January, 2004
Global Warming May Cause
The Next Ice Age...
By Thom Hartmann
If enough cold, fresh water coming from the melting
polar ice caps and the melting glaciers of Greenland flows into the
northern Atlantic, it will shut down the Gulf Stream. The worst-case
scenario would be a full-blown return of the last ice age
World Womens Forum
By America Vera-Zavala
Something happened in Mumbai that makes this years
forum deserve to be named the World Womens Forum
The Cola Giants In Kerala
By R Krishnakumar
The World Water Conference at Plachimada adds immense
strength to the local people's fight against the exploitation of their
groundwater resources by Coca-Cola and Pepsi
30 January, 2004
Hutton Saga -A Sideshow
By Seumas Milne
Hutton's unqualified endorsement of the government's
behaviour is bound, in the current climate, to be widely regarded as
a cover-up
The Khmer Rouge
Killing Machine
By John Pilger
John Pilger reviews the documentary "S21:
The Khmer Rouge Killing Machine" by Tuol Sleng and the Pol Pot
The Hour Before
By Nick Pretzlik
This moment in time is the Palestinian equivalent
of the hour before dawn - their darkest hour. It is also a moment when
the Jewish state itself is imperiled
False Casualty
By Dahr Jamail
In Khaldiya, 60 miles west of Baghdad, a powerful
roadside bomb exploded killing US soldiers. Iraqi civilians were killed
by US soldiers gunfire during the aftermath. However, questions
about the conflicting numbers as to the number of dead US soldiers and
Iraqi civilians remain
And Pakistan To Pursue
Composite Dialogue
By Keith Jones
The governments of India and Pakistan announced
Tuesday that they will commence the process of a composite
dialogue by holding talks in the Pakistani capital of Islamabad
for three days beginning February 16
Ayodhya Mayhem
Machine As Mascot
By I.K.Shukla
Mr. Vajpayee has announced he would launch the
poll drive for Lok Sabha with Ayodhya Pranam (Salute to Ayodhya). This
is tantamount to declaring that the electorate has to vote Hindu Terror
back to power
28 January, 2004
US Inspector Admits Iraq Had
No WMD Stockpiles
By Peter Symonds
The admission by the CIAs top weapons adviser
in Iraq, David Kay, that the country possessed no stockpiles of so-called
weapons of mass destruction nor related production facilities is a devastating
refutation of the lies used by the Bush administration to justify its
illegal invasion and occupation
Power, Propaganda
And Conscience
In The War On Terror
By John Pilger
The University of Western Australia Extension Summer
School Lecture
27 January, 2004
Autopsy Of The World Social Forum
By Suhas Chakma
The focus of the next WSF must be equally on national
and multinational capital alike if it is not to turn into a self-censoring
exercise of the apologists from the neo-developed and developing countries
What A Fair Trial
For Saddam Would Entail
By Noam Chomsky
In a (virtually unimaginable) fair trial for Saddam,
a defense attorney could quite rightly call to the stand Colin Powell,
Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, George Bush I and other high officials
who provided significant support for the dictator, even through his
worst atrocities
Gods for Sale
By Satya Sagar
Out of all the 'gurus' that routinely spring up
on the spiritually fertile Indian soil only a few are genuinely enlightened
souls who help spread goodness and true religiosity around them. The
bulk of them are unfortunately ordinary conmen out to make a quick buck
A Gun as Tall
as Me'
By Jo Becker
Burma has more child soldiers than any other country
in the world. They account for approximately one-fourth of the 300,000
children currently believed to be participating in armed conflicts around
the globe
26 January, 2004
Plans For A New Iraqi Regime In Disarray
By Mike Head
Recent days have seen a new wave of attacks, the
most concentrated since the capture of Saddam Hussein last month. Apart
from US and Coalition troops, those targetted have been political accomplices
of the occupation
Moral Decay
And Benny Morris
By Ali Abunimah
In two recent extraordinary documents Israeli historian
Benny Morris prepared the ground for Israel to justify any atrocity,
no matter how much it transgresses human rights, law and decency
A Different
By Yoginder Sikand
Doda was once a symbol of Hindu - Muslim amity,
but now it's a ghost town where Hindu and Muslims hardly mingle
22 January, 2004
State Of The Union: Threats,
Lies And Delusion
By Bill Vann
In his third State of the Union address since his
installation as president, George W. Bush spelled out an election-year
agenda consisting of stepped-up global militarism, the continued looting
of the economy to augment the fortunes of Americas super-rich
and an appeal to social and religious backwardness
Dilemmas Of
The Democracy Problem
By Rene L. Gonzalez Berrios
The dilemma of colonialism has presented itself:
proclaiming democracy (or civilization, or upliftment, or whatever other
high-noble is given to the venture) while the "liberated"
subjects denounce your noble actions
Gujarat Carnage
And Muslim Women
By Asghar Ali Engineer
The crimes against women during the gujarat carnage
were really unspeakable. The wounds inflicted on minority women can
hardly heal especially when they were subjected to such unspeakable
crimes. Still they are living with sense of shame and agony
Feel Good Factor Good Enough For NDA?
By Pankaj Vohra
While the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) started
with an advantage over the Congress initially, its inability to forge
a concrete alliance in the southern states would not only become a cause
of great worry for the party but could also tilt the balance in favour
of its opponents
21 January, 2004
Returns To Jhabua
By Hartosh Singh Bal
Nightmares are revisiting Jhabua. And police dont
seem to be bothered. As many as 12 Christians have been arrested for
violence while the Vishwa Hindu Parishad men who led the mobs that terrorised
the converted tribals and the Sadhvi from Gujarat who provoked their
action still roam free
The Streets Of Baghdad
By Dahr Jamail
In Baghdad, a place that is the front line of
a low-grade guerrilla war between insurgents and the occupation forces,
daily life for 6 million Iraqis goes on as usual
Anti-Semitism vs.
Anti-Zionism -A Practical Manual
By Uri Avnery
One hates someone for being a Jew, Arab, woman,
black, Indian, Muslim, Hindu. His or her personal attributes, actions,
achievements are unimportant. If he or she belongs to the abhorred race,
religion or gender, they will be hated
Nepal's TADA - Tool
Of Terror
One of the dangers of Nepal's TADA is the inclusion
of disruptive activities within the broad definition of terrorist acts.
This allows for the application of TADA to political acts also
Hindutva or
By Ram Puniyani
The recent victory of BJP in MP, Chattisgarh and
Rajasthan is being attributed to development issues taken up by BJP
in these states. But a closer look will reveal that it is a lie
20 January, 2004
Radicals Lock Horns At WSF
By Dionne Bunsha
Reformers and radicals locked horns at the World
Social Forum today while discussing the global economy. This debate
is central to the different strands that make up the WSF
Carnival Of The
Unlettered And Dispossessed
By Aniket Alam
Song and dance, unprecedented participation from
the poor and marginalised communities give Bombay World Social Forum
a carnival atmosphere
19January, 2004
Turkeys Enjoy Thanksgiving?
By Arundhati Roy
Text of Arundhati Roy's speech at the opening Plenary
of the World Social Forum in Bombay
16 January, 2004
Set For World Social Forum Meet
By Kalpana Sharma
The waiting is over. World Social
Forum meet opens in Bombay today
Worlds - Rainbow Alliances
at World Social Forum
By Anuradha M Chenoy
In a situation where alternative politics is being
sidelined, the World Social Forum questions globalisation, war and sectarian
politics as part of an ongoing effort to look for a viable alternative
and contest current policies
Train To Pakistan
By Sagarika Ghose
On train to Pakistan, red carpet is bundled in
red tape and dumped on back seat