is
a different matter: simply nothing
Shameful Australia
By Ghali Hassan
Instead of taking a humanitarian attitude to assist
the people of East Timor build their nation - education system, healthcare
services, and civilian infrastructure -, the Australian government is
taking a colonial attitude of bullying and exploiting East Timor resources
Operation Lightning
Underway In Baghdad
By James Cogan
Operation Lightningthe massive deployment
of 50,000 US and Iraqi government troops and police into the streets
of Baghdadbegan on Sunday and is unfolding amid a virtual media
blackout and a complete absence of critical commentary
Is RSS A Terrorist
By Ram Puniyani
The only point of overt confusion some times can
be that unlike Osama, or the AK 47 weilding terrorist in parts of the
World, RSS volunteer will appear to be the apostle of quietness. The
violence is leased out by clever social and psychological manipulation.
In that sense AK 47 may miss the target but a mind poisoned and initiated
by Hate ideology propagated by RSS will come out as violence some time
or the other, here or there, it's just a question of time
Politics, Tamil
Cinema Eshtyle
By S Anand
Tamil cinema's affair with politics has been a
long-standing one, but in the last 10 years Tamil cinema has learnt
to craft politics in a different fashion. How such politics is perceived
and received has depended on the location of the audience in the caste-class,
rural-urban axes
Education For
Wealth Creation
By Chandrabhan Prasad
Around 30 million Dalit and Adivasi children are
enrolled in thousands of primary schools. Out of them, 49.35 per cent
drop out before joining junior high school
01 June, 2005
Leads The Way
By Richard Gott
The Chávez government is moving ahead with
various spectacular social projects, assisted by the huge jump in oil
prices, from $10 to $50 a barrel over the past six years. Instead of
gushing into the coffers of the already wealthy, the oil pipelines have
been picked up and directed into the shanty towns, funding health, education
and cheap food
The Political
Consequences Of The French No Vote
By Peter Schwarz
The French voters rejection of the European
constitution has thrown ruling circles in both France and the whole
of Europe into a major crisis. The shocks full effect will only
become evident in the coming weeks and months
The EU Constitution;Savaging
National Sovereignty
By Mike Whitney
The French vote is just the first volley in what
will undoubtedly be a long war. The corporate moguls and their political
underlings have sharpened their talons for a long and bloody conflict;
they wont be discouraged by results of the democratic process
Oil Pipeline
By Peter Symonds
The completion of the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline,
which has taken a decade to construct, will inevitably accelerate the
scramble for oil and gas in the Caspian Basin region and heighten the
potential for conflict among rival major powers
Seymour M Hersh
From My Lai To Abu Ghraib
By Seymour M Hersh, Andrew Burgin & Matthew Cookson
I read the transcripts of the Pentagons briefings.
The first year of Rumsfeld was a real love-in. Someone would say, Sy
Hersh is at it again and there would be laughter.It troubles me
that theres not a bigger anti-war movement in the US. People in
the US are just sleeping, for whatever reason. But Im doing stuff.
Ive got more stuff to do
White Australia
Abusing Asian Mothers And Children
By Gideon Polya
Have you got your passport?" is set to become
a standard semi-serious comment within the "visible minorities"
in racist White Australia
Are Getting Worse By The Day
By Dahr Jamail
At least 740 Iraqis have been killed since the
new government took power in late April, and with the ongoing
operations sparking more attacks each day, it doesnt look like
there is an end in sight
Remember Muhsin
Abdul Hameed?
By Baghdad Burning
Muhsin Abdul Hameed, head of the Iraqi Islamic
Party, a Sunni political party that was basically the only blatantly
Sunni party taking part in post-occupation politics in Iraq, was was
detained and interviewed by the US forces the otherday.Was
it meant to send a message to Sunnis? None of you are safe- even
the ones who work with us.
Why RSS Is Angry
By Subhash gatade
The Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) is furious
with an American think-tank for declaring it a terrorist organisation
and lumping it with a host of jihadi organisations and secessionist
outfits.The Sangh leadership has written to the Terrorism Research Centre,
protesting against the terrorist tag, but is yet to get
a response....
22 May, 2005
Next In Venezuela?
By Lee Sustar
Venezuela is swinging to the left amid a surge
of activism by workers, as President Hugo Chávez raises the question
of a socialist alternative. Lee Sustar analyzes developments in Venezuela,
and what they mean in a country that the Bush administration identifies
as an enemy of its interests in imposing U.S. domination across Latin
The Terrorist George
Bush Wants To Protect
By Alan Maass
The U.S. is currently harboring one of the worlds
most deadly terrorists--anti-Castro Cuban exile Luis Posada Carriles.
And the Bush administration shows no signs of bringing him to justice
Joint Letter to Prachanda
By Human Rights Organisations
A joint letter by international humanrights organisations
to CPN (Maoist) to establish mechanisms for cooperation with the UN
human rights monitoring mission, including mechanisms to allow transparent
and independent investigations by the UN teams in areas under (CPN)
Maoist control
A Case Of Double Standard
By Ghali Hassan
Following the massacre of innocent Uzbek women
and children, the Bush administration blamed the demonstrators for what
Australian Academics
Advocate Legalized Torture
By Gideon Polya
Two Australian law academics have caused a storm
in Australia by their advocacy of legalised torture
By Gail Omvedt
A solid Dalit-Muslim alliance for the future should
be directed to building a prosperous, equalitarian, caste- and patriarchy-freeIndia
By Ram Puniyani
In certain parts of India vegetarianism is also
being used as a social and political weapon to browbeat the muslim community
17 May, 2005
Spreads In Uzbekistan
By Peter Boehm and Daniel Howden
Authorities in Uzbekistan have lost control of
a key border town in the eastern Ferghana valley, despite a brutal clampdown
that has so far claimed the lives of an estimated 700 people
Newsweek Retracts
Guantánamo Abuse Story
By Bill Van Auken
Caving in to pressure from the Pentagon and the
White House, Newsweek magazine Monday retracted a story on anti-Muslim
abuse of detainees held in the Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, detention
camp.The article sparked anti-US upheavals that swept Afghanistan last
week claiming at least 17 lives and spreading to other parts of the
Muslim world
Newsweek Probably
Got it Right
By Calgacus
White House campaign to manage the news may win
the day, but charges of Koran desecration appear in numerous previous
An Open Letter
To The Troops:
"Fight For True Freedom Now!"
By Chuck Richardson
I am writing to let you know I support you, as
a human being, with all my heart; but cant support your military
service to the United States because it is enabling a criminal enterprise.
Mafia hit men are never acquitted because theyre just following
A Welcome
Parade Of Blood And Seething Anger
By Dahr Jamail
As if to add insult to injury, with over 400 Iraqis
killed in violence during the first two weeks of the newly sworn in
Iraqi government, US Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice
made a surprise one day visit to the newest US colony
Clouds Gather
Over World Economy
By Nick Beams
While the official forecasts are still for strong
economic growth, a number of storm clouds are gathering over the world
economy. They include: recession or near-recession conditions in a number
of eurozone countries, doubts about the direction of the US economy
and concerns that financial markets could face considerable turmoil
if major hedge funds start to run into trouble
For Peace
By Beena Sarwar
It is odd that thousands of Indians and Pakistanis
can be allowed to roam on public roads and markets in each other's countries
if they are ostensibly there to see a cricket match, but not if they
are explicitly making the trip to promote the cause of peace
15 May, 2005
In Uzbekistan
By Stephen Khan,Francis Elliott & Peter Boehm
Hundreds of protesters are reported to have been
gunned down in bloody clashes with government forces that have ravaged
eastern Uzbekistan
'I See Troops
Fire On Unarmed Protesters'
By Galima Bukharbaeva
Galima Bukharbaeva, project director for the Institute
of War and Peace Reporting in Uzbekistan, was one of the few journalists
to witness the bloody assault in Andijan
US-Backed Dictator
Drowns Uprising In Blood
By Bill Van Auken
The uprising was sparked by the jailing of 23 local
men, many of them prominent business owners, who were accused by the
government of Islamic extremism. Underlying the confrontation, however,
was longstanding popular anger over mass unemployment, poverty and the
brutal methods of the autocratic regime of President Islam Karimov,
a key ally of the Bush administration in the so-called global war on
The True Purpose
Of Torture
By Naomi Klein
Guantánamo is there to terrorise - both
inmates and the wider world
Racist White
Australia Deports
Brown Australian Citizen
By Gideon Polya
Two major vehicles for the New Racism of White
Australia have been persecution of non-European refugees and military
support for Anglo-American "democratic imperialism" (democratic
Nazism) in the Middle East and Central Asia
09 May, 2005
Women Under Occupation
By Ghali Hassan
Under the US Occupation, the situation of Iraqi
women has continued to deteriorate. In addition to torture and sexual
violence perpetuated by U.S. Occupation forces, a great number of Iraqi
women and girls are kept locked up in their homes by a very real fear
of abduction and criminal abuse
Saved By The
By Baghdad Burning
These last few days have been explosive- They say
there were around 14 car bombs in Baghdad alone a couple of days ago-
although we only heard 6 from our area. Cars are making me very nervous
lately. All cars look suspicious- small ones and large ones. Old cars
and new cars. Cars with drivers and cars parked in front of restaurants
and shops. They all have a sinister look to them these days
The Crisis And
The Challenge Of
The Christian Faith
By Doug Soderstrom
There is a competitive struggle going on to please
God, a struggle so divisive that it is threatening to destroy the foundations
of the Christian Faith. But now only two sides remain; the Christian
Fundamentalists (the fundamentalists) and the more liberal faction of
the church (the liberals)------- each determined to win. Yet, we are
left to wonder, in this bitter battle over the minds of men-------is
it possible for the church to survive?
And Palestine: The New Cold War
By Am Johal
The new Cold War looks alot like the old one, but
this time it is about Oil and Palestine
Why Us? (On
The Academic Boycott)
By Tanya Reinhart
The international community is beginning to boycott
Israel in all domains, from the Caterpillar bulldozers that demolish
Palestinian homes, to sports and culture
Andamans: A Man-Made Disaster
By M. Rajshekhar
The overloaded archipelago The Andaman & Nicobar
islands were in a bad shape even before the tsunami struck. As rebuilding
begins, old mistakes should not be repeated