July, 2004
Ice Can Submerge Major Cities
By Paul Brown
There is more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
than for 55m years, enough to melt all the ice on the planet and submerge
major cities
The International
Criminal Court: The Only Answer
To American Abuse In Iraq
By Renad Haj Yahya
The ongoing reports about war crimes in Iraq emphasize
more than ever that the US must ratify the 1998 Rome Statute which established
the International Criminal Court. Those reported crimes would have been
amongst the crimes that the court would have prosecuted and punished
since they are considered to be war crimes according to the Court statute
Israel Up Against
The Wall
By Ian Williams
People who attack the World Court for its July
9 opinion on the Israeli wall in the Occupied Territories are calling
into question the United Nations Charter, the whole foundation of international
law and humanitarian conventions and treaties and Israel's very own
13 July, 2004
Ghraib Prison: A Hell On Earth
By Edward T. Pound and Kit R. Roane
Life in Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison, newly available
documents show, would have made Satan quake
News As Propaganda
For The Victor
By George Monbiot
While you are rewarded for flattery, you are punished
for courage. The US, British and Israeli governments can make life very
difficult for media organisations that upset them
Democracy Now!
The Other Side Of News
By Ammu Joseph
The widespread criticism of the U.S. media during the invasion of Iraq
obscured the work done by alternative media in that country to provide
citizens with the other side of the story. Democracy Now!, is a radio
and television programme that stood out from the crowd
10 July, 2004
Rules Against Israel's Wall
By Matthew Taylor
The international court of justice ruled that the
barrier being built around the West Bank was illegal and should be pulled
Iraq War 'Waged
On False Intelligence'
By Sarah Left
The US launched a war on Iraq on the basis of false
and overstated intelligence, according to a scathing US senate intelligence
committee report
09 July, 2004
Is World's Living Wound
By Salim Lone
The unprecedented devastations visited upon Iraq's
people twice in 12 years have made it a compelling, living wound for
Muslims. Unless there is peace there, world instability will grow. But
there is seemingly no end to the trauma in sight
The Wall Is A
World Issue
By Jessica Montell
Last week, Israel's High Court of Justice ordered
the government to reroute a small portion of the separation barrier.But
the timing of the decision raised some eyebrows. The Israeli court knew
when it ruled that the International Court of Justice was scheduled,
nine days later, to issue a long-awaited opinion on the same subject,
and many critics felt the Israeli ruling was designed to mitigate the
effect of that upcoming decision
Imported Democracy
Of Iraq
By Robert Fisk
Iraq has introduced legislation allowing the Iraqi
authorities to impose martial law; curfews; a ban on demonstrations;
the restriction of movement; phone-tapping; the opening of mail; and
the freezing of bank accounts
Stigma Of Criminality
By Human Rights Features
The discrimination, abuse, and social and economic
marginalisation faced by millions of Indians belonging to 'denotified
and nomadic tribes' have their roots in 19th century British colonialism
but this historical pattern of marginalisation and abuse continues even
08 July, 2004
Operatives Working In Occupied Iraq
By Jon Elmer
Brigadier General Janet Karpinski told BBC Radio
in an interview that she met with a man who claimed to be Israeli and
that he "did some of the interrogation" at the Abu Graib facility
Death Of A
By Helen Williams
This is not a report, like I usually make, but
it is the story of the heinous murder of a beloved father by American
soldiers occupying this country. Please take the time to read the following
account in memory of my friend's father
Privatizing War
By Greg Guma
The use of mercenaries was once a dirty, little
secret most governments were loath to acknowledge. But today they're
called private military contractors and perform almost every function
essential to military operations
Every Moment
For Me Is Fear
ByKamwaura Nygothi
As an asylum seeker, I discovered what racism really
means when I was 'dispersed' to Middlesbrough
A Visit To Shatila
By Bilal El-Amine
It was only after three consecutive nights of carnage
that word got out to the international media-Nuhad said she saw the
first group of foreign journalist enter the camp and heard for the first
time through a London radio station about what had happed on the other
side of the camp
07 July, 2004
Reopens The Nuclear Debate
By Patrick Wintour and Paul Brown
Appearing before a committee of senior MPs, Tony
Blair said the evidence was now overwhelming that climate change was
the single biggest long-term problem facing the country, and conceded
the world was nowhere near finding a mechanism to cut carbon dioxide
emissions by the government's target of 60% by 2050 and nuclear energy
was the only option
The Pillage
Of Iraq
By Ghali Hassan
The Attack on Iraq is an attack on the history
of humanity by a new form of barbarism. The world will be safer only
if this form of barbarism opposed and remained isolated
U.S. Gives Iraqi
Hospitals Broken Promises
In Place Of Medicine
By Dahr Jamail
Despite promises of over $1 billion in US funding,
hospital patients in Iraq continue to suffer ongoing hardship. Problems
range from ongoing medicine and equipment shortages to an overall lack
of proper medical infrastructure
Justice, Gas And
By Uri Avnery
Israel Supreme Court's decision to change the route
of the separation barrier is a victory of sorts for the peace movement
The Indian
Meaning Of Merit
By Chandrabhan Prasad
The slogan that rings out these days is this "Indian
industry will loose it competitive advantage in the global market".
The Dalits would, however, want to seek a very simple explanation: What
competition are we talking about? With who is Indian industry competing
or desires to compete?
06 July, 2004
Gave Go-Ahead For
Abu Ghraib Tactics
By Julian Coman
The former head of the Abu Ghraib prison in Baghdad
has for the first time accused the American Secretary of Defense, Donald
Rumsfeld, of directly authorizing Guantanamo Bay-style interrogation
Fahrenheit 9/11
Is A Stupid White Movie
By Robert Jensen
Fahrenheit 9/11 is under attack from the right,
for very different reasons than I have raised. But those attacks shouldn't
stop those who consider themselves left, progressive, liberal, anti-war,
anti-empire or just plain pissed-off from criticizing the film's flaws
and limitations
Nuke Nightmare:
Bush's Drive To Armageddon
By Joel Wendland
A reelected Bush administration will try to push
the NPT into extinction. The only feasible alternative scenario is replacing
the Bush administration with an administration that is committed to
NPT's original goals
Driving Into
The Abyss
By George Monbiot
We must tackle the environmental nightmare of 4x4s
by taxing them off the road
05 July, 2004
To The New Iraq
By Robert Fisk
One leftist group in Baghdad now claims that several
women, allegedly raped by Iraqi policemen at the jail while Americans
watched, have been murdered by their families for their "dishonour"
Pentagon Tried
To Censor Saddam's Hearing
By Robert Fisk
A team of US military officers acted as censors
over all coverage of the hearings of Saddam Hussein and his henchmen
, destroying videotape of Saddam in chains and deleting the entire recorded
legal submissions of 11 senior members of his former regime
"We Want
Real Justice for Bhopal"
By Snehal Shingavi
Two survivors, of the Bhopal gas leak, one of
the worst ever industrial disasters, speaks about the tragedy and their
struggle for justice
The Caste Divide
By Naresh Puri
BBC's community affairs reporter Naresh Puri investigates
the rise of one of the most hidden forms of hierarchy in Britain today:
The Indian Caste system
Hindutva Politics:
Future Trajectory
By Ram Puniyani
Time is overdue for social groups to combat the
communal poison at the level of society; the need for demolition of
myths against minorities, the need for intercommunity committees to
promote amity. And this is paramount if we want to preserve the democracy
and associated principles
03 July, 2004
Seeds Of Civil War
By Sami Ramadani
The immediate withdrawal of the US-led forces from
Iraq is the only way to stop the impending "civil" war, in
which the US will back a "sovereign" Iraqi government to crush
the people and their aspirations for liberation and democracy
The Defiant Dicatator
By Robert Fisk
Watching that face, one had to ask how much Saddam
had reflected on the very real crimes with which he was charged: Halabja;
Kuwait; the suppression of the Shi'ite Muslim and Kurdish uprisings
in 1991; the tortures and the mass killings
There Was No Waiting
Mob At Godhra
By Darshan Desai
Depositions before the Nanavati Commission suggest
that Godhra wasn't the premeditated act it was made out to be
02 July, 2004
Am The President Of Iraq"
Saddam Trial Full Transcript
"Everyone here knows this is a theatre carried
out by Bush the criminal to win the election"
Another Circus
In Bagdad
By Robert Fisk
No mention of power cuts and violence at trial
of the century
Michael Moore
Is Blind, Or A Coward
By Bob Dreyfuss
I have to conclude the Michael Moore is either
blind, or a coward. Blind, if he can't see Bush's craven ties to Israel,
driven by the neocons and the Christian Zionists and Bible-thumping
fundamentalists like Jerry Falwell, who consider Israel Jesus' next
stop and see Saudi Arabia as Satanic
To India's Finance
Minister An Open Letter
By Vandana Shiva
We hope your budget will reflect the mandate rural
India gave you and the commitment the CMP of the UPA has made to the
Indian farmers. If you fail the farmers, they will fail your government
like they failed the last one. Do not betray the mandate given to you
by India's farmers