March, 2004
Secretly Funding Opponents Of Chavez
By Andrew Buncombe
Washington has been channelling hundreds of thousands
of dollars to fund the political opponents of Venezuelan President Hugo
Chavez - including those who briefly overthrew the democratically elected
leader in a coup two years ago
Madrid Terror
Strengthen The Right-wing
By Vicky Short and Chris Marsden
Thursdays bombing atrocities in Madrid will
inevitably dominate the March 14 general elections in Spain. The outrage
they have provoked is expected to benefit the right-wing Popular Party
of the outgoing prime minister, José María Aznar, and
its candidate to succeed him, Mariano Rajoy
Illegitimate Interim Constitution
By James Conachy
The signing of the Iraqi interim constituion was
conceived as a propaganda coup for the White House, conjuring up images
of the benevolent liberator bringing democratic rights to a long-suffering
Is Emerging On The Destructive
Effects of Globalization
By Joseph Stiglitz
A new report, issued by the International Labor
Organization's commission on the social dimensions of globalization,
reminds us how far the Bush administration is out of line with the global
Hell In Camp X-Ray
By Rosa Prince and Gary Jones
A British captive freed from Guantanamo Bay today
tells the world of its full horror - and reveals how prostitutes were
taken into the camp to degrade Muslim inmates
12 March, 2004
Comes To Madrid
By Elizabeth Nash and Peter Popham
Terror struck without warning in the heart of Madrid,
twisting and buckling steel, tearing scores of passengers into pieces,
mutilating hundreds more
The Unexplained Death
Of Mohamed Aboul Abbas
By Robert Fisk
Perhaps Aboul Abbas will always be on the margins
of Palestinian history. But he will be the first Palestinian leader
to die in US custody, and thus is assured his place in "Palestine's"
By Beena Sarwar
A pakistani jouranlists reminiscence
of Bombay, on her visit to the city for the World Social Forum
11 March, 2004
Face Climate Disaster'
By Ben Leapman
Briton's chief scientist set out an "apocalyptic
vision" of global warming bringing back the conditions which drove
the dinosaurs to extinction
US Marines Expand
Operations In Haiti
By Keith Jones
Having used a rebel force led by thugs
of previous Haitian dictators to force the countrys elected president
from power, the Bush administration is now trying to patch together
a constitutional and democratic façade for a new, US-sponsored
More Interested In
Electricity Than Constitutions
By Robert Fisk
Veiled ladies and tribal sheikhs, some good men
and true but also a convicted fraudster, Ahmed Chalabi, scribbled their
signatures on the new Iraq constitution in front of the US proconsul
Paul Bremer on Monday
The Mind Of India
By Roshni Sengupta
An enquiry into the way in which the hindutwa forces
took control of India's educational system and the media
Hindu Nationalism
And Orissa: Minorities As Other
By Angana Chatterji
In October 2003 Angana Chatterji wrote a report
on Orissa about the political economy of Hindutva in the state. In this
article, she continues to map the entrenchment of the Sangh Parivar
Cook, The Rice And
The Father Of Pakistan's Nuclear Bomb
By Beena Sarwar
Pakistan's laws regarding the freedom of information
are much to be desired
10 March, 2004
And Destruction In Rafah
By Chris McGreal
Over the past four months 210 homes have been bulldozed
in Rafah, apart from the 200 destroyed in October.With the destruction
have come dozens of deaths
Stampeding Through
The Heart Of India
By Raja Swamy
Mr. Advani begins his yatra from Kanyakumari hoping
to garner as much political mileage as possible, while stampeding on
the heads of hapless Indians, with thousands of paramilitary cadres
hell-bent on destroying any pretenses of democracy left in India
By Noam Chomsky
The basic contours of what led to the current tragedy
are pretty clear."The fear of democracy exists, by definitional
necessity, in elite groups who monopolize economic and political power"
An Academy Award
For Bigotry
By Mike Davis
The most startling thing about Mel Gibson's The
Passion of the Christ -- even more than its relentless, shockingly eroticized
cruelty -- is its fidelity to the anti-Semitic conventions of Hitlerian
The Spirit
Of Kashmir
By Beena Sarwar
We Kashmiris must be allowed to dialogue
among ourselves, reiterates Ved Bhasin. It is time this dialogue
was allowed to begin, so that the River Neelum need never again witness
the tears of a people divided
09 March, 2004
40m Bachelors
And No Women
By Justin McCurry and Rebecca Allison
China, the most populous nation on Earth, could
find itself dealing with the combined frustrations of as many as 40
million single men by 2020 because its one-child policy is creating
a shortage of female babies
'It's the same old
By Robert Fisk
Each time I return to Iraq, it's the same, like
finding a razor blade in a bar of chocolate. The moment you start to
believe that "New Iraq" might work - just - you get the proof
that it's the same old Iraq, just a little tiny bit worse than it was
last month
08 March, 2004
Women's Day
- Time To Reflect And Celebrate
By Kalpana Sharma
Can Indian women dream of a day when they will
be treated with the same respect and rights as men, in fact as all human
beings, men and women, should?
"I Was
By Amy Goodman
Democracy Now! interviews Aristide
Killing At The Fence
By Gideon Levy
Israel kills demonstraters protesting against the
separation wall
07 March, 2004
Sixth Great Extinction -A Status Report
By Janet Larsen
The earth is moving toward another mass extinction
that could rival the past big five. This potential sixth great extinction
is unique in that it is caused largely by the activities of a single
species. It is the first mass extinction that humans will witness firsthandand
not just as innocent bystanders
Last Moments In Haiti-
"They Overthrew Me"
By Jean Bertrand Aristide
Aristide's Address To Haitian People From Exile
Sale of India : ONGC Disinvestment
A U.S. financier, Warren Buffet, who has close
links with the "military-industrial complex" is the main buyer
in the disinvestment of the state owned oil company ONGC of India.It
is a take-over of India's oil resources by American oil-interests
06 March, 2004
Division Of Labor Behind
The US-made Coup In Haiti
By Bill Van Auken and Barry Grey
The US government is engaged in a cynical charade
to distance itself from the right-wing terrorists and thugs who marched
into the Haitian capital of Port-au-Prince over the weekend, leading
to the forced resignation and exile of President Jean-Bertrand Aristide
No Arabic At McDonald's
By Jonathan Cook
Discrimination against Israel's Palestinian citizens
has been expanding to include a total ban of the use of Arabic language
by workers. McDonald's bans its Arabic employees from speaking their
The Ghetto Inside
By Uri Avnery
"It is easier to get the Jews out of the ghetto
than to get the ghetto out of the Jews!" - this dictum of the early
Zionists is now assuming a new meaning. Israel is cutting itself off
from the world and enclosing itself in a ghetto, and not only physically
Terrorism With Outsourcing
By Naomi Klein
Thomas Friedman's argument that outsourcing "low-wage,
low-prestige" jobs will prevent the third world youngsters becoming
suicide bombers and make life safer for the American youth smacks of
Plight Of Dalits
In Pakistan
By Yoginder Sikand
Dalits in Pakistan continue to be subjected to
considerable discrimination by 'upper' caste Hindus as well as 'high'
caste Muslim converts
05 March, 2004
vs Sunni Civil War? No, I Dont Believe It
By Robert Fisk
There never has been a civil war in Iraq.Never
heard a single word of animosity between Sunnis and Shias in Iraq. But,
now the Americans warn us of a civil war. And then the deadly explosions.
Are they all just coincidences?
From His First
Day in Office,
Bush Was Ousting Aristide
By Jeffrey D. Sachs
American officials in Port-au-Prince told Aristide
that rebels were on the way to the presidential residence and that he
and his family were unlikely to survive unless they immediately boarded
an American-chartered plane standing by to take them to exile
Elections 2004-Protents
For Future
By Ram Puniyani
A victory for BJP in the coming national elections
in India, with or without allies will push the country more towards
the goal desired by RSS. The creeping fascism in the society can be
transformed into an aggressive Moditva as and when planned
Brahminical Fascism
By Kancha Ilaiah and Yogi Sikander
Interview with Kancha Ilaiah
04 March, 2004
Warns Of Global Warming Catastrophe
By Thomas Atkins
The world's second-largest reinsurer, Swiss Re,
warned that the costs of natural disasters, aggravated by global warming,
threatened to spiral out of control, forcing the human race into a catastrophe
of its own making
Can India 'Shine'
Under Hindutva?
By Asghar Ali Engineer
Those who think that India can politically shine
only if secularism goes strong can never accept a dispensation in which
the BJP is a dominant partner. And the day BJP wins majority of its
own one can expect all kinds of steps to convert India into Hindu Rashtra.
Then India will never shine again
as Political Weapon
Interview with Devinder Sharma
A Nation Without Women"
By Soma Wadhwa
Manish Jha's film "Matrubhoomi: A Nation Without
Women" tells of the metamorphosis of the male into animal if the
world were to become womanless. The film takes the evil of female infanticide
to its logical conclusion
03 March, 2004
And Baghdad Massacre -
Shia's 11 September
By Justin Huggler
Independent's Justin Huggler who was just 100 meters
away when the first explosion occured writes of extraordinary scenes
he witnessed at the holy city of Karbala
Global Warming
As A Weapon Of Mass Distruction
By Bruce E. Johansen
The insurance companies, whose business is making
book on the future, are watching the weatherand they are worried
Accomplished Destruction Of Aristide,
The Planned Destruction Of Hugo Chavez
By Heinz Dieterich
The drama of Haiti and of the Aristide administration
implies many dangers for Cuba and Venezuela. It is the final outcome
of Washingtons Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) against popular
governments in Latin America: namely, subversion-destruction
One Year Later,
Justice Still Not Served:
Remembering the Death of Rachel Corrie
By Elizabeth Corrie
One year after the death of Rachel Corrie, neither
the FBI, nor any other US-led team has done anything to investigate
the death of an American, knowingly killed by an Israeli
- The Liberation That Isn't
By Ra Ravishankar And Mariam
In a region of ever-changing allegiances, the Revolutionary
Association of the Women of Afghanistan has won wide support and respect
for its principled anti-fundamentalist stance in Afghanistan. On the
current state of affairs in "liberated" Afghanistan, Ra Ravishankar
talks to the representative of RAWA known by her pseudonym Mariam
No Justice For
Muthanga Victims -
They Fall Down And Die
By B F Firos
A year has passed since the tragic turn of events
in Muthanga when the Kerala government brutally suppressed the rightful
protest of Adivasis for their right to land. Many have died after the
torture in police custody, and many others are as good as dead. Justice
and land still elude them
02 March, 2004
Marines Occupy Haitian Capital
Keith Jones
Deposed Haitian President Jean-Bertrand Aristide
and his wife have told several US Congressmen that US military personnel
forced him onto a plane and spirited him from the Caribbean-island state
as the final act in a US-sponsored coup against his government
01 March, 2004
Did Not Resign But Was Kidnapped
Congressmember Maxine Waters said she received
a call from Aristide at 9am EST. "He's surrounded by military.
It's like he is in jail, he said. He says he was kidnapped"