29 October, 2004
Iraqi Civilians Dead
By Sarah Boseley
About 100,000 Iraqi civilians - half of them women
and children - have died in Iraq since the invasion, mostly as a result
of airstrikes by coalition forces
Will There Be
A War Against The World?
By John Pilger
What will happen if the nightmare in Iraq goes
on? Perhaps those millions of worried Americans, who are currently paralysed
by wanting to get rid of Bush at any price, will shake off their ambivalence,
regardless of who wins on 2 November
Beware The Coming
By David R. Francis
Dennis Meadows warned 32 years ago that the world
would run short of resources within a century, putting the planet at
risk of expanding hunger as well as economic and social disaster. Today,
that danger is more imminent
Confronting Honour
ACHR Report
The Pakistan government bulldozed the Criminal
Law (Amendment) Bill 2004 against honour killings in the
National Assembly and adopted it on 26 October 2004 without any debate
amidst opposition walkout
Darfur Crisis
By Mahmood Mamdani
How can we name the Darfur crisis? The US Congress,
and now Secretary of State Colin Powell, claim that genocide has occurred
in Darfur. The European Union says it is not genocide. And so does the
African Union
28 October, 2004
April Civilian Toll Is 600
By Iraq Body Count
The Iraq Body Count came out with a shocking revelation
of the civilian dealth toll in the April 2004 siege of Falluja. The
analysis published on its website leads to the conclusion that betweeen
572 and 616 of the approximately 800 reported deaths were of civilians,
with over 300 of these being women and children
Prepare For The 'Final Assault' On Falluja
By Kim Sengupta
For the American military, Falluja is "the
last battle", an overwhelming assault that will destroy the epicentre
of the rebellion sweeping through the country, the beginning of the
end of major American military action in Iraq. The question now is not
if but when there will be an attack on Falluja
Bush Hides
Global Warming Evidence
By Chuck Schoffner
The Bush administration is trying to stifle scientific
evidence of the dangers of global warming in an effort to keep the public
By Michael Dahan
The withdrawal from the Gaza Strip will not lead
to civil war, nor will it lead to a rift, irreparable or otherwise,
in Israel proper. All the polls and figures point to the fact that the
disengagement plan is supported by at least 70% of the Israeli public
Eminem Mosh Against
By Sam Graham-Felsen
Eminem's new video 'Mosh' is a scathing indictment
of President Bush and the War in Iraq. Mosh could be one of the most
overtly political pop music videos ever produced
27 October, 2004
Terrorism In Thailand:
78 Suffocated To Death
By Aljazeera
At least 78 people have died in southern Thailand,
many of them crushed and suffocated after they were arrested and packed
tightly into trucks
Troubled South
By Shaheen Chughtai
Thailand is a predominantly Buddhist nation of
around 60 million people, but up to 10% of the population are Muslims,
living mostly in the five southern provinces bordering Malaysia. Many
southern inhabitants are also ethnic Malays who often speak a different
language from their more northern Thai neighbours
Wins Historic Gaza Vote
By Chris McGreal
Israel's parliament last night voted for the first
time in 37 years of occupation to remove Jewish settlements from the
Palestinian territories in a historic move that Ariel Sharon said paved
the way to the end of the conflict
Adventure Capitalism
By Greg Palast
Why were Iraqi elections delayed? Why was Jay Garner
fired? Why are the troops still there? Investigative reporter Palast
uncovers new documents that answer these questions and more about the
Bush administrations grand designs on Iraq
American Elections
By Baghdad Burning Blogger
So is Kerry going to be much better? I dont
know. I dont know if hes going to fix things or if hes
going to pull out the troops, or bring more in. I have my doubts about
how he will handle the current catastrophe in Iraq. I do know this:
nothing can be worse than Bush
Three Weddings
And Lots Of Funerals
By Brian Clougley
"Three Weddings and Lots of Funerals"
is different. The story line in what I write here is strong enough,
but there are no laughs whatever. It concerns the willful massacre of
over a hundred innocent people by US aircraft at two wedding gatherings
in Iraq and one in Afghanistan in the past 15 months
Lord Macaulay
By Chandrabhan Prasad
The greatest celestial spirit for India, code named
Thomas Babington Macaulay, was born on October 25, 1800. We must be
enlightened enough to take his anti-Hindu, anti-Caste views, in correct
spirit. Let us celebrate the birth anniversary of one of the greatest
philosophers this planet has produced, not for the Lord, but for the
India shinning
26 October, 2004
Raids On Gaza Kill 17
By Aljazeera
Up to 17 Palestinians have been killed in Israeli
military raids and missile strikes in the southern Gaza Strip town of
Khan Yunus. An eight-year-old child, who was hit by a bullet in the
neck, is among the casualties
350 Tons Of
Explosives Go Missing In Iraq
By Rupert Cornwell
In a massive pre-election embarrassment for the
Bush administration, nearly 350 tons of lethal explosives - which could
be used to trigger nuclear weapons - have vanished from a military facility
in Iraq supposed to have been guarded by US troops
Our War On Terrorism
By Howard Zinn
I am calling it "our" war on terrorism
because I want to distinguish it from Bush's war on terrorism, and from
Sharon's, and from Putin's
Chaos, Murder
And Mayhem
By Haifa Zangana
Kidnapping and killing is a daily reality in Iraq,
but in the west the atrocities go unrecorded and the dead are unnamed
Attention Pro-Life
By Gary Krane and James Armstrong
Economic policies and abortion are not separate
issues. They form one moral imperative, Without jobs, health care, a
living wage, health insurance and child care, all of this pious talk
about family values and abortion rings hollow
The Terrorism
Of War And Occupation
By Ghali Hassan
If the USA is concerned about peace, democracy,
and freedom in the world, US government should free the Iraqi people
by withdrawing its troops and stop killing innocent Iraqi civilians
Turkish Entry
Into EU: Some Ethical Questions
By Nikhil Shah
As the Kurdish issue has become synonymous with
human rights, allowing Turkey to become a member of the EU would cause
a great amount of disillusionment among the population in Europe. This
move would lead to a speculation of whether the EU is only about markets
rather than a community of political and social rights as well
25 October, 2004
Warnings From Global Warming Report
By Owen Bowcott
Daffodils, cod, Christmas trees and the Highlands'
ski resorts could have become victims of global warming by 2050 according
to an energy-efficiency report
Global Warming Effects
Faster Than Feared
By Maggie Fox
Recent storms, droughts and heat waves are probably
being caused by global warming, which means the effects of climate change
are coming faster than anyone had feared
Massacre At
By Kim Sengupta
The Massacre of 49 Iraqi army recruits at Baquba
is a significant step in the growing confidence and propensity to violence
of the militants. Although hundreds have died in bombings and mortar
attacks, this is the first time they had carried out a planned operation
with such a high number of casualties
On The Road To
Civil War
By Uri Avnery
Everybody in Israel is talking about the Next War.
The most popular TV channel is running a whole series about it.Not another
war with the Arabs. Not the nuclear threat from Iran. Not the ongoing
bloody confrontation with the Palestinians.The talk is about the coming
civil war
American Muslims
Give "Qualified Endorsement "
For John Kerry
By Shaik Ubaid
Election endorsement process of American Muslims
reflects rapid political evolution
24 October, 2004
US Rejects
Kyoto Pact
The United States, flying in the face of snowballing
world opinion, said it would not follow Russia's lead and ratify the
Kyoto protocol on global warming
Should There Be
Environmental Refugees?
By Tanveer Ahmed
Climate change is a reality. Increasing numbers of people fleeing natural
disaster is a reality. However, this is not mirrored under international
law and the impoverished nations which are most affected will continue
to suffer
The Government
You Deserve
By John Chuckman
There is no national debate in America on almost
anything of genuine importance. The most narrow self-interest continues
relentlessly under all the superficial noise and cheap tricks that pass
for politics, and, so long as that remains the case, America will continue
to kill and maim and overthrow
To Margaret Hassan,
It Matters
By Beena Sarwar
A high-ranking US national security official made
this statement "I don't think it matters. It's about keeping the
country safe, and I don't think that matters." For Margaret Hassan
and the dozens of others suffering at the hands of their kidnappers,
and for their families, it matters
Indian Army And
The Legacy Of Rape In Manipur
By Shivali Tukdeo
Masculine military privilege and its visible aggression
in Manipur can only be understood in terms of an ancient war tactic
which uses rape as a tool to control and dehumanize the enemy.
As Manipuri women take their struggle to streets, they have become an
inspiration to everyone suffering and fighting patriarchy. In struggle,
Sharing Power
In Maharashtra
With Fairness And Justice
By Satinath Choudhary
What puzzles me is that when a party like BJP can
reach agreement with other parties even if they have diagonally opposite
ideologies and rule, why can't saner parties learn the art of sharing
power from their enemy? Here is a suggestion for trying something new
by the Congress-NCP in Maharashtra
23 October, 2004
Are The Terrorists In Falluja
By Nermeen Al-Mufti
Who are the terrorists in Falluja and how are they
terrorising the civilian population?
Of Penitence Or Days Of Genocide?
By Ghali Hassan
Killing Palestinian children is becoming a competitive
sport for the Israeli soldiers. Mohammed Aaraj was eating a sandwich
in front of his house, when a soldier shot him to death at fairly close
range. He was six at the time of his death
Depleted Uranium
And International Law
By Nikhil Shah
An analysis of the legality of Depleted Uranium
weapons in accordance with the principles of international humanitarian
law and international environmental law
Russia Takes One
More Step Towards
Kyoto Ratification
By Andrew Osborn
Russian MPs voted in favour of Kyoto protocol ratification
by 334 to 73, taking their lead from Mr Putin, whose cabinet approved
the pact last month
Bjorn Lomborg's
Work On Climate Change -
Just Nonsense
By Tom Burke
The messy world we live in is one in which an unstable
climate will guarantee poverty for untold millions. But it is equally
one in which, if we fail to solve the problem of poverty much more quickly
and cleverly than we are doing at present, we will continue to destabilise
the climate. The Lomborg argument that we can delay one until we have
solved the other is a cruelly false prospect
22 October, 2004
By Bill Henderson
Amuch better functioning and strengthened version
of the emerging global multilateral framework for cooperation - the
international rule of law, a global governance capacity, open networked
global science, etc. - is a precondition for innovation to solve global-scale
problems such as severe resource depletion (peak oil), global warming
and species extinction
The World's Resources
By Jonathan Fowler
People are plundering the world's resources at
a pace that outstrips the planet's capacity to sustain life
An Open Letter
To American Friends
By M Hasan Jowher
Gandhi, Mandela and Dalai Lama have a message for
you: truth, understanding and reconciliation. You have an opportunity
this November of asserting Americanism. Peace on earth also happens
to hinge on your decision
Takes Centre Stage
The European Social Forum
By Victor Kattan
"End the oppression, end the occupation"
was the rallying cry at the European Social Forum in London last weekend
Guava In Jabalia:
First Bite, Last Breath
By Sami Abu Salem
The seeds of guava were still between 13-year-old
Saber Assaliya's lips when an Israeli tank shot him in the waist
21 October, 2004
Change Threatens World Aid Effort
By Michael McCarthy
Britain's development and aid agencies joined together
to recognise formally that climate change is the most serious problem
facing the poor of the world
A Bullet
Fired For Every Palestinian Child
By Yitzhak Laor
1.3 million bullets in the West Bank and Gaza.
It was a bullet for every Palestinian child or at least this is what
the Israeli daily Maariv revealed two years ago, when the horrible figures
were first leaked
The Zombie State
By Am Johal
Will this be the age of Bush, Saddam, Enron, Martha
Stewart, Halliburton, Bin Laden, Hamid Karzai and Aaron Brown on CNN
with the towers in the background?
Kidnapped - The
Heroine Who Offered Hope For Iraq
By Robert Fisk
Is there no end to the kidnappers' targets? Margaret
Hassan was abducted on her way to work running Care International's
Iraq operation.She who said to me that soon, very soon, "there
will be more than one lost generation" in Iraq?
20 October, 2004
Change: The Absent Issue
By Mark Hertsgaard
Climate change is to the twenty-first century what
the nuclear arms race was to the twentieth: the overriding threat to
humanity's continued existence on this planet. But it is resolutely
kept out of the political debates
Children Is No Big Deal
By Gideon Levy
Who would have believed that Israeli soldiers would
kill hundreds of children and that the majority of Israelis would remain
silent? Even the Palestinian children have become part of the dehumanization
campaign: killing hundreds of them is no longer a big deal
The Iraqi Chimurenga
By Kenneth Bell
There is no national leadership behind the Iraqi
insurrection. Those who are waiting for a Ho Chi Minh or Fidel Castro
Ruz to emerge and lead the people to independence are probably going
to be disappointed
Drafting A
Law To Prevent Communal Violence
By Asghar Ali Engineer
The Congress led UPA Government had promised to draft a law to prevent
communal violence in its Common Minimum Programme but it is hardly its
priority. It is no more talking about it nor is it preparing any draft
for discussion
19 October, 2004
Sinks In A Sea Of Blood
By Mohammed Omer
It smells unbelievably bad here. The stench of
rotting blood mixes with the more acrid odor of flesh burnt to black
char by the rockets fired by the Israeli Army's American-made Apache
Anatomy Of A War
By Greg Guma
Greg Guma analyse how The Wall Street Journal staff member Farnaz Fassihi's
email message became a "global chain letter"
Seize The Moral
By T. Patrick Donovan
Gandhi and King paved the way. Let us celebrate
and creatively apply their legacies. Rather than "Vote No"
on Election Day, our rallying cry must by "No Vote On Election
Day!" Our morality, our humanity, and our planet is at stake.
18 October, 2004
Your Home With Love And Wisdom
By Chris McGreal
While Sharon agonises over how to draw 7,500 Jewish
settlers out of Israel's Gaza colonies - offering hundreds of thousands
of dollars in compensation to each family - the army has already bulldozed
close to 9,000 Palestinians from their homes in the Gaza strip this
year alone
Thank You, Dubby
By Uri Avnery
By now, everybody has had a go at analyzing the
interview with Dov (Dubby) Weisglass, Ariel Sharons
most intimate confidant. But there is precious little to analyze. His
statement is crystal clear: the redeployment plan was designed
to freeze the peace process for decades, to put an end to
the possibility of a Palestinian state, once and for all
For A Dreamer
By Kurt Vonnegut
Aconversation between Kurt Vonnegut
and out-of-print science fiction writer Kilgore Trout. It was to be
their last. Trout committed suicide by drinking Drano at midnight on
October 15 in Cohoes, New York, after a female psychic using tarot cards
predicted that the environmental calamity George W. Bush would once
again be elected
Your Old Mobile
Is Destroying The Planet
By Geoffrey Lean
Governments from around the world will meet next
week to tackle the latest toxic waste crisis - mobile phones
Indymedia Website
Seizures Remain
Shrouded in Questions
By Brendan Coyne
Confiscated website hardware has been returned
to the international Indymedia network, but activists still don't know
why the equipment was seized, and officials representing other entities
are passing the buck
Visiting Jammu
& Kashmir
By Imtiaz Alam
The real issue is that both Islamabad and New Delhi
stop treating the Kashmir issue as a territorial dispute and, instead,
address together the aspirations of the people of the valley in some
appropriate form that is to the satisfaction of the two big brothers.
The solution lies in the process, not in any pre-determined formula
17 October, 2004
Retreats Into Repression
By Ignacio Ramonet
Post Beslan, Russias government is talking
about the need for a strong state. This means sweeping and largely anti-democratic
changes to Russias political system
Bush or Kerry:
The Atrocity Will Continue
By Ghali Hassan
Watching Bush-Kerry debates, I came to the conclusion
that the two sides of American politics are actually, one. Bush and
Kerry are out-competing on who took part in the atrocities of Vietnam,
and on who will kill more Iraqis if elected
China's Secret
By Jasper Becker and Daniel Howden
China begins huge project in World Heritage Site,
displacing up to 100,000 people and devastating unique tribal societies
Eggs In One Basket
By Uri Avnery
What would happen if Americans started to wonder
about the roots of the terrorism of Islamic fanatics? Won't there be
some who would argue that America got into the Clash of Civilizations
with the Muslim world only because of Israel?
Hours At Kalandia Checkpoint
By Neta Golan
Nablus, like most of the major West Bank cities,
has been under intense siege for the last four years. Recently, people
over thirty five from Nablus are allowed out sometimes and occasionally
students are allowed in and out -- once each way each week. Otherwise,
if you are from Nablus, you can not leave or enter
Mumbai's Other
By Kalpana Sharma
"Disenfranchise them." This is the new
cry of some middle class people in Mumbai. The poor living in slums
are "illegal" in that they are squatting on land not meant
for that purpose. So deny them the vote
15 October, 2004
Of Amphibians Face Extinction
By Steve Connor
A global study revealed that almost a third of
amphibians face extinction - and pollution is cited as the biggest cause
The Making Of
The Terror Myth
By Andy Beckett
A new BBC documentary claims that the wests paranoia
of terrorist attack is a politically driven fantasy - and al-Qaida a
dark illusion
Iraq! What About Iraqi Women?
By Bhaskar Dasgupta
Iraq's current lack of basic rights for women and
the threat of a rise of political Islam are the result of a tyrannical
rule, twelve years of economic sanctions, three devastating wars and
an occupation
Political Roots
Of American Insecurity
By Mohamed El-Moctar El-Shinqiti
"Understanding and resolving differences between Americans and
Muslims" is one of the challenging issues facing the US policymakers
The Genius Of Wangari
By Anna Lappé and Frances Moore Lappé
Several prominent Norwegians have questioned the
Nobel Committee for awarding the Nobel Peace Prize to Wangari Maathai.
Why honor environmental activism in an era when war, terrorism and nuclear
proliferation are even more urgent problems? What they miss is Dr. Maathai's
special genius
Muslim Women
And Gender Justice
By Yoginder Sikand
A recently concluded two-day conference in New
Delhi brought together a number of Muslim women activists from different
parts of India, as well as some members of the All-India Muslim Personal
Law Board to discuss a range of issues relating to Muslim women
14 October, 2004
Standards That Kill
By Hasan Abu Nimah
Israel routinely kills 10 to 12 Palestinians per
day, the daily equivalent of a Palestinian suicide bombing or two. Israel
is engaged in the mass destruction of the Gaza Strip. Yet, other than
pro forma criticism, there is great tolerance for the ongoing massacre
Where Are The Leaders
By Am Johal
where are the leaders in Israel and Palestine that
will take the region to peace? Who will have the vision, the moral clout,
the pragmatic leadership, the support of their people, the distast for
conflict and the "Iron Will" to implement it?
Taming The Internet
By Bobbie Johnson
Last week's seizure of Indy-Media servers could
have serious consequences for citizen publishers
Hearing New
Voices In Kashmir
By Mariana Baabar
Mariana Baabar, diplomatic editor of the Islamabad-based
newspaper, The News, who was on a visit to the Indian part of Kashmir
writes about her experience
13 October, 2004
Diseases Rampage Iraq
By Jeremy Laurance
Soaring rates of disease and a crippled health
system are posing a new crisis for the people of Iraq, threatening to
kill more than have died in the aftermath of the war
Of Valium, Drugs
And Iraq
By Baghdad Burning
Iraq is being faced with a growing drug problem.
But it hasn't gotten that much attention with the media because, while
it's going to wreak havoc in the long run, drugs don't suddenly blow
off an arm or a leg, and they don't explode inside of your car and they
dont come falling out of a plane to burn homes and families
US Voters Hold The
According Wangari Maatha,Kenyan ecologist and Nobel
Peace Prize winner, American voters hold the key to ending the war in
Iraq and can help revive a UN treaty on global warming which was rejected
by President George W. Bush
Under Attack- Eye Witness Account
By Kim Bullimore, West Bank
The current offensive is merely a continuation
of military operations that have taken place since Sharon first announced
plans for disengagement. For the past six months, the IDF
has been systematically demolishing houses and olive groves
Australia Endorses
Racism And War Crimes
By Gideon Polya
After a cowardly, dishonest and lack-lustre campaign
by Australian Labor - which strenuously avoided the issue of Iraq in
craven deference to the US administration the conservative Coalition
Government won a decisive victory thanks to bigotry, ignorance, fear
and small-minded selfishness
12 October, 2004
Rides On All Time Highs
By Jonathan Leff
Oil prices held near historic highs over $53 a
barrel on Tuesday, with global supplies hounded by outages that were
thwarting efforts to build U.S. heating oil inventories ahead of the
Cash In On Record-high Oil Prices
By Adam Porter
According to US Energy Information Administration
gas and oil heating prices are set to rise by anywhere from 11.2% to
28.8%. If they are right, it is boom time for the oil barons and banks,
but bad times ahead for the consumer
Mehdi Army
Start Surrendering Weapons
By Kim Sengupta
The Mehdi Army had begun to give up some weapons, in a trickle rather
than a flood in exchange for concessions and incentives
Chief 'Emptied His Magazine'At Girl In Gaza
By Donald Macintyre
Soldiers have come forward to explain that 13 year
old girl Iman al-Hams body was riddled with 20 bullets because their
immediate commander "confirmed the killing" by shooting two
bullets at her already prone body before withdrawing a short distance
and then firing a burst of automatic gunfire at the corpse
The Legacy Of Iraq
By Robert Fisk
Future generations will struggle to escape the
legacy of the disaster in Iraq
By José Saramago
Elections are due soon in the United States, Afghanistan,
Iraq and Indonesia. Democracy, the creation of the Greeks, remains the
least bad political system. But it has to work properly: it must remain
accountable to ordinary people and not suborn power
By R Krishnakumar
A criminal assault on nuns of the Missionaries
of Charity in Kerala, the first such incident involving the organisation
in the country, raises concerns about the spread of communalism in the
11 October, 2004
CO2 Rise To Speed Up Global Warming
By Michael McCarthy
The rate at which global warming gases are accumulating
in the atmosphere has taken a sharp leap upwards, leading to fears that
the devastating effects of climate change may hit the world even sooner
than has been predicted
Paradise Cleansed
By John Pilger
To understand the catastrophe of Iraq, and all
the other Iraqs along imperial history's trail of blood and tears, one
need look no further than Diego Garcia
If You Had Seen
What I Have Seen
By Scott Ritter
The inspection process was rigged to create uncertainty
over WMD to bolster the US and UK's case for war
Globalization And
The Agenda For A Free
And Democratic South Asia
By Anu Muhammad
The increasing collaboration of ruling classes
in the form of unity and conflict demands much more increasing collaboration
in the form of unity in thoughts and in struggles from the democratic
and revolutionary forces
Blood Thirsty
By Githa Hariharan
In India, adults may vote, but they cannot marry
who they choose
Mriacles, Wars
And Politics
By Pervez Hoodbhoy
Zealots of all persuasions - Muslim, Hindu, Christian,
and Jewish - welcome attacks on science and reason. Improvement of the
human condition demands a return to critical reasoning and scientific
Erasing The
Past For Present Political Agenda
By Ram Puniyani
In order to polarise votes in the forthcoming election
in the Indian state of Maharashtra the far right BJP-Shiv Sena alliance
tried to destroy a tomb sacred to Muslims
10 October, 2004
Seizes Indymedia Servers In UK
By Press Release
At the request of the FBI, Rackspace which provides
hosting services for more that 20 Indymedia sites at its London facility,
complied by turning over two Indymedia servers to federal authorities,
effectively removing those sites from the internet
Families Live In The Shadow Of Death
By Laila El-Haddad
Meet a few victims of Israel Prime Minister Ariel
Sharon's bloody offensive through the northern Gaza Strip, which has
claimed more than 85 Palestinian lives, nearly 30 of them children
Believe A Word
By Uri Avnery
When Ariel Sharon announced his plan for unilateral
disengagement, the media reported that the Peace Now movement
was preparing a big public campaign in support. Now Dov Weisglass has
confirmed that the sole aim of the plan was to freeze the
peace process
09 October, 2004
Bloody End To Bigley Saga
By Rory McCarthy
Ken Bigley, the Briton whose caged and shackled
image was broadcast around the world pleading for his life has been
murdered by his kidnappers
Speak Now Or ......?
By Jeff Berg
"If we all do not start bailing with all of
our collective might right now civilizations ship will surely
capsize and we all will remember back upon this and many other 'I told
you so's' with despair when we look into the questioning eyes of your
children and grandchildren"
Iraq: 'Liberation'
or War Crimes?
By Ghali Hassan
The Duelfer report also Confirm earlier reports,
including the UNSCOM's, that Iraq had no WMD and that the war was unnecessary
and illegal. This alone should be enough ground to indict George Bush,
Tony Blair and their "coalition" with war crimes committed
since 1991 against the Iraqi people
Oil Wars
By Michael T. Klare
American military has taken up the responsibility
of protecting the flow of petroleum around the world
May Obstruct Afghan Peace
By Jonathan Steele
The bullet-ridden ballots may obstruct, rather
than promote, peace
Demographic Worries
By Dr T T Sreekumar
A reply to an article appeared in the RSS mouth
piece, Organizer, claiming that Hindus in Kerala are fast becoming a
minority. In this rebuttal Dr. Sreekumar points out that
the said article is replete with so many inaccuracies, half truths,
lies and bland statements
08 October, 2004
Near Highs, Nigeria Threat Eases
By Reuters
"Demand growth is outstripping supply growth
and there's very little prospect for that to change. Prospects of maintaining
supply growth at current levels are extremely limited "
Messy Business
In Iraq
By Rory McCarthy
Iraq's state-run industries are crumbling and as
yet little has been done to revitalise them
Greenhouse Denial:
Australias Kyoto Treaty Shame
By Norm Dixon
The clock is ticking. If global industrys
greenhouse gas emissions do not begin to be significantly and rapidly
reduced within decades, humanity faces potentially catastrophic consequences
Beheading The UN
By Satya Sagar
For all the slavish behavior displayed all this
while by the body he presides over Kofi Annan had shown them that, once
in a while, he could also be No More Mr Nice Guy if he wants
Quota Means
By Chandrabhan Prasad
In the ongoing debate on private sector quota for
Dalits, new unknown faces with no knowledge about the rights of Dalits
and reservation have shown up. And it's the Indian media
06 October, 2004
Devastating Run Continues
By Richard Mably
Oil prices extended record-setting highs above
$51 for U.S. crude on Wednesday raising serious questions about the
oil industry's claims on supply and demand
And Destruction In Gaza
Heavy fighting has taken place in the last six
days. The Palestinian Ministry of Health has recorded 82 Palestinian
deaths of which 24 were children. Three hundred and sixteen Palestinians
have been injured of which over 110 were children
Judging The
By Hasan Abu Nimah & Ali Abunimah
As Israel gets further into its corner, the chances
increase dramatically that it will seek to resolve its existential problem
not just at the expense of the Palestinians, but by spreading the conflict
to its neighbors
Bush Doctrine Is Israel's Doctrine
By Ghali Hassan
The only peaceful solution for the current tragedy
and violence in Palestine is for American allies and civilised citizens
to reject the Bush-Israel doctrine and convince the US and Israel to
end their occupations of Iraq and Palestine and live like civilised
Indian Censors
Hold Up 'Fahrenheit 9/11'
By Indo-Asian News Service
Indian censors are holding up release of the award-winning
documentary "Fahrenheit 9/11". Several reasons are being offered
on why the censors are worried about the film. One of them is to avoid
offending the American authorities
Why Putin Is Backing
Kyoto Again
By Gwynne Dyer
Why did Russian President Vladimir Putin decide
to ratify the Kyoto Protocol on climate change last week, only six months
after his top adviser, Andrei Illarionov, called it a "death treaty?"
The most important reason is that Russians aren't stupid
From Gujarat
By Dr. Juzar Bandukwala & Yoginder Sikand
Dr. Juzar Bandukwala is well-known and widely-respected
social activist and journalist, he has been in the forefront of the
struggle for justice to the victims of the recent state-sponsored violence
directed against the Muslims of Gujarat. In this interview he speaks
to Yoginder Sikand about his work and about the situation in Gujarat
05 October, 2004
Trapped By Israeli Assault On Gaza
By Chris McGreal
Israeli forces have demolished the homes of hundreds
of Palestinians, bulldozed swaths of agricultural land and destroyed
infrastructure in their bloodiest assault on the Gaza Strip in years
Two Peoples, One
By Michael Tarazi
New York Times published an article by PLO legal
adviser Michael Tarazi where he lays out the case for solving the deadlocked
Palestinian-Israeli conflict through "a one-state solution in which
citizens of all faiths and ethnicities live together as equals."
That the New York Times printed this article represents a major breakthrough
of this idea into the mainstream
Bear Brunt As Samarra 'Pacified'
By Kim Sengupta
Local people in Samarra claimed that many of the
1,000 insurgents the Americans were targeting had escaped before the
attack, and civilians had borne the brunt of the casualties. Of 70 bodies
brought into Samarra General Hospital, 23 were children and 18 women
Dear Mike, Iraq
After the release of Fahrenheit 9/11, Michael
Moore received a flood of letters and emails from disillusioned and
angry American soldiers serving in Iraq. Here, in an exclusive extract
from his new book
04 October, 2004
Cases In Iraq Are Increasing
IRIN Report
The number of breast cancer cases appears to be
rising rapidly in Iraq. It's unclear why this is, although it could
be because of radiation left over from the 1991 Gulf War
Samarra Burning...
By Baghdad Burning
Watching the military attacks on Samarra and hearing
the stories from displaced families or people from around the area is
like reliving the frustration and anger of the war. It's like a nightmare
within a nightmare
You Can't Bomb
By Naomi Klein
Sadr's calls for fair elections and an end to occupation
demand our unequivocal support--not because we are blind to the threat
he would pose if he were actually elected but because believing in self-determination
means admitting that the outcome of democracy is not ours to control
Strange Victory
By John Chuckman
Nothing tells us more about the odd political state
of America than the recent presidential debate and reactions to it.
The debates leave the impression of old Soviet apparatchiks offering
spontaneous views on Stalin's latest speech
03 October, 2004
Oil 15 Months Away?
By Adam Porter
Iranian oil and energy analyst and expert Ali Bakhtiari
predicts that peak oil will arrive around 2006, 2007." At that
point, no one can say what is going to happen. Except the price is going
to go up. And no one will be able to stop it."
Declared In Gaza
By Mustafa el-Sawwaf
The new fatalities take to at least 54 the number
of Palestinian victims of the new Israeli military operation in the
Gaza Strip, unleashed on Tuesday
A Nation? What
By Uri Avnery
It sounds like a joke, but it is quite serious.The
government of Israel does not recognize the Israeli nation. It says
that there is no such thing!
Tunnel Vision
By Chandrabhan Prasad
A satirical report of a hypothetical editor's guild
meeting on Dalit reservation
01 October, 2004
Letter From Baghdad
By Farnaz Fassihi
Iraq is already lost beyond salvation. For those
of us on the ground it's hard to imagine what if any thing could salvage
it from its violent downward spiral
A Casualty Of
Bush's War
By Mark Clinton and Tony Udell
Jeffrey Lucey, a Marine veteran of the Iraq war
and a student at the Holyoke Community College (HCC) in Western Massachusetts,
committed suicide on June 22. He was 23. Horrific memories of Iraq being
the possible reason for his suicide
Liar, Liar...
By Baghdad Burning
I prepared myself for several minutes of nausea
as Bush began speaking. I sit there talking back to him- calling him
a liar, calling him an idiot, wondering how exactly he got so far and
how they're allowing him to run for re-election
You Have Breast Cancer In Gaza
By Gideon Levy
For 10 days now, F., a 28-year-old resident of
Gaza, has been trying to get to Sheba Medical Center at Tel Hashomer
for urgent chemotherapy in the oncology department. The story of what
has happened to her during these 10 awful days sounds unbelievable,
even to someone who has already heard horrible stories
Addiction Behind
The Burka
By Nick Meo
How Afghan women use drugs to cope with legacy
of war
In Private Sector For Dalits
A Political Stunt
By Dr.Vivek Kumar
Though there is a need for the policy of affirmative action in the private
sector, Dalits are not convinced that the policy will see the light
of day in the near future