15 June, 2003
By Noam Chomsky and Atilio Boron
Boron Interviews Chomsky
U.S. attack threatens
to create
thousands of new Iraqi enemies
By Tom Lasseter and Drew Brown
A visit to the "Triangle," an area that
extends from Baghdad, in the east to Tikrit,in the north, and then west
almost to Syria, the recent flashpoint of attacks on American troops
Imperial Delusion
By Eric Hobsbawm
The US drive for world domination has no historical
How Textbooks
Teach Prejudice
By Teesta Setalvad
Forget RSS-run Shishu Mandirs and Muslim madrassas.
Textbooks prescribed by even secular central and state education
boards in the country promote religious, caste and gender prejudice
14 June, 2003
Rage Across Saddam Heartland
By Patrick Cockburn
Battles rage across Saddam heartland where guerrillas
resist US occupation
Strategic Partnership
Against Peace
By Ali Abunimah
Sharon and Hamas have developed a strategic partnership
against peace
You Thought The War Was Over
By Heather Mallick
Chemical weapons used by America will kill the
Vietnamese forever
India Sending
Troops To Iraq -
Unjustifiable Even If UN Sanction It
By Praful Bidwai
Despatching troops and legitimising Iraqs
occupation would be unjustifiable even if a manipulated UN sanctioned
Will Bajrang
Dals Real Dad Please Stand Up
By Shamsul Islam
Many of the organisations of the sangh parivar
are organized on a true fascist and clandestine manner. The RSS runs
like a well-organized mafia through its subsidiaries
13 June, 2003
Moment Lost
By Hanan Ashrawi
Sharon again dashes the hopes of Israelis and Palestinians
as another cycle of violence erupts
Middle East
Violence: Palestinian View
By Ali Abunimah
A live chat with Ali Abunimah
Anti-US Opposition
In Iraq
And The So Called Roadmap
by Amy Goodman and Robert Fisk
An Interview with Robert Fisk
To Stop America
By George Monbiot
Now is the time to turn our campaigns against the
war-mongering, wealth-concentrating, planet-consuming world order into
a concerted campaign for global democracy
A Dream
By John Aglionby
The detention of Aung San Suu Kyi shows that democracy
in Burma is likely to remain a pipedream
The Emergency
And The Sangh
By Arvind Rajagopal
The Emergency rendered the Jana Sangh, the BJP's
predecessor, respectable, and paved the way for it to enter the mainstream
of Indian politics
12 June, 2003
Paradox Of Terror And Hunger
By Wanda Fish
The War Against Terror and the War Against Hunger
have been widely reported in the media, the paradox of the relationship
between these wars has been ignored. Neither war can be won
unless we understand that relationship
Censoring The
Press In Iraq
By Robert Fisk
Many stories in the newspapers of Baghdad are untrue
and they are fanning anti-american sentiments
Settlement Outposts
Factsheet, PLO Negotiations Affairs Department
No Indo-Pak
Troops For Iraq!
By Praful Bidwai
India and Pakistan should not commit the blunder
of sending troops to Iraq
Congress, Dalits
And Elections
By Gail Omvedt
Unless Congress overcomes the forward caste domination
in the leadership, an unwillingness to admit the horrors of caste hierarchy
and atrocities, and become also the party of Ambedkar and Phule, it
will never succeed in winning back its hold among the Dalits of the
An Encounter
With A Judge
By Manoj Mitta
The inquiry into the Gujarat riots is yet to cover
Ahmedabad and Vadodara, where most of the killings took place. So, what
on earth could have made Justice Nanavati, make the gratuitous assertion
that the evidence recorded so far did not indicate ''any serious lapse''
on the part of the police or administration?
11 June, 2003
Of Megalomania
By Schuyler Ebbets
What is this little gang, which now threatens the
world with their violent vision of the future, Neocons?,Radical right?
Israeli Sins And
Jewish Redemption
By Issa Khalaf
How is it that the experience of death and desolation
in the Holocaust, the great Jewish redemptive tradition of justice,
has not propelled more, far more, Israelis to speak up on the treatment
of the Palestinians?
Monsoon Risings
By Chittaroopa Palit and Achin Vanaik
Narmada Bachao Andolan leader Chittaroopa Palit
talks about the movement, its past, present and future
In Search Of
Gandhi And Godse
By Harsh Mander
During a hectic schedule of speaking engagements
that recently buffeted me across the length and breadth of the United
States, I witnessed a diaspora in tumult, even more polarised, divided
and wounded, than the middle classes in India today.
By Ram Puniyani
The proper campaign has to be for gender-just civil
codes, and this has to be implemented through social reform
10 June, 2003
By Euan Ferguson
Baghdad's cafes are busy but there's no clean water.
Galleries are opening, but visitors are armed. Patients freed from the
bombed psychiatric hospital are returning there - because they feel
it's safe. Reality of daily life in an upside-down city
To Aqaba And Back
By Uri Avnery
What makes George Bush run? Why this sudden enthusiasm
for personal intervention in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict?
Textbook Troubles
By Siddhartha Deb
Hindu Nationalists Rewrite India's Past-Conveniently
The Nation That
Is India
By Irfan Habib
There is a strong case for a nation that is India.
But Communalism and parochialism are its worst enemies, whatever nationalist
masks these might wear. The Indian people, hopefully, will retain the
vision of the Indian nation and reject everything that seeks to undermine
09 June, 2003
By Fear
By Shaik Ubaid
From the Iraq war to the terror alert levels to
the Sept. 11 attacks,the American Muslims are gripped by fear. And it's
taking a heavy toll on the community
Of The Apocalyptic
By Satya Sagar
The War on Terror is giving birth to a strange
coalition across the continents. India-Israel-USA.
We Dont Raze
Homes for No Reason
By Amira Hass
The IDF have no records of the demolition of some
of the houses
Profiting From
New Report Exposes Contractor Bechtel as Threat
to Iraqi Environment, Human Rights and Basic Services
Rafah, Home Of
The Strongest PeopleIn The World
By Laura Gordon,
Writing from Rafah, Gaza
08 June, 2003
And Abductions In Baghdad
By Victoria Firmo-Fontan
A schoolgirl is feared dead amid spate of rapes
and abductions in Baghdad
Bride Burnings and Astronauts
By Sarita Sarvate
How can a continent of dowries and female infanticideproduce
so many successful female Indian scientists, authors and explorers?
KR to Kalam
Caste, Religion AndThe Indian Presidency
By Siriyavan Anand
Kalams elevation represents the collective
failure of Indian polity and society. It is another phase of brahminic
revivalism in India brahminism parading with a Muslim name
Embracing Budhism
By Darshan Desai
Dalits who bloodied their hands for Hindutva last
year in Gujarat are turning to the Buddha
07 June, 2003
The Defensive : Coke And Pepsi
By R. Krishnakumar
Popular struggles against Coca- Cola and Pepsi
in Palakkad district of Kerala gather momentum
Coke In Sivaganga
By S. Viswanathan
The people in Sivganga in Tamil Nadu are agitating
against Coke's plans to exploit large amounts of water from the region,
which is already facing water scarcity
06 June, 2003
Next After Aqaba?
By Ali Abunimah
The Aqaba summit is over. But the elation is likely
to be short lived by the carefully crafted final statements by Bush,
Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon, and the Palestinians' Mahmoud Abbas
Old Cancers Remain
Untouched At Aqaba
By Robert Fisk
Aqaba accord did not tackle the principal issues
of sovereignty, of Jerusalem as an Arab as well as Israeli capital,
of the "right of return" of 1948 Palestinians
Silent Genocide from America
Dont forget Afganistan. The perpetuation of the
perpetual death in Afghanistan continues with the passage of each day.
No Justice
Nanavati, What You Say Is Not Correct
By Asghar Ali Engineer
Justice G.T. Nanavati who has been investigating
Godhra incident and the Gujarat riot almost gives a clean chit to the
administration. Such a statement from the inquiring judge at an unfinished
stage is quite improper.
Dowry Scourge
By Imtiaz Ahmad
If the anti-dowry legislation was serious about
curbing dowry, it should have ensured that women received a share in
thefamily property