31 May, 2007
On The Psychopathology
Of Racist Thinking
By Tim Wise
The mind of the racist is an intricate web of delusions,
in which white majorities are always under siege, preyed upon by dark
hordes intent on destruction. Anti-racist activist Tim Wise explores
the tortuous mental pathways that lead millions of whites to conclude
they are victims - and turn tragedies like the Virginia Tech murders
into calls for racial revenge and redemption. Despite all the data to
the contrary, a significant body of white opinion insists that Black-on-white
crime is down-played by the media - an absurdity that is designed to
justify the reality of racial oppression
The Politics
of Naming: Genocide,
Civil War, Insurgency
By Mahmood Mamdani
The similarities between Iraq and Darfur are remarkable.
But the violence in the two places is named differently. In Iraq, it
is said to be a cycle of insurgency and counter-insurgency; in Darfur,
it is called genocide. Why the difference? Who does the naming? Who
is being named? What difference does it make?
A Letter
To Cindy Sheehan:
Darkness Comes Just Before Dawn
By Danny Schechter
Your son Casey perished in one war. Please don’t
allow yourself to perish in this one. Understand that it is a war, and
in wars, you don’t win every battle. The goal has to be-and I
say this with love and respect— to live to fight another day.
It’s always dark just before the dawn
The Shores Of Tripoli
By Uri Avnery
The bloody battles that have erupted around the
Nahr al-Bared refugee camp near Tripoli in Lebanon remind us that the
refugee problem has not disappeared. On the contrary, 60 years after
the "Nakba", the Palestinian catastrophe of 1948, it is again
the center of attention throughout the world
'Rockets Of
By Hasan Abu Nimah
The Israeli onslaught on Gaza should be halted.
And if it is the Palestinian "futility rockets" that have
provoked, and continue to provoke, the Israeli "defensive"
retaliation, the firing of rockets at Israel should be halted too
Terrorism Defined
By Stephen Lendman
Probably no word better defines or underscores
the Bush presidency than "terrorism" even though his administration
wasn't the first to exploit this highly charged term. Here is an attempt
to define the term
The Case Of Shahzima
Tariq And Shamial Raj
On Entering Into "Same Sex" Marriage
By Nighat Majid
Here is the story of a couple who have been jailed
in Pakistan, simply because they chose to get married and happen to
be same sex, though even that is not absolutely certain
Hyderabad Bomb Blast Investigations
By Adv. Irfan Engineer
For the truth to be unraveled, there needs to be
a thorough and impartial CBI Inquiry which examines all possible theories
and marshals thorough evidence to prove the guilt of the accused. For
we must know the truth to be able to stop bomb blasts
School For Refugee
Kids Tells The Tale Of Neglect
By K.A. Shaji
The `international' school, conceived originally
by Rajiv Gandhi and established by NGO Bright Society years back in
memory of his mother Indira Gandhi at Yelahnaka in Bangalore, holds
no promise for the children of Sri Lankan Tamils who left their own
land on different occasions unable to withstand the escalation of ethnic
30 May, 2007
Exit of Cindy Sheehan
By Ron Jacobs
It can be reasonably argued that it was Cindy Sheehan
that made it okay for Middle America to protest, and for that she must
be thanked. Now that she is taking a breather from the madness it is
up to us to continue expanding those protests. It is certainly not time
to give up
Good Riddance
Attention Whore
By Cindy Sheehan
This is my resignation letter as the “face”
of the American anti-war movement. This is not my “Checkers”
moment, because I will never give up trying to help people in the world
who are harmed by the empire of the good old US of A, but I am finished
working in, or outside of this system. This system forcefully resists
being helped and eats up the people who try to help it. I am getting
out before it totally consumes me or anymore people that I love and
the rest of my resources
Why I Am
Ashamed To Be An American
By Doug Soderstrom
If we truly care about our country, if we really
do want our nation to flourish, then we should realize that we have
not only the right, but, much more importantly, the responsibility,
perhaps even, one might say, a moral responsibility to point out its
deficiencies in order that it might once again be revived
Ideas Cannot
Be Killed
By Fidel Castro
When he was recently asked by an important personality
about his Cuba policy, his answer was this: “I am a hard-line
President and I am just waiting for Castro’s demise.” The
wishes of such a powerful gentleman are no privilege. I am not the first
nor will I be the last that Bush has ordered to be killed; nor one of
those people who he intends to go on killing individually or en masse.
But it would serve him well to remember that ideas cannot be killed
Bush Decrees
New Sanctions Against Sudan
By Bill Van Auken
President Bush Tuesday announced that his administration
is imposing a fresh set of economic sanctions on Sudan, claiming the
measures are designed to pressure the government in Khartoum to halt
the bloodshed in the country’s western-most province of Darfur
About Saving
Darfur: Reflections On
The Carrot And The Stick
By Stephen Eric Bronner
As pundits speak about the growth of "compassion
fatigue" concerning Darfur, usually without mentioning the devastating
lack of positive proposals offered by the political mainstream, now
is the time -- echoing an old slogan -- to give up the cant and return
to Kant
Will The
Lebanese Army Enter
The Nahr el-Bared Camp?
By Alexander Jenniches
What exactly will be the - at least temporary -
solution is uncertain at this point. But there is good reason to assume
that the Lebanese government will at the end not confront Fatah al-Islam
directly. Not yet, and not under the circumstances that the group is
hiding among Palestinian civilians
Global Warming:
Who’s To Blame?
By Nicole Colson
In any rational society, the threat of global warming
would have gotten attention a long time ago, with every possible resource
devoted to measures to slow climate change and alleviate its effects.
But under capitalism, greed and profits come first--even at the risk
of far-reaching global devastation
Runaway Climate
Change: An Obesity Analogy
By Bill Henderson
Sea-level rise in 2100. An increasing risk of hurricanes,
weird weather and heat waves. Risks to farming and forestry; drought
and famine leading to failed states and refugees. Corroding ecosystems;
species extinction; disease migration and bug infestations. Predicted
increasing but adaptable - not terminal - risks as the temperature rises
Christians: A
Faith Under Assault
In Secular India
By Vidya Bhushan Rawat
A review of John Dayal's book "A matter of
Equity: Freedom of Faith in Secular India"
29 May, 2007
Inc. Sliding Into Bankruptcy
By Stephen Leahy
Build a shrimp farm in Thailand by cutting down
mangrove forests and you will net about 8,000 dollars per hectare. Meanwhile,
the destruction of the forest and pollution from the farm will result
in a loss of ecosystems worth 35,000 dollars/ha per year. Many leading
development institutions and policy-makers still fail to understand
that this ruthless exploitation for short-term profits could trigger
an Enron-like collapse of "Earth, Inc."
Tense Siege
Continues At Lebanon’s
Nahr al-Bared Refugee Camp
By Peter Symonds
The Lebanese army siege of the Nahr al-Bared refugee
camp outside of the northern city of Tripoli is now in its tenth day.
Thousands of Palestinian refugees have flooded out of the camp after
a shaky ceasefire was negotiated last Tuesday between the military and
the Al Qaeda-linked Fatah al-Islam fighters entrenched inside the camp.
Many residents, however, have refused to leave, despite the danger of
a bloody showdown
As'ad Abukhalil
On The Nahr al-Bared Siege
By Ali Abunimah
An interview with As'ad Abukhalil, the creator
of the Angry Arab News Service blog. Abukhalil explains the origins
of Fath al-Islam, the events that led to the violence and what it means
for Lebanon and the region
Why I Am Leaving
The Democratic Party
By Cindy Sheehan
Letter to Democratic Congress
What Military
Service Qualifies
Bush To Lead Iraq War
By Evelyn Pringle
This country is now paying a heavy price for Bush's
lack of military experience, and his taunting invitation of "bring
it on," that has resulted in a never ending stream of challengers
traveling to Iraq to teach our loudmouth President a lesson.When evaluating
Bush’s performance as the Commander-in-Chief leading the Iraq
war, it might be helpful to take another look at his years of service
in military, or lack thereof
Sri Lanka:
Balance Of Terror
By Chandi Sinnathurai
In order to negotiate peace, the international
peace-brokers must deal with the root cause: And that is the horrorism
of STATE TERROR in Sri Lanka. The reality of it has to be recognised,
accepted and has to be uprooted. The simple logic of taking care of
Cents will ensure that the Rupees will take care of it self. First things
first; the State Terror machinery must be dismantled. Until such time,
there will be circuitous talks about peace minus the tangible peace
on the ground
Lisa Kois’s
Film The Art Of Forgetting – Review
By Prasanna Ratnayake
It is sobering to watch Lisa Kois’s Art of
Forgetting which covers the past thirty years of brutal civil wars and
assassinations in the North, East and South of Sri Lanka. The subject
of this documentary is the impact and scale of human suffering for people
caught in the clash between those demanding a motherland and those defending
a motherland
Looking HIV
And AIDS Issues Through
Gender And Human Rights Lenses
By Sirajul Islam
While analysing gender, HIV and AIDS and human
rights, we acknowledged that when men are fighting a deadly human immunodeficiency
virus, women are fighting both a deadly virus and wide-ranging inequity
in trying to defeat the hazards of HIV and AIDS. We understood that
from corner to corner of the world, they face a number of conditions
which swell their possibility of HIV infection in gender-specific ways
28 May, 2007
Targets Hamas’s Political Leadership
By Jean Shaoul
Israel is continuing to mount air strikes in Gaza
as part of its drive to destroy Hamas as a military and political force
and torpedo the Palestinian national unity government, as well as any
possibility of a negotiated deal with Palestinian leaders
Cheering To
The Beat Of The Palestinians' Misery
By Sami Hermez
Accountability does not exist in Lebanon, and thus,
there will be no equivalent to the Winograd commission, no call for
the prime minister to resign, and no trial of the government or those
responsible for starting the current conflagration. The best way to
support the army and honor the dead Lebanese soldiers is to call for
an internal investigation. Anything short of that is clear proof of
our society's moral bankruptcy
What Is Behind
The Latest Crisis In Lebanon?
By Alexander Jenniches
What probably directly led to the current clashes
between the Lebanese Army and the Fatah al-Islam group is that funds
for the group were stopped and some of the group´s members just
raised their own funds by robbing a bank, which belongs at least partly
to the Hariri family who assumably is also behind the financing of the
group. Then, while the robbers where hiding in Tripoli and the Nahr
al-Bared camp, security forces went after them, and the fight began
The Best Runner
In The Class
By Ilan Pappe
Horror stories from Israel's Independence War or
the war of liberation
Is A Smashed City..."
By Dahr Jamail
A letter from Baghdad
Growing Abuse Of Transfer Pricing By TNCs
By Kavaljit Singh
Transfer pricing, one of the most controversial
and complex issues, requires closer scrutiny not only by the critics
of TNCs but also by the tax authorities in the poor and the developing
world. Transfer pricing is a strategy frequently used by TNCs to book
huge profits through illegal means
RCTV: Sine Die And Good Riddance
By Stephen Lendman
Venezuelan TV station Radio Caracas Television's
(known as RCTV) VHF Channel 2's operating license expired May 27, and
it went off the air because the Chavez government, with ample justification,
chose not to renew it
Poisoning The
Troops Again
By Heather Wokusch
The Pentagon has a disturbing pattern of withholding
information on the impact of chemical/biological weapons and other toxins
on US service members. As a result, veterans are often told that their
debilitating symptoms are "in their head" and can go decades
without receiving medical help. That's not supporting our troops
Muslim Deprivation:
Some Thoughts In
The Context Of The Sachar Committee Report
By Yoginder Sikand
Paper presented at a conference on the Sachar Committee
Report, 19 May, 2007, Trivandrum, organised by the Forum for Social
27 May, 2007
Oil And Water Mix
By Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich
While oil is the primary motive for the United
States, water ideology and expansion are Israel’s motives for
giving the Bush administration reason for war, leaving Israel room to
benefit from the Bush administration’s ambitions
– Arab Ties Could Yet
Survive Sarkozy’s U-Turn
By Nicola Nasser
The defensive and guarded Arab reaction to the
self-pronounced and reported pro-Israel and pro-America statements of
Nicolas Paul Stephane Sarkozy de Nagy-Bocsa, who was sworn in as the
new President of France on May 16, as well as his Jewish connection
and that of his foreign policy team, have alerted Arab capitals and
public opinion to a possibly imminent break with his country’s
more than a five-decade old balanced approach to Arab conflicts and
the Arab – Israeli conflict in particular
Make Memorial
Day Be Inclusive Of "Foreigners"
Killed In America's Foreign Wars
By Jay Janson
Put ourselves in the shoes of Korean, Vietnamese,
Laotian, Cambodian, Panamanian, Iraqi and Afghan bereaved families.
Could we even imagine such bombings upon US towns and countryside? Wecan
improve the whole world and ourselves with such imagination. Make a
War Victims Day to foster war prevention
Childhood Origins
Of Adult Resistance To Marxism
By Thomas Riggins
There may a scientific explanation for Aduld Resistance
to Marxism (ARM). In this article I will explore the causes of ARM and
propose possible remedies to this serious mental deficiency which severely
prevents those who are victims of this disorder from properly functioning
in their social environment and maximizing their abilities to provide
the best possible existential conditions for the flourishing of themselves
and their loved ones
Black Leadership:
Unable Or Willing
To Address Black Mass Incarceration
By Bruce Dixon
America’s undeclared but universal policies
of racially selective policing, prosecution and mass incarceration of
its Black citizens have imposed unprecedented strains on the social
and economic viability of Black families and communities – of
the entire African American polity
Is Our Peace
Activists Learning?
By David Swanson
Over the past two months of repeated Congressional
votes to fund the occupation of Iraq, culminating in President Bush's
signing the bill on Friday, what – if anything – have we
learned? Have we learned anything about individuals or political parties
or activist organizations to trust or despise, or have we learned better
what to demand of them regardless of such emotions? Have we learned
anything about policies to support, battles to lose, pyrrhic victories,
or how to talk about ending the occupation?
Women’s Pushback
By Yifat Susskind
As this year’s UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous
Issues draws to a close, Indigenous women are facing off against the
United States and other powerful state actors who oppose the Declaration.
The amendment forwarded by the United States -- which would exempt states
from enforcing the declaration once they ratify it -- is a classic Bush
administration maneuever
One Apartheid
Regime Down;One More To Go
By Ramzy Baroud
Amongst the many names scribbled at the fenced
wall at the helm of Cape of Good Hope, someone took the time to write
“Palestine”. In the Apartheid Wall erected by Israel on
Palestinian land in the West Bank, the South African parallel is expressed
in more ways than one. The relationship cannot be any more obvious.
The fight for justice is one, and shall always be
Holding The Bully’s
By Jim Miles
Book review of Linda McQuaig's new book - Holding
the Bully's Coat
Marriage Mirage
In Kerala
By K A Shaji
Married and cast away shortly after honeymoon by
their Arab husbands, hundreds of poor Muslim women in Kerala's northern
coastal districts are cursing their fate
26 May, 2007
Gives War Profiteers Another
Hundred Billion
By Evelyn Pringle
Congress has demonstrated its unconditional love
for the Bush administration by handing the war profiteers another $100
billion worth of good reasons to keep the war in Iraq rolling along
at full-throttle
Where Nobody
Is Accountable
By Ali al-Fadhily
Killings, crime, lack of medical care, collapse
of education, the list goes on. But with the occupation by U.S.-led
forces now into a fifth year, and a supposedly democratic government
in place, no one knows who to hold accountable for all that is going
And Democracy:Some Basics
By Michael Parenti
The fight against free trade is a fight for the
right to politico-economic democracy, public services, and a social
wage, the right not to be completely at the mercy of big capital
US Steps Up
Threats Against
Iran Over Nuclear Programs
By Peter Symonds
The US administration has responded belligerently
to the latest International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) report on Iran’s
refusal to suspend its nuclear programs by calling for a third UN resolution
and tougher penalties
U.S. And Lebanon
By Seymour Hersh
We're in the business now of supporting the Sunnis
anywhere we can against the Shia, against the Shia in Iran, against
the Shia in Lebanon, that is Nasrullah. Civil war. We're in a business
of creating in some places, Lebanon in particular, a sectarian violence
Japan Infiltrates
The Middle East
By Shirzad Azad
The United States is pushing Japan toward greater
engagement in the Middle East. Despite its support of the Iraq fiasco,
Japan’s reputation in the region is far better than that of the
United States, and many people in the Middle East still feel positively
about the role it can play. Washington wants Tokyo, a trusted ally,
to shoulder some of the economic and security burdens
Obama And The
Hunger For A Black President
By Rudolph Lewis
Our true black leaders must be willing to take
a new path, create a new rhetoric, support more radical politics-withdraw
from mainstream electoral parties, boycott the presidential elections,
etc.-until our liberation is achieved. If that means we must leave some
of our black brothers behind in the Democratic and Republican parties,
then let it be
Arroyo/AFP Carry
Out Orchestrated
Betrayal In May 14 Vote
By Brian McAfee
The Philippine May 14 elections were marred by
fraud, intimidation, and political murders by the U.S. supported Arroyo
regime and military. Reports coming out of the Philippines on the recent
elections indicate that there was a climate of fear, intimidation, and
harassment before and during the polling
J' accuse: A
Children's Doctor
And A Mighty State
By Subhash Gatade
It has been more than ten days that Dr Binayak
Sen, a paediatrician by training and profession and a human rights activist
by choice has received a new identity. - A menace to public safety -
The Chattisgarh police whose own record of human rights violations would
shame even the KPS Gills, has used the provisions of the draconian Public
Safety Act and Unlawful Activities Prevention Act ( a substitute for
POTA ) to detain Dr Binayak Sen in the wee hours of 14 th May
24 May, 2007
Is Happening In Lebanon?
By Laurie King-Irani
What's now happening in Lebanon requires a much
more subtle and fine-grained interpretation, one that takes on board
the reverberations of political developments from Baghdad to Washington,
while attending to emerging social and economic conditions in the Middle
East. The situation is much more complicated, fluid, unbounded, and
therefore ominous than CNN's "experts" seem to grasp
Innocent Victims
Caught Up In
A War Of Endless Revenge
By Robert Fisk
Back at Nahr el-Bared, a heap of empty Lebanese
army machinegun cartridges, and I picked one up as a souvenir. And when
I got home to Beirut, I put it with a much older cartridge case which
I picked up back in the late Eighties when the same army was besieging
the Palestinians in Sidon. Of course, the two cases were identical in
calibre. The tragedy goes on. And its identical nature has made it normal,
routine, typical, easy to accept. And woe betide if we believe that
Two-State Chimera,
No-State Solution
By Cameron Hunt
It is time to move on to the actual solution: the
‘no-state solution’. Under this solution, all lands of historic
Palestine would be internationalized, and would become part of a new
United Nations ‘Trust Territory’ (UNTT). The UN Charter
would represent the constitution of that Territory, and the International
Court of Justice and International Criminal Court – both supra-national
bodies – would represent the Territory’s highest courts
Result Of Bad Politics
By Hasan Abu Nimah
Why should anyone holding the can, pouring oil
on the fire, scream with surprise that there is fire or that the fire
is raging? The raging fire in Gaza is the inevitable outcome of occupation,
siege and starvation, of years of humiliation and suffering, of frustration
and desperation, of injustice and oppression, of resulting lawlessness
and chaos, of absence of leadership, and vicious foreign intervention
and senseless incitement. With such ingredients, all planned and premeditated,
the Gazans should deserve all the respect in the world for only behaving
that badly
John Howard's
Dubious Jewish
National Fund Honor
By Sonja Karkar
There is something worrying about a prime minister
of a liberal, democratic country who imposes values on his country's
citizens and those who wish to become citizens, yet does not adhere
to those values when he regards it politically expedient to ignore them.
This is precisely what Prime Minister John Howard has done in accepting
the "honour" of having a forest named after him in Israel's
Negev Desert and also the Jerusalem Prize for his support of Israel
and its "values"
Walls As Enforcer
Of Occupation
By Ghali Hassan
The ongoing Occupation is not to “stop the
violence”; the Occupation is the violence. The aim of the occupiers
is to create pretexts to justify the Occupation. The U.S.-built walls
around Iraqi towns and suburbs, including the recent wall around Baghdad’s
district of al-Adhamiyah, are evidence of a U.S.-backed strategy of
“divide and rule”. It is the last of many desperate measures
to protect the Occupation and it’s headquarter, the “Green
Zone”, from a determined national Resistance
Violence Against
The Cross
By Ram Puniyani
The scattered attacks on the Christian missionaries
working in remote places of India speaks a lot about the nature of the
political formation carrying out these attacks, their agenda of regarding
Muslims and Christians as internal threat to Nation explains the current
politics which is far from the one which should be seen in a civil society!
March For Land,
Dignity And
Freedom In Poorvanchal
By Vidya Bhushan Rawat
Hunger and starvation deaths in the eastern Uttar-Pradesh
continue to haunt communities during the last one decade. Every year
people are dying of different diseases particularly Malaria, and Japanese
Encephalitis (brain fever). While the names have changed the target
of these viral diseases remain the same communities. Keeping in view
of this, Uttar-Pradesh Land Alliance and Social Development Foundation,
Delhi are organizing a Padyatra ( Footmarch) beginning from June 1 st,
2007 till June 22nd , 2007
Bihar: Pension
To The Emergency Detenus, Whether
The Hindutva Activists Deserve This Bonanza?
By Subhash Gatade
Nitish Kumar led government, in the Indian state
of Bihar is in the news for its latest proposal to honour detenus during
emergency. While it has generated lot of heat in the state politics,
it has inadvertently or so reopened the chapter pertaining the not so
glorious role of the Sangh Parivar during this tumultuous period
23 May, 2007
Really Happened At Mecca Masjid
A Fact Finding Report
By identifying the probable accused and the organizations
with out any preliminary evidence show the attempts of the police to
close all other areas of suspicion. The investigating agency can only
come up with the names of the organizations which are responsible for
the blast only after eliminating all other organizations which can be
suspected in such nature of crimes. The committee feels that both the
bomb blast and the subsequent police firing are aimed at terrorizing
Muslims and trampling minimum agitation from that side
Hyderabad Blasts:
Malegaon Syndrome
Travels South
By Mubasshir Ahmed
Time is ripe for India to come out of its conditioned
mentality. Investigators must break their mental blocks. Indian law
enforcement agencies suffer from the fatal disease of prejudice. India
is once again going through the 'siege within' phase
Years Of Occupation
By Stephen Lendman
For 40 years under occupation on one-fifth of their
original land and nearly 60 years after the "Nakba," Palestinians
are forced to endure the most appalling repression no one should have
to face for a single day. Five million of them, including 1.4 million
Israeli citizens, are denied all rights afforded Jews only and are subjected
to daily abuse and neglect along with regular IDF assaults against which
they're defenseless. The Palestinians suffer for it, and the world community
is silent except, like Israel, to shamefully call the victims the victimizers
The Road To Jerusalem
(via Lebanon)
By Robert Fisk
They came into Lebanon last summer when the world
was watching Israel smash this small nation in a vain attempt to destroy
the Hizbollah. But the men who set up their grubby little office in
the Nahr el-Bared refugee camp, some of them fighters from the Iraq
war, others from Yemen, Syria or Lebanon itself, were far more dangerous
than America and Israel believed the Hizbollah to be
Opium: Iraq's
Deadly New Export
By Patrick Cockburn
Farmers in southern Iraq have started to grow opium
poppies in their fields for the first time, sparking fears that Iraq
might become a serious drugs producer along the lines of Afghanistan
Pet Panacea Of
India’s Ruling Classes:
Two-Party Political System
By Badri Raina
India’s ruling think gurus are forever on
the lookout for a smart panacea for what they perceive the country’s
ills. In arguing for a two-party political system, the idea seems to
be to subdue the proliferation of organic discontent among the lower
orders of the polity by imposing a mechanical structural arrangement
from the top
Letter To A
Young American Hindu
By Vijay Prashad
The choice lies between giving over the traditions
you love to the forces of hatred who might masquerade as the defenders
of tradition; or to the force within you, and around you, a force of
love and ecstasy, passion and pain to transform the world. What would
you have?
Pope, Brazil
And Arrogance
By Mike Ghouse
Pope Benedict just visited Brazil and his comments
have caused uproar when he said, “the Church had not imposed itself
on the indigenous peoples of the Americas. They had welcomed the arrival
of European priests at the time of the conquest as they were "silently
longing" for Christianity.” Satere Mawe, chief coordinator
of the Amazon Indian group Coiab responded, “It’s arrogant
and disrespectful to consider our cultural heritage secondary to theirs."
G8 summit: Will
They Listen?
By Kumi Naidoo
Germany has an opportunity to change the course
of history. It could be remembered not as the place where Africa’s
woes began but where impoverished nations got the chance they needed
to recover, once and for all. Just as Germany benefited from the Marshall
plan, surely a global Marshall plan now makes sense. It would ensure
future generations live in a world characterised by political, social,
economic, gender and environmental justice
Is Evo An Evil
Enemy Of The People?
By Guillermo Almeyra
For some there is no doubt. There are those that
say "there is no reason to look at Bolivia" and who instead
declare that Evo Morales "will never decolonise the country",
that the nationalisations that have been announced are no such thing
and, forgetting that support for the indigenous and popular government
surpasses 75%, say, without flinching, that all the social movements
are against the government.So what is the truth?
Dr. Paul’s
Truth Prescriptions
By Rand Clifford
Emergence of Ron Paul so bravely standing up for
truth could not have come at a more crucial time, though it seems neither
of our industrial parties have room for any more than token truth. Perhaps
the best we could hope for is that the GOP becomes intolerable for Dr.
Paul—or even kicks him out, and he becomes an Independent
22 May, 2007
Than 100 Dead And Injured
At Nahr Al-Bared Camp
By Ma'an News Agency
Fighting has entered its third day around the Palestinian
refugee camp of Nahr Al-Bared, in the north of Lebanon.The number of
dead is not clear. Reports range from 50 to over 80 dead, including
soldiers, militants and civilians. According to Al-Jazeera, at least
20 fighters, 32 soldiers and 27 civilians have been killed since fighting
between the army and Fatah Al-Islam fighters erupted early on Sunday
Lebanese Bloggers
React To Refugee Camp Siege
By Moussa Bachir
The clashes between the Lebanese army and the organization
of Fatah al Islam, as well as the explosion in Ashrafieh (Beirut), took
precedence over all other news and blog posts in almost all of the blogs
during the past two days. Following are quotes from a number of these
posts including a post quoting a civilian trapped in the camp of Nahr
el Barid in North Lebanon, in the crossfire, between the army and the
Lebanese Army
Lays Siege
To Palestinian Refugee Camp
By Peter Symonds
It is quite possible that sections of the Siniora
government have deliberately provoked the current confrontation and
blamed Syria in order to refocus international attention on Lebanon.
Last week, Siniora called on the UN to set up the Hariri tribunal despite
the failure of the Lebanese parliament to approve the measure. At the
same time, clashes enable the army to weaken further Fatah al-Islam
and tighten security around Palestinian camps throughout the country
A Front-Row Seat
For This Lebanese Tragedy
By Robert Fisk
And then comes the crackle-crackle of rifle fire
and a shoal of bullets drifts out of the camp. A Lebanese army tank
fires a shell in return and we feel the faint shock wave from the camp.
How many are dead? We don’t know. How many are wounded? The Red
Cross cannot yet enter to find out. We are back at another of those
tragic Lebanese stage shows: the siege of Palestinians
Operation Iraq
By Manuel Valenzuela
Iraq is too valuable, in the minds of America’s
elite and her corporatists, to simply walk away from. For all intents
and purposes, therefore, Iraq has become America’s 51st state,
a colony that will act as America’s gas station for decades to
come. Iraq is destined to become the grease that provides the lubrication
needed to run the great American engine
Mickey Mouse And Other Horror Stories:
Those Violent Palestinians Again
By Agustin Velloso
The Palestinian Mickey Mouse story is yet one more
of the numerous lies disseminated by Israel and taken as it stood by
Western journalists. The translation of the Mickey Mouse words, again,
as happens with statements about Israel attributed to Ahmedinejad and
in other cases too, is corrupt. But which news outlet is going to ask
for an explanation from the people who distributed it? Which TV presenter
is going to publicly admit they were fooled? Which chief editor is going
to confess that they failed to check the - obviously Israeli - source?
Chomsky On
India-Pakistan Relations
By Michael Shank & Noam Chomsky
Noam Chomsky is a noted linguist, author, and foreign
policy expert. On April 26, Michael Shank interviewed him about relations
between India and Pakistan. This is the second part of a two-part interview
Hillary Clinton's
Achilles Heel?
By Joshua Frank
The Iraq war to Hillary Clinton is more about political
expediency than honesty or integrity, and it may well prove to be her
Achilles' heel over the course of the next year. Like President Bush,
and so many other wayward politicians, Hillary is also to blame for
the shameful bloodshed that plagues Iraq today
US Reaffirms
Support For Musharraf
By Vilani Peiris & Keith Jones
The Bush administration has reiterated its support
for Pakistan’s military strongman, General Pervez Musharraf, in
the wake of bloody, government-orchestrated attacks on opposition protesters
in Karachi, May 12 and 13, that left more than forty people dead
Peace Into Pieces
By Syed Ali Safvi
The ground situation in Kashmir will not improve
unless and until the Govt. of India or the State govt. (remember, it
has the power to do so) revoke the draconian acts – Armed Forces
Special Powers Act (AFSPA) and Public Safety Act (PSA). The government
must ensure that errant troops involved in the humanitarian crimes should
be brought to book so that others would learn a lesson
21 May, 2007
Working Less Is Better For The Globe
By Dara Colwell
Americans are working harder than ever before.
The dogged pursuit of the paycheck coupled with a 24/7 economy has thrust
many of us onto a never-ending treadmill. But of workaholism's growing
wounded, its greatest casualty has been practically ignored -- the planet
Dangerous Climate Change This Week
By Bill Henderson
The turn it around within a decade, 2 degrees imperative
seems to be sinking in, but, for the moment, at the government level,
only as a lofty European goal to be rejected by the White House and
Stokes Up Hamas-Fatah Strife
In Gaza, Considers Ground Invasion
By Jean Shaoul
Israel is intervening in the mounting factional
strife in Gaza between Fatah and Hamas, with the explicit aim of eliminating
Hamas as a military and political force
Palestinian Pinochet
Making His Move?
By Tony Karon
The Fatah gunmen who are reported to have initiated
the breakdown of the Palestinian unity government and provoked the latest
fighting may profess fealty to President Abbas, but it’s not from
him that they get their orders. The leader to whom they answer is Mohammed
Dahlan, the Gaza warlord who has long been Washington’s anointed
favorite to play the role of a Palestinian Pinochet
FDA Protects
SSRI Makers With
Misleading Suicide Warning
By Evelyn Pringle
On May 2, 2007, the FDA announced its most misleading
warnings to date about selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor antidepressants
when it said the drug makers would revise the current black box warning
of an increased risk of suicidality in children and adolescents to include
adults, but only young adults ages 18 to 24. Apparently at the ripe
old age of 25 the increased risk no longer exists
'Where One Burns
One Will Soon Burn People'
By Jawed Naqvi
Cultural censorship is rapidly gathering steam
in India. A drawing student was recently picked up from an arts college
in Baroda and thrown into prison because religious zealots raided the
campus and objected to his painting of Hindu gods and goddesses
Supreme Court
Upholds Importance Of Biosafety
By Kavitha Kuruganti
In the orders passed after the May 8th hearing
in the GMOs PIL filed by Aruna Rodrigues and three others, the Supreme
Court of India clearly upheld once again the importance of biosafety
when it comes to Genetically Modified Organisms
20 May, 2007
Once Again, No Easy Victories
By Joseph Jordan
The author, who as a youth was among the millions
of African Americans that hailed revolutionary leader Robert Mugabe
as a hero, says Blacks are now required "to speak out directly
against the violations of human rights that have marked the rule of
President Robert Mugabe over the past few years." The covenant
made by African Americans more than a generation ago was with the people
of Zimbabwe. Silence in the face of "clear and unequivocal"
evidence of Mugabe's abuses of power would violate that covenant. The
"the rights of Zimbabwe's people" are paramount
Resource Wars
By Emily Spence
Human resource wars, likewise, have gone on since
time immemorial. Two of our current ones, to secure oil for the US in
the Middle East and northern Africa, are merely emblematic of practices
that are occurring everywhere else across the globe despite that painful
and unjust deaths result. Yet, this ongoing pattern of gain for some
at the expense of others is hardly new and the ways that it sets up
are nearly always the same
India's Dams
Largest Methane Emitters
Among The World's Dams
By Himanshu Thakkar
Latest scientific estimates show that Large dams
in India are responsible for about a fifth of the countries' total global
warming impact. The estimates also reveal that Indian dams are the largest
global warming contributors compared to all other nations
Behind The World
Bank’s Ouster Of Paul Wolfowitz
By Patrick Martin
The Wolfowitz affair, in the final analysis, is
an expression of the decline of the United States and reflects the greater
willingness of rival capitalist powers in Europe and Asia to push back
against the supposed “sole superpower.”
Charges Dropped
Against Police
In de Menezes Shooting
By Paul Mitchell
The Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC)
has dropped disciplinary charges against 11 front-line firearms and
surveillance officers involved in the shooting of Jean Charles de Menezes
on July 22, 2005
India's Political
Quake- Mayawati
By Ravikiran Shinde
Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) chief Mayawati is the
winner. After handsomely winning the assembly elections in the biggest
state in India, she has declared that she is on her way to capture "Delhi"
and that plans to give UP the best government and Sarvasamaj (all sections
of the society) the power to share with her
Seeds Of Disaster
By David Truskoff
Education, as everyone knows, is directly linked
to income. How can any American not be panicked? If this trend continues
with the seemingly unstoppable high school drop out rate what will the
income gap be in just one more decade? Are we really on a runaway train
headed for depression and more violence? Can our military based foreign
policy be maintained in the face of such a fracture in our society?
Those questions seem to escape all of the Party candidates. If there
is a savior he or she is not yet visible
19 May, 2007
Streets, Ghostly Skies
By Laila El-Haddad
We were shaken by another large explosion, Israelis
tanks are amassing at Gaza's northern border, and unmanned Israeli drones
are whirring menacingly, incessantly, overhead in great numbers patrolling
the ghostly skies that only the kites can reach, preparing, perhaps,
for yet another strike against an already bleeding, burning, and battered
The American
Empire is Failing –
A Good Thing for America And the World
By Kevin Zeese
An Interview with Terry Paupp
Natural Defenses Against
Climate Change ‘Beginning To Fail’
By Michael McCarthy
The earth’s ability to soak up the gases
causing global warming is beginning to fail because of rising temperatures,
in a long-feared sign of “positive feedback,” new research
reveals today
US Government
To Set Up New Military
Command In Africa
By Lawrence Porter
In an ominous development mirroring the explosive
expansion of US militarism, the Bush administration has designated Africa
as a continent of “strategic national concern,” and has
initiated a new military policy to coincide with this new classification
Battle Lines Become Blurred
By M K Bhadrakumar
New fault lines have appeared on the Afghan chessboard.
While the "international community" kept watch on the obscure
lawless borderlands of Pakistan's tribal agencies for the Taliban's
spring offensive, templates of the war began to shift - almost unnoticed
Islamabad Succumbs
By Pervez Hoodbhoy
The stage is being set for transforming Islamabad
into a Taliban stronghold. When Musharraf exits - which may be sooner
rather than later - he will leave a bitter legacy that will last for
generations, all for a little more taste of power
ADB And The
Case Of Phulbari Coal Project
By Anu Muhammad
While the US administration obstructed Canadian
open pit mining in a mountain area because of 'potential for irreversible
environmental damage to Park and natural lake about 25 miles north of
the border', US backed institutions and agencies are pushing Bangladesh
Government to go ahead with open pit mining in a densely populated and
agricultural land area against experts opinion and strong public opinion
Islam In Western
By Dr Nasir Khan
Present-day images of Muslims and Islam in Western
media vary considerably. However, since the collapse of the Soviet Union
the general drift of Western concerns has been to portray Islam as the
main enemy of the West and the Muslim world as a hotbed of terrorism
that threatens Western civilisation and its democratic values
Lies, Damned
Lies And Terrorists
By Ziauddin Sardar
Most low-intensity attacks against businesses and
governments are carried out by terrorists who have nothing to do with
Advani And Savarkar:
The Sangh's
Bid For Heroism via 1857
By Kavita Krishnan
Lal Krishna Advani wrote a piece on May 10, the
150th anniversary of the 1857 war of independence ('150 yrs of Heroism,
via Kala Pani', Indian Express, May 10). It is well known that the RSS
and BJP and their ideological predecessors had nothing to do with the
anti-colonial freedom struggle, and rather have a history of collaborating
with the British colonizers. What can Advani possibly have to say about
17 May, 2007
Gaza Burns
By Laila El-Haddad
Things have been crazy in Gaza over the past two
days. Very crazy. In between working and actually trying to keep our
wits about us as we've been holed up indoors for two days
We Want A Black President?
By Margaret Kimberley
Is Barack Obama more worthy of Black "loyalty
than any other Democrat?" The answer is no - Black America should
not "purchase a lemon" just because the "seller looks
like us." Obama has mastered the fine arts of bullshitology, while
avoiding issues of core concern to African Americans in order to make
white people feel comfortable
Chomsky Takes
On The World (Bank)
By Michael Shank
Noam Chomsky is a noted linguist, author, and foreign
policy expert. On April 26, Michael Shank interviewed him about the
conflict between Congress and the U.S. president over Iraq and Syria,
the scandal enveloping World Bank head Paul Wolfowitz, and the nature
of foreign debt
The Silence
Of Clergy Today Versus
Rev. King's "Silence Is Betrayal!"
By Jay Janson
At the polls, citizens have finally expressed themselves
against the war in Iraq. Candidates and incumbents feel the need to
call for an end to the war. But we rarely hear even a peep from Clergy.
Is this for its observing the doctrine of ‘Separation of Church
and State’ or because the Church has become BOUND to the State
and SEPARATED from its faith?
Baloney, Brooks
And Blair
By Thomas Riggins
Reading David Brooks, the ultra-right New York
Times op-eder, never fails to amuse. He is able to take the simplest
facts and twist them around to such a degree that they come out looking
like the exact opposite of what they really mean. A recent case in point
is his article on Tony Blair (NYT 5-11-07) which he entitled “The
Human Community.”
Only One Kind
Of Science
By Rand Clifford
We have one planet with finite resources. There
is only one science, and when it tells us what damage consumerism has
wrought, perhaps instead of calling it bad names, we should simply learn
what science is, listen, and think
Special Economic
Zones -
Neoliberal "Enclosures" In India
By Soumitra Bose
Specially Enclosed Zones for forming Capital through
production or servicing within a nation-state and without the encumbrances
of law of the native land is what gets called as Special Economic Zone
16 May, 2007
Imperial Liquidation Possible For America?
By Chalmers Johnson
When Ronald Reagan coined the phrase "evil
empire," he was referring to the Soviet Union, and I basically
agreed with him that the USSR needed to be contained and checkmated.
But today it is the U.S. that is widely perceived as an evil empire
and world forces are gathering to stop us
Nakba Has Never Ended
By Julia Pitner
With the celebration of Israel's 59th year of independence
comes the mourning of the 59th year of what the Palestinians call Al-Nakba
-- the disaster. Israel celebrated its Independence this week by "locking
down" the Palestinians in their towns and villages through the
total closure of all checkpoints encircling major Palestinian population
Years Of Dispossession"
By Samar Assad
For Palestinians, 15 May represents the date when
they lost 78 percent of their historic homeland and the date that turned
them into the world’s oldest and largest refugee population. Palestinians
refer to 15 May as the al-Nakba, or catastrophe, to describe their dispossession
when over 750,000 Palestinians fled or were expelled prior to, during
and after the 1948 war. This May, Palestinians memorialize 59 years
of exile as Israelis celebrate 59 years of statehood
Debating Barack
Obama’s Cash Flow
By Joshua Frank
A recent editorial in The Chicago Sun-Times, published
on May 14, attempted to defile an essay I wrote in these pages about
Barack Obama’s fundraising channels and his ties to corporate
America. The Sun-Times piece, written by former Clinton White House
counsel Abner J. Mikva, challenged my claim that Barack isn’t
taking on the pay-to-play politics we are all so used to in Washington.
Instead Mikva asserted that the ethically minded Obama is “incorruptible”
By John Chuckman
Yes, Jerry has ordered his last tent-sized silk
suit, taken his last bag of cash from lonely old ladies, and ordered
his last truckload of cheap, merchandising Bibles with his picture stamped
on the cover. Gone on to his reward, as they say
A Review Of
Alexander Cockburn's
And Jeffrey St. Clair's End Times
By Stephen Lendman
"End Times - The Death of the Fourth Estate"
is a collection of 50 wide-ranging essays written in recent years under
six topic headings, mostly by Cockburn and St. Clair with a few by other
contributors, on the dismal state of the corporate print media today
Pakistani President
Seeks To Drown
Mounting Opposition In Blood
By Vilani Peiris
This is an objective view of an outsider looking
inside Pakistan. Musharraf has been at the helm for eight years in which
he has achieved much. But he risks comprmising all the gains if he exited
office in a box, which appears increasingly likely
The Message
From Uttar Pradesh
By Dipankar Bhattacharya
There is absolutely no point in either lauding
or blaming Mayawati for rewriting caste equations – what remains
to be done is to enable the people to grasp the class character of her
politics. The BSP is one party that never declares its policies, but
all its policies will now anyway be revealed in practice – and
that is the basis on which the people will now judge the BSP
Wheat Imports:
Procurement, Cheating Farmers
By Bhaskar Goswami
For the second year in the running, India is importing
wheat. Last year the government justified imports on account of lower
production. This year it is being justified in the name of higher prices
for farmers
Earth Democracy
Thrives In Nandigram
By Vandana Shiva
I have come away from Nandigram humbled and inspired.
These are the elements of Earth Democracy we need to defend and protect
from the violence and greed of corporate globalisation
15 May, 2007
Billion To Be Displaced By 2050
By Agence France Presse
At least one billion people risk fleeing their
homes over the next four decades because of conflicts and natural disasters
that will worsen with global warming, a relief agency warned Monday
Notes On A Cultural
In A Time Of Barbarism
By James Petras
We live in a time of imperial-driven destructive
wars in the name of ‘democracy’, savage exploitation in
the name of ‘emerging world powers’, massive forced population
displacement in the name of ‘immigration’ and large-scale
pillage of natural resources in the name of ‘free markets’
Public Terror:
Escalating The War On Migrants
By Juan Santos & Leslie Radford
The white power elite views migrants as a dangerous
force for political instability and for undermining the white cultural
dominance of the US. It means that migrants and the pro migrant movement
are the targets of America, no matter how many US flags are waved, how
much English is spoken, or how much profit is provided for the exploiters
Political Marriage Of Necessity:
A Single State Of Palestine-Israel
By Ali Abunimah
The case of South Africa shows that a unity government
can succeed
Bolivia –
From Colonialism To Indianism
By Christian Rudel
The "new Bolivia" that emerged from the
ballot boxes in 2005 cannot be reduced to a mere victory of the political
left, as some Western commentators have characterized it. Rather, it
is the victory of "Indianism" over more than 500 years of
colonialism and injustice
Gas Prices Rise
As Oil Companies
Take In Record Profits
By Mark Rainer
The average price for a gallon of gas in the United
States has surpassed the $3.00 mark and is currently at $3.07 per gallon.
The sharp rise in gas prices has contributed to record high profits
of the major oil companies
Communism And Cat Food
By Thomas Riggins
So we have recently been reading about all that
contaminated cat food (also dog food and feed for some other animals)
that had to be recalled because it was full of Chinese wheat gluten.
The NY Times reports (5/3/07) that thousands of animals have become
sick or died (according to the FDA 4000 dogs and cats have died already).
How did it happen?
Emergency Toolkit
For Dismantling
Of The Arroyo Killing Machine
By E.San Juan, Jr.
Election day, May 14, 2007: a time of reckoning
for the oppressors, a time of judgment for the avengers of the oppressed,
exploited and slaughtered generations of Filipinos, from the 1.4 million
killed by the U.S. invaders in the Filipino-American War (1899-1913)
to the over 850 victims murdered by Arroyo and her generals and their
Sri Lanka:
Who Is The Organ Grinder?
By Chandi Sinnathurai
If Ukraine, which I respect greatly, can give self-government
to Crimea and life can go on, Sri Lanka must give self-government to
the Tamils, where they want it
MP Reports A
Child Death Every Five Minutes,
Maternal Death Every Hour
By Anil Gulati
The Indian state of Madhya Pradesh has the highest
infant mortality rate in the country. At present infant mortality rate
is 76 infant deaths per thousand live births - meaning out of every
one thousand children born seventy six die even before their first birth
day. If we calculate on an indicative terms this means that approximately
every four to five minutes a child dies in the state of Madhya Pradesh
Future Of Biotechnology
In India
By Farah Aziz & Suman Sahai
If we want A, and biotechnology is providing Z,
its no use for us…says Suman Sahai…A thorough critic of
the new technology, she is not biased but has strong views against the
use of biotechnology in India without any trials and tests
14 May, 2007
Hidden War For Oil
By Carl Bloice
Carl Bloice elucidates the failure or unwillingness
of the Western media to accurately report the invasion and occupation
of Somalia by a US backed Ethiopian government. He asserts that behind
the US-Ethiopian political alliance lies a strategic move to secure
positioning in this oil region
Palestinians, Memory Matters
By George Bisharat
My Palestinian father grew up in Jerusalem before
Israel was founded and the Palestinians expelled, when Muslims, Christians
and Jews lived in peace and mutual respect. Recalling that past provides
a vision for an alternative future -- one involving equal rights and
tolerance, rather than the domination of one ethno-religious group over
Myths Of The Zionist Left
By Stephen Langfur
Is there then no other footing by which we may
justify a Jewish state in this land? We come back to the persecutions,
the Holocaust. The heart cries out for a place where Jews can live in
safety and self-determination. But there can be no safety in a state
established by conquest and confiscation. There is certainly no safety
for Jews in the present Jewish state
The Hidden Cause Of Global Warming
By Daniel Howden
The accelerating destruction of the rainforests
that form a precious cooling band around the Earth's equator, is now
being recognised as one of the main causes of climate change. Carbon
emissions from deforestation far outstrip damage caused by planes and
automobiles and factories
Climate Change: Eco-Fascism
By Bill Henderson
Eco-fascism - is it possible that soon a government
will introduce Draconian regulations in an effort to avert dangerous
(runaway or abrupt) climate change against the wishes of the majority
of the population?
Pakistani President
Seeks To Drown
Mounting Opposition In Blood
By Vilani Peiris
Karachi, a city of 10 million and Pakistan’s
commercial hub, was convulsed by gun-battles Saturday, as Pakistan’s
US-backed military strongman, President Pervez Musharraf, resorted to
deadly violence in a bid to quash the growing popular challenge to his
Removing Musharraf
From Power
By Usman Khalid
There is neither cause nor opportunity for the
Army to ask Musharraf to resign until he invokes emergency or imposes
martial law. The question is, how can he be removed from his perch in
power? There are three methods
With A Smile: Of American
Exceptionalism, Apple Pie, And Moral Rot
By Jason Miller
Kathleen Parker may project an “apple pie”
image, but her ardent moral and intellectual defense of the wholesale
liquidation of human beings, her dehumanization of Islamic people to
fuel the fraudulent “War on Terror”, and her pathological
nationalism reveal that she is morally rotten to the core
The Myth Of Muslim
By Mubasshir Ahmed
Out of the Union government's total expenditure
of Rs 680,521 crore, the total allocation for minorities (it includes
Sikhs and Christians too) is less than Rs 320 crore. The total number
of minorities in India is 200 million (Muslims 150m, Sikhs and Christians
We Salute Our
By Syed Ali Safvi
We salute our journalistic fraternity for showing
the utmost audacity and commitment in order to sketch a real picture
of Kashmir, sometimes with the colour of their own blood. We salute
those indefatigable journos who braved the tyrannical establishment
and highlighted the atrocities of the forces and in the process laid
down their lives for a cause – the cause so dear to their hearts,
the cause of projecting the TRUTH
12 May, 2007
Takes On Oil Multinationals
By Stuart Munckton
Thousands of Venezuelan workers took control of
foreign-owned oil fields yesterday as Hugo Chavez stepped up his battle
with Washington in a new wave of nationalisation and an announcement
that the country was leaving the World Bank and the International Monetary
Fund [IMF], - reported the British Guardian on May 2
Adios, World
By Nadia Martinez
As the controversy around Iraq War architect Paul
Wolfowitz’s uncertain future as president of the World Bank intensifies,
the financial institution is not only losing supporters. It’s
also losing victims. In Latin America, countries are paying off their
World Bank loans early, cutting off ties with the Bank, and creating
their own financing instruments to replace the world’s oldest
multilateral lending agency
The Good American
By Scott Ritter
I yearn for a time when “good Americans”
will be able to stop and reverse equally evil policies of global hegemony
achieved through pre-emptive war of aggression. I know all too well
that in this case the “enemy” will only be emboldened by
our silence, since at the end of the day the “enemy” is
Cheney Threatens
Iran From
US Aircraft Carrier In Persian Gulf
By Bill Van Auken
Underscoring the essential objective of his Middle
East tour, US Vice President Dick Cheney used the deck of the aircraft
carrier USS John C. Stennis in the Persian Gulf Friday to deliver a
bellicose threat against Iran
Blair's Departure:The
View From Baghdad
By Patrick Cockburn
Iraq may be seen in Britain as Tony Blair's nemesis
but Iraqis yesterday greeted his departure with utter indifference.
Asked what they thought about it, most simply shrugged their shoulders
and looked surprised at being asked the question. Others said they saw
him as a surrogate for President Bush
Scottish Election
Fiasco Casts Doubt
Over New Parliament
By Niall Green
The actual number of votes rejected in the May
3 elections to the Scottish Parliament is far higher than the already
staggering figure of 100,000 previously admitted to. Earlier this week,
Newsnight Scotland revealed that some 142,000 votes had been ruled out—3.5
percent of all votes cast
Geographic Prejudice – Part 2
By Dan Lieberman
Possible racial prejudice against Arab people in
the National Geographic exhibit, Zakouma: Elephant Crisis in Chad, has
some more twists. It also highlights how innocent words can unknowingly
contribute to misunderstanding and encourage hatred – even if
that isn’t the intention
Iraq: Indian
History In Reverse?
By Niranjan Ramakrishnan
Mutiny at Meerut: 150 Years After
Defining Moment
Of Dalit Empowerment
In Uttar-Pradesh
By Vidya Bhushan Rawat
Dalits defeats Hindutva with the help of Brahmins:
Will it work?
10 May, 2007
Zombie Shuffles Off Stage
By Tariq Ali
Tony Blair announces his resignation and reveals
his final day as prime minister will be 27 June. A reflection on Tony
Blair's days in office
The Likely
Historical Significance Of
The War In Iraq
By John Chuckman
The U.S., for the first time in years, has shown
interest in talking to Syria and Iran, countries with vital interests
in the area, long ignored. Perhaps, it finally means the beginning of
the end for the destructive idea of Greater Israel, the beginning of
some degree of justice and hope for a people, the Palestinians, long
without either. Perhaps it means genuine effort towards peace, rather
than the tiresome, ongoing fraud of a "peace process." I'm
hopeful, but not too optimistic
The War On
Free Expression
By Stephen Lendman
In a post-9/11 climate, the right of free expression
is under attack and endangered in the age of George Bush when dissent
may be called a threat to national security, terrorism, or treason.
But losing that most precious of all rights means losing our freedom
The Common Denominator
By Emily Spence
Information about and realistic solutions for the
ravages of overpopulation desperately need to be examined on a global
scale. Attempting to address the symptoms -- the assorted environmental
dilemmas and social conflicts that are signs of this larger crisis --
is simply not enough!
Hope In A Dismal World
By Joel S. Hirschhorn
You too can find hope. It is located at www.foavc.org.
Then let that hope channel your moral energy by becoming a member. The
Friends of the Article V Convention need you. America needs you. Now
Playing Politics
With The Iraq War Brings Out
The Worst In The Duopoly
By Kevin Zeese
Both Parties Attempt to Shift the Blame to Iraqis
Rather Than Accept Their Shared Responsibility for the Iraq Quagmire
Laser Barking
At Terrorists
By Mike Ghouse
If we can laser shoot the tiny object 3000 miles
away, we can get the six footer and his cronies. We can laser bark at
the right tree and quit barking at the universe. We have excuses for
our failure, and have sacrificed over 3000 of our sons and daughters
and a million plus Iraqis, and the latter simply doesn’t count
Fighting A Losing
By K A Shaji
The Xinjiang province of China was actually shot
to fame after Hollywood movie Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon was filmed
there. Now, Beijing's crackdown on political dissent by Uighur activists
has dragged the region into a big human rights debate
The Looming
Water Crisis In Madhya Pradesh
By Anil Gulati
Government of India has announced the year 2007
as "Water Year" with a view to address water-related issues
– probably a need which is immediate here in Madhya Pradesh. May
be time has come to move away from realm of words, to bring change in
reality for people of the state
09 May, 2007
Mortality Soars In Iraq
By Andrew Buncombe
Two wars and a decade of sanctions have led to
a huge rise in the mortality rate among young children in Iraq, leaving
statistics that were once the envy of the Arab world now comparable
with those of sub-Saharan Africa
In Five Minutes Or Less
By Robert Jensen
One of the common responses I hear when I critique
capitalism is, “Well, that may all be true, but we have to be
realistic and do what’s possible.” By that logic, to be
realistic is to accept a system that is inhuman, anti-democratic, and
unsustainable. To be realistic we are told we must capitulate to a system
that steals our souls, enslaves us to concentrated power, and will someday
destroy the planet
Carbon Call
By Rand Clifford
Instead of sitting in this luxurious blue lifeboat
and arguing over the size of the hole in the hull, or arguing about
how to slow the leaking—rather than risking a sinking, perhaps
it’s time we started bailing. Tweaking emission levels at this
point are just so much arguing about that hole, because carbon dioxide
we’ve already emitted tends to persist in the atmosphere about
a century. And major systems we’ve already sent into positive
feedback increasingly threaten to make anything we do or don’t
do now virtually irrelevant
Early CIA Involvement
In Darfur
Has Gone Unreported
By Jay Janson
There has been a glaring omission in the U.S. media
presentation of the Darfur tragedy. The compassion demonstrated, mostly
in words, until recently, has not been accompanied by a recognition
of U.S. complicity, or at least involvement, in the war which has led
to the enormous suffering and loss of life that has been taking place
in Darfur for many years
Right Way Ahead
For France
By Mahir Ali
The French electorate this week forwent an opportunity
to pick a woman as the head of the state for the first time, opting
instead, by a small but decisive margin, for a sharp turn to the right.
It’s a decision quite a few of those who voted for Nicolas Sarkozy
on Sunday may come to regret before long
When We Forget
To Remember
By Sheila Samples
Surely Americans must know that a crisis without
precedent is underway in this country. The first target in the Straussian
neocon's war of terror was the Constitution and, by extension, the American
people. We are hurtling headlong into tyranny and, as Harold Pinter
so aptly put it -- those whom we elected to protect both us and the
Constitution have either lost their voices or seem to have forgotten
the tune
The Forum At
The Crossroads
By Walden Bello
After the disappointment that was Nairobi, many
long-standing participants in the Forum are asking themselves: Is the
WSF still the most appropriate vehicle for the new stage in the struggle
of the global justice and peace movement? Or, having fulfilled its historic
function of aggregating and linking the diverse counter-movements spawned
by global capitalism, is it time for the WSF to fold up its tent and
give way to new modes of global organization of resistance and transformation?
Dalits, Panchayat
Raj And Power Equations
By Goldy M. George
It is evident that the upper castes controlled
the affairs of the village cannot tolerate the changes being brought
about by the decentralized democratic institutions. In the backdrop
of such incidences an array of question raises with reference to Panchayat
Raj vis-à-vis Dalits. The initial prediction of decentralization
envisioned through Panchayat Raj hasn’t become a reality. It also
tells us how Panchayat Raj is utilised as a tool of disempowerment of
Dalits and consolidation of caste system
08 May, 2007
By Ramzy Baroud
The Darfur crisis in Sudan is perhaps the most
politically convoluted conflict in the world today. Its underpinnings
involve local, regional and international players, all selfishly vying
for power and economic interests
Bush Sabotaged Reconstruction
In Iraq
By Thomas Riggins
Bush still thinks he can impose his “mindset”
on Iraq and the world. It is a narrow, fundamentalist, ignorant mindset.
It is not the mindset of the majority of the American people. The Congress
has the opportunity to send it packing. It should do so
Rebuilding Resistance
By Dahr Jamail
As reconstruction resumes in the heavily bombed
southern Beirut district Dahiyeh, the signs are evident of a rebuilding
of resistance against Israel and the U.S.-backed government, largely
by way of increased support for Hezbollah
C4 Accused Of
Falsifying Data In
Documentary On Climate Change
By Steve Connor
The makers of a Channel 4 documentary which claimed
that global warming is a swindle have been accused of fabricating data
by one of the scientists who participated in the film
Giving Up On
Two Degrees
By John James
The rich nations seeking to cut climate change
have this in common: they lie. You won’t find this statement in
the draft of the new report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change, which was leaked to the Guardian last week. But as soon as you
understand the numbers, the words form before your eyes. The governments
making genuine efforts to tackle global warming are using figures they
know to be false
Doctors Fail
To Recognize
Life-Threatening Serotonin Syndrome
By Evelyn Pringle
In addition to recent reports that the drugs work
no better than sugar pills, the latest warnings added to the long list
of adverse events linked to selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor antidepressants
have focused on birth defects, suicide risks and violence
The Hate Equation:
Targeting Migrant Children
By Juan Santos
Brown children are expendable in Los Angeles, and
migrants are the new scapegoats for a nation steeped in a deep tradition
of white racism
The Price Of
Fire In Latin America:
An Interview with Ben Dangl
By Joshua Frank
Ben Dangl is the author of The Price of Fire: Resource
Wars and Social Movements in Bolivia (AK Press 2007) and the editor
of Upside Down World, an online magazine that covers Latin American
politics, and Toward Freedom, a progressive perspective on world events.
Recently Dangl, who won a 2007 Project Censored Award for his coverage
of US military operations in Paraguay, spoke with Joshua Frank about
the emerging social movements in South America and how they are threatening
Washington’s power in the region
Freedom Of
Speech Denied In Mid East 'Democracy'
By Eileen Fleming
The restrictions against Vanunu are eerily similar
to the "banning" that was practiced in South Africa under
Apartheid, which also controlled human interaction, place of residence,
and type and content of communications
Mabira's Resistance
To Monopoly Of
Mehtas In Museveni's Uganda
By Vidya Bhushan Rawat
There is a need to understand the issue of blacks,
apartheid and Indian domination in the African countries and any analysis
based on our 'nationalistic' pattern would be bias and unfair
Unsafe Campus,
Safe Harassers?
By Subhash Gatade
Delhi University, which has under its ambit 79
colleges and which caters to more than 7.5 lakh students, and which
has remained in the forefront of many a democratic demands of the people
in general and teaching community in particular, is today very much
in the news albeit for totally wrong reasons. This short note focuses
itself on two recent cases of sexual harassment and the way the university
administration has tried to deal with them
05 May, 2007
Change Can Be Halted, UN Concludes
By Michael McCarthy
Global warming is solvable, United Nations climate
change experts said yesterday, in a landmark judgement running counter
to increasing pessimism about the most serious threat facing the world.
The greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, whose emissions growth
is causing the atmosphere to warm, can be brought under control, said
the economists of the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
(IPCC) - but only if governments act decisively
One Day You’re
Gonna Wake Up, America
By David Michael Green
One day you’re gonna wake up, America, and
realize how far it’s all gone. But if that day isn’t very
soon, it won’t matter.Because one day you’re gonna wake
up, and it will be far, far too late
The Media, The
People, And Why Nobody
Can See The 'Invisible Hand'
By Max Kantar
If you read the news this past week, you would've
learned that unprovoked 'thugs' armed with dynamite and guns attacked
Chevron oil workers in the Niger Delta, Nigeria.Mark Twain once said
that "he who does not read the newspaper is uninformed. He who
reads the newspaper is misinformed." More than 100 years later,
his words couldn't be more true....
A Way Out Of
The SEZ Impasse?
By Aseem Shrivastava
If SEZs are not aimed at enriching developers and
builders at the expense of farmers and tribals and are not about real
estate speculation at all, this, two months after Nandigram, is perhaps
the last call for the governments in New Delhi and the state capitals
to consider a serious rethink, tear up the 1894 Land Acquisition Act,
draw up a completely new land rights legislation, in addition to a rehabilitation
policy which will restore the dignity and respect due to Indian agriculture
and its long-standing guardians as also to pastoralists, forest-dwellers,
fisherfolk and artisans who have all suffered from long neglect by Downtown
04 May, 2007
Eulogy For The NewStandard
By Steve Anderson
It’s official, as of Friday April 27th 2007
The Newstandard (TNS) officially ceased operations. This is a significant
loss for both the independent media ecology, and for citizens who use
independent media to stay informed about current events and social issues
Blair's Corrupt
Britannia Gerrymanders
The Scottish Elections
By Rory Winter
It looks like Tony Blair's corrupt crowd have done
a Bush fix and stolen the election from under our very noses
The Democrats
Cave To Bush –
The Peace Movement Must Stand Up
By Kevin Zeese
In reaction to President Bush’s veto the
Democrats are reportedly caving in to give him a Iraq War funding without
any obligation to end the war
History 101
By Paul Buchheit
For America,history seems to have an eerie way
of repeating itself. We seem determined not to pay attention
Malaria Fear
As Global Warming Increases
By Colin Brown
Global warming could lead to a return of insect-borne
diseases in Britain such as malaria, and increased incidence of skin
cancer caused by exposure to the sun, a government report warns today
Response To
By George Monbiot
Cockburn's article cannot be taken seriously until
we have seen his list of references, and affirmed that the key claims
he makes have already been published in peer-reviewed scientific journals.
This would not mean they are correct, though it does mean that they
are worth discussing
“stable” South Descends Into
Political Chaos
By James Cogan
A power struggle between rival Shiite parties in
Iraq’s oil-rich southern province of Basra is escalating toward
open warfare and looming as a major crisis for the US-led occupation
and the British government in particular
Israel Is After Me
By Azmi Bishara
I am a Palestinian from Nazareth, a citizen of
Israel and was, until last month, a member of the Israeli parliament.But
now, in an ironic twist reminiscent of France’s Dreyfus affair
— in which a French Jew was accused of disloyalty to the state
— the government of Israel is accusing me of aiding the enemy
during Israel’s failed war against Lebanon in July
IMF And World
Bank Face Declining Authority
As Venezuela Announces Withdrawal
By Mark Weisbrot
Venezuela's decision this week to pull out of the
IMF and the World Bank will be seen in the United States as just another
example of the ongoing feud between Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez
and the Bush Administration. But it is likely to be viewed differently
in the rest of the world, and could have an impact on both institutions,
whose power and legitimacy in developing countries has been waning steadily
in recent years
May Day Message
By Fidel Castro
It is imperative to immediately have an energy
Wall Street
Journal Claims Chavez
Oil Policy "Aims To Weaken US"
By Stephen Lendman
The Bush administration and US corporate media,
flacking for Big Oil, is all over Hugo Chavez with the Journal's May
Day article staying true to form
Israel: Government
On Ropes After Report Condemns
Olmert And Peretz Over Lebanon War
By Jean Shaoul & Chris Marsden
The interim report of the Winograd Commission into
Israel’s initial conduct of its 33-day war against Lebanon in
July and August last year has lambasted the country’s political
and military leadership for what is regarded within ruling circles as
a debacle
The Growing Revolt
Against Disposability
By Aseem Shrivastava
At Badli, a village of some 11,000 people, in the
district of Jhajjar, Haryana, about 30 kms west of New Delhi’s
International Airport farmers are organizing a movement to resist a
25,000-acre Special Economic Zone (SEZ) planned by Reliance Industries
03 May, 2007
Globe, Walls Spring
Up To Divide Neighbors
By Bernd Debusmann
When completed, the barriers will run thousands
of miles, in places as far apart as Mexico and India, Afghanistan and
Spain, Morocco and Thailand, Malaysia and Saudi Arabia, and Iraq
Olmert Undone
By The Militia
He Said He Could Destroy
By Robert Fisk
One of Washington's last "pro-American"
cabinets in the Middle East is now threatened by the very militia which
Mr Olmert claimed he could destroy
Real Problem With The Arab Initiative
By Hasan Abu Nimah
The basic problem with the Arab Peace Initiative
is in its "begging approach" which surrenders completely to
the charitable whims of the aggressor. The victim continues to make
gestures and offers without any hint as to what would happen if such
offers are dismissed
The U.S.’
War On Democracy
By Pablo Navarrete & John Pilger
An interview with John Pilger
A Whoring She
Will Go
By Jason Miller
The next time you are reading one of her columns
or books, or listening to her speak, remember that Peggy Noonan is probably
weaving a clever, subtle, and sophistic argument to advance the agenda
of thieves and murderers. But it’s too late to worry about her
soul. She made a whore of that long ago
Childless Mother:
Guilty Until Proven Innocent
By Mirah Riben
Infant adoption in the US is in dire need of an
Comes In Many Forms And Directions
By Dan Lieberman
It's difficult to believe the National Geographic
could, even carelessly, contribute to prejudice and misunderstanding.
Its excellent exhibit at the National Geographic explorers Hall: Zakouma,
Elephant Crisis in Chad, seems to do that
Revolution Accelerates
By Federico Fuentes
To thunderous applause and chants of approval,
Hugo Chávez has called on the Venezuelan people to radicalize
the revolution towards the new socialism of the 21st century
Army And The
Peace Process In Kashmir
By Ram Puniyani
Today the thinking on the Kashmir issue has to
begin with the idea of respecting the wishes and well being of Kashmiri
people, and to apply the soothing balm to the wounded psyche of average
person in Kashmir. While dialogue with the dissident factions goes on
we need to reduce the heavy-handed presence of army in the area. We
also should register the fact that a long stay of army will affect the
way of thinking of army itself
‘I was
Always Leftist. Economic Reforms
Made Me Completely Marxist’
By Mani Shankar Aiyar
In a speech at a CII meet, Mani Shankar Aiyar argued
that policy is hijacked by a small elite. That the cabinet he belongs
to is quite comfortable with this hijacking. That India’s system
of governance is such that Rs 650 crore for village development is considered
wasteful but Rs 7,000 crore for the Commonwealth Games is considered
vital. The classes rule all the time, Aiyar says, the masses get a look-in
every five years
02 May, 2007
Palestinian Christian Is
An Endangered Species
By Prof Abe W Ata
When the modern state of Israel was established
there were about 400,000 Christians. Two years ago the number was down
to 80,000. Now it’s down to 60,000. At that rate, in a few years
there will be none of us left
Following Bush
veto, Democrats Prepare
War-Spending Bill With No Timeline
By Joe Kay
US President George Bush vetoed the $124 billion
bill to fund the US occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan Tuesday, rejecting
provisions of the bill calling for a partial withdrawal of some US troops
from Iraq.Democratic Party leaders have already begun circulating drafts
of a bill that will fully fund the Iraq war, without the restrictions
that the White House opposes
And Unworthy Victims"
By Stephen Lendman
"Worthy and unworthy victims" live in
different Americas, highlighted in the age of George Bush in blazing
starkness. Those anointed "worthy" are named, known, seen
media-manipulated heros while the "unworthy" are mostly nameless,
faceless unknown abused "unpeople" targets of the administration's
"war on terror," the poor and anyone "in times of universal
deceit" courageously daring to dissent
Peace, Clean
Energy, And Priorities
By Rand Clifford
Our current energy architecture have led to global
warming, a potentially-terminal problem at least for civilization and
the majority of Earth’s higher species. Everything we need to
rebalance the carbon cycle is in our hands. But the enemy that has gotten
enormously powerful delivering us to this crucial predicament will use
this power to protect their profits
Durbin Gives
Edwards More To Apologize For
By Kevin Zeese
Blockbuster Statement on Senate Floor –Intelligence
Committee Knew Bush was Lying – Raises Questions About Edwards
Judgment and Sincerity on the War
Iraqi Doctors
Out On A Limb
By Dahr Jamail
According to the Iraqi Ministry of Health and UN
statistics, Khattab is one of 18,000 Iraqi doctors and health care professionals
who have fled the war-torn country since the US-led invasion began in
March 2003
Arctic Sea Ice
'Vanishing At
Faster Rate Than Expected'
By Steve Connor
Scientists may have seriously underestimated the
speed at which Arctic sea ice will melt in the coming decades, caused
by global warming, according to a study published today
Mandal II:
The Struggle For
An Egalitarian Society
By Feroze H. Mithiborwala
India is again in the midst of an OBC upsurge and
this "MANDAL II" has been instigated and provoked by the Supreme
Court Bench comprising Justices Arijit Pasayat and Lokeshwar Singh Panta.
This two bench judgement has issued an interim order staying the Reservations
of OBC's in higher educational institutions and this has sent convulsions
across the political and social landscape
01 May, 2007
May Day: Under
A New Cloud Of Fear
By Sharat G. Lin
As millions of immigrant workers with their families
and supporters pour into the streets across the United States on May
Day, they do so under a new cloud of fear
The Migrant
Trap, And The Migrants'
Way Out: May 1, 2007
By Leslie Radford
In the two months leading up to this year's May
Day protests, the detentions have intensified. Armed, warrantless home
invasions have left hundreds of families shattered. People have been
hauled out of pizza joints, and "Latino-looking" shoppers
at a Chicago mall were lined up against a wall at gunpoint, while white
shoppers walked away. The Department of Homeland Security's notorious
raid and deportation program, Operation Return to Sender, brags that
it has imprisoned 18,000 people since its inception eleven months ago
True Costs
Of Fossil Fuels
By Rand Clifford
when we pump that $3-a-gallon gasoline into our
tanks, we should keep in mind that gasoline is in reality the most expensive
fuel imaginable—the most heavily-subsidized commodity in history
Sarkozy: The
French Neocon
By Ghali Hassan
The Italian media compare Nicolas Sarkozy to Gianfranco
Fini, the leader of the fascist Alleanza Nationale party. Sarkozy has
shown to be greatly influenced by the Nazis’ ‘eugenic’
theory of ‘superior race’. It is also revealed that Sarkozy
was involved in violation of international humanitarian law concerning
immigrants. If elected, Sarkozy will polarise France, incite hatred
and divisions, and return France to a violent imperialist power
Southern Transnationals:The
New Kids On The Block?
By Kavaljit Singh
Given the fact that most developing countries are
usually capital importers, the rise of Southern TNCs poses new policy
dilemmas. The policy makers in the developing world are increasingly
finding it difficult to strike a balance between the country’s
interest as a host country and its newly-found interests as a home country
Barack Obama,
Just Another Corporate Candidate
By Joshua Frank
There’s not question that industry loves
Barack. As of March 31, UBS, the second largest bank in Europe, has
given over $165,000 to his campaign. The Exelon corporation, which is
the nation’s largest nuclear plant operator, has donated almost
$160,000. The investment Goliath, Goldman Sachs, has also fattened the
pockets of Barack Inc. with over $143,000. Citigroup has given well
over $50,000 with Morgan Stanley close behind at $40,000. Wall Street
has Obama’s back
In The Philippines
Bush's War On Terror
Has Become A War Of Terror
By Brian Mcafee
The War Of Terror the U.S. is inflicting on the
Philippine people through its blanket support for Arroyo and the Philippine
Military and National Police is also a War On The Poor as the targets
are generally those concerned with the poverty issue and the beneficiaries
of the killings would seem to be those that don't want change, the rich
and foreign capital or corporate interests
Fake Killing(s):
People As Trophies
By Subhash Gatade
People who had a faint glimmer of hope about Kausar
Bi's whereabouts finally know that she is no more. As the counsel for
the Gujarat government himself admitted before the Supreme Court, she
was killed, burnt and her ashes were thrown in some field. But it does
not throw light on the person(s) who killed her ?
Jammu And Kashmir
Public Safety Act-1978
By Syed Junaid Hashmi
One of the most draconian laws applicable in Jammu
and Kashmir, Public Safety Act (PSA), that is being liberally used as
a repressive measure to scuttle any dissent, often also for victimising
innocent youth, ironically finds its roots in the Defence of India Act
(DIA) during the British rule. In fact, the PSA happens to be a more
punitive form of the DIA that was described by various National leaders
including Mahatma Gandhi as draconian and a black law enacted by Britishers
to suppress Indian freedom struggle
How Safe Is
Bt Cotton For Livestock?
By Kavitha Kuruganti
Not many seem to be aware that a serious controversy
is dogging GM crop cultivation in India after repeated reports emerged
about livestock getting killed or falling sick after grazing on Bt Cotton
fields. The limelight is once again on two important aspects related
to GM crops – their safety and their regulation
The Ghosts Of
By Satya Sagar
There was panic at the CPM headquarters on Calcutta's
Alimuddin Street as rumours spread like wildfire of a 'special' investigative
team having arrived to do some fact-finding on the gory events of 14
March 2007 in Nandigram. The 'dream' team, spotted by party activists
and corroborated by airport immigration staff, is said to have comprised
of the founding fathers of the global communist movement - Karl Marx
and Friedrich Engels themselves. As if their presence was not enough,
accompanying them in tow were a certain Vladimir Illych Lenin and Mao
Sri Lanka: Mismatch
Between Multi-Ethnic Cricket Team And The Brutal Reality Of Civil War
By Jehan Perera
In a tragic and unconscionable manner, the unity
that the country's multi-ethnic cricket team had demonstrated in both
victory and in defeat, was once again not matched by the protagonists
in Sri Lanka's long-drawn-out ethnic conflict
Bomb Attack In Bangladesh Again!
By Salah Choudhury
Simultaneous time bombs exploded in Dhaka, Chittagong
and Sylhet on Tuesday injuring at least one person. An Islamist organization
named Jadeed Al Qaeda claimed responsibility behind such explosions
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