31 March, 2007
Great Iraq Oil Robbery
By Alan Maass
The oil men of the Bush administration are trying
to set up one of the biggest swindles in history--the great Iraq oil
robbery.The cabinet of the new Iraqi government--under pressure from
the U.S. occupiers who put them in power--approved a law that would
undo Iraq's nationalized system and give Western oil giants unparalleled
access to the country's vast reserves
Fears A 'Genocidal Strategy'
By Ali al-Fadhily
Iraqis in the volatile al-Anbar province west
of Baghdad are reporting regular killings carried out by U.S. forces
that many believe are part of a 'genocidal' strategy
US Occupation
Sets Off Sectarian
Atrocities In Tal Afar
By James Cogan
After suffering four years of US occupation, constant
violence and unspeakable living conditions, communities in some of the
most traumatised cities in Iraq are facing a new wave of sectarian and
politically motivated killings, provoked by the stepped up operations
being carried out by American troops and the predominantly Shiite and
Kurdish Iraqi government security forces against largely Sunni insurgents
Senate Passes
$122 Billion More For
Iraq And Afghanistan Wars
By Kevin Zeese
While the headlines will read that the Senate voted
to withdraw U.S. troops in Iraq, the peace movement recognizes that
the Senate bill will extend the war not end it. The exit date in the
bill is merely a goal for the removal of combat troops, and there are
large loopholes that would allow a commander in chief to keep as many
troops as s/he wants in Iraq. The bill provides $122 billion to pay
for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan – nearly $20 billion more
requested by Bush
Bush Vilifies
Democrats, Vows
Veto Of Iraq War Funding Bill
By Bill Van Auken
In a bellicose speech delivered Wednesday, on the
eve of a Senate vote approving a $122 billion spending bill directed
primarily at funding the US wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, US President
George W. Bush vowed to veto any legislation proposing troop withdrawals
Why A Vet Disrupted
Congress When They Were
Voting $100 Billion More For War
By Lori Purdue
When the applause faded and legislators moved to
cast their electronic votes for the record I recognized that my time
had arrived. I quickly stood, held my bloody hands in the air and shouted,
“Don’t buy this war.” I was grabbed by the Capitol
Officer who had stationed himself next to me, expecting just this type
of disturbance, and pulled into the aisle. I continued, “You’re
buying it and you own it!” Four more officers surrounded me and
lifted me by my elbows up the stairs as I shouted, “Troops Home
Now! Troops Home Now! Troops Home Now!” as they carried me from
the Gallery
In Batticaloa: Too Early To Tell
By Chandi Sinnathurai
Clombo seem to have prematurely claimed victory
in Kokoticholai. This Tamil Tiger base in the East has functioned as
Tiger HQ since the days of the defected iron-fisted Karuna. Its no doubt
a prized trophy – in terms of both the psychological-effect on
the Eastern Tamils and in its sheer symbolism. But the problem is, the
Government has published only (including photographs) half the story
Will Have The Last Laugh
By Vidya Bhushan Rawat
Shockingly, the judgments in the past few years
reflect of the growing trend to keep the middle classes happy. We have
judges who speak for Hindutva terming it as a way of life. We have a
former Supreme Court Judge who did not implicate a single politician
in the anti Sikh riots in Delhi in 1984 and later became a Member of
Parliament against all the ethics of impartiality of an institution.
Right to Strike was also banned by the Kerala Highcourt, which was appreciated
by the media and industries
Rape Victims: Abandoned And Forgotten
By Syed Junaid Hashmi
Deserted by their families, abandoned by society,
forgotten by both separatists and mainstream political parties, rape
victims during the last seventeen years of militancy in Jammu and Kashmir
live an appalling life. Reports of Kashmir based social organizations
put the figure of women raped, molested and abused above one thousand
30 March, 2007
Himalayan Icefields Threatening
Drought In Bangladesh
By Justin Huggler
Notorious for its annual floods, Bangladesh may
seem the last place in the world to worry about a drying up of the rivers
that flow from the Himalayas. But the country is as much at risk from
drought as it is from flooding. Already farmers who used to grow rice
have turned to farming prawns because the water in their fields has
turned so salty nothing will grow there
Coastal Mega-Cities
In For A Bumpy Ride
By Srabani Roy
About 643 million people, or one-tenth of the world’s
population, who live in low lying coastal areas are at great risk of
oceans-related impacts of climate change, according to a global research
study to be released next month
The Racist
War On Immigrants
By Stephen Lendman
Immigrants of color, the wrong faith or from the
wrong parts of the world are never greeted warmly in "America the
Beautiful" that's only for the privileged and no one else. They're
not wanted except to harvest our crops or do the hard, low-pay, no-benefit
labor few others will do
Regional Implications
Of The Iraq War
By Chris Toensing
Contrary to the stated aspirations of Washington
hawks before the invasion, the Iraq War has dealt a body blow to the
many Middle Eastern activists who were working for democracy and peace
long before the Bush administration entered office. On these grounds
alone, the war has been an unmitigated disaster
Britain Heightens
Confrontation With
Iran Over Detained Sailors
By Peter Symonds
The Bush administration has stationed a huge US
naval presence in the Persian Gulf with rules of engagement that oblige
US forces to respond to any incident—actual or imagined. Any clash
could of course become the pretext for unleashing a devastating assault
on Iran using the overwhelming US firepower now in place
Arab Leaders:
Peace Making
Could Not Be Unilateral, Divisible
By Nicola Nasser
Arab leaders are again binding themselves and their
countries to their “strategic option” of peace with Israel,
offering their Initiative as a realistic, pragmatic, affordable and
workable platform that could make a comprehensive regional peace within
the reach of the living generations, but unfortunately they are reciprocated
by a non-committal Israel and United States who instead are dealing
tactically and evasively with an historic opportunity that if missed
would plunge the Middle East into an open-ended conflict, to the detriment
of all parties involved
On The Palestinian Struggle:
New Pressure To Relinquish Rights
By Jamal Juma’
The demonstrations and protests all over Palestine
for Land Day are thus yet another call to our leadership and the wider
region that they at least second, if not lead, the steadfastness and
resistance of the people. Approximately 97 villages in the West Bank
are completely isolated and slated for destruction or ethnic cleansing
and some 4,500 houses are under demolition order to make space for Israeli
Death Squad Democracy
By James Petras & Robin Eastman-Abaya
On March 16, 2007, Philippine police arrested veteran
journalist, activist, former political prisoner and torture victim,
Congressman Satur Ocampo, on the steps of the Philippine Supreme Court.
One day earlier, in Washington DC, California Senator Barbara Boxer
opened hearings on the mounting death squad executions and kidnappings
in the Philippines
As India
Goes Global The Public Goes Private
And The State Becomes A Marketplace
By Aseem Shrivastava
It is time that the newspapers and the TV channels
woke up from their somnolence and put an end to the charade of glamorizing
the rapid encroachments on the best traditions of democracy. The Lockheed-Martins,
BAEs and Tatas cannot be expected to behave with a sense of public responsibility.
They would not be where they are had they had that. They have to be
exposed and restrained. It is impossible without the media
Prosecutors Declare War On Families
By David Heleniak
In the October 2006 issue of The Yale Law Journal,
Harvard Law School professor Jeannie Suk exposes a disturbing development
that had not been commented upon before. In her eye-opening article
“Criminal Law Comes Home,” Suk examines a practice in Manhattan
that has become routine in criminal cases involving domestic violence,
the imposition of de facto divorces in which the government “initiates
and dictates the end of ... intimate relationship[s]” by subjecting
“the practical and substantive continuation of the relationship[s]
to criminal sanction”
29 March, 2007
Political Burden Of “Team India”
By Badri Raina
With so little else to fall back upon, “team
India’s” anti-national surrender leaves a whole nation in
limbo. And what if even the 123 nuke deal with uncle Sam should fall
through? How then do we persuade the world that we are a super-power?
And, remember, there are no free lunches
Iran Plays
Into Bush’s Hand
By Matthew Rothschild
When Tehran seized 15 British sailors on Friday
for allegedly being in Iranian waters, George Bush and Dick Cheney must
have let out a cheer.This is just the kind of thing they’ve been
praying for
Pawns In An Iranian Game
By Pepe Escobar
From Tehran's point of view, for all purposes British
Prime Minister Tony Blair is a soft target. The episode has the potential
to paralyze both President George W Bush and Blair. Neither can use
the incident to start a war with Iran, although Blair has warned that
his government is prepared to move to "a different phase"
if Iran does not quickly release the sailors
The Hostage
By Patrick Cockburn
At 3am on January 11, US military forces raided
the Iranian liaison office in the Kurdish capital Arbil and detained
five Iranian officials who are still prisoners. The attack marked a
significant escalation in the confrontation between the US and Iran
Right To Exist':Is It A Real Issue?
By Jeff Handmaker & Gentian Zyberi
The current demand by the Quartet, US, Russia,
UN and the European Union, is that Hamas recognise Israel's 'right to
exist'. But even if the Quartet were to more properly insist on recognition
of Israel's 'right to existence', Hamas is a political party and not
a State and thus in no position to exercise any kind of legal recognition
at all. Assuming, therefore, that the demand is instead being made for
political reasons, we must question why it is made without any reciprocal
demands by Israel
David Hicks
Bullied Into Guilty Plea
At Guantánamo Kangaroo Court
By Richard Phillips
After more than five years of imprisonment in Guantánamo
Bay where he endured torture and protracted periods of solitary confinement,
Australian citizen David Hicks finally pleaded guilty to one charge
of “providing material support for terrorism” as part of
a plea bargain to get out of the US hell-hole
The "Indian
Problem" In Peru:
From Mariategui To Today
By Hugo Blanco
I recalled the phrase that was stuck in the mind
of Mariátegui: "The problem of the Indian is the problem
of land." That was the terrible truth. Now it no longer is so
Tactics, Minus The “Blah! Blah! Blah!”
By Chandi Sinnathurai
The Sri Lankan Government is shocked to the core.
The aerial-attack on the Air Force Base by the Tamil Tigers’ Air
Force on Monday, 26th March has raised many concerns
Toll; J&K Women Pay Heavy Price
By Syed Junaid Hashmi
Seventeen years of turmoil has not only ruined
Jammu Kashmir economically but has turned the state in to a land of
widows and orphans. Various human rights organizations put the figure
of orphans at twenty-five thousand and that of widows around six thousand.
Various organizations contradict the figure and say that it may be more
28 March, 2007
Forgotten City
By Max Kantar
In New Orleans, people live without electricity,
plumbing, and any kind of economic stability; Black, White and Hispanic
people, all multi generationally indigenous to New Orleans. Virtually
all businesses, corporate and mom and pops stores alike, remain vacant
ruins. Throughout America, people suffer serious ailments from the lack
of job availability, but this gave unemployment a new meaning. Many
good people, law abiding by nature, have turned to the only market available;
drugs, to either psychologically escape their despair or to earn even
the littlest of funds to secure food for themselves and their loved
One Picture
Sits Over Differing Surveys
By Ali al-Fadhily
The two surveys, one following the other, told
quite different stories about Iraq. But Iraqis did not need to look
at either to know what their own story is like
Surviving At
The Pleasure Of The President
By Sheila Samples
We must impeach this unholy gang of war criminals
because they have no intention of leaving office in 2008, or ever, if
they are left unchecked. We must not allow ourselves and our children
to be forced to live in a Kudzu World -- to survive only at the pleasure
of the president
Broken Promises
And Barefaced Lies-
Democrats Strike Again
By Joshua Frank
The Democrats once again let down their constituents
and all the other voters who ushered them in to power last November
-- believing, in utter stupidity, that they would somehow halt the madness
of the Iraq war by challenging the Bush administration and their Republican
allies in Congress
Bacon Burger, Anyone?"
By Jason Miller
While many pets in our country receive better care
than billions of deeply impoverished humans in developing countries,
we consume the flesh, fat, and muscle of sentient beings merely to satiate
our carnivorous desires. Compounding this barbarism is the fact that
this behavior enriches those who condemn millions of pigs, cattle, fish,
and chickens to abbreviated and miserable existences
Ten Lashes Against
By Jorge Majfud
Not long ago, Doug Hagin, in the image of the famous
television program Dave's Top Ten, concocted his own list of The Top
Ten List of Stupid Leftist Ideals. If we attempt to de-simplify the
problem by removing the political label, we will see that each accusation
against the so-called US leftists is, in reality, an assault on various
humanist principles
Has A New Slave
Taken Power In South Asia?
By Jawed Naqvi
So why do you suppose the Indian government decided
to abandon its own widely awaited project to retrieve Bahadur Shah's
remains from Rangoon? The answer is not far to seek. The memory of Bahadur
Shah Zafar should haunt our rulers, not just in India alone but also
in Pakistan and Bangladesh, if not also Sri Lanka and Afghanistan, like
Banquo's ghost had stalked his usurpers. Zafar's tragedy has too many
close resemblances with what is happening in Iraq or in Afghanistan,
and is being planned for Iran today, to be of comfort to our rulers
27 March, 2007
Agrees To New Iran Sanctions
By Chris Marsden
The unanimous March 24 vote by the United Nations
Security Council to impose stricter sanctions on Iran is the latest
step in the Bush administration’s campaign to isolate the regime
in Tehran and prepare the conditions for a possible military attack
UN Security
Or United Rape?
By Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich
As I watched Iran being hauled in front of the
United Nations ‘Security’ Council, a vivid picture conjured
up in my mind – my native country Iran, a vulnerable and defenseless
beauty being prepared for violation by brutal savages. As she struggles
to defend her honor, no one is prepared to come to her aid, save a few.
Even her own children, those raised on her soil hope she will be brutally
raped. With lust-filled eyes, they hope to fulfill their ambitions on
her ravaged ruins, her broken pride.Who are these beasts, and what has
transformed this United body to such a menace?
A Cluster Bomb
Treaty: Again,
It's The U.S. v. The World
By Scott Stedjan & Laura Weis
In an historic step forward, Norway hosted the
Oslo Conference on Cluster Munitions in late February 2007, where 49
countries met to discuss how to address the indiscriminate and lasting
effects of cluster munitions on civilians. The Bush administration did
not send a representative to the Oslo meeting and, absent a policy change,
is unlikely to participate in subsequent meetings
Without Borders
By Uri Avnery
From kindergarten to the last day of high school,
the Israeli pupil does not learn that the Arabs have any right at all
to any of this land. On the contrary, it is clear that the land belongs
to us alone, that God has personally given it to us, that we were indeed
driven out by the Romans after the destruction of our Temple in the
year 70 (a myth) but that we returned at the beginning of the Zionist
movement. Since then, the Arabs have tried again and again to annihilate
Arab Peace Initiative
And The Changing Middle East
By Ramzy Baroud
The rapid, almost hasty, developments on the Arab
Israeli front, almost immediately following the Saudi sponsored Makkah
Agreement on February 2, should be examined in their proper context,
as a part and parcel of the regional shifts, exasperated by the US war
in Iraq and the dramatic adjustment in Iran’s position vis-à-vis
the region and its sectarian, religious composition
Pat Tillman:
Beyond The Hype
By Mickey Z.
Ask yourself this: Who gave up a life of luxury
and turned his back on millions to fight in the mountains and caves
of Afghanistan for what he believed in and, as a result, is revered
by millions as a "hero"? Depending on who you are and where
you live, you might answer "Pat Tillman" or you might answer:
"Osama bin Laden." The world doesn't need any more "heroes"
like Tillman or Osama
The Real Gay
By Mary Shaw
Those who oppose same-sex marriage say that it
would undermine the institution of marriage. But isn't heterosexual
infidelity already doing that? I fail to see how legalizing same-sex
marriage would have any effect on heterosexual marriages
Time For
Musharraf To Go!
By Usman Khalid
The Armed Forces and the Judiciary are the two
institutions where performance and conduct of their members are judged
by their peers. After a dumb start, the Chief Justice of Pakistan is
being judged by his peers. But Musharraf has resisted the judgment of
his peers. They have been telling him privately at first and publicly
now that it is time for him to go. That way his legacy, the good name,
and public confidence in the armed forces can be saved
Touch Me
By Chandi Sinnathurai
Nazism was based on racial purity and superiority.
The system of Casteism determines a human’s destiny purely on
the basis of caste. If Nazism and slavery were abolished, why then Casteism
cannot be demolished and its evils uprooted?
By Ram Puniyani
Ram temple issue became the symbol of assertion
of affluent Hindutva politics in opposition to the democratic values.
Identity, especially religious one, came up in a big way and waylaid
the real issues of the poor and struggling majority of Hindus as well
as other sections of society
26 March, 2007
Is Colonising Itself
By Arundhati Roy & Shoma Chaudhuri
Unlike industrializing western countries which
had colonies from which to plunder resources and generate slave labour
to feed this process, we have to colonize ourselves, our own nether
parts. We’ve begun to eat our own limbs
Learning Nandigram
By Praful Bidwai
The Left, especially the CPM, must decide whether
it wants to fight for socialism, or merely manage capitalism Chinese-style,
however honestly. If it chooses the second option, it will go into historic
decline. It must also make a decisive break with the undemocratic organisational
culture it has inherited, which punishes dissidence and encourages a
"my-party-right-or-wrong" attitude
Melting May Be Speeding Up
By Michael Byrnes
“I feel that we’re getting uncomfortably
close to threshold,” said Church, of Australia’s CSIRO Marine
and Atmospheric Research said. Past this level, parts of the Antarctic
and Greenland would approach a virtually irreversible melting that would
produce sea level rises of meters, he said
The Crushing Fear
That Stalks America
By Robert Fisk
There’s a helluva difference between Cairo
University and the campus of Valdosta in the Deep South of the United
States. I visited both this week and I feel like I’ve been travelling
on a gloomy spaceship - or maybe a time machine - with just two distant
constellations to guide my journey. One is clearly named Iraq; the other
is Fear. They have a lot in common
Democrats Pass
“Anti-War” Bill That Funds
The Wars In Iraq And Afghanistan
By Barry Grey
After weeks of public posturing and behind-the-scenes
maneuvering, Democrats in the House of Representatives secured passage
Friday of an emergency spending bill that grants the Bush administration’s
request for over $100 billion in additional funds for the wars in Iraq
and Afghanistan
Casualty: Coverage Of The Iraq War
By Dahr Jamail
Iraq is the most dangerous place in the world for
journalists. Along with names and dates, the Brussels Tribunal has listed
the circumstances under which Iraqi media personnel have been killed
since the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq in March 2003. This extremely credible
report cites 195 as dead. If non-Iraqi media representatives are included,
the figure goes beyond 200. Both figures are well in excess of the media
fatalities suffered in Vietnam or during World War II
Occupation Of Palestine
By Max Kantar
In the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the news media,
more times than not, does not reflect the reality or horrors of the
situation on the ground. Just last year, according to Israeli human
rights organization, B'Tselem, 660 Palestinians were killed by Israeli
Military forces, 21% of which were children. On the Israeli side, Palestinians
were responsible for killing 23 Israelis. With a murder ratio exceeding
28 to 1, the Israeli occupation can no longer be disguised as a security
measure in the name of peace
Ecuador's Nascent
Leftist Government
Victorious In Confrontation With Right
By Roger Burbach
The two month old government of leftist Ecuadorian
President Rafael Correa and the popular movements that back him have
emerged triumphant in their first battle with the oligarchy and the
traditional political parties that have historically dominated the country
United Nations
Implications In War Crimes
By Count Hans-Christof von Sponeck & Silvia Cattori
For Hans Christof von Sponeck, the former assistant
secretary-general of the UN, the United Nations, far from garding the
respect for international law and the consolidation of peace, have themselves
become a factor of injustice
Murderous Fatwa
By Mike Ghouse
The All India Muslim Personal Law Board or a shadow
organization with a similar name has issued a decree against exiled
Bangladeshi author Taslima Nasreen, who has been seeking Indian citizenship.
A bounty of 5 Lakh Rupees has been offered to the one who murders her.
The government of India should prosecute Maulana Ashraf Khan for ordering
Murder of another human being under IPC and punish him accordingly
24 March, 2007
Ocean Current Faces Slowdown Threat
By Michael Byrnes
The impact of global warming on the vast Southern
Ocean around Antarctica is starting to pose a threat to ocean currents
that distribute heat around the world, Australian scientists say, citing
new deep-water data
Support The Troops
By Sending Them To War!
By Kevin Zeese
As the United States enters the fifth year of the
quagmire of the Iraq war and occupation the Capitol Hill leadership
claims: we need to continue to fund the war to support U.S. troops.
Does this claim pass the straight face test? Is this what the troops
Between Insurrection
And Reaction: Evo Morales'
Pursuit Of 'Normal Capitalism
By James Petras
Caught between a demobilized popular class, increasingly
on the defensive and an ascending bourgeois on the offensive, the leaders
of 'Andean capitalism' have no where to turn, except to grant new spaces
to party loyalists, neo-liberal technocrats and even more clearly defined
neo-liberal concessions
Nascent Leftist Government
Victorious In Confrontation With Right
By Roger Burbach
The two month old government of leftist Ecuadorian
President Rafael Correa and the popular movements that back him have
emerged triumphant in their first battle with the oligarchy and the
traditional political parties that have historically dominated the country
You Can't Arrest
Me, I'm On A Book Tour
By Mike Palacek
The first of Mike Palacek's book tour column
Wangari Mathaai:
A Global Voice Of Fortitude
By Farah Aziz
An interview with Wangari Mathaai
Of Muslim Women:A Historic Review
By Sana Laila Ehtisham & S.Ehtisham MD
The upshot of the resurgence of Wahabi creed is
that women are fast losing ground. They are harassed, made to wrap themselves
up into a veritable sack like a bag potatoes, have their movements restricted
and generally life made intolerable for them. The reverberations have
reached Europe, Canada and USA as well
100 Believed Missing In Banihal
By Syed Junaid Hashmi
More than 100 people have gone missing from various
parts of Ramban and Banihal during the last 16 years of turmoil says
a list compiled by veteran social activist from Banihal Abdul Gani Tantry.
The indicted for disappearance of these 100 people are mostly "unidentified
Gunmen" and army in a few cases
The Case
Of Academic Complicity In The Violence
Against Dalit And Dalit Women In India
By Abhinaya Ramesh
I wish to suggest to the UN related researches
that unless sufficient scrutiny is not done by the respective authorities
such reports should not be published because they are intentionally
crammed with deceived information to create the confusion and further
delay in the justice to the relevant communities
Lanka: Capricious Ceasefire;
Accelerating Human Suffering
By Chandi Sinnathurai
The undeclared war in the Tamil territories has
brought untold suffering and deaths upon the civilian population in
Sri Lanka. The current fighting in the East, in Batticaloa district,
between the Tamil Tigers [Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam] and the
Sri Lankan Armed Forces have tragically produced a bumper crop of ‘internal
23 March, 2007
Horror Stories Emerge
Fact finding report of the delegation deputed by
the Calcutta High Court
Horror Stories From Nandigram
CPI(ML) Team In Nandigram: Summary Of Findings
Ruling Class: Billionaires
And How They ‘Made It’
By James Petras
While the number of the world’s billionaires
grew from 793 in 2006 to 946 this year, major mass uprisings became
commonplace occurrences in China and India
Bush Administration
Steps Up
Economic Pressure On Iran
By Peter Symonds
Even as the UN Security Council debates a punitive
new resolution against Iran, the Bush administration is threatening
to impose unilateral sanctions against foreign corporations and banks
engaged in investment and trade with Tehran. The measures to cripple
the country economically are accompanied by ongoing US military preparations
in the Persian Gulf for an attack on Iran
World's Most
Important Crops Hit
By Global Warming Effects
By Steve Connor
Global warming over the past quarter century has
led to a fall in the yield of some of the most important food crops
in the world, according to one of the first scientific studies of how
climate change has affected cereal crops
Rachel Corrie,
A Martyr's Voice
As Powerful As That Of Ann Frank
By David Truskoff
The perfect illustration of the blind faith mentality
of the new Jew is the pressure brought against a theater to stop the
showing of the Rachel Corrie play in New York. They would stop the story
of Rachel Corrie, but ask all of us Jews to remember the story of Ann
A Review Of
John Ross' Zapatistas
By Stephen Lendman
The book's theme is the heroic ongoing Zapatista
struggle for autonomy and liberation as "a dramatic and inspiring
effort to make this possibility a reality" matched off against
a made-in-Washington world of permanent wars for conquest and domination
from the sands and streets of Iraq and desolate rubble of Afghanistan
to the Israeli genocidal terror war against the Palestinians to the
streets of Mexico City and Oaxaca and the mountains and jungles of Chiapas
New Palestinian Unity Government
By Uri Avnery
Not only the Palestinians must be breathing a deep
sigh of relief after the swearing in of the Palestinian National Unity
Government. We Israelis have good reason to do the same. This event
is a great blessing, not only for them, but also for us - if indeed
we are interested in a peace that will put an end to the historic conflict
Justice For Palestine
By Alice Gray
Abiding by past agreements with Israel threatens
viability of future Palestinian State
Tamils Are
A Vanishing Community
By Nilantha Ilangamuwa & Prof. Hoole
Professor S. Ratnajeevan H. Hoole, Vice Chancellor,
University of Jaffna, who was forced to flee Sri Lanka because of death
threats by the LTTE, in a no-holds-barred interview, gives his view
on political developments in the country, refugee influx in the East,
LTTE activities in the Jaffna University, literacy rate in Jaffna and
his position as the VC
22 March, 2007
Years: One Million Iraqi Deaths
By Gideon Polya
It is now the Fourth Anniversary of the illegal
US, UK and Australian invasion of Iraq (March 20, 2003). Mainstream
media are still ignoring the carnage – but now the post-invasion
Iraqi excess deaths total one million
A country Drenched In Blood
By Patrick Cockburn
Four years after US and British troops invaded
Iraq, its people are full of fear. Iraqis often have a look of half-suppressed
panic in their eyes as they tell how violent death has touched them
again and again
In Memory Of
Tanya Reinhart
By Noam Chomsky
Tanya's passing is a terrible loss, not only to
her family and those fortunate enough to come to know her personally,
and to those she defended and protected with such dedication and courage,
but to everyone concerned with freedom, justice, and an honorable peace
Rufina Amaya
By Thomas Riggins
On March 9 The New York Times ran an obituary on
Rufina Amaya who died at 64 in El Salvador, of a stroke, the previous
Tuesday. We should all remember the ordeal experienced by Ms. Amaya
at the hands of troops specifically trained by U.S. Special Forces
And Washington Bring Palestinians
To The Brink Of Starvation
By Jean Shaoul
The House of Commons International Development
Committee has recently published a report of the findings of its visit
to Israel and Palestine.It paints a devastating picture of the impact
of the economic sanctions imposed against the Hamas government of the
Palestinian Authority (PA) by the United States and the other major
powers, including Britain. In so doing, it demonstrates the collusion
of the whole of Europe and of the United Nations with Israel’s
occupation of the West Bank and Gaza and its brutal suppression of the
Why Musharraf
By Pervez Hoodbhoy
How does he do it? The answer lies in a finely
honed strategy, perfected over years, that juggles US demands and the
interests of local intelligence chiefs, mullahs, tribal leaders, venal
politicians, and a host of fortune seekers. Webs of intrigue and murky
players obscure details, but the priorities are unmistakeable
The Justice
Or The General? One Has To Go
By Aziz Narejo
The situation won't change if Justice Bhagwandas
is allowed to resurface and take over the apex court. That is not the
issue here. The people just won't accept any judge to replace Justice
Iftikhar Mohammad Chaudhry. And the present regime won't breathe easy
if Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry returns to his job. One of the two has
to go. That is certain
In Action
By Lucinda Marshall
The Peace Movement’s Silence on the Impact
of War on Women
Terrorism Or Freedom Movement?
By Akhila Raman
Despite recent welcome thaw in Indo-Pak relations,
Kashmir is continuing to bleed. This article argues that the massive
bloodshed continuing in Kashmir is not merely a result of cross-border
terrorism as the Indian State would like us to believe, but that there
is also a genuine freedom struggle going on against the repressive Indian
State by the Kashmiris who are alienated equally with India, Pakistan
and the militants and whose grievances have their historical roots in
the events of 1947
The Idea Of Bhagat
By Vidya Bhushan Rawat
Bhagat Singh's ideas and sacrifice have the strength
to bring hope in the lives of millions of struggling masses. Let us
salute to this towering icon of our freedom movement for his indomitable
spirit. Like Che Guevara, Bhagat Singh will always remain a hope for
all those who believe in secular socialist values and reject the caste
based hierarchical system
20 March, 2007
Mount Against Musharraf
By Vilani Peiris & Keith Jones
Islamabad and other Pakistani cities have seen
violent confrontations in recent days between security forces and lawyers,
opposition political activists, and ordinary Pakistanis opposing the
attempt of the country’s US-backed military strongman, General
Pervez Musharraf, to fire the head of the Supreme Court, Chief Justice
Iftikhar Mohammad Chaudhry
What Solution
For Iraq: A Bad War
Tribunal Or A Good Guerilla Attack?
By Agustin Velloso
The reaction to the crimes that are perpetrated
in Iraq and in the Middle East should change from asking for war tribunals
if there is not enough power to establish them, to support the Iraqi,
Palestinian and Lebanese resistance against the aggressors and the occupiers.
It is not certain that the resistance will achieve justice, but it is
certain that the aggressors will not bring justice. Any effective support
given to the resistance is far better than words without action
Open Letter
To The Anti-War Movement
By Hana Abdul Ilah Al Bayaty
The national popular resistance in Iraq, in defending
the whole of humanity against a culture of force, deserves our recognition
and support
A Review
Of "The Darker Nations"
By Saswat Pattanayak
The Darker Nations is a critical historiography
of the Third World. Vijay Prashad's deeply instructive as well as occasionally
mordant looks at events and processes that made up the history of oppressed
peoples in the 20th century comprise this brilliant work. It is a book
profound for being peremptory, and absolutely necessary for being so
relevant today that it is imperative for activists and researchers alike
The Peril
Of Taking On Iran
By Stephen Kinzer
American leaders have not forgiven the religious
regime for its anti-American acts, beginning with its overthrow of the
the shah in 1979 and the subsequent hostage crisis. They should overcome
this psychological barrier and explore the possibility of a negotiated
"grand bargain" with Iran.The alternative may be violent intervention.
That is what the United States tried in 1953. The results were disastrous.
They would be no better this time
Into Africa
By Conn Hallinan
Increased U.S. military presence in Africa may
simply serve to protect unpopular regimes that are friendly to its interests,
as was the case during the Cold War, while Africa slips further into
Young Women Find
Peace As Guerrillas
By Mohammed A. Salih
Saria, 20, is a bright and lovely young lady, and
she has found peace in her life as a guerrilla. Saria, whose name means
a female horse-rider, joined the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) when
she was 14. She has in these years been engaged in several battles with
Iranian and Turkish troops
Too Guilty
To Fly, Too Innocent To Charge?
By Faisal Kutty
The system envisaged by Passenger Protect is wholly
inadequate, as it will be over inclusive, with high likelihood of false
positives, pose a serious potential for racial profiling, and completely
lack any meaningful redress mechanism or process
Authority, Autonomy
And Religious Conflict
By Sarbeswar Sahoo
Politicization of religion by the people in authority
is one of the important reasons of religious conflict in many parts
of the world
19 March, 2007
Beginning Of The End
By Brig (R) Usman Khalid
Musharraf is a person who has never needed to make
sense when he talks. So, he talks, and talks but never reflects or listens.
The people are tired of him and desperately want to see the back of
him. But he talks and talks and cannot see the writing on the wall
Victims: Covering Up Terrorism In Iraq
By Ghali Hassan
A recent cover story in the Time magazine (March,
2007, Europe and Asia) by Bobby Ghosh, “Why They Hate Each Other”,
aimed at removing the Occupation as the generator of violence against
the Iraqi people, and portrays the violence as “Iraqis killing
Iraqis”. This media distortion obfuscates the U.S. monopoly on
terrorism and allows the U.S. to use Iraq as a laboratory for terror
at the expense of the Iraqi people
Israeli Killing Fields
By Dr. Elias Akleh
Zionism is a newer name for an ancient racist,
expansionist, and imperialist political movement, whose aim was, and
still is, the establishment of a strong “Jewish-only” empire
(Greater Israel) in the Middle East, which was considered the heart
of the ancient world, and the center of all trade
Rachel Corrie's
By Bessy Reyna
Today, as I honor the memory of Rachel Corrie,
I will continue to wonder if the peaceful solution to the Israeli-Palestinian
conflict will happen during my lifetime ... perhaps, if both sides of
the conflict are given equal voice
If Elected,
Hillary Clinton Vows
To Keep US Troops In Iraq
By Bill Van Auken
In a calculated bid to position herself for the
2008 Democratic nomination, Senator Hillary Clinton told the New York
Times Wednesday that, if elected president, she would keep significant
US military forces in Iraq for the foreseeable future
Is The Solution"
By Joel Hirschhorn & Jason Miller
Joel Hirschhorn interviewed by Jason Miller
Purple Hearts,
Democrats Abroad And Kucinich
By Heather Wokusch
I keep hearing that the goal is to elect a Democrat
in 2008. But my goal is to elect a candidate worth my vote. And I'm
more than a little disgusted with what I have seen from the Democrats
recently. That is, with the exception of Presidential candidate Dennis
Save The
Girl Child
By Sumita Thapar
Since the late 1970s when the technology for sex
determination first came into being, sex selective abortion has unleashed
a saga of horror. Experts are calling it "sanitised barbarism".
Demographic trends indicate India is fast heading towards a million
female foetuses aborted each year
Fundamentalist Wars
By Gary Corseri
A review of The Gujarat Genocide. Garda Ghista,
Author House, Bloomington, Indiana, U.S.A
17 March, 2007
President At His Dictatorial Worst
By Tarek Fatah
The chief justice had been seen by the military
regime as a direct threat to the implementation of their economic, political
and social agenda. He was removed because he stopped the privatization
of Pakistan Steel Mills and was an obstacle in the American neo-liberal
agenda for the region
Of Arctic Sea Ice 'Has Reached Tipping-Point'
By Steve Connor
A catastrophic collapse of the Arctic sea ice could
lead to radical climate changes in the northern hemisphere according
to scientists who warn that the rapid melting is at a "tipping
point" beyond which it may not recover. The scientists attribute
the loss of some 38,000 square miles of sea ice - an area the size of
Alaska - to rising levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere as well
as to natural variability in Arctic ice
Clinton Moves
To The Right On War
By Thomas Riggins
According to today’s New York Times Hillary
Clinton has decided to keep American troops in Iraq should she become
the next president She is quoted in an article by Michael Gordon and
Patrick Healy
The Bush
Administration Manoeuvres
To Unseat Iraqi Government
By Peter Symonds
Despite denials from Washington, there are growing
signs that the Bush administration has issued threats to its puppet
government in Baghdad to meet US-dictated “benchmarks” or
face the consequences. The White House aims not only to end the military
disaster in Iraq and open up the country’s oil for exploitation,
but to fashion an Iraqi regime more supportive of US preparations for
aggression against Iran
Give Us
Some Real Political Leaders
By Ali al-Fadhily
Many Iraqis are now looking to local political
leadership to fill wide gaps in a fractured government that is failing
to provide security and basic needs
Washington Exploits
“Confession” To Justify Its Crimes
By Bill Van Auken
why such haste to release the transcript—which
was from a hearing conducted last Saturday? The most likely answer is
that the release was timed for the political benefit of the Bush White
Right To Be Racist
By Joseph Massad
Israel is willing to do anything to convince Palestinians
and other Arabs of why it needs and deserves to have the right to be
racist. Even at the level of theory, and before it began to realise
itself on the ground, the Zionist colonial project sought different
means by which it could convince the people whose lands it wanted to
steal and against whom it wanted to discriminate to accept as understandable
its need to be racist
Must Redefine Struggle
By Ramzy Baroud
It’s never easy, although a sure assertion,
to maintain that the Palestinian front, at home as well as abroad remains
as fragmented and self-consumed, thus ineffective, as ever before, but
most notably during the disastrous post-Oslo period
A Song Only
Obama Hears, A Vision Only Obama Sees
By Ira Glunts
The Presidential Candidate’s Visit To A Remote
Palestinian Village Leads Him To Some Strange And Inaccurate Conclusions
Dems, Bush,
Fear Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.' Words! Shake 'em Up! Quote King!
By Jay Janson
The third article in the series which appears on
the 15th of each month exhorting peace and justice activists to follow
the example of Howard Zinn, who, in radio interviews quotes Martin Luther
King Jr.'s strong condemnations of U.S. murderous war policies and the
use of its military throughout the third world to support inequitable
and oppressive trade arrangements. King, "A time comes when silence
is betrayal."
16 March, 2007
Women:Four Years After The Invasion
By Dr. Nadje Al-Ali
Islamist militants and terrorist groups also pose
a particular danger to Iraqi women. Many women’s organizations
and activists inside Iraq have documented the increasing Islamist threats
to women: the pressure to conform to certain dress codes, the restrictions
in movement and behaviour, incidents of acid thrown into women’s
faces and even targeted killings
In Despair
By Adil E. Shamoo & Bonnie Bricker
While politicians in Washington argue over the
future of Iraq, half a world away a bloody battle for the soul of Iraq
is being fought by Iraqis who are paying a high price for the U.S. occupation.
When asked about Iraq and its future, many Iraqis have the same refrain:
there is no more Iraq, Iraq is lost. Others say: make us safe or leave
us alone
Closing The
Gap Between Torturer And Victim
By John Pilger
John Pilger reports on new revelations that torturers
in America's 'war on terror' were directed personally by the US secretary
of defence. He argues that the historical antedote to such barbarity
is the new exuberant democracy movement in Latin America
Fake Congressional
Opposition To War
By Stephen Lendman
No greater force exists than the will of millions
of angry determined people set on achieving what governments won't do
for them. We may now be heading for that moment of truth that may be
the way to end Bush's wars and anyone after him with the same intentions.
Stay tuned and never lose hope
Coercion Of India Against Iran At IAEA
By Siddharth Varadarajan & Abbas Edalat
I believe the US strategy is to so frustrate Iran
that the Iranian leadership is trapped into denouncing the IAEA and
NPT and walking out of both. Needless to say, the US approach is making
more likely, rather than less, the prospects of further nuclear breakout
Redefining The
Equations Of Middle East:
US Playing Over Smart
By Farah Aziz
Responding to the need of the hour to react to
the imperialist onslaught on West Asia, New Delhi observed an international
conference on war, imperialism and resistance from March 12th to 14th.
Various political interventionists, human rights activists and senior
journalists from Middle East as well as India congregated to brainstorm
on diverse issues of human rights violation and fascist ensnare by America
Crouching Tiger,
Tumbling US Economy
By Heather Wokusch
Bush and Cheney may be declaring "Mission
Accomplished" now that the Iraqi Cabinet has approved the draft
of an oil law granting foreign companies unprecedented access to the
country's fields. But Beijing is having the last laugh
Reveals A Bitter Harvest
By Michael Deibert
A month-long programme in France this spring hopes
to shine a spotlight on the working conditions of Haitians labouring
in the sugarcane fields of the Dominican Republic, a state of affairs
which human rights groups have charged in recent years is little better
than slavery
15 March, 2007
Least 20 People Killed In
Police Firing In Nandigram
As per the latest information, thousands of Police
on entering the area, this morning, started firing, and 20 at least
are found killed while hundreds are wounded lying on the street. Police
are forcibly taking away the dead bodies
Deaths In Police
Firing In Nandigram
By Amnesty International
Amnesty International demands an impartial and
independent inquiry into the excessive use of force at Nandigram now
and the violence in Nandigram in January, promptly make the findings
public and prosecute those accused of violence
Land Acquisition
In Bastar At A Critical Stage
By Debaranjan Sarangi
The situation in Bastar is at a critical stage,
with clashes on 27-28 Feb trying to force land acquisition for Tata's
steel plant. The "manufactured civil war" pursued by Salwa
Judum continues with at least 80,000 tribal refugees in what are virtually
concentration camps
Time, Israel Is Missing
An Historic Opportunity
By Nicola Nasser
Fulfilling a 60-year old Israeli dream and an American
unwavering strategy, the 22-member League of Arab states are now in
consensus on a potentially groundbreaking Arab Peace Initiative (API),
which pledges their collective and full recognition of the Jewish state
and full-fledged permanent peace in return for withdrawing the Israeli
Occupation Forces (IOF) to 1967 lines, the establishment of an independent
Palestine with eastern Jerusalem as its capital, and “an agreed,
just solution” to the Palestinian refugee issue in accordance
with United Nations Resolution 194, but both Washington and Tel Aviv
are not forthcoming
From Lawn-Boys
To B-2’s: America’s
Penchant For Mowing ‘em Down
By Jason Miller
Mike Palecek interviewed by Jason Miller
Yogi In 'tears',
But Can The Drama
Whitewash His Black Deeds ?
By Subhash Gatade
There are very few moments in the house where one
comes across instances where a tragicomedy unfolds itself. The zero
hour in the Parliament on Monday (12 th March 2007) witnessed one such
occasion when a MP of the BJP Yogi Adityanath broke down, and MPs from
either side of the ruling dispensation rushed to console him and asked
the chair to look at his 'grievances'
14 March, 2007
To Lead World In Climate Change Fight
By Joe Churcher
Britain will lead the world towards combating climate
change, Tony Blair vowed today. He unveiled a "revolutionary step"
in the Government's blueprint for reducing harmful emissions, binding
the UK to a 60-per-cent cut by 2050
It's Expensive
To Ignore Global Warming
By Bruce Barnbaum
Some leaders -- notably President Bush and Vice
President Dick Cheney -- have stated they will do nothing to stem global
warming if it will harm our economy. Let's examine two examples of what
would happen to our economy if we follow their advice and do nothing
Meet Ends,Insecurity Does Not
By Dahr Jamail & Ali al-Fadhily
The security conference held last Saturday in Baghdad
produced statements, drew mortar fire, and brought little hope of security
Send The Bush
Twins To Iraq!
By Ralph Nader
Well then, why don't his daughters, 25 year olds
Barbara and Jenna join the armed services and share in the sacrifice?
Or is the sacrifice only to be borne overwhelmingly by lower-income
whites, Hispanics and African-Americans who comprise the bulk of the
The Bush Regime
Needs To Be Stopped Somehow?
By Ted Bohne
Now the Bush people are ordering soldiers out of
their sickbeds to Iraq. Soldiers that already served multiple “tours”
in many cases. Soldiers recovering from wounds physically and mentally
The Fraudulent
Iraq Exit Plan That Is Likely
To Lead To A Bigger Middle East War
By Kevin Zeese
The “Democratic Supplemental” Fails
to Deal with Iran and Has Big Loopholes That Will Leave Tens of Thousands
or More Troops in Iraq
Dealing With
The Extremists
By Mike Ghouse
How do you deal with the extremists? You have to
have to have dynamite confidence. The first lesson I learned in my childhood
was dealing with the Monkeys, the second one was on Tim Russet’s
“Meet the press” program called “Interfaith in America”.
In the program, a Catholic Nun says that the reason people are wooed
towards neo-cons is because they give confidence. When there is fear,
people do not really care about logic or reason; they fall for hope
from any given source
Olmert's Testimony
Reveals The Real
Goal Of The War In Lebanon
By Jonathan Cook
Israeli prime minister Ehud Olmert's leaked testimony
to the Winograd Committee -- investigating the government's failures
during the month-long attack -- suggests that he had been preparing
for such a war at least four months before the official casus belli:
the capture by Hizbullah of two Israeli soldiers from a border post
on 12 July 2006. Lebanon's devastation was apparently designed to teach
both Hizbullah and the country's wider public a lesson
Ms. Shilpa
Shetty And Her Sisters Of A Lesser God
By Ramesh Kamble
Ms. Shetty achieved both quick publicity and huge
money. But, the marginalized women India, for that matter in the world,
neither seek publicity nor they seek money. They just seek recognition
and action, from both Indian and world community, against violence,
harassment and discrimination they suffer in their every day really
‘real’ lives
Signs Of Peace,Look Out For Vultures
By Jawed Naqvi
The opening line of the scarcely noticed press
release issued after a second meeting of the India-Pakistan Joint Commission
in New Delhi on February 21 said: The working group on environment has
discussed the decline in vulture population.The news was extremely comforting.
It was deeply reassuring that the two countries that had on several
occasions threatened to annihilate each others human population were
expressing a shared concern for the survival of a raptor bird
Lanka: Plausible Deniability
By Chandi Sinnathurai
Hundreds of thousands of indigenous Tamils from
both the East and the North in Sri Lanka are fleeing to relative safety
from the indiscriminate air attacks and multi-barrel rocket launchers
from the Sri Lankan Armed Forces even as we write. A public statement
released on 9 March by the Amnesty International reported
13 March, 2007
Perpetual Nuclear War
By Robert Weitzel
The world should note that America has been waging
a “low yield” nuclear war that has been killing civilians
for almost two decades. Missing from this war are mushroom clouds and
very loud booms. Present is nuclear fallout with its insidious long-term
effects on both combatant and civilian and its perpetual contamination
of land and water resources
Olmert's Truth
By Uri Avnery
The truth, according to the Prime Minister's testimony
before the Inquiry Commission headed by Judge Vinograd that was leaked
to the media yesterday, is that this was not a spontaneous reaction
to the capture of the two soldiers, but a war planned a long time ago.
We said so right from the start
Mecca Charity Show
By Roni Ben Efrat
We should not wonder that Israel, having bound
its fate to America, would display political shortsightedness and a
lack of social sensitivity. What is worrisome, rather, is that the Palestinian
people, having suffered so long, hitches its interests to the wagon
of the Saudi kingdom, instead of cultivating, from within itself, an
alternative voice that will reflect its needs
No Easing
Of US-Iranian Tensions
After Baghdad Conference
By Peter Symonds
The much-vaunted international conference on Iraqi
security took place in Baghdad on Saturday without any diplomatic breakthrough
or thawing of relations between the US and Iran
Lost In The
Lust Of Werewolves
By Sheila Samples
I wonder why so many denizens of this Christian
nation seem unable or unwilling to wrap their minds around the reality
that Iraqi people are human beings just as they, themselves, are --
not rabid dogs to be hunted down and slaughtered. Perhaps it's because,
in order to remain sane or to avoid being targeted by the Bush administration,
they traded their Christianity for Religion, their Love for Hate --
their Life for Death
Taking Democracy
By Joel S. Hirschhorn
Abraham Lincoln spoke of government "of the
people, by the people and for the people.” If you really believe
in these words, then speak out to increase voter turnout to resuscitate
America’s half-dead democracy
At last -
Let Us All Do Something!
"Step It Up!" April 14th
By Kerry Martin
I would like your help with two things... One is
to make "Step It Up!" into a successful Global Day of Gathering
- not just a parochial American thing! .Second is to step up the idea
of Step It Up! and introduce the concept that April 14th is only the
beginning of a Global Gathering Movement that is going to gather momentum
and evolve as needs be over the coming months and years.
By Somnath Mukherji
There still are many societies in Asia, Africa
and Latin America living closer to nature with capacities to evaluate
the costs in their entirety; societies that have defined progress and
pursue happiness in more benign and sustainable ways. Instead of pushing
them to the margins, the “developed” world should be learning
from them
In A Land Of
By Siv O'Neall
Nearly 16 million Americans are living in deep
or severe poverty.But poverty is invisible to most affluent people.
The high and mighty deliberately close their eyes and minds to the existence
of poverty-stricken people in the United States, the land of plenty
11 March, 2007
Military Begins Operations In Sadr City
By James Cogan
American and Iraqi government forces have initiated
regular patrols this week in northeastern Baghdad’s densely populated,
predominantly Shiite, working class suburb of Sadr City. More than 1,200
troops have entered the area since Sunday, searching homes and establishing
vehicle checkpoints. Thus far, they have encountered no resistance
A Predator
Becomes More Dangerous
When Wounded
By Noam Chomsky
Washington's escalation of threats against Iran
is driven by a determination to secure control of the region's energy
CNN Sold
Us The War. Now It Sells Us The Heartbreak
With Unctuous Consoling, "Heroic! Brave!"
By Jay Janson
CNN sold us on the War, and no matter how often
CNN praises our dead and wounded as brave and heroic, we remember that
CNN sold us the war on Iraq
The Church
Of Business
By Bill Henderson
Isn't the first necessary step in protecting against
the worst dangers of climate change the destruction of The Church of
And Pragmatism In Sri Lanka
By Chandi Sinnathurai
The fundamental human rights and civil liberties
of the people have to be restored urgently in Sri Lanka. Whether the
person is a Sinhala or a Tamil. Whether it is the Tamil Tigers or the
Sinhala State: both sides have to be held accountable for human rights
Without A Human Face Part II
By Aseem Shrivastava
If something (energy and resource-intensive industrialization)
was once good for the presently enriched nations it does not imply that
it would be good for the impoverished nations and for the world as a
whole. There may not be a world left to experience the benefit!
Psychosis And
Mania: ADHD Drug Warnings
Come Too Late For Many
By Evelyn Pringle
The makers of drugs used to treat attention disorders
have known about the serious health risks associated with the medications
for years but instead of warning the public, the industry has consistently
focused its efforts on expanding the market and colluding with FDA officials
to keep warnings off the labels of ADHD drugs
Biased Investigation
By Ram Puniyani
Its time Central government intervenes, and inquiry
of all the terror incidents in Maharashtra is handed over to CBI or
preferably to the committee headed by a judge of impeccable credentials.
Are Sonia Gandhi and Manmohan Singh listening?
Continues To Need Assistance
From Effects Of 2005 Quake
By Brian McAfee
While the 2005 earthquake continues to wield a
crisis situation for the thousands still living in tents and the personal
loss of huge numbers of our fellow humans the help and outreach by relief
workers and agencies in many cases has been exemplary. Recent reports
indicate that approximately 35,000 are still living in 44 temporary
camps throughout the earthquake effected area
10 March, 2007
Plan Paves Way To Escalation Of
Iraq War
By Bill Van Auken
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and other Democratic
congressional leaders unveiled a toothless plan Thursday that they claim
would result in the withdrawal of US combat troops from Iraq a year
and a half from now. The main purpose of this political exercise, however,
is to unite the party behind supplemental funding legislation that will
provide at least $100 billion more to pay for the escalation of the
illegal war and occupation that has been waged by Washington for the
past four years
Are The Congressional
Democrats Spineless?
By John A. Murphy
Democratic Party loyalist themselves have often
suggested that the congressional Democrats are spineless; that they
fear a real confrontation with the Republicans and that this explains
why the Democratic Party has drifted so far to the right as to be no
longer recognizably different from the Republican Party
Beginning To Pay A Political Price
For Failing To End The War
By Kevin Zeese
Is the conflict between the interests of their
donors and the views of their voters who oppose the war making it difficult
for Democrats like Sen. Mikulski to take action to end the war?
George Bush's
Samson Option
By Stephen Lendman
US engaging Iran may now hinge on resolving the
Washington power struggle between Bush administration neocons and more
practical trilateralist types in the camp of Zbigniew Brzezinski, Jim
Baker, and other powerful Washington figures including the president's
father. It's also up to Congress to decide which side it's on and whether
it will act or watch from the sidelines and risk nuclear war and its
fallout. It may not be long finding out how events will unfold
Just Look
What "Your Country" Did To You
By Adam Engel
Have I mentioned the spirits of 30 million slain
Native Americans reaching through the TV sets to choke Boobus Americanus
on his livingroom sofa? Or the ghosts of 100 million-plus African slaves
tearing down the buildings they were forced to erect
US Normalising
Relations With The Axis Of Evil
By Abid Mustafa
But when measured against the backdrop of Iranian
influence in Iraq, Lebanon and Afghanistan, the confrontational posturing
between the two countries belies reality. America knows full well that
without Iranian assistance, she would not be able to control the Shia
population in the South of Iraq
Perhaps We
can Still Avoid The Third Civil War
By David Truskoff
It is time for all Americans to turn away from
the tube and face reality. I beg you now to join me and look back. Remember
when Blacks and Whites were joyously singing "We Shall Overcome"
and believing it before President Johnson turned it into a political
slogan? Remember when we believed that integration was not only possible,
but also workable? I ask you to remember when we were all reaching for
a better tomorrow together. Let us try to recreate that momentum because
another showdown may not be that far off and the senseless acts of burning
ones own community may be repeated
War On
Terror, War On Women
By Heather Wokusch
Under Bush, the US has become more militaristic
and less tolerant of diplomacy and dissent. Women's rights have deteriorated
accordingly.Sabotaging programs for women has become something of a
sport for this administration - in fact, one of Bush's first acts as
president was to shut down the White House Office for Women's Initiatives
and Outreach
New Zealand:
Images And Reality
By Ghali Hassan
New Zealand prides itself on human rights, social
compassion and political “neutrality”. Moreover, New Zealanders
pride themselves on being “peace loving” people. Of course,
nothing could be further from the truth. These images are a distortion
of reality. New Zealand is a fully-fledged member of America’s
war on Muslims
Losing Focus:
Peace And Justice Movement
In Britain At Crossroad
By Ramzy Baroud
While taking a moral stance against racism in all
of its forms is a requisite to for any genuine peace and justice activist,
the intense debate in some instances is reaching such grievous points
that is threatening to tear apart the peace and justice movement
Through Industrialization?
Or Environmental Colonialism Leading To Catastrophe?
By Aseem Shrivastava
The question is whether city-based media outlets
are reporting the facts adequately and accurately and whether urban
elites have the integrity and courage to face the monstrous injustices
that their leaders are busy inflicting on the countryside and its hapless
08 March, 2007
Change Disrupting Life Cycles With
Fatal Results
By Terry Kirby
The behaviour of Britain's wildlife is raising
alarm about the seriousness of climate change as animals' breeding patterns
are thrown into confusion. The second mildest winter on record has resulted
in mammals, reptiles, birds and insects emerging from shelter far too
early.They are getting caught out by cold snaps or wet weather and the
young of many species are dying. Baby hedgehogs, baby squirrels, even
baby grass snakes are being found in distress in many places
Protect The
Planet, And Hurry
By Lawrence Smith Jr.
When even tomorrow's weather forecast often enough
turns out to be inaccurate, it is fair to question projections of the
world's climate 100 years from now. But if the best scientific evidence
available overwhelmingly concludes that global warming is an "unequivocal
fact," prudence, if nothing else, suggests that we act with all
deliberate speed to protect and preserve a planet that we do not own,
but for which we have been granted temporary stewardship
Barack Obama Learned To Love Israel
By Ali Abunimah
On Friday Obama gave a speech to the American Israel
Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) in Chicago. Reviewing the speech, Ha'aretz
Washington correspondent Shmuel Rosner concluded that Obama "sounded
as strong as Clinton, as supportive as Bush, as friendly as Giuliani.
At least rhetorically, Obama passed any test anyone might have wanted
him to pass. So, he is pro-Israel."
Dump The Dems,
Unite Against The War
By Joshua Frank
The time is now for us to come together under a
unified antiwar banner despite what our political leanings may be. Liberal,
radical, conservative, libertarian, it doesn't matter. Ending the war
and our government's imperialist polices is just that important
The Big Mouth
Of Israeli Fascism
By Uri Avnery
"Patriotism," said Dr. Samuel Johnson
over 200 years ago, "is the last refuge of a scoundrel." If
we substitute racism for patriotism, then we have a perfect match with
the Esterina Tartman affair
03 March, 2007
Is La Niña, And Will It Cause
Serious Climate Disruption?
By Steve Connor
One of the greatest concerns is that La Niña
is associated with an increase in Atlantic hurricanes. It can also cause
drier-than-usual conditions in the southern United States, which experienced
a serious drought during the last La Niña some seven years ago
Join Iran At International Talks:
Another Round Of Threats And Ultimatums
By Peter Symonds
Despite widespread media speculation of a “shift”
in US policy toward Iran, the announcement this week that Secretary
of State Condoleezza Rice will take part in a regional conference with
her Iranian counterpart does not represent any softening of the US stance.
Amid a mounting confrontation with Iran, the US will undoubtedly use
the forum to heighten, not lessen, the tensions with Tehran
America's Musharraf
By Najum Mustaq
The disastrous result of propping up a seemingly
moderate and liberal dictator is evident in the content as well as the
context of Cheney's Pakistan sojourn
Globalization’s Junk Mail?
By Laura Carlsen
Migrant workers are central to cross-border economic
integration. A political system that ignores them -- or worse, treats
them as junk mail -- is not only hypocritical but severely out of touch
with reality
Rape Cases
Emerge From The Shadows
By Dahr Jamail & Ali al-Fadhily
Reports of the gang-rape of 20-year-old Sabrine
al-Janabi by three policemen has set off new demands for justice from
Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki's government
Over Imminent Execution Of Iraqi Women
By Dahr Jamail & Ali Al-Fadhily
Three young women accused of joining the Iraqi
insurgency movement and engaging in "terrorism" have been
sentenced to death, provoking protest from rights organisations fearing
that this could be the start of more executions of women in post-Saddam
Hussein's Iraq
Leaders Don't
Kill People...
By Michael Boldin
So, who is responsible for the death and destruction
in Iraq? Who? The pilots who dropped the bombs? The commanding officers?
The secretary of defense? The President? Or, as the war hawks would
like us to believe, is it the people defending their homeland from invasion?
If they'd just stop resisting.Our peace-loving, democracy-spreading
military wouldn't have to defend themselves and kill these people, right?
Women’s Day 2007:
We Stand With The Women Of The World
By Lucinda Marshall
International Women’s Day , which is observed
on March 8 is a time not only to celebrate women’s lives and achievements,
but also a chance to join hands in solidarity with women around the
globe and to focus much needed attention on the many problems women
face today
Controlling The
Men In Shadows
By Firdaus Ahmed
Given the increasing cooperation between India
and the US including the Joint Working Group on Counter Terrorism and
the India-US Defence Policy Group, India is likely to learn from its
stronger partner strategies that may prove inappropriate for our part
of the world and democratic status. There is therefore, at a minimum,
a need to be alert to the possibility of subversion of the state from
within, and, more widely, to ascertain if those vested with power without
having to account for it have a sustainable ethical grid
It Now": An Interview With Michael A Lebowitz
By Radical Notes
Michael Lebowitz's Build it Now: Socialism for
the Twenty-First Century is not just another book about the specificities
of the Bolivarian Revolution. Like the Communist Manifesto, its purpose
is to identify the participants in the ongoing class struggle - the
fundamental struggle between the needs of capital and the needs of human
beings - underlying contemporary capitalism and its crisis, exposing
the contours of their practices. It refreshes the classical Marxist
notion of a continuous and uninterrupted revolution of radical needs
as practice of the working class, as its struggle for self-emancipation
Task Ahead
For New Government:
Green Agenda For Sustainable Punjab
By Umendra Dutt
The SAD-BJP government has taken the reins at a
very crucial juncture; the new government can play a historic role by
evolving a Green Agenda for Sustainable Punjab. The new government should
demonstrate that it is highly concerned about the ecological and agricultural
catastrophe leading to farmer's suicides, depleting natural resources,
degraded environment, and intense environmental health crisis posing
a serious socio-economic and ecological challenge to the state. The
new government should resolve to adopt the green agenda for a sustainable
Punjab with an imperishable prosperity which will be free of debt, suicides,
displacement and diseases caused due to environmental discrepancy
02 March, 2007
Last Days Of The American Republic
By Chalmers Johnson & Amy Goodman
In his new book, CIA analyst, distinguished scholar,
and best-selling author Chalmers Johnson argues that US military and
economic overreach may actually lead to the nation's collapse as a constitutional
republic. It's the last volume in his Blowback trilogy, following the
best-selling "Blowback" and "The Sorrows of Empire."
A Review
Of Chalmers Johnson's Nemesis
By Stephen Lendman
Volume three is Nemesis and the subject of this
review. In it, Johnson "tried to present historical, political,
economic, and philosophical evidence of where our current behavior is
likely to lead." He believes our present course is a road to perdition
in the form of fiscal insolvency and a military or civilian dictatorship
Never Again
To Antiwar Battle Fatigue
By David Howard
From the Holocaust witnesses we have learned to
say never again to regimes of racism and fascism. From Hiroshima and
Nagasaki survivors we have learned to say never again to nuclear weapons.
From the Iraq War we must learn to say never again to preemptive war,
to torture, and to the insidious ideology of democratizing by the sword
Poor Residents Of Capital
Describe A State Of Siege
By Wadner Pierre & Jeb Sprague
Nearly two months since U.N. troops began launching
heavy attacks that they say are aimed against gang members in poor neighbourhoods
of Port-au-Prince, roadblocks and barbed wire remain in place and the
atmosphere is grim
The Land Of Widows And Orphans
By Pradeep Mohinder
Seventeen years of turmoil has not only ruined
the Jammu Kashmir economically but, has turned the valley in to the
land of widows and orphans. It is matter of fact that that in the state
there are more than twenty-five thousand orphans (25,000) and approximately
six thousand 6000 widows
Arabia In
Disarray - Part II
By Mustapha Marrouchi
The Saudi family business cannot go on forever,
and if it does not change it will court ruin. That at bottom is the
fate of the kingdom of sand and mirth
Democrats Buy
War From Bush And Use It
To Fund Projects For Their Constituents
By Kevin Zeese
The Democrats Iraq War may be even more disgusting
than the Republicans. They are using it as a Christmas tree to fund
a host of projects that they could not get funded in any other way
Trickles Out: The Gujarat Pogrom
Five Years Later
By Zahir Janmohamed
Some have accused assessments by anti-communalism
activists of what transpired in Gujarat as being excessively sentimental.
This indeed may be the case, but it is not without reason
01 March, 2007
The War On Terror Made The World
A More Terrifying Place
By Kim Sengupta & Patrick Cockburn
Innocent people across the world are now paying
the price of the "Iraq effect", with the loss of hundreds
of lives directly linked to the invasion and occupation by American
and British forces
In Iraq,
The Killing Of 18 Teenagers
Is A Horrible Routine
By Robert Fisk
This is a story with a caution. Eighteen teenagers
were killed on Monday at a football field east of Baghdad. On Sunday,
equally young students of Mustansiriya University - the oldest in Baghdad
- were blown up by a suicide bomber. It has become a routine, at one
and the same time more horrible and more normal each day
Global Markets
Slide After China Sell-Off
By Nick Beams
Global stock markets tumbled on Tuesday after a
near 9 percent drop in the Chinese market—the biggest fall in
a decade—sparked fears that a series of financial imbalances in
the global economy could start to cause serious problems
Getting A
Bit Anti-Climatic
By Michael Major
If we attempt to make climate braking profitable
for corporations then we greatly delay the date at which any real reversal
may begin. Like peak oil we will see the occasion of reversal only in
the rear view mirror. The climate is not broken. We cannot usefully
act directly on the climate. Climate change is not a discrete illness
but a valuable symptom reflecting a lethal underlying global disease
Engagement And
In The Middle East
By Nicola Nasser
Two-pronged U.S. tactics of confrontation and engagement
unfolded last week and described by some media as "turnabouts"
in the strategy of containment of what Washington perceives as adverse
regional roles in the Middle East, but in the Iraqi context and in historical
perspective these tactics are revealed only as old diplomatic manoeuvres
in the drawers of the State Department
This Spring
America's Target
Is Not Iran But Pakistan
By Abid Mustafa
America knows full well that she will not be able
to crush the Pushtun resistance and that Musharraf may not survive.
But the US has no choice-it is make or break for the US in Afghanistan
and the calculus of Musharraf survival is irrelevant
The Case For
Withdrawal From Afghanistan
By Tariq Ali
The lesson here, as in Iraq, is a basic one. It
is much better for regime-change to come from below even if this means
a long wait as in South Africa, Indonesia or Chile. Occupations disrupt
the possibilities of organic change and create a much bigger mess than
existed before. Afghanistan is but one example
March Madness
By Mickey Z.
Last month, I touched on a fraction of February's
forgotten history vis-à-vis America's long history of global
brutality. Here's a small taste of March's madness
"You And
I And The Next War"
By Uri Avnery
An American and/or Israeli adventure would be a
disaster. Bombs can devastate a country, but not a people like the Iranians.
Only the wildest imagination can foresee how the more than a billion
Muslims in scores of countries - including all our neighbors - would
react to the destruction of a Muslim country (even a Shiite one). This
is playing with fire, which may start a world-wide conflagration
A Democracy
In Crisis: Who Is Really In Control?
By Ramzy Baroud
If I could only present these questions to my dear
professor of many years ago; if he is still alive, I wonder what his
answer would be. Would he contend that our system of checks and balances
and the foresightedness of the founding fathers would eventually prevail
over the corruption of the ruling elites and big businesses? Or would
he finally admit that a nation that compromises on its freedom under
false pretexts is a nation that is destined to lose its own democracy,
once the greatest on earth?
Five Years
After Godhra And The Pogrom
By Dionne Bunsha
There is no violence but the atmosphere of fear
and prejudice still prevails. Gujarat is a society divided — where
minorities are segregated and face social and economic boycotts. Muslims
have been pushed into ghettos
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