April, 2004
To "Save"
By Rahul Mahajan
We were in Fallujah during the "ceasefire."
This is what we saw and heard
Americans Slaughtering
Civilians In Falluja
By Dahr Jamail
The city itself was virtually empty, aside from
groups of mujahedeen standing on every other street corner. It was a
city at war
US Press Justifies
Slaughter In Iraq
By Bill Van Auken
The uprising sweeping Iraq has shaken the confidence
of ruling circles in the US, and this has found unmistakable expression
in the press
08 April, 2004
Rage Across Iraq
Almost 300 people have died in clashes and attacks
during the last three days in battles between occupation forces and
resistance fighters including supporters of Muqtada al-Sadr across Iraq
Muqtada al-Sadr
A profile
Muqtada al-Sadr is seen by many Shia and politicians
as a zealous leader who has chosen the wrong time for this escalation
of protests
The Third World
War Is Now
By Prince El Hassan bin Talal
From Palestine to Iraq, the Region is Aflame with
Conflict yet the Need for Dialogue is Ignored
07 April, 2004
On The Brink Of Anarchy
By Robert Fisk
"Things are getting very bad and they're going
to get worse," a special forces officer said close to the airport
yesterday. "But no one is saying that - either because they don't
know or because they don't want you to know."
Operation Iraqi
By James Conachy
The prospect is looming in Iraq for an orgy of
killing by US troops, in desperate and murderous efforts to carry out
the orders of the Bush administration that they bring the situation
under control
Bharatiya Janata
Party: Political
Agenda-Economic Policies
By Ram Puniyani
Essentially BJP is not a party of modern era, the
one, which can keep all the economic and social progress in tune with
times. More so it is very biased and partial towards a narrow social
06 April, 2004
Mare in Iraq
By Julian Borger and Jonathan Steele
The Bush administration is facing a nightmare scenario
in Iraq, fighting on two fronts against Sunni and Shia militants less
than three months before it is due to hand over power to an Iraqi government
Najaf Bloodbath
A Bad Omen For
Coalition Forces
By Robert Fisk
That the latest bloodbath should have occurred
in Najaf - one of the holiest shrines in Islam - was as dangerous as
it was painfully symbolic
Entering The
By Dahr Jamail
Dahr Jamail returns to Iraq and what he sees is
a city on fire and the flames are only growing higher as the outrage
toward the occupiers has drawn the militant Al-Sadr and his huge following
into the battle against the Americans
Sri Lankan
Election Produces A Hung Parliament
And Further Political Instability
By K.Ratnayake
The Sri Lankan election held last Friday has resulted
in an indecisive outcome that can only lead to further political volatility
Why US Troops
Are Occupying Haiti
By Richard Dufour and Keith Jones
A look into the reasons why the USA is occupying
such a resourceless country like Haiti
05 April, 2004
Again Denies Climate Change
By Antony Barnett
George W. Bush's campaign workers have hit on an
age-old political tactic to deal with the tricky subject of global warming
- deny, and deny aggressively
Fallujah Atrocity
And The Genesis Of Hate
By Robert Fisk
The Brutal murder of the four Americans in Fallujah
is not inexplicable. This can be traced to the brutal atrocities committed
by the occupied forces there
Genetically Modified
Crops In India
By Devinder Sharma and Aditi Kapoor
GM food diverts precious financial resources to
an irrelevant research, comes with stronger intellectual property rights,
and is aimed at strengthening corporate control over agriculture
Suicide Economy Of Corporate Globalisation
By Vandana Shiva
The Indian peasantry, the largest body of surviving
small farmers in the world, today faces a crisis of extinction. More
than 25,000 peasants in India have taken their lives since 1997
Lamps Lit In Darkness
By Harsh Mander
If the savage massacre in Gujarat and its unconscionable
conspiracies of silence and complicity marked a monumental collapse
of traditional 'civil society', it witnessed simultaneously a countrywide
upsurge of spontaneous voluntary action, luminous acts of compassion,
conscience and faith
Protect The
Life Of Sreeni Pattathanam
The Online Petition
A National Defense Committee was formed by PUCL,
Kerala to further the actions against the Kerala Government's inhuman
Order of prosecution against the Malayalam writer and eminent rationalist
leader Mr. Sreeni Pattathanam
04 April, 2004
Warming As A WMD
By Bruce E. Johansen
The insurance companies, whose business is making
book on the future, are watching the weatherand they are worried
The Mentality
Of The Colonized:
Why Fallujah's Lynching Occurred
By Rene L. Gonzalez Berrios M.A.
It is clear that the people who lynched the Americans
were not the "insurgents" who left the Americans at the mercy
of the mob. It was regular Iraqis, representing the Iraqi national mood
of hatred and humiliation
03 April, 2004
Oil Reserves Foretell Bleak Future?
By Alejandro Eggers Moreno
There may be considerably less oil in the world
than the oil-producing countries and energy companies claim, and global
oil production could peak far sooner than expected -- some predict as
early as 2010
As in Tiennamen
By Tanya Reinhart
An extensive discussion has already taken place
in Israel regarding the cost-benefit ratio of Yassin's assassination.
But the question of justice has hardly been raised
And The Curriculum
By Beena Sarwar
Pakistan's so-called religious parties are up in
arms at the rumour that references to Jehad are to be removed from Pakistani
The Future Of
The Indian Past
By Romila Thapar
The discipline of history in India at a broader
level may be forced to go into reverse, in an effort to instill an ideology
of religious nationalism
Of Conversion
By Rashid Salim Adil and Yoginder Sikand
'Islam Gave Me Self Respect' Rashid Salim Adil,
a Delhi-based advocate, social activist and politician, is a Dalit convert
to Islam. Here he talks to Yoginder Sikand on Dalits, social liberation
and Islam
02 April, 2004
In Fallujah
By Robert Fisk
These were the horrors of Iraq, pictures which
would have reminded the world of the American debacle in Somalia had
they been shown outside the Middle East
Occupiers Spend
Millions On Private
Army Of Security Men
By Robert Fisk and Severin Carrell
An army of thousands of mercenaries has appeared
in Iraq's major cities, many of them former British and American soldiers
hired by the occupying Anglo-American authorities and by dozens of companies
who fear for the lives of their employees
Oil, & US Military
By Ritt Goldstein
Over the past several months, the US has been in
the process of dispatching Special Forces troops to the countries of
Africa's Sahel - Mauritania, Chad, Mali and Niger
Aliens In Their
Own Country
By Massoud Shadjareh
Forget about the latest arrests around London.
Forget about police profiling of Muslims - the general public now categorises
all things Muslim as terror-orientated. Why?
01 April, 2004
Counts The Civilian Casualties?
By Brad Knickerbocker
How many civilian casualties - "collateral
damage," to use the antiseptic phrase - have resulted from the
war, and the subsequent occupation in which people are killed and wounded
nearly every day? It's an impossible question to answer with sure accuracy
Dead Americans
Mutilated And Dragged
Through Fallujah Streets
By James Conachy
In ugly scenes captured by television cameras,
crowds of Iraqi men hacked apart and lynched the bodies of four Americans
killed yesterday in the restive city of Fallujah
31 March, 2004
Warming Spirals Upwards
By Geoffrey Lean
Levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere have
jumped abruptly, raising fears that global warming may be accelerating
out of control
Three Generals,
One Martyr
By Uri Avnery
The picture of Hamas as an inveterate enemy of
all peace and compromise is not accurate. The picture is much more complex
than meets the eye