10 April, 2003
Iraq Liberated?
The Real Story Begins Now
By Robert Fisk in Baghdad
Winning a war is one thing. Succeeding in the ideological
and economic project that lies behind this whole war is quite another.
The "real" story for America's mastery over the Arab world
starts now.
Possible Scenarios
in Mideast After Iraq War
By Bill Straub
With the campaign in Iraq all but wrapped up, the
US army is training their gun on Iran and Syria
My Oscar "Backlash":
"Stupid White Men" Back At #1,
"Bowling" Breaks New Records
By Michael Moore
Michael Moore's criticism of president Bush in
the Oscar night increased his popularity.
9 April, 2003
Does The US Military
Want To Kill Journalists
By Robert Fisk
Was it possible to believe this was an accident?
Or was it possible that the right word for these killings was murder?
Reporters or Snipers?
Journalists Murdered in Baghdad
By Robert Fisk
As the American invaders are on a killing spree
in Baghdad, even the journalists reporting the war are being targeted.
Three journalists lose their life on day 20.
The Outline Of the
By Arundhati Roy and Anthony Arnove
An Interview With Arundhati Roy
A Letter to America
By Margaret Atwood
"This is a difficult letter to write, because
I'm no longer sure who you are."
Morality, Religion
And an Illegitimate War
By Konrad Raiser
"It can be disastrous to translate moral imperatives
into political action without submitting them to critical judgment as
to the possible consequences of such action."
times" for "embedded" journalists
By Peter Mackler
The Head of the Agence France-Presse office in
Kuwait, describes daily life for journalists "embedded" in
US military units and raises some questions.
Grozny And Baghdad:
Disturbing Parallels
By Tristan Ewins
As Baghdad is threatened by the possibility of
a protracted urban warfare Tristan Ewins draws a parallel between Grozny
and Baghdad
Chemical Hypocrites
By George Monbiot
As It Struggles to Justify Its Invasion, The US
is Getting Ready to Use Banned Weapons in Iraq
8 April, 2003
Amid Allied jubilation,
a Child Lies in Agony,
Clothes Soaked in Blood
By Robert Fisk in Baghdad
The innocent are bleeding and screaming with pain
to bring us our exciting television pictures
American Thrust
Into Baghdad Had Neither
Humility nor Honour
By Robert Fisk in Baghdad
It seemed as if Baghdad would fall within hours.
But the day was characterised by crazed normality, high farce and death
The U.S. Betrays
Its Core Values
By Gunter Grass
"we are witnessing the moral decline of the
world's only superpower"
Iraq's Bread Basket
Stands to Be Ruined by War
By The Environment News Service
The war in Iraq could be devastating for the country's
rural economy with consequences on farmers' capacity to produce food
7 April, 2003
The Allied Grip
Tightens on Baghdad
By Robert Fisk in Baghdad
On the streets, grim evidence of a bloody battle
Army Chaplain
Offers Baptisms, Baths
By Meg Laughlin
Baptism in the times of war. An offensive story
from Iraq.
TheTwisted Language
of War
That is Used to Justify the Unjustifiable
By Robert Fisk
Why do we aid and abet the lies and propaganda
of this filthy war?
A morally hollow
By Mary Riddell
No amount of PR will disguise the fact that this
war is an outrage against humanity.
This Is Not The
Time To Ask Questions
CNN's Aaron Brown on the network's coverage of
the anti-war movement, the media's sanitization of the invasion of Iraq
and why he believes this is an inappropriate time for reporters to ask
questions about war
Nadimarg and
By Akhila Raman
Massive solidarity demonstrations by the Kashmiri
Muslims following the brutal killings of Pandits at Nadimarg reveal
that Kashmiriyat continues to flourish.
6 April, 2003
The Battle of
By Robert Fisk in Baghdad
'Ever so slowly, the suburbs were turned into battlefields'
Bush Aide Says
US, not UN, Will Rebuild Iraq
By David E Sanger with John Tagliabuet
President Bush's national security adviser Condoleezza
Rice declare that the UN would have a secondary role in reconstructing
We See Too Much,
We Know Too Much.
That's Our Best Defense
By John Pilger
"a deep and unconscious racism imbues every
aspect of Western policy towards Iraq."