24 April, 2003
Scared of peace?
By Dr Mubashir Hasan
Peace activists in India and Pakistan must join
together to mobilize their people for peace.
American Goods For Peace
By James Petras and Manuel Talens
Manifesto For A Global Economic Boycott Of The
Bottom Dollar
By George Monbiot
There is only one way to check American power and
that is to support the euro
Chomsky's Golden Rule
By Eric Bosse
"There is one simple way for the United States
to decrease very significantly the amount of terror in the world, just
stop supporting and participating in it."
Prosecute US Corporate
Media Whores For War Crimes
By Davi Walsh
US corporate media should be prosecuted for presentating
the illegal invasion of a foreign country as a preventive war
Shia Clerics
To Foment Civil War
By David Warren
Once ruled by a minority, Shiites now want their
own 'Islamic democracy
U.S. Planners
Surprised by Strength of Iraqi Shiites
By Glenn Kessler and Dana Priest
As Iraqi Shiite demands for a dominant role in
Iraq's future mount, Bush administration officials say they underestimated
the Shiites' organizational strength and are unprepared to prevent the
rise of an anti-American, Islamic fundamentalist government in the country.
Israel Expands Illegal
West Bank Settlement
Palestine Media Center
Despite international calls for a halt of illegal
settlement-building in the occupied Palestinian territory, the speaker
of the Israeli parliament, Reuven Rivlin, laid the first stone for a
project to build more units in a West Bank
Do Brahminical
Ideologies Permeate
Indian Psychological Theory?
By Siriyavan Anand
Report of a seminar in Pune on `Caste and Discourses
of the Mind'.
23 April, 2003
Target Next: Indian
Military Bases
By Josy Joseph in New Delhi
A classified report commissioned by the United States Department of
Defense, states that the country wants access to Indian bases and military
infrastructure with the United States Air Force specifically desiring
the establishment of airbases in India.
Miles From Peace
Kashmir Village Gets Cruel Reminder
BY Muzamil Jaleel
Even as a piecemeal effort for peace got under
way in Srinagar, another village was scarred by violence visited on
innocent people
An Anti-Colonial
War Against
The Americans May Have Already Begun
By Robert Fisk and Amy Goodman
An Interview With Robert Fisk On Democracy
Many Faces of
Donald Rumsfeld
By Linda Diebel
Yesterday's Pentagon briefing was, even by the
surreal standards of the Iraqi war, a high-water mark for "Rummy"
watchers, truly an out-of-body experience.
calls for regime change in North Korea
By David Rennie
A secret Donald Rumsfeld memorandum
calling for regime change in North Korea was leaked yesterday, opening
a fresh foreign policy split in the Bush administration.
A Letter From
an Israeli To
International Solidarity Movement
By Danny Dworsky
"I owe a terrible debt to the humanity of
these volunteer peace makers who are paying my tab with their own blood."
Cameraman Under the
By Amira Hass
The shot that killed the Palestinian cameraman
Darwazeh in Nablus was intentional, precise, on target.
Israel Seeks
Pipeline for Iraqi Oil
By Ed Vuillamy
US discusses plan to pump fuel to its regional
ally and solve energy headache at a stroke
22, April 2003
MSNBC Reveals
Facts on Israel's Weapons of Mass Destruction
By Ira Chernus
MSNBC publish a detail report on Israel's weapons
of mass destruction
is Democracy?
By Hamsa Mohammed in Baghdad
A Baghdad resident recounts her experiences of
living in an occupied city
The US Must Leave
- and Fast
By Jonathan Steele
The gratitude for removing Saddam Hussein on which
Washington mistakenly expected to bank for years is almost exhausted.
Jenin, Jenin
By Gideon Levy
A visit to the refugee camp one year after the
IDF incursion
Being Born in Jerusalem
By Joharah Baker
A resident of Jerusalem explores the status of
non-Jewish residents in the city, where Kafkaesque regulations reveal
a hidden agenda; ethnic cleansing through bureaucracy.
21, April 2003
Do not forget
the horror
By John Pilger
The saving of one little boy must not be a cover
for the crime of this war
Behind The Barrier
B'Tselem Report
Human Rights Violations As a Result of Israel`s
Separation Barrier
CIA Brought Bathists
To Power
By David Morgan
CIA offers no comment on Iraq coup allegations
20 April, 2003
The New Dark Age
By Ben Okri
The looting and burning of Iraq's museums and libraries
has left us all losers
Anti-Colonial War
By Robert Fisk
America's war of "liberation" is over.
Iraq's war of liberation from the Americans is about to begin.
17 April, 2003
The Deal
By Walid Rabah
The deal includes, granting American citizenship
and residency in the United States to some of the first echelon commanders
(Republican Guards) and their families, depending on their wishes.
The Shia of Najaf
fear the yoke of US occupation
By Phil Reeves in Najaf
Shias will not accept an Iraqi government run by
anyone they see as a stooge of the occupying Americans.
Bt cotton Experiment
A Failure
Field data on India's first Bt cotton harvest reveal
that the experiment was a total failure
"We Will Continue
The Struggle"
Statement by Kerala adivasi struggle leader CK
Janu immediately after her release from jail
tide is rising...Govt making inroads for fascism
By Khushwant Singh and Humra Quraishi
In his latest book, Khushwant Singh wrote These
are dark times for India fascism has well and truly crossed our
thresholds and dug its heels in our courtyard, he says.
Humra Quraishi asks him why he feels that way. Excerpts from the interview