30 July, 2003
Separation Wall
Will Grow
By Rupert Cornwell
In a rebuff to President George Bush,Areil Sharon
reiterates that construction of the barrier would continue because it
was essential for the country's security
Blood Of The
Innocent Is On Their Hands
By Chris McGreal
The most shocking aspect of the past three years
of intifada is the killing of children by the Israeli army. The numbers
are staggering; one in five Palestinian dead is a child
Bush, The rainforest
And A Gas Pipeline
To Enrich His Friends
By Andrew Gumbel
President George Bush is seeking funds for a controversial
project to drive gas pipelines from pristine rainforests in the Peruvian
Amazon to the coast. The plan would enrich Bush corporate campaign contributors
Elephant And The Parading Of
Qusai and Odai Hussein
By Pierre Tristam
Like Orwell's "Shooting An Elephant"
Americans in Iraq wanted to impress the natives, remind them at every
turn who's their sahib. Even dead, Odai and Qusai are laughing at the
white man
Is A Religion
By George Monbiot
US leaders now see themselves as priests of a divine
mission to rid the world of its demons
Antony Must
Online petition campaign against A.K.Antony's statement
against minorities in Kerala. Please
sign the petition
29 July, 2003
By Robert Fisk
Two months ago, one American soldier died a week.
Three weeks ago, it was one a day. Now its often two or three
a day
Next Battle Of Venezuela Begins
By Chris Kerr
The next battle for Venezuela is looming. This
battle will not take place on the streets but rather in the ballot box:
a referendum on the rule of President Chavez
28 July, 2003
Billion suffer Extreme Poverty
By David Rowan
The UNDP report notes that 54 nations are poorer
now than they were in 1990.The populations of 21 countries are hungrier
today than in 1990.
Linking Rivers:
Some Elementary Arithmetic
By Nilakantha Rath
Some elementary arithmetic about the cost per unit
of water and per watt of power separately, make one despair that instead
of doing the first things that are crying out to be done first in regard
to irrigation, people are being fed this pie-in-the-sky
27 July, 2003
By Howard Zinn
There is a long history of imperial powers, gloating
over victories, becoming over-extended and overconfident, as their citizens
begin to get uneasy because their day-to-day fundamental needs are being
sacrificed for military glory while their young are sent to die in wars.
26 July, 2003
Corpses At The Doorstep
By Greg Palast
Corpses are piling up in Liberia and America has
blood on its hands
Foreign Direct
Investment In Hatred
By Kalpana Wilson
Pro-Hindutva organisations have come to rely on
the moral and material support of the Indian diaspora. The key to this
is the fostering of strong idealogical roots in these communities
Successful Experiment
Arvind Rajagopal
The racial violence gripping Indian politics may
appear to be the latest manifestation of an age-old problem. But this
is deceptive. Modern technology and globalisation have brought about
a mutation
25 July, 2003
vs People
By Paul Vallely, Jon Clarke and Liz Stuart
In the Kerala state of India impoverished farmers
are fighting to stop drinks giant 'destroying livelihoods'
By Andy Higginbottom
An international boycott of Coca Cola products
have been launched after eight Colombian Coca Cola workers were assassinated
American Barbarism
By Barry Grey
By releasing the photographs of Saddam Hussein's
sons America exposes its own barbarism
Gangsta' Movie
In Iraq
By David Walsh
The killing of Saddam Husseins sons: The
Nuremberg Precedent And The Criminalization Of The US Ruling Elite
Violence Of Night
Yields Grim Crop Of Bodies
By James Hider
Night is the deadliest time in Baghdad and there
is always a morning crop of bodies
Question In Turkey: Towards A New Crossroad
Turkey is launching military operations against
the guerrilla groups in Northern Kurdistan. At the moment the war is
not declared officially
And Justice
For All
By Hosbet Suresh
If we look at every communal riot that has taken
place in India, we would find hundreds and thousands of victims who
have no chance of getting justice. The majority of such victims belong
to the minority community
24 July, 2003
Sons Are Dead, But Resistance Will Grow
By Robert Fisk
If Saddam and his sons are dead, the chances are
that the opposition to the American-led occupation will grow rather
than diminish--on the grounds that with Saddam gone, Iraqis will have
nothing to lose by fighting the Americans
Common Sense Interview
By Noam Chomsky
Common Sense magazine interviews Noam Chomsky
India's Dream,
Bangladesh's Disaster
By John Vidal
Troubled waters for Bangladesh as India presses
on with plan to divert major rivers. UN urged to act amid warnings of
social and ecological disaster
Caesar's Favor
By Uri Avnery
Hail Caesar, those who are about to kill Abu Mazen
salute you
The Holes In
Israel's Road Map
By Hasan Abu Nimah and Ali Abunimah
The "road map" for peace is in serious
trouble. This is because the Bush administration, has allowed Israel
to reinterpret it so that it is gutted of the elements that offered
hope of progress
By V. Suryanarayan
The `riots', which began on the night of July 24,
1983, saw Sri Lanka go up in flames... the prolonged conflict has brutalised
Caste Tensions
in Punjab - Talhan and Beyond
By Surinder S Jodhka, Prakash Louis
The recent incidence of conflict involving members
of the landowning caste of jats and the scheduled caste of 'ad-dharmis'
in the Talhan village of Punjab ought to be viewed as a case of 'dalit
23 July, 2003
Killed David Kelly
By Tam Dalyell
What we can be sure of is that this man died because
of his honest belief in service to his country
The Ugly Truth
Of Camp Cropper
By Robert Fisk
Just like Saddam days, the occupation troops in
Iraq run torture camps. Here is one ugly story about Camp Cropper
18, 2003- This Day Shall Not Define My Life
By Lucretia Stewart
A rape victim tells the horrors of the rape and
its aftermath
Imperial Arrogance
And The Vile
Stereotyping Of Arabs
By Edward Said
The Imperialist gaze consideres the Arab incapable
of logic, unable to tell the truth and fundamentally murderous
Fight Continues
By Luke Eric Peterson
As protesters gather next week in Montreal at a
meeting of world trade ministers, they can be forgiven for feeling more
than a vague sense of déjà vu. Front and center on the
World Trade Organization's agenda will be a proposal for a new Multilateral
Agreement on Investment (or MAI)
Political Realism
Doesn't Mean We Ditch Our Dreams
By Luiz Ignacio Lula da Silva
Political realism must not be taken as a justification
to abandon the dreams that lie at the foundation of the thinking of
the left. Neither can it mean disenfranchising the votes of more than
52 million Brazilians, writes Lula, President of Brazil
The Necessity
Of Anti-Sentimentalism
By Ananya Jahanara Kabir
Artists response to partition should mover from
an overwhelmingly sentimental phase towards more searching, self-reflexive
acts of remembrance, recuperation and mourning
22 July, 2003
of Fear
Human Rights Watch
Rising fear of sexual violence and abduction in
Baghdad is keeping women and girls in their homes, out of schools, and
away from work and looking for employment. A Human Rights Watch Report
Of Extinction
By George Monbiot
By the year 2100 it is estimated that the earths
atmospheric temperature could rise upto seven degrees. If that happens
will this not be a repetition of the mass extinction that occured 251
million years ago?
Let Burma Slide
By Morton Abramowitz
Unless the world acts quickly, pro-democracy leader
and Nobel Peace Prize winner Aung San Suu Kyi will be finished
"He Risked
All For Others"
By Emily Sheffield
Tom Hurndall's mother remembers her son who was
shot in the head by an Israeli soldier on 11 April and is still lying
in a coma
By Angana Chatterji
As people in the United States struggle to grasp
the impact of the first Patriot Act, this administration is proposing
a second and more invasive Domestic Security Enhancement Act
21 July, 2003
By David Barsamian
An Interview With Noam Chomsky
Told Me To Strike
By Chris Floyd
Bush Claims God Is Telling Him What To Do
Pax Americana
By Arthur Mitzman
Only the formation of economically protected continental
blocs in Europe and Asia will stand in the way of the subjection of
the planet to a Pax Americana
20 July, 2003
vs Abbas
By Khalid Amayreh
The tug of war between Arafat and Abbas has been
contained for the moment, but there are no guarantees it will last
Going Nowhere:
The Real Road Map For Palestinians
By Daniel Jacob Quinn
Check points, one after another, endless waiting
under the scorching sun. All of this in the name of security. Or is
it not naked expression of apartheid and racism?
Bush Ready To Wreck
Ozone Layer Treaty
By Geoffrey Lean
New US demands tabled at a little-noticed meeting
in Montreal earlier this month calls for an excemption in the usage
of the pesticide, methyl bromide, now the greatest attacker of ozone
left in industrialised countries
Gm Foods: Towards
An Apocalypse
By Devinder Sharma
After taking control over one-third of the world's
crude oil supplies George Bush appears ready to take over the world's
food market
Are Sitting On A Volcano
By Arthur Mitzman
It is centuries since humanity anticipate an alarmingly
bleak future for its coming genearations
What Best Bakery Judge Also Dished Out
By Manoj Mitta
H U Mahida, the judge, who acquitted all the 21
accused in the Best Bakery Case links job reservations as a cause for
communal riots in his verdict
Counterfeit Peace
In Gujarat
By Harsh Mander
The peace that prevails in Gujarat is only counterfeit.
Authentic peace can be founded ultimately only on justice, trust and
Not Just Noor Fatima
By Munnoo Bhai
It is not just Noor Fatima. The two great Asian
neighbours are also suffering from leaks in the heart caused by their
ruling classes
18 July, 2003
Kerala's Terminator Seed?
By Binu Mathew
Kerala Chief Minister A.K. Antony's statments against
minorities have done irreparable damage to the social fabric of Kerala
and will make it a breeding ground of fascist forces
17 July, 2003
Us Out Of Here
U.S. Soldiers Talk About The Occupation Of Iraq
Halliburton Unit
Expands War-Repair Role
By Stephen J. Glain and Robert Schlesinger
Officials from Kellogg, Brown & Root Services
are using a broadly worded contract to evaluate and repair Iraq's petroleum
infrastructure, ''as directed'' by the US government, to gain a huge
head start over potential competitors
Back To The
Future in Guatemala-The Return Of
General Ríos Montt
By Jeffrey St. Clair
Efrain Ríos Montt, the genocidal general
known as the Pinochet of Guatemala, is suddenly back in business
It's All About
By Mohammad Shehzad
'The Pakistani perception of the Indian Muslims
being an oppressed lot is an overdrawn picture. They do have problems,
but no government in India has ever denied fundamental rights to the
Muslims,' - An Interview with Azghar Ali Engineer
16 July, 2003
'Em On?"
By Stan Goff
The American troops in Iraq are feel betrayed by
their president-two letters, one from a Vietnam veteran and another
from a young soldier in Iraq show the level of resentment and desperation
soldiers feel on the battlefield
Of The Globalist Project And
The New Economics Of George W Bush
By Walden Bello
We have entered a historical maelstrom marked by
prolonged economic crisis, the spread of global resistance, the reappearance
of the balance of power among center states, and the reemergence of
acute inter-imperialist contradictions
Refugees -
Iraq's Forgotten People
There are 130,000 displaced people living in Iraq.
But the shocking fact about this is that they are not recognized by
the occupation force