November, 2003
Indigenous People Of Kerala Are
Forcefully Sterilised
By The Moderator, India Thinkersnet
The news channel 'India Vision' has reported the
forceful sterilisation of the indigenous people (adivasis) of Kerala
in the Waynad district in an effort to ethnically cleanse them
Extra Judicial Killing
Of Women Naxalites in Uduppi
People's Democratic Forum Fact Finding Report
People's Democratic Forum, a human rights group
from Karnatak reports that the so called encounter death of two women
Naxalites on the 17th November at Bollottu in Karkala taluk of Udupi
district was actually a cold blooded extra judicial killing by the police
Unwed Mothers
Of Wayanad
By M P Basheer
In the Wayanad district of Kerala hundreds of tribal
women are lured by the local settlers, leaving them with fatherless
children after exploiting them sexually
The Georgian
Velvet Revolution (Sort of)
By Andreas Hernandez
Without wishing to diminish the incredible accomplishment
of evicting a tyrant with minimal bloodshed, this article argues that
the new directions of a post-Shevardnadze Georgia have long ago been
set by core Western powers and global financial institutions
29 November, 2003
Towards Peace?
By Abbas Rashid
India and Pakistan are again on the peace track.
Will this be a lasting one?
PR Stunt In Baghdad
Underscores US Crisis
By Patrick Martin
President Bushs Thanksgiving Day visit to
US troops in Baghdad, organized by the White House to shore up crumbling
public support for the occupation of Iraq, only confirms the deepening
crisis of the administration
"I Punched
An Arab In The Face"
By Gideon Levy
An Israeli soldier's testimony
Caste And Hinduism
By Gail Omvedt
M V Nadkarni's recent articles show the fundamental
stamp of Hindutva ideology, primary of which is shoddy methodology,
selective quotation and illogic
28 November, 2003
Thanks Giving Soap Opera
By Phil Reeves and David Usborne
George Bush cooks up a a secret mission to give
thanks to his troops in Iraq in a clearly calculated move to burnish
Mr Bush's image as he prepares for a re-election campaign
Oil, Guns And Bullets
By Aziz Choudry
Weapons production and the maintenance of US military
and economic might across the world depends on massive consumption of
oil and petroleum. In turn, massive defense and security spending boosts
an ailing US economy, and is a boon to the profits of its defense and
security corporations
What Has Failed
In Palestine, Will Fail In Iraq
By Ali Abunimah
Faced with mounting resistance to its occupation
of Iraq, the United States is deliberately copying the repressive tactics
of the Israeli occupation in the West Bank and Gaza -- including home
demolitions, large-scale destruction of trees, barriers and roadblocks,
and a careless disregard for the life of civilians
No More Ideas,
We Need Implementation
By Rifat Odeh Kassis
One wonders why the Geneva Accord has not created
any serious debate inside the Palestinian community, despite the fact
that the ink in which the Road Map was written had dried already
The Metamorphosis
Of Palestine
By Ahdaf Soueif
Three years ago, the acclaimed Egyptian novelist
Ahdaf Soueif travelled through the West Bank to write a special report
for G2. This month, she returned for the first time
A Monstrous Failure Of Justice
By Johan Steyn
How prisoners at Guantánamo Bay have been
treated we do not know. But what we do know is not reassuring
A Vatican For
By Chris Payne
How does a Havana film school attract lavish funding
and the likes of Soderbergh and Spielberg? With a nod and a wink from
Fidel Castro
27 November, 2003
I Hate Thanksgiving
By Mitchel Cohen
Impressions on Thanksgiving day
For Telling Some Home Truths
By Robert Fisk
The bitter truth that is unfolding in Iraq is a
taboo in America. And those who prefer to speak out should watch out
Moral Myth
By George Monbiot
Superpowers act out of self-interest, not morality,
and the US in Iraq is no different
Powers Redefine 'Democracy'
By Linda S. Heard
Those halcyon days when "democracy" really
meant "for the people, by the people" are tragically over
in countries which purport to expound this ancient method of governance.
In its place comes a system which spies on, categorises, labels and
restricts "the people" for the benefit of governments
How Occupation
Corrupts The Occupiers Absolutely
By Mustapha Karkouti
Decades have elapsed since Israel first occupied
Arab territories in 1967. The Jewish state seems to be reaping what
it sowed: ordinary Israeli kids join the army and become sadistic monsters,
just by complying with its rules
No Regrets
or Culprits, Just Cash
For Series of Random Killings
By Rory McCarthy
American officers are quietly paying out hundreds
of thousands of dollars to relatives of those killed or injured in arbitrary
shootings by troops
Death For Refusing To Marry
Statesman News Service
A 22 year old woman died after criminals threw
acid on her face and force to drink it allegedly at the behest of her
former tutor whom she had refused to marry
Sons Of The
Soil: Unravelling The Idea Of India
By Dilip D'souza
In nearly 60 years, the spirit of Indianness we
have found the strongest expression for is hostility towards other Indians
26 November, 2003
Of Empire
By Chalmers Johnson
U.S. has indeed crossed the Rubicon and there is
no way to restore Constitutional government short of a revolutionary
rehabilitation of American democracy
A New Type Of
By Ralph Niemeyer and Lucila Gallino
Interview with President Hugho Chavez of Venezuela
25 November, 2003
Michael Jackson Story Is A Plot
By Antonia Zerbisias
The world was treated to an orgy of Michael Jackson
arrest coverage on CNN on the day that Bush was being trashed in effigy
in London, 27 people were killed and 400 injured by truck bombs in Turkey
Looking For
A Compromise In Srilanka
By K. Ratnayake
As the political crisis in Sri Lanka drags into
its fourth week, heavy pressure is being brought to bear by the United
States, the European Union (EU), India and Japan on President Chandrika
Kumaratunga and Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe to patch-up some
sort of compromise
Hurtling Toward
The Abyss
By Hanan Ashrawi and Jon Elmer
Jon Elmer interviews Hanan Ashrawi - "there
will be an awakening, as we are witnessing, among Israeli public opinion.
And ultimately Israel will be treated like any other state: not above
the law, and not with preferential treatment."
Assam Violence
: The 'Neo' Colonial experience
By Sadiqur Rahman
The recent killings of hindi speaking peoples in
various parts of Assam is a resultant of the long brewing undercurrent
of discontent against the mechanism of the state's economy, some sort
of a economic class struggle (but in a regional colour)
War Films
Are Right Up The Parivar's Street
By Saibal Chatterjee
An influential section of the Mumbai film industry
has willingly accepted the onus of furthering the one cause that is
central to the perpetuation of the might of the rightwing - kindling
and sustaining the fire of patriotism in the hearts of the masses. Hasn't
anybody around here heard the old adage about patriotism being the last
resort of the scoundrel?
24 November, 2003
Of The Free
By Gary Rivlin
How Linus Torvalds became benevolent dictator of
Planet Linux, the biggest collaborative project in history
Open Source Everywhere
By Thomas Goetz
Software is just the beginning
open source
is doing for mass innovation what the assembly line did for mass production.
Get ready for the era when collaboration replaces the corporation
Of The Mother
By Tishani Doshi
Mother Teresa has done one thing. She has irreparably
changed the idea of "Mother" in India. She has raised the
bar of expectation. Already, we have been trained to think of mothers
as ultimate sacrificers
23 November, 2003
War That Can Never Be Won
By Jonathan Steele
Terrorism is a technique, not an enemy state that
can be defeated
Know When Bush Is Lying: His Lips Move
By John Pilger
"Now we know that no other president of the
United States has ever lied so baldly and so often and so demonstrably
. . . The presumption now has to be that he's lying any time that he's
saying anything."
The Bubble Of American
By George Soros
A prominent financier argues that the heedless
assertion of American power in the world resembles a financial bubbleand
the moment of truth may be here
11,400 Palestinians
Need Permits
To Live In Their Homes
According to the new directives, all Palestinians
over the age of twelve who live in the seam area will be required to
obtain a "permanent resident permit" from the Civil Administration
to enable them to continue to live in the their homes
Victims Completely Isolated
By Harsh Mander
After the riots, the state authorities in Gujarat
have mounted a systematic assault on the rights and security of a segment
of its citizens, on a scale and with an impunity that is unmatched in
independent India, barring the dark months of the Emergency
By Ram Puniyani
Islam spread in India first due to the Arab traders.
Later it spread here due the influence of Sufi saints. Those who converted
to Islam were the low caste untouchables who wanted to escape the tyranny
of Brahmins and Janindars, those who aspired for entry in the places
of worship which was barred to the low caste, those who aspired for
social equality
21 November, 2003
Are The Terrorists?
By Muslehuddin Ahmad
The occupying power is terming the Iraqi resistance
forces as terrorists, but these resistance forces obviously see the
American forces as terrorists on their soil
Terror Blasts
In Istanbul:
Atrocities Aid Bushs War On Terror
By Justus Leicht and Peter Schwarz
The series of terror attacks in Istanbul are a
provocation. It remains unclear who is really behind them.But in the
final analysis, it is the policies of the US, Israel and Great Britain
that are responsible for this catastrophe
Press Freedom Falls
Short In Iraq
By Robert Fisk
Freedom of the press is beginning to smell a little
rotten in the new Iraq
Heart Of The American Dream
By Ed Vulliamy
Texas, the most polluted state in the planet's
most powerful country. Ed Vulliamy goes into George Bush's backyard
to reveal how big oil got in bed with big politics and the price paid
by the little people
A dangerous
Us and Them mindset
By Sudhanshu Ranjan
The situation in Assam today is extremely serious
and does not portend well for either Assam or India. Both the Assam
and Bihar governments, as indeed the Centre, must do all they can to
defuse the situation immediately
20 November, 2003
Guantanamo - Facility 1391
By Jonathan Cook
Despite government attempts to impose a news blackout,
information about more than a decade of horrific events at Facility
1391 are beginning to leak out. As a newspaper described it, Facility
1391 is "Israel's Guantanamo"
Zionism As
A Racist Ideology
By Kathleen And Bill Christison
What Israel is doing to the Palestinians is not
genocide, it is not a holocaust, but it is, unmistakably, ethnicide.
It is, unmistakably, racism
Tired, Terrified,
By Andrew M. Cockburn
Among the less publicized incentives propelling
Iraq overseer Paul Bremer's urgent dash to Washington last week was
the concern in various quarters of the administration that the U.S.
expeditionary force in Iraq was in a dangerously unstable state
'Promise Of India'-
A New Beginning
By Raju Rajagopal And Aruna Srinivasan
Recently, some 80 NRI organisations came together
to form an umbrella body called 'Promise of India' (POI), with a view
to voicing their collective concerns on communal harmony and development
issues. An interview with Raju Rajagopal who chairs the steering committee
of POI
Presumed Guilty
By Pratap Bhanu Mehta
Although the Malimath committee report on reform
of the criminal justice system contains some useful suggestions, the
overall thrust of the report is dangerous for the health of the criminal
justice system in India
19 November, 2003
- Iraq's Own West Bank
By Phil Reeves
It is the West Bank and Gaza Strip, but transported
to Iraq. A town is imprisoned by razor wire. The entrance is guarded
by soldiers, protected by sand bags, concrete barricades and a machine-gun
Hidden Aids Epidemic
By Maxine Frith
Campaigners say a combination of ignorance and
huge inequalities between the sexes is allowing HIV to spread quickly,
the virus is estimated to infect 25m by 2010
Elitism In Higher
By P L Vishweshwer Rao
The proposed Private Universities Bill will put
emerging areas of study beyond the reach of poorer sections
of society
18 November, 2003
In The Shadow Of The Wall
By Ida Audeh
When completed,Israel's apartheid wall is expected
to be at least four times as long and in many places twice as high as
the Berlin Wall. Its impact on Palestinian economy and society is going
to be enormous. Ida Audeh conducts detailed interviews with people in
the districts affected by the completion of the first phase of the wall
17 November, 2003
Casualties From Iraq War Top 9,000
By Mark Benjamin
The number of U.S. casualties from Operation Iraqi
Freedom -- troops killed, wounded or evacuated due to injury or illness
-- has passed 9,000, according to new Pentagon data
As Marketing Problem
By Noam Chomsky
The Iraq war and contempt for democracy
The Palestine Regiment
By Robert Fisk
How an Arab and a Jew fought Hitler, then each
other, and died as friends
Alternate Politics
- The Search & Need
By Goldy M. George
Rustic revolt particularly of the poor and working
sector will definitely storm the existing citadels of power, thus emerging
the new era of power, a cohesive outburst of people's struggles
Report: Delusions Of Gender-sensitivity
By Human Rights Features
An Amnesty International report, expressed concern
about the Malimath Committee's recommendations relating to the treatment
of women in criminal law