15 September, 2003
Avnery To Act As Human Shield For Arafat
"I am willing to put myself at risk and serve
as a human shield, in order to foil Prime Minster Sharon's intention
to murder the leader of the Palestinian People. So are many of my my
fellows in the Israeli peace movement"
14 September, 2003
By Uri Avnery
So now it is official: the government of Israel
has decided to assassinate Yasser Arafat
Birth And Death
At The Checkpoint
By Gideon Levy
A familiar Palestinian story- Rula was in the last
stages of labor. Daoud says the soldiers at the checkpoint wouldn't
let them through, so his wife hid behind a concrete block and gave birth
on the ground. A few minutes later, the baby girl died
Trade Is War
By Naomi Klein
The brutal economic model advanced by the World
Trade Organization is itself a form of war because privatization and
deregulation kill--by pushing up prices on necessities like water and
medicines and pushing down prices on raw commodities like coffee, making
small farms unsustainable
Combat Completes A Decade
By Jyoti Punwani
Javed Anand, who along with wife Teesta has edited
Communalism Combat for ten years, tells what it means to be a professional
journalist running an advocacy magazine
13 September, 2003
Have Decided To Murder Arafat"
Gush Shalom, Press Release
"The government of Israel has tonight resolved
to commit a cold-blooded murder, with the implementation deferred --
the cold blooded murder of the elected president of the Palestinians.
Let there be no mistake about it. Let no one be fooled by the talk of
'deportation'. There is no intention that Arafat will survive the encounter
with Sharon's soldiers."- Uri Avnery
Full text
Israel's cabinet communique citing
removal of Arafat
Communique, MFA, 11 September 2003, Communicated
by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser
Iraq's Epic
Suffering Is Made Invisible
By John Pilger
If the great crime in Iraq was represented not
by the poignant moment of a dead squaddie's flag-draped coffin returning,
but by the unrelenting horror I have watched on unseen videotape, the
cover would crack. And the illusion presented by the Hutton inquiry
would be revealed
12 September, 2003
Grief Of 9/11
By Robert Fisk
President Bush cruelly manipulated the grief of
the American people - and the sympathy of the rest of the world - to
introduce a "world order" dreamed up by a clutch of fantasists
advising the Secretary of Defence, Donald Rumsfeld
That Promote Fear
By Kalpana Sharma
When you tell people in India or Pakistan that
you are travelling across the border, the instant response is "be
careful.Why do we have this perception about each other's countries,
that they are not safe for ordinary people?
11 September, 2003
After Two Years, Cover-up Begins To Unravel
By Bill Vann
A myriad of unanswered questions persist about
how the most powerful military-intelligence apparatus in the world failed
to either detect such a terrorist plot or interfere with it once it
was launched
Of The Ashes
By Gail Sheehy
Thousands of people were left grieving by the September
11 terrorist attack on New York. On the second anniversary of the event
that shook the world, Gail Sheehy meets a couple who each lost a spouse
- but found love together
Countries Take Early Initiative
By C. Rammanohar Reddy
On the eve of the formal opening of the World Trade
Organisation's ministerial conference, a 20-member coalition of developing
countries led by India, Brazil, China, South Africa and Argentina, has
taken centre stage with its distinctive proposals for reform of global
trade in agriculture
The Quick
Rise And Fall Of Mahmoud Abbas
By Hasan Abu Nimah
The resignation of the first Palestinian prime
minister should surprise no one. The whole scheme was no more than an
artificial arrangement intended to serve far more hidden, dangerous
purposes than those sanctimoniously declared
The Apartheid Wall
And Jubara's Schoolchildren
By Cathy, Marlous and Kate, writing from Jubara
Every day the children of Jubara must wait for
the soldiers to open the gate in the Apartheid Wall, then walk in a
line past soldiers armed with machine guns, to go to school
History Of Israeli
By John Pilger
In the news we get, only the Palestinians are described
as terrorists, and yet the Israelis have a long history of terrorism
- both before and since the founding of the Jewish state.At least three
Israeli Prime Ministers have been involved in campaigns of terror
History of Freedom Struggle
By Ram Puniyani
The way Modi, Advani and company are projecting
Shyamvarma, Patel etc. is more to down play the legacy of Gandhi and
Nehru. They . also want to suppress the factthat people like Krishnavarma
and Patel had nothing whatsoever in commonwith the Hindutva ideology
10 September, 2003
Lines Drawn At Cancun
By Stephen Castle
Europe and the United States - so often economic
enemies - arrive at crucial world trade talks today lined up against
some of the poorer nations, insisting that developing countries must
make their share of concessions
Trumps Free Trade At The WTO
By Mark Weisbrot
At the Cancun ministerial conference one bone of
contention is the international trade in pharmaceuticals. On one side
are most developing countries and humanitarian groups who want poor
people to have access to cheap, generic, essential medicines. Against
this proposition stand the big pharmaceutical companies, backed by their
governments in the United States and Europe
Meet the New Iraqi
Strongman:Paul Bremer
By Robert Fisk
Today Bremer is the strongman, and under his rule
US troops are losing hearts and minds by the bucketful with each new,
blundering and often useless raid against the civilians of Iraq
O Jerusalem: Two
Tears for Modernity
By Krishna Kumar
Far from fulfilling its promise of reinforcing
reason, modernisation has given Israel the dubious status of being an
exporter of high-class weaponry. Each time it acts in blind revenge
against a weak and hapless adversary, Israel blurs the terrible universal
memory of the Holocaust
Moments Of
By V. Gangadhar
At frequent intervals, members of the "moral
police" swoop down on lovers relaxing at public parks and gardens
in Indian cities.This violation of human rights should be considered
as a crime
09 September, 2003
is Ariel Sharon
By Azmi Bishara
Kill unarmed civilians then lie through your teeth:
Ariel Sharon's been doing it for half a century. Azmi Bishara examines
the career of Israel's prime minister
Betrayal At Camp
By Uri Avnery
Before the meeting even started, the Americans
had, without consulting the parties, prepared the full text of an agreement.
This text is very similar to the agreement that eventually emerged
Letter from
Baghdad: The Progress of Disaster
By Christian Parenti
Here the criminal is king. Saddam emptied the prisons
and the United States disbanded the police, while 60 percent of people
are unemployed. As a result, carjacking, robbery, looting, and murder
are rife. Marauding men in misery gangs kidnap and rape
women and girls at will
How One Man Has
Changed Gujarat
By Kuldip Nayar
A deafening silence comes out of Modi's Gujarat.
Yet the Gujaratis must remember that, as Martin Luther King has said:
"The day we see the truth and cease to speak is the day we begin
to die."
08 September, 2003
Good Reason To Fear US
By Noam Chomsky
The world has good reason to watch what is happening
in Washington with fear and trepidation. The people who are best placed
to relieve those fears, and to lead the way to a more hopeful and constructive
future, are the people of the United States, who can shape the future
07 September, 2003
War On Terrorism Is Bogus
By Michael Meacher
The 9/11 attacks gave the US an ideal pretext to
use force to secure its global domination
Fourth World War
By Doug Saunders
The devastating attacks on the Afghan and Iraqi
regimes don't illustrate the true scope of the campaign. While everyone
was preoccupied with the fireworks, Washington has quietly deployed
thousands of agents in a secretive struggle that may last a lifetime
06 September, 2003
Real Cancun: Behind Globalization's Glitz
By Marc Cooper
A de facto economic and social apartheid keeps
the two worlds of Cancún--the served and the server--quite distant
except when conducting necessary business
Europe's Harvest
By John Vidal and Heather Stewart
Fear of severe effect on economies after heatwave
devastates grain crops
'Women's Studies Center'
By Rochona Majumdar
'Women's Studies Center' at the University of Pune
renamed as the 'Women's and Family Studies Center'. As the feminist
historian Tanika Sarkar put it, "it re-embeds women within the
family," ignoring their role in vast web of complex social relations
05 September, 2003
Frightening Freedom
By Mario Vargas Llosa
There are no police stations or banks, the American
troops are scared and hated and anything that isn't guarded is stolen
or destroyed. Is there hope for the people of Baghdad? Peruvian novelist
Mario Vargas Llosa reports from Iraq
Radio Havana
Interviews Chomsky
By Noam Chomsky
Noam Chomsky speaks about Cuban Revolution and
the James Cason episode
Sharing The Art
Of Ethnic Cleansing
By Mani Shankar Aiyar
It is the appeal of a common hate object which
explains the BJP passion for Isreal. Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's visit
to India could be a sharing of the experiences of ethnic cleansing
Excavations And Temple
By Asghar Ali Engineer
Thus the ASI report has created another controversy
rather than solving the problem. Wisdom requires that the issue be resolved
through negotiations
04 September, 2003
Of All - The Wall Must Fall!"
By Uri Avnery
A State that surrounds itself with a Wall is nothing
but a ghetto-state. Peace will not be achieved with a ghetto mentality
Israel's Assassination
Policy Triggers
Suicide Bombings
By Steve Niva
While Palestinians must do what they can to end
suicide bombings, it is past time to rethink Israel's assassination
policy. They make it impossible for Palestinian authorities to undertake
steps to reign in the militant groups without risking a major civil
war and fuel popular support for retaliation
Ambedkar's orphans
BySagarika Ghose
Instead of being champions only for their own caste,
dalit leaders should become champions of general democratisation
Milking The
Cow Politically
By Praful Bidwai
If the 10 million cows slaughtered each year are
to be kept alive for only five years (that is, 50 million for one year),
they will need as much additional pastureland as India currently has.
If a paltry Rs 10 is spent on each animal daily, that will annually
cost over Rs 18,000 crores! India's total primary education spending
is Rs 35,00 crores
03 September, 2003
war is lost
By James Carroll
The war is lost. By most measures of what the Bush
administration forecast for its adventure in Iraq, it is already a failure
Propaganda, Empire
By P Sainath
The media have never been more powerful than they
were during the war on Iraq. But the public refused to buy this propaganda.
That opens up a space, that opens up hope
02 September, 2003
Just Warmer: It's The Hottest For 2,000 Years
By Ian Sample
The most comprehensive study of climatic history
has revealed the earth is warmer now than it has been at any time in
the past 2,000 years
Decline And Fall
By Alexander Cockburn
Handmaid in Babylon: Annan, Vieira de Mello and
the UN's decline and fall
Right To Return Of
Palestinian Refugees
By Salman Abu Sitta
For the Palestinians, the right of return to their
pre-1948 homes is sacred. The right of return is enshrined in international
law, as evidenced by the sustained affirmation of this right by the
UN 135 times so far. Who then undermines the right of return? Israel,
of course, and its supporters
The Saints Go Marching Out
By Arundhati Roy
It's interesting how icons, when their time has
passed, are commodified and appropriated to promote the prejudice, bigotry
and inequity they battled against
Iraq's 10 million
unemployed: The forgotten issue
By E.A.Khammas
There are about 10 million unemployed in Iraq.
They cannot afford to pay rent or to support their families. Their families
are disintegrating, and many of their wives are asking for divorce or
deserting their houses