15 August, 2003
By Jonathan Steele
Hundreds of Iraqis civilians are being held in
makeshift jails run by US troops - many without being charged or even
questioned. And in these prisons are children whose parents have no
way of locating them
Beef Eating:
Strangulating History
By Ram Puniyani
A review of Prof. D.N. Jha's book "Holy Cow:
Beef in Indian Dietary Traditions"
A Story Of
By Dr Ananya Jahanara Kabir
Is it too hopeful, if not offensive, to imagine
a future where the state of Jammu and Kashmir can participate in a meaningful
political power sharing arrangement with a coalition government at the
14 August, 2003
New Islamophobia
By R. Ebrahimi
We are living the new Islamophobia. Demagogic voices,
terrifying of violence scourge Islam, the so-called Islamic civilization,
and Muslims. These voices dangerously recall anti-Semitic lampoons of
late 19th Century or even Mussolini and Hitlers racist discourses
By M V Ramana
School texts in Pakistan and India have been systematically
subverted and end up promoting hatred and intolerance. This process
must be resisted and reversed
13 August, 2003
Violence Is Not So Private
By Shabana Azmi
Marital and domestic violence may be a private
affair but its public consequences are serious
The Occupations
Hidden Victims - Innocent Iraqis
By Medea Benjamin
It is estimated that some 7,000 Iraqi civilians
died during the war. We have no idea how many innocent Iraqis have died
since the major fighting was officially declared over on May 1
12 August, 2003
Future Is Laid Out, But We Do Not See
By George Monbiot
Climate change threatens the future of humanity,
but we refuse to respond rationally
War 'the Supreme Crime'
By Noam Chomsky
The grand strategy of the US i to carry out preventive
war: preventive, not pre-emptive. Whatever the justifications for pre-emptive
war might be, they do not hold for preventive war
Who Will Save
By Uri Avnery
Abu-Mazen will fall before the end of October--this
conviction is gaining ground in leading Palestinian circles
What Is This
Hindu Rashtra ?
By Sitaram Yechuri
The vision of a social order under the Hindu Rashtra
is one which legitimizes both the inhuman caste oppression and the denial
of elementary rights to women
11 August, 2003
Closed Circle of Collaborators
By by E.A. Khammas
Reactions to the Iraqi Governing Council
The Reluctant
By Medea Benjamin
Open Arms May Turn into Fire Arms, Says Iraqi Soldier
Turned Taxi Driver
Washington Is
Being Toothless On Israel
By Ali Abunimah
With no check on Israel, the road map could be
in an impasse
10 August, 2003
Family Shot Dead
By Justin Huggler
Firing blindly during a power cut, soldiers kill
a father and three children in their car in Baghdad
The two-nation
By Kuldip Nayar
India's ethos is pluralism. Hindus and Muslims
constitute one nation
09 August, 2003
By Stephen James Kerr
Global oil production would peak in the first decade
of the 21st century and decline forever thereafter. There is no adequate
substitute for oil energy. The peaking of production means the further
growth of energy demand, and thus of the global capitalist economy,
is physically impossible. No energy - no economy
Pentagon Scheme For
A Futures Market In Terror
By Barry Grey
The exposure of a Pentagon plan to establish a
futures market in terrorist attacks, assassinations and military strikes
is yet one more demonstration of the criminal character of the forces
that wield power in America
Israel Must Be
Subjected To A Global Rule Of Law
By Hanan Ashrawi
It is time that Israel is treated like any other
state, made subject to a global rule of law, and its actions scrutinized
for such outrageous policies and practices
Supreme Court In
Liberalised Times
By Prakash Karat
The Supreme Court of India judgement regarding
the dismissal of 170,000 state government employees in Tamilnadu constitutes
a severe assault on the rights of the working class
Civil Code or Gender Justice?
Moderator, India Thinkers Net
Ironically those who speak of the Common Civil
Code have
not been honest about gender justice.No one is really
interested in the Women's Reservation Bill
Judiciary Least Honest
And Least Accountable
By Udit Raj
There is no law to govern judiciary in this country.
In the appointment of judges, no objective procedure can be followed
in the present situation to judge the character, capacity and ability
of a judge and sycophancy, nepotism and favoritism are the order of
the day
08 August, 2003
Civilians Injured in Iraq War
By Hamit Dardagan, John Sloboda and Kay Williams
Extraction of media-reported civilian injuries
from the Iraq Body Count database and archive of war reports provides
evidence of at least 20,000 civilian injuries on top of the maximum
reported 7798 deaths
Conceited Empire
By Martin A. Senn and Felix Lautenschlager
Emmanuel Todd, the historian who predicted the
downfall of the Soviet Union in the 1970s now says that the US has been
on its way out for the last decade
Surrounding The Bombings Of
Hiroshima And Nagasaki
By Timothy J. Freeman
Like the vast majority of Americans I had been
persuaded of the tragic necessity of the bombing. But for the last decade
or so my birthday has always been tinged with sadness as I've come to
understand how unnecessary was Hiroshima and then, of course, Nagasaki
07 August, 2003
More Coke And Pepsi In Indian Parliament
Indian Parliament banned from its premises the
soft drinks manufactured by Pepsi and Coca-Cola following allegations
by a non-governmental organisation that they contained toxic pesticides
Confirm Toxicity In Sludge From Coke Plant
By P. Venugopal
Tests conducted by the Kerala State Pollution Control
Board (KSPCB) have confirmed recent media reports about the toxic nature
of the sludge generated by Coca-Cola's bottling plant at Plachimada,
in Kerala's Palakkad district
Remembering Hiroshima
& Nagasaki
By David Krieger
"I suggest that every community throughout
the globe commemorate the period August 6th through August 9th as Hiroshima
and Nagasaki Days. By looking back we can also look forward and remain
cognizant of the risks that are before us"
Deprivation Affects
Muslims More
By C. Rammanohar Reddy
Results of the 55th round countrywide survey conducted
in 1999-2000 by the National Sample Survey Organisation (NSSO), reveals
that muslims in India suffer from substantially greater economic deprivation
than Hindus
06 August, 2003
Brutalized In Baghdad Gulag Prison
By Gordon Thomas
Former prisoners and aid workers provide insight
into the brutal living conditions of those held in makeshift prison
camps in Iraq
Can Follow A Different Path
By Yash Pal
People are dreaming of India becoming a 'developed
country'. But what kind of development does India need? "I am afraid
of our becoming a developed country like the one in front today"
, says Prof. Yash Pal
Communal Riots:
Murderers At Large
By Sayantan Chakravarty, Sheela Raval and Farzand Ahmed
A study by the Bureau of Police Research and Development,
a Union Home Ministry body, says that between 1954 and 1996, almost
16,000 people lost their lives in 21,000 incidents of rioting, while
over one lakh were injured
Of Toxic Pesticides In 12 Soft Drink Brands
The Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) today
announced that 12 soft drink brands collected for testing from in and
around Delhi contained residues of four extremely toxic pesticides and
insecticides lindane, DDT, malathion and chlorpyrifos
05 August, 2003
This Proof Of Global warming?
By Michael McCarthy
Europe burns like a furnace and rivers run dry
across the continent. If it isn't proof of global warming at last, it
certainly looks like it
The Crusades:
The Fall Of Jerusalem
By Tamim al-Barghouti
How the concept of jihad has changed after the
fall of Jarusalem in 1099
India's Great
By Alex Perry
Mounting fury over religious discrimination by
the Hindu majority is triggering an increasingly violent Muslim backlash
Mass Fine? Is
Memory So Short?
By Moderator, India Thinkers Net Group
Memories of Hitler is revoked by the Hindutwa forces
by demanding a fine from the Muslim community for the Maradu killings
and by promising to rehabilitate those who fled ..... 'at a distance'
or Gender Justice
By Ram Puniyani
What India need is not a uniform civil code but
a gender
just code. A uniform code need not be gender just while a gender just
code can be uniform for the whole Nation
04 August, 2003
Civil Society
By Philip Agee
Former CIA agent tells How US infiltrates "civil
society" to overthrow governments
Journalists Are Killers
By Henk Ruyssenaars
Journalists kill when keeping silent about crimes
by their governments and others. Or help fabricate propaganda supporting
Hell's Angel Pulled
Out Of Film Festival
A controversial film on Mother Teresa, Hell's Angel,
By Christopher Hitchens has been dropped from a film festival planned
here to mark her beatification later this year, Also read and interview
with Christopher
Bhishma Sahani
By K.G. Kannabiran
Bhishma Sahani anticipated Gujarat long before
and later in 1988, when his work was televised
03 August, 2003
Cant Imagine How Our People Are Living
By Vikram Sura
The Chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organisation,
Yasser Arafat, speaks of the plight of his people
In Afghanistan
By James Conachy
The report on Afghanistan issued by Human Rights
Watch (HRW) catalogs the systematic violation of human rights by the
militias of the Northern Alliance who were placed in power following
the US invasion
Driving The Liberian Bloodbath
By Noah Leavitt
America has a responsibility to intervene in Liberia
to avoid a blood bath
The Guns Fall Silent In Siachen
By Pavan Nair
An open letter to the President of Pakistan and
the Prime Minister of India
Nanavati Commission
By Digant Oza and Nachiketa Desai
Fearing reprisal from the the perpetrators of carnage
the riot victims do not turn up for the hearings held by the Justice
Nanavati commission enquiring into the communal violence in Gujarat
02 August, 2003
By Devinder Sharma
The dreams of billions of farmers have been completely
shattered,who were initially promised the stars when the WTO was formally
launched. It is only a matter of time before the collapse of agriculture
in the developing world triggers massive displacements from the rural
Hope: Court Jester
By Marty Jezer
Inoffensive and superficial, Hopes comedy
did not explore, challenge or protest anything serious. It spoke to
a phony reality, an era of niceness that didnt exist
US Moves To Close
Down Al-Jazeera TV
By Robert Fisk
The US administration appears to be laying the
ground work to close down Al-Jazeera's operations in Iraq --along with
those of the Arabia channel --for alleged "incitement to violence"
By Deepal Jayasekera
Sectarian violence on the rise in pakistan
01 August, 2003
Imposes 'Racist' Marriage Law
By Justin Huggler
Palestinian-Israeli couples will be forced to leave
or live apart
The War On Truth
By John Pilger
The war on Iraq went on with the silent collusion
of a pliant media, and the casualty was Truth
Iraq Isn't Working
By Robert Fisk
There is a veneer of normality about life in the
new Iraq. But America's failure to deliver on its promises has triggered
a spiral of murderous anarchy that threatens to become an epic tragedy
The US Fears Cuba
By Seumas Milne
Hostility to the Castro regime doesn't stem from
its failings, but from its achievements.
Accused Of Supplying Toxic Fertiliser To Farmers
By George Iype
BBC investigative report reveals that the sludge
produced by
the Coca Cola factory in Kerala contains dangerous toxic chemicals that
are polluting the water supplies, the land and the food chain
31 July, 2003
In Montreal
By Aziz Choudry
Wherever we live, let's make sure that the world's
free traders get no satisfaction in Montreal, Cancun and beyond
On Leaving Palestine
ByBrooke Atherton
I am leaving Palestine tomorrow, but the Palestinian
prisoners - the men and women in Israeli prisons, and the Palestinians
being held captive in their own homes - are in my mind and in my heart
Temperatures, Sea
Levels To Rise
On Scottish Islands
Climate change will force temperatures up and precipitation
down across the Scottish islands over the next 100 years
With Kashmir
By F. S. Aijazuddin
Is Kashmir a core issue, or simply a corps commanders'
Best Bakery Case-
NHRC Comes To The Rescue
By Manoj Mitta
NHRC to move special leave petition in Supreme
Court asking for retrial