30 June, 2003
War Crimes
By Schuyler Ebbets
The U.S. Army's actions in the town of Rawah are
ominously reminiscent of Nazi Germanys reprisal killings for the
deaths of their soldiers in World War II
An Open Letter
To The Survivors Of
The Sabra and Shatila Massacre
By Ellen Siegel
Ellen Siegel volunteered her expertise and services
at the Gaza Hospital in Sabra Camp in Beirut in 1982, and was there
during the massacre
Israel`s Lethal
Weapon Of Choice
By Molly Moore
"Targeted killings," were described by
Israeli officials two years ago as "rare and exceptional"
measures. But now they are carried out with regularity
Then And Now
By David Barsamian
David Barsamian interviews Tariq Ali,editor of
New Left Review
Menace Of Moditva
By Amulya Ganguli
Instead of boycotting the Nanavati commission,
as some of them are doing, they should forsake such a defeatist attitude
and try all the harder to help it discover the truth by standing by
the scared witnesses
RSS and Fascism
By Shyam Chand
The RSS is an organised hypocrisy, criminalised
communalism, institutionalised terrorism and mytho-logised falsehood.
It pretends to be a cultural organi-sation but it is a criminal mafia
of the anti-national fascist forces
Religion And
By Asghar Ali Engineer
Religion is not only part of problem it can also
be part of solution, if handled imaginatively
29 June, 2003
Troops As Cannon Fodder
By P Sainath
The lives of Indian soldiers are more expendable
in American eyes. But should the eyes of an Indian government
see it the same way?
And Despised
By Rory McCarthy
Rory McCarthy explains how life after Saddam has
turned into a nightmare for many of Baghdad's Palestinian and Syrian
Israel One More
Step Into Open Apartheid
By Ali Abunimah
A law forbidding Israeli citizenship for Palestinians
from the Occupied Territories who marry Israelis passed its first reading
in the Knesset on June 18. This is another milestone on Israel's road
to open, institutionalized apartheid
BJP - The Saffron
By Sabrang Alternate News Network
Taking a look at the last five years of BJP rule
in India
Human Wrongs
By Ram Narayan Kumar And Tanu Thomas K
The Committee for Coordination on Disappearances
in Punjab (CCDP) released a report, titled " Reduced to Ashes:
The Insurgency and Human Rights in Punjab." The report analyses
alleged cases of torture and extra-judicial killings in Punjab in the
1980s and early 1990s. An interview with one of its authors
We, The Guilty
By Sundeep Dougal
If the first verdict involving Gujarat's post-Godhra
carnage is any indication, there is no hope for any justice in the other
cases under trial. And we are responsible
28 June, 2003
Soldiers Exonerated In
Death of Rachel Corrie
Israel's military prosecutor exonerated Israeli
soldiers in the death of Rachel Corrie, 23, who was killed by an Israeli
bulldozer in March
How The British
Troops Became A Soft Target
By Robert Fisk
Whether or not Tony Blair realises it, the British
are playing once more the game of colonial occupiers - and now it is
time to pay the price
Hold Ace In Post-War Iraq
By Paul Buchanan
Observing post-conquest Iraq, we should remember
Mao's maxim that the population is the sea in which the guerrilla fish
Dalit Sahibs
And Masses
By Manohar Yadav
Class divide among the dalits deprives the poorest
of them of benefits of reservation while the rich dalits become richer.
Will the dalit elite save its community from disunity or will it continue
to stoke sub-caste communalism?
The Symbolic Ambedkar
K Satyanarayana
Book review of "The Essential Writings of
B R Ambedkar". Through a biographical sketch and introduction to
Ambedkars varied writings, the book accounts for the growing relevance
of Ambedkar in contemporary India
An introduction to the life and work of Periyar
E. V. Ramaswamy
27 June, 2003
By Navnita Chadha Behera
Look closer at Jammu and Kashmir, and you see more
than Kashmiri Muslims. There are also Ladakhis, Dogras and Gujjars,
all of them seeking some space of their own within India and within
the state of J&K
Polls And
That Looming Dalit Factor
By Neerja Chowdhury
With polls just months away, the Dalit factor gets
back to the
limelight in Madhya Pradesh
Prof Caste Off By Fellow Desi
By Chidanand Rajghatta
India's caste custom has reared its head in the
groves of American academe.An Indian professor at a US university has
sued a fellow Indian don, citing personal caste discrimination among
reasons for a stifled career
26 June, 2003
Meaning of Rachel Corrie
By Edward Said
"Important aspect of the Rachel Corrie story
for me was the young woman's action itself, heroic and dignified at
the same time"
Bush's Vietnam
By John Pilger
Once More, We Hear That America is Being "Sucked
Into a Quagmire". The Rapacious Adventures in Iraq and Afghanistan
are Going Badly Wrong
Biotech Wars: Food
Freedom Vs Food Slavery
By Vandana Shiva
Our bread is our freedom. Our freedom will ensure
our bread. And each of us has a duty to exercise bread freedom for the
sake of the earth, for all species, and for ourselves and the generations
to come
No Indian
Troops For Iraq
By Brian Cloughley
'Stabilising' Iraq is not peacekeeping: it is weasel-speak
for muscular occupation of territory on behalf of a conquering power
Education For
By Eduardo Faleiro
The ineptude of India and Pakistan to settle their
bilateral disputes hampers not merely the progress of their own people
but also of other countries of the region which are held hostage to
the quagmire of the Indo-Pak conundrum
By Sushila Ramaswamy
Compared to Gandhi's elaborate and inclusive plank
that included every single Indian, Hedgewar was a minor prophet whose
prescriptions reflected a myopic world view resulting in a narrow social
base for the RSS
25 June, 2003
Peace Movement Still Vibrant
By Marco Garrido
Although the war in Iraq is over, the global peace
movement has not gone away
The Deadly Embrace
By Ben Gregory and David McKnight
A report of the Seventh Welsh Delegation to Nicaragua
-Nicaraguas economy is slowly being strangled by the dictates
of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund
Was Wrong About Trade
By George Monbiot
George Bush seems to be preparing to destroy the
WTO at the next world trade talks in September not because its rules
are unjust, but because they are not unjust enough. "Our Aim Should
Not Be To Abolish The World Trade Organization., But To Transform It",
says George Monbiot
23 June, 2003
Guide To Kashmir Peace Plans
By Muzamil Jaleel
By Muzamil Jaleel examines some of the suggested
solutions to the longstanding dispute between India and Pakistan
Escaping What Entraps
Us: Reflections From Jerusalem
By Laurie King-Irani
"Not only Palestinians are trapped now in
the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, but Jews are, too. Fear and anxiety
are unshakeable daily companions.
War And
Peace In Burundi
By Mandisi Majavu
On 01 July, Burundi will be celebrating its independence
of 1962 from the Belgians, and while they will be observing this remarkable
day the rest of the world will be hoping for the lasting peace of a
ten year civil war that has ravaged that country, leaving more than
300 000 dead with over a million people, according to the UN, internally
displaced or living abroad as refugees
In Hindutva
Genes:Treason and Moral Turpitude
By I.K.Shukla
"Savarkar should have been tried for treason.
He was let go in those days of national euphoria. It only whetted his
passion for more treason and grosser crime, culminating in Gandhi's
22 June, 2003
By Patrick Cockburn
Powerless Iraqis rail against ignorant, air-conditioned
US occupation force
By Peter Beaumont
The gunner apologised and told us that he had been
about to kill us. He said he had his finger on the trigger. A second
later, it would have been too late
In Tehran-Pars Or Is It?
By Mozhgan Bahar
The public resistance we are witnessing in Iran
is to restore peoples power over the rule of the clerics
Dollar Crisis
And American Empire
By Jeffrey Sommers
An America in economic crisis would place the world
in even greater danger of American military adventures by a government
seeking both diversions from its domestic ills while it also sought
means to shore up its empire
Disappearances And
Beheaded Tourists In Kashmir
By Arshad H Naqshabandi and Richard Powell
Outcry over 3500 unsolved disappearances and beheaded
tourists in troubled Kashmir
21 June, 2003
Fries Climate Change
By Derrick Z. Jackson
White House took a draft report on the state of
the environment by the Environmental Protection Agency and deleted references
to studies that directly mentioned industrial pollution and vehicle
exhaust as contributors to global warming
Saddam Alive
In Iraq, Intercepted Calls Suggest
By Andrew Buncombe
New intelligence recovered by American agents electronically
eavesdropping on supporters of Saddam Hussein suggests the former Iraqi
dictator is alive and still living inside Iraq
No Defence For
Arms Sales
By David Mepham
Is it intelligent to sell Hawk jets and components
to India?
From Saddams
Tyranny to Post-Liberation Tyranny
By Seumas Milne
They create a wasteland and they call it
20 June, 2003
Of Deception
By Sam Hamod
Most Arab and Muslims regimes have tried to continue
believing in America, but many must consider by now that they have been
duped--that America has no ally in the world except Israel
America's Nightmare:Is
Iraq The New Vietnam?
By Gwynne Dyer
Come election time, Bush may have to justify the
continuing deaths of US troops, writes Gwynne Dyer.
19 June, 2003
Another Day In Baghdad
By Rory McCarthy in Baghdad
The demonstrating Iraqis have no work, no money
and are desperate. Two are shot dead. Nearby, an American soldier guarding
a gas station is casually killed
From Liberation
to Counter-Insurgency in
Less Than 80 Days
By Jim Lobe
U.S. Central Command in Baghdad has unleashed
a new campaign with a far more ominous name. ''Operation Desert Scorpion''
is designed, in the equally ominous words of Monday's 'Wall Street Journal',
''to avoid a prolonged guerrilla campaign''
Army involved in Aceh atrocities
By Jo Mazzocchi
William Nessen, who previously travelled with the
rebel forces, is the only journalist who remains working within the
rebel-held regions of Aceh, and he claims that unarmed civilians are
being targeted by the Indonesian Army even after they've surrendered
Is Happening in America?
By Eliot Weinberger
This article, one of the best short analyses of
the Bush administration's policies, was published by "Vorwarts,"
18 June, 2003
By Jonathan Cook
The real meaning of the road map- "that a
solution to the conflict can be found in the Palestinians realising
Israel's national ambitions rather than their own, far more limited,
ones. Palestinians must once again be made to enforce the occupation
on Israel's behalf. "
Students In India Face Discrimination
By Rama Lakshmi
Scores of Muslim students, traders and professionals
who quit violence-wracked Kashmir for other parts of India in search
of education and job opportunities face increased harassment and discrimination
Shanti Abhiyan (VSA) Withdraw
From The Nanavati-Shah Commission Hearings
PUCL- VSA submitted an affidavit stating that,
in view of their lack of faith in the inquiry proceedings, they will
not participate in them further
Still Debating?
1,800 Indians Already There
By V K Shashikumar
Indians may be busy debating whether to commit
troops to Iraq but whats not known to many is that 1,800 of their
countrymen are already engaged in supporting US military operations
against remnants of the ousted Saddam regime
17 June, 2003
Lanka's End Game
The peace carnival in Srilanka is now all but over
In The war
By Manjushree Thapa
A visit to the hill districts of Dailekh, Kalikot
and Jumla in west Nepal in February 2003, three weeks after the declaration
of the ceasefire between government and Maoist forces, reveals that
the much-touted female involvement in the Maoist movement is ethically
problematic for the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) (CPN-M)
Game Against Dalits
By Dr. Bizay Sonkar Shastri And Suresh Varghese
An interview with Dr. Bizay Sonkar Shastri, Chairman
of the National Commission for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes
Crossing Blues
By Raphael Cohen
Writing from Rafah-Egyptian border
Can seize The Day
By George Monbiot
Economic globalisation has made us stronger than
ever before, just as the existing instruments of global control have
become weaker than ever before
Moving Swiftly to Become 'GloboCop'
By Jim Lobe
The Pentagon is moving at seemingly breakneck speed
to re-deploy U.S. forces and equipment around the world in ways that
will permit Washington to play ''GloboCop''
16 June, 2003
Accused Of Stirring Up Student Protests In Iran
By Justin Huggler
Iran accused America of meddling in its internal
affairs and deliberately stirring up the protests
Orwell and Me
By Margaret Atwood
Margaret Atwood cried her eyes out when she first
read Animal Farm at the age of nine. Later, its author became a major
influence on her writing. As the centenary of George Orwell's birth
approaches, she says he would have plenty to say about the post-9/11
Sikh Civil Wars
By S P Singh
Casteism claims Sikhism. The long and invisible
battle between Punjabs Dalits and Jats is out on the streets
US Support In
Iraq Fades After Raids
By Ellen Barry and Bryan Bender
How One Iraqi's Lifelong Love for America Shattered
Archaeology Of The
By Edward Said
"That Ariel Sharon has accepted the roadmap
(with enough reservations to undercut his acceptance) seems to augur
well for a viable Palestinian state."