30 March, 2004
Oil-The End Game Has Started
By Michael C. Ruppert
World's Foremost Expert on Oil and the Oil Business
Confirms the Ever More Apparent Reality of Peak Oil
Is Not Guilty And He Is Not Innocent'
By Oliver Burkeman
Captain James Yee, the only muslim chaplain at
Guantánamo was arrested allegedly with secret documents about
the prison, he was threatened with execution and branded a traitor.
So why after 200 days in jail was he only charged with adultery and
quietly released?
Hunger Strike Ends In Union Win
By Jana Silverman
A 12-day-old hunger strike to protest Coca-Cola
labor policies in Colombia ended March 27 in a rare victory for the
National Food Industry Workers Union
James Laine,
Shivaji And Freedom Of Speech
By Manu Bhagavan
James Laine, a professor of religious studies at
Macalester College in MN, is facing arrest through interpol for writing
The spread Of
Hindutwa In The South
By S. Viswanathan, R. Krishnakumar, Parvathi Menon
Hindutva has percolated to the nooks and corners
of South India, and the routes taken have often been socio-cultural
and educational rather than political. Reports from Tamil Nadu, Kerala
and Karnataka
29 March, 2004
Venezuela Next?
By Saul Landau
Democracy in Latin America is possible only if
the United States would allow it to occur. After Haiti, will this now
be the turn of Venezuela for a US sponsored regime change?
My Religion Is
Not My Nation
By Anuradha M. Chenoy
Prime Minister Vajpayee has projected friendship
with Pakistan as a sop for Indian Muslims. Deputy Prime Minister Advani
has stated that Hindu-Muslim relations in India will improve if relations
with Pakistan improve. These are dangerousand divisive formulations
27 March, 2004
Visit To Libya: Its About Oil, Got Iit?
By Chris Marsden and Barry Grey
Libya has over 30 billion barrels of proven oil
reserves, worth upwards of £600 billion, and currently produces
1.4 million barrels daily. Western companies have been prevented from
exploiting these resources by the sanctions imposed after Lockerbie,
but all that is changing
A Journey
To Rafah
By Jennifer Loewenstein
"We Will Destroy You, If Not in Death Then
in Life"
26 March, 2004
In The Developing
And Developed World
By Huck Gutman
Outsourcing is despair for some, and job and jubilation
for others. But it is always a race to the bottom, a search for the
lowest wages and the highest profit for the multinational corporations
Palestine Is Now
Part Of An Arc
Of Muslim Resistance
By Seumas Milne
Ariel Sharon's decision to incinerate Sheikh Yassin
will certainly go down as one of the most spectacularly counter-productive
acts of violence in the history of the Israel-Palestine conflict
Intelligence Business
By Admiral Vishnu Bhagwat
It is the politics of the decision to invade Iraq
and execute a regime change, through use of military force that needs
to be justified. The indiscriminate and disastrous use of 'Depleted
Uranium munitions', the 'Silent WMDs' in Afghanistan and Iraq has not
evoked the opposition that its use deserves, yet
25 March, 2004
Perfect Storm About To Hit
By Jeremy Rifkin
Rising Oil Prices and a Weak Dollar could Shatter
the Global Economy
Betrayed By An
Oil Giant
By Andrew Gumbel
Fifteen years after the Exxon Valdez disaster devastated
the fishing communities of southern Alaska, the coast remains polluted
and compensation is unpaid
Mordechai Vanunu- The
Who Knew Too Much
By Robert Fisk
He was drugged, kidnapped and locked up for 18
years after revealing Israel's nuclear secrets to the world. Next month
Mordechai Vanunu is finally set to be released, but just how much freedom
will he be allowed?
The Reel Savarkar
By Niranjan Ramakrishnan
A review of the film by Ved Rahi on the life of
VD Savarkar now doing the rounds in North America
Goa- Secularism
Under Threat
By Rajan Narayan
The choice before the people in the Parliamentary
elections in Goa is between a corrupt Congress and an equally corrupt
and rabidly communal Bharatiya Janata Party
24 March, 2004
Israel Killed Yassin
By Jonathan Freedland
The key to the Hamas assassination is Sharon's
plan to pull out of Gaza. But he has again strengthened extremism
The Chilling Implications
The Killing Of Sheikh Yassin
By Robert Fisk
Yet another Arab - another leader, however vengeful
and ruthless - had been assassinated. It's getting to be a habit
Islam, Hinduism
And Jihad
By Taberez Ahmed Neyazi
There is now a growing propensity among a section
of society to dumb together any political resistance offered by Muslims
in any part of the world as global Islamic terrorism. It is unfair to
punish the whole community for the action of a few fanatics
23 March, 2004
of Sheikh Yassin
By Chris Marsden
Israels assassination of Sheikh Ahmed Yassin,
the spiritual head of the Palestinian Islamic militant group Hamas,
is calculated to escalate the conflict on the West Bank and Gaza Strip
The Courage Of
Teenage Refuseniks
A Beacon Of Hope
By Avi Shlaim
The refusal of five teenage boys to serve in the
army is a beacon of hope for Israel
Iraq: Hotel
Lebanon - A Doctor's Story
By Felicity Arbuthnot
A doctor's account of the Hotel Lebanon blast in
Iraq. A story of American arrogance,impoliteness,racism and absolute
want of basic medical necessities
A Manifesto For
Democratic India
By Harsh Mander
First discussion draft ll for the conference on
RESISTANCE to be held in DELHI on 4 th April in the context of the General
Election of 2004
22 March, 2004
Son's Life Wasted , And We Are Leaving
By Severin Carrell
Ann Lawrence and her husband George are planning
to emigrate. Almost exactly a year ago, they lost their only son during
the Iraq war. They believe they have now given Britain enough
Bravo, Amigos!
By Uri Avnery
The Spanish people reacted differently to the big
terrorist attack on their soil by throwing out their prime minister
who took them to war in Iraq. When will the Israeli publics know the
real meaning of terrorist attacks?
Of An Indian In Pakistan
By Sai Nagesh
"Taxis, autos, army guys......the list is
endless.......everywhere loads of courtesy, respect..... more than we
would get in our own country !!!!!"An email from an India after
his visit to Pakistan for the 1st one day match
Shining Delusions
By Praful Bidwai
BJP claims that India is shining, but a closer
look reveals to the contrary
A Lamp Be Lit, And Let's Write
A Poem For Friendship
By Harsh Mander
Experiences of an Indian social activist in Pakistan
21 March, 2004
Iraq? Hooded Protest And Masked Statistics
By Robert Fisk
The US military searches of Iraqi Sunni villages,
the Israeli-style battering down of doors and houses, the constant American
killing of innocents is embittering a new generation of Iraqis. And
soon we will have "democracy" in Iraq
Remembering Rachel
The Wall Street Journal Way
By Joseph Kay
The Wall Street Journal, on its online opinion
page, chose to mark the anniversary of the death of Rachel Corrie with
two vicious attacks consisting entirely of lies and slander
Tampering With
Voting Machines
By Dr. Satinath Choudhary
"I am worried that the electronic voting machines
may simplify hijacking of the upcoming election." An Open Letter
to the Election Commission, India
Decision To Raise The
Sardar Sarovar Height
Inhuman And Undemocratic
By Medha Patkar
The decision by the Narmada Control Authority (NCA)
to raise the height of the Sardar Sarovar Dam (SSP) to 110.64 metres
with immediate effect and approval granted by Election Commission is
yet another blow to the Indian democracy
20 March, 2004
Warming The Biggest Problem":
British Expert
By G. Venkataramani
"Global warming is the biggest and most serious
problem faced by us in this century. Climate change is happening and
its effects are real. If we do not take seriously, it will have serious
consequences that will affect the generations to come"
BJP's Consolidation
Will Be Hard
To Break In Chhattisgarh
By Yogendra Yadav
The BJP's real success in consolidating its base
in Chhatisgarh has been in dividing the adivasis, who constitute about
32 per cent of the population
Jhabua's Harvest
Of Hate
By Harsh Mander
The fields of Jhabua yielded this year a vastly
different harvest from the past - a harvest of hate. For the first time
in the history of the district, Christian homes and properties, mainly
of tribal converts, were targeted and destroyed in many locations
19 March, 2004
decline of species ...
By Tim Radford
British study covering last 40 years points to
worldwide mass extinction of wildlife and plants
A split In
The LTTE Heightens Danger Of
War In Sri Lanka
By K. Ratnayake
A major split has erupted between the northern
and eastern wings of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) that
has the potential to undermine the current ceasefire in Sri Lanka and
plunge the country back to civil war
Iraq One year On
- Human Rights
Situation Eemains Dire
A Comprehensive Report By Amnesty International
Spanish Soldiers
Pepare To Return Home
By Robert Fisk
"We used to think of 'us' here and 'them'
- our Spanish people - 'there'," Colonel Benito says. "Now
we think much more that 'here' is also Spain."
American Strategy In The Gulf
By Yoginder Sikand
America is reconsidering its close alliance with
the Saudi regime, and look for other partners in the region
Sati glorification:
Crime, Society
And The Wheels Of Injustice
By Rakesh Shukla
Despite protests both within Rajasthan and across
the country, no appeal has been filed against the recent acquittal of
those accused of glorifying sati, following the death of Roop Kanwar
on her husband's funeral pyre back in 1987
18 March, 2004
A YearOf War
By Robert Fisk
The invasion of Iraq would, we were told, rid the
world of mortal danger. One year on, the only people who feel safer
are those who prefer not to think for themselves
Burden of Empire
By Laurence M. Vance
According to the Department of Defense, the United
States has troops in 135 countries. Here is the list
It's Worse
Than You Thought:
Pro-Israel Influence On US Policy
By Ali Abunimah
A former defense ministry insider reveals How the
pro Israeli lobby brought about the war on Iraq
37 Years Of
By Nick Pretzlik
Thirty-seven years after Israel's military might
rolled into the West Bank and Gaza the occupation of these Palestinian
territories continues
Is Vajpayee Another
By Mani Shankar Aiyar
They cannot be compared. They are, in fact, a study
in contrast
Rise Of A
God Woman And The Right To Expression
By A Sidharth
The Kerala Chief Minister has ordered the prosecution
of Sreeni Pattathanam , the author of the controversial book, Matha
Amruthananthamayi - Mysteries And Realities on the God Woman,
Matha Amruthananthamayi
Future Of Secualrism
In India-Down But Not Out
By Ganesh S. Iyer
Resistance to the erosion of secular values is
slowly but steadily gathering momentum. Communalism has been challenged
by right thinking, liberal Indians
17 March, 2004
Reacts With Dismay To US
Legislation On Outsourcing
By Kranti Kumara
Outsourcing has become a phenomenon that's restructuring
the labour relations around the world, undermining the life source of
some and benefitting some others but always benefitting the transnational
corporations. No solution is possible outside of a political struggle
waged by the working class against the profit system as a whole
Super Highways:
Lines On The Palm
Or Tattoos Of Dictatorship ?
By Vandana Shiva
Superhighways are not our destiny or the lines
on the nation's palm. They are graveyards of cement and tarcoal, which
are burying our soils, our villages, our freedoms
Hamid's Message
To The World:
A Kashmiri Cry For Sanity
By Yoginder Sikand
A young Kashmiri, who underwent arms training in
a jihadi camp in Pakistan speaks of his experiences in the camp and
his anxt over kashmir
One Year Later:
"Rachel, My Mother"
By Yasmine Abu Libdeh
A young palestinian girl fondly remembers Rachel
Corrie who was killed by an Israeli tank while protesting home destruction
in Rafah exactly one year ago
16 March, 2004
Spanish PM Promises
Iraq withdrawal
By Simon Jeffery
José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, whose
socialist party yesterday won a sensational election victory, today
vowed to pull Spanish troops out of Iraq
One Down, Two
To Go - Lessons From Spain
By Jeff Cohen
With the regime change in Spain, it is becoming
increasingly clear that the days of Bush and Blair governments are numbered
The West Was Warned.
Now It Is Paying
The Price Of The 'War On Terror'
By Robert Fisk
The Madrid bombings are not only a terrible revenge
for Spain's participation in "part two" of the "war on
terror" - the illegal invasion of Iraq - but a cruel and incrementally
more painful attack on civilians by al-Qa'ida
Damage From Global
Becoming 'Irreversible'
By Jim Lobe
The latest scientific reports indicate that global
warming is worsening. Unless we act now, the world will be locked into
temperatures that would cause irreversible harm
American Elections,
And The Lessons Of Spain
By Gabriel Kolko
We are now experiencing fundamental changes in
the international system whose implications and consequences may ultimately
be as far-reaching as the dissolution of the Soviet bloc
In The Name
Of Nationalism
By K.N.Panikker
A new identity is being foisted on Hindus. The
identity of Hindutva. Are Hindus being coerced to accept that identity,
socially and culturally and indeed politically?
15 March, 2004
Retribution Has Begun: Socialists Win In Spain
By Elizabeth Nash
Spain's Socialists won a sensational victory in
yesterday's general elections, in a vote that confounded the polls and
inflicted a huge punishment on the Popular Party government for supporting
the war in Iraq
Happy First Birthday,
War On Iraq
By Robert Fisk
It was almost year ago, on March 20, when the first
bombs struck 30km from Baghdad. And what followed are better not said
Give The Girls
A Level Playing Field
By Beena Sarwar
As India and Pakistan are battling it out on the
cricket field, does anyone think of the girls who are never given a
level playing field in life?
Diplomacy' In The Islamic World:
America's Propaganda Offensive
By Yoginder Sikand
In the absence of any meaningful and fundamental
changes in American foreign policy, the much-touted American 'public
diplomacy' exercise in the Muslim world will continue to resonate as
hypocritical, insincere propaganda
The Millions
Who Cannot Vote
By P. Sainath
By having elections in April when millions of the
poor migrate in search of work, we are simply excluding an ever-growing
number of citizens from the vote