23 February, 2005
Of Empire, End Of Civilization?
By Kirkpatrick Sale
All empires collapse eventually! The present American
empire also will end for sure, but will that be the end of civilization
Market Failure:
Global Warming And Peak Oil
By Bill Henderson
If the history of denial and greenwashing of global
warming is any indication, and the peak oil pessimists are right, it
is probably too late for even a wartime economy government to do anything
but try and keep order and save memes needed for the birth of a future
Doomed To Fail
By Scott Ritter
North Korea and Iran concluded from events leading
to the U.S. invasion of Iraq that the Bush administration did not regard
nonproliferation as an endgame but a tool designed to weaken a target
state to the point that it could succumb to the grander U.S. policy
objective of regime change
Amnesty: Iraqi
Women No Better Off Post-Saddam
By Jeremy Lovell
Nearly two years after the U.S.-led invasion of
Iraq, women there are no better off than under the rule of ousted dictator
Saddam Hussein
The Politics
Of Hariri's Assassination
By Naseer H Aruri
Hariri's death, no matter who arranged it, is the
perfect opportunity to implement the Israeli/US strategy, and revisit
Israel's frustrated plans of 1982. What better circumstances could enable
Israel to reap the benefits of Hariri's murder?
Nepal: Two
Futures, Two Roads
By Li Onesto
The situation continues to intensify in Nepal,
with two futures posing themselves very sharply--on the one side, the
brutal monarchy and a whole oppressive and corrupt system; and on the
other side, the People's War which is struggling to liberate Nepal from
the grip of foreign domination and establish a new revolutionary government
The Whole Truth
By Ram Puniyani
Review of the book "Savarkar: Myths and Facts"
by Shamsul Islam
22 February, 2005
Says US Is Plotting To Kill Him
By Cleto A. Sojo
Chavez explicitly said that the U.S. government
is considering his assassination as one of the options to get rid of
him."If these perverse plans succeed, Mr. Bush can forget about
Venezuelan oil... Forget about it Mr. Bush "
Of The Dog!
By Uri Avnery
If Iran does not submit to the orders of the US
(and, perhaps, even if it does) Israel will attack it with American
help, much as it attacked the Iraqi nuclear reactor some 24 years ago
By Noam Chomsky
The cease-fire is to be welcomed: better no killing
than killing. But take a careful look at the terms. The framework is
entirely that of US-Israeli rejectionism: Palestinian resistance, even
against the occupying army, must cease
Law For Food Facism
By Vandana Shiva
The Food Safety Law 2005 p is a dismantling of
the PFA. It is in effect the legalizing of adulteration of India's entire
food system with toxic chemicals and industrial processing
Honoring Narendra
By Coalition Against Genocide
The Asian American Hotel Owner Association's (AAHOA)
has created a storm in US by inviting the Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra
Modi,who is accused of sharing responsibility in the massacres, sexual
mutilations and rapes of Muslims and persecution of Christians, indigenous
tribes and moderate Hindus
The Dalit
By Prem Pati & Yoginder Sikand
"Well, I would strongly urge de-Brahminisation
or de-Sanskritisation of the Dalits, so as to liberate them from the
trap in which 'upper' caste religious practices and beliefs have ensnared
21 February, 2005
Final Proof: Global Warming Is Man-Made
By Steve Connor
Scientists have found the first unequivocal link
between man-made greenhouse gases and a dramatic heating of the Earth's
oceans. The researchers have found a "stunning" correlation
between a rise in ocean temperature over the past 40 years and pollution
of the atmosphere
Mounting Concerns
Over Fate Of
Tsunami Victims In Aceh
By John Roberts
Poor coordination, disorganised logistics and the
militarisation of resettlement camps have created a potentially dangerous
situation for the survivors of the December 26 earthquake and tsunami
in Indonesias Sumatran province of Aceh
Dominates World Bank Leadership
By Alex Wilks
There is a vacancy for the most senior post in
official world development circles, a job that is of direct interest
to billions of people across the globe. The process and candidates are
shrouded in secrecy and the only candidates in the running are U.S.
Saudi Oil
May Have Peaked
By Adam Porter
Energy investment banker Matthew Simmons, of Simmons
& Co International, has been outspoken in his warnings about peak
oil before. His new statement is his strongest yet, "we may have
already passed peak oil"
Who Pulled The Trigger...
Didn't We All?
By Arundhati Roy
Must we in our hypernationalism take a man who
has already suffered enough and reduce him to fish bait? Can we-and
our media-stop judging S.A.R. Geelani
Fresh Light On
1984 Riots
By Kuldip Nayar
Riots were "organized", some Congressmen
instigating the anti-social elements to "target the Sikh community"
without any "meaningful intervention" by the police. This
is the import of the report by former Supreme Court judge G.T. Nanavati
on the 1984 riots
19 February, 2005
Data Point To Man-Made Global Warming
By Seth Borenstein
New measurements from the world's oceans, announced
Thursday, give the most compelling evidence yet that man-made global
warming is under way and hint at a more dramatic and sudden climate
change in the future
Negroponte Becomes
The Spy Chief
By Bill Van Auken
Bush names John Negroponte, a veteran of US subversion
and dirty wars, as national intelligence director
Learning Lies
By John Pilger
How many more innocent people have to die before
those who filter the past and the present wake up to their moral responsibility
to protect our memory and the lives of human beings?
Groceries And
Election Results...
By Baghdad Burning
Its not about a Sunni government or a Shia
government- its about the possibility of an Iranian-modeled Iraq.
Its not just Sunnis- its moderate Shia and secular people
in general who have been marginalized
Subcontinental Turning Point
By Praful Bidwai
India and Pakistan have agreed to laun a bus service
between the two divided parts of Kashmir from April 7. The bus agreement
raises hopes that able leaderships in both countries could help India-Pakistan
relations soar sustainably to lofty heights
Through Pakistani Eyes
By Pervez Hoodbhoy
Observations of a senior pakistani professor on
Indian society
18 February, 2005
Dramatic Changes
In Southern Ocean
Scientists have discovered dramatic changes in
the temperature and salinity of deep waters in the Southern Ocean that
they warn could have a major impact on global climate
Greenhouse Gases
'Do Warm Oceans'
By Paul Rincon
Scientists have "compelling" evidence
that ocean warming over the past 40 years can be linked to the industrial
release of carbon dioxide. US researchers compared the rise in ocean
temperatures with predictions from climate models and found human activity
was the most likely cause
How The U.S.
Murdered Fallujah
By Salam Ismael
Doctor Salam Ismael took aid to Fallujah last month.
This is a report of his visit
Regaining My
By Camilo Mejia
Camilo Mejia spent more than 7 years in the military
and 8 months fighting in Iraq. On a furlough from the war, he applied
for Conscientious Objector status, and was declared a Prisoner of Conscience
by Amnesty International. He was convicted of desertion by the U.S.
military for refusing to return to the war in Iraq and was imprisoned.
Mejia was released from prison on February 15th
Iraqi Prisoner
Died In CIA Interrogation
By Aljazeera
An Iraqi whose corpse was photographed with grinning
US soldiers at Abu Ghraib prison died under CIA interrogation while
being suspended by his wrists, with his hands cuffed behind his back
Abbas And The Degeneration Of
The Palestinian National Movement
By Jean Shaoul And Chris Marsden
Although Abbas has sought to cultivate Washingtons
support by carrying through measures against his own people that Yasser
Arafat balked at, his present course nevertheless expresses the degeneration
of the Palestinian nationalist movement as a whole
Original Potemkin
Beats The Censors After 79 Years
By Ronald Bergan
A new and uncensored version of one of cinema's
classics, Battleship Potemkin is shown at the Berlin film festival
After Nepal's
Royal Coup
By Praful Bidwai
King Gyandendra has probably had tacit or covert
support from a major Power. In all likelihood, the power backing the
King is China. On January 21, he closed down two offices of the Dalai
Lama, active in Nepal for 45 years. Beijing lavished praise on him for
this. China refused to deplore the coup
17 February, 2005
Benefits From Al-Hariri's Death?
By Ahmed Janabi
Al-Hariri's death is part of the plan to divide
the region into tiny helpless sectarian states. This plan has started
in Iraq and it will continue to hit all other Arab countries
On The Beirut Bombing
& Iraq
By Robert Fisk & Amy Goodman
There's a kind of unwritten alliance of opponents
of enemies of a person which needs to exist before events like this
to take place in Lebanon
Iraq Election
Results Reflect
Broad Hostility To US Occupation
By Peter Symonds
Far from resolving the democratic and national
questions that were suppressed by the Baathist regime, the US occupation
has opened up and exacerbated longstanding sectarian and ethnic grievances
in the Iraqi ruling elites
Why The Children
In Iraq Make
No Sound When They Fall
By Bernard Chazelle
"Blessed are the children whom the sea swallows,
for they shall tug at our heartstrings. / Cursed are the children whom
our bombs blow up, for they shall roam the dark alleys of our indifference."
Kyoto - A Crucial
First Step
By Tony Juniper
Kyoto is to be welcomed, but it must be followed
by broader and more radical action
Another Long
March In Nepal
By Gary Leupp
On February 1 King Gyanendra, sacked the prime
minister and his cabinet, declared martial law, cut phone and internet
lines to Kathmandu, arrested dozens of political leaders and announced
he was assuming direct rule for three years. Nearly all political commentators
believe this move will only strengthen the insurgency
The Logic Of Affirmative
By Sarbeswar Sahoo
Those who have been victimized in history have
to be compensated through assured educational opportunities and income;
so that the social injustice and inequality imposed by the caste system
could someway be reduced
16 February, 2005
Kyoto Really Save The world?
By Hamish McRae
If Kyoto encourages the hunt for the new technologies
that is worth something. If it makes us think a little more about our
own use of energy that is worth something too. If it is the start of
a wider global process of co-operation in conservation, then it is worth
a huge amount. A good day for the world
Kyoto Is Not Enough
By Stephen Byers
Today, we should give a single cheer for Kyoto
but recognise that there needs to be a fresh injection of political
will if we are to achieve a new global consensus that will provide the
world with the means to meet the challenge of climate change
Mocking Our Dreams
By George Monbiot
The reality of climate change is that the engines
of progress have merely accelerated our rush to the brink
Media Held Guilty
Of Deception
By Dahr Jamail
A peoples tribunal has held much of Western media
guilty of inciting violence and deceiving people in its reporting of
The Killing Of 'Mr
By Robert Fisk
Anyone setting out to murder Hariri would know
how this could re-open all the fissures of the civil war from 1975 to
1990. Were the ghosts of the civil war to be reawoken from their 15
years of slumber?
The Republican
By Am Johal
George W. Bush and his Republican administration
should have to wear the war in Iraq when it's all over. He has divided
the nation and the world in a way that has not been seen since Vietnam
Halliburton Contracts
Illegal -
Bush & Cheney Say So What
By Evelyn Pringle
After millions of tax dollars were spent investigating
how Halliburton ended up being awarded billions of dollar worth of no-bid
contracts in Iraq, the Government Accounting Office determined that
the company should never have been awarded the contracts in the first
place. In response to those findings, Cheney and Bush both, as much
as thumbed their noses at tax payers as if to say "so what, what
are you going to do about it?"
White Australia
Imprisons Refugees
By Gideon Polya
White Australia has been imprisoning thousands
of innocent, non-European refugee men, women and children behind razor
wire in privately-run detention camps in remote deserts and on remote
Pacific islands
Needed A Tsunami
To Destroy
The Ugly Relic Of Varna System
By V.B.Rawat
This Tsunami, on whose destruction we all are crying,
have not been able to demolish the most powerful and destructive system
of caste in India. Perhaps, we need a stronger Tsunami to destroy the
ugly relic of caste system and racial discrimination from our society
Recognize Dalit
By Anand Bharat
A clear identification of Dalit Muslims and recognition
their political and social needs will help bring together Dalit Muslims
and Dalits, which can prove strong bulwark against the fundamentalist
force working against them
15 February, 2005
Iraq: What Next?
By Gary Leupp
Does this election in any way validate an invasion
justified as needed to rid Iraq of its nonexistent weapons of mass destruction,
and to sever its nonexistent ties to al-Qaeda? Some preliminary questions
for consideration
Iraqi Election
Catapults Critic Of U.S. To Power
By T. Christian Miller
The triumph of a Shiite Muslim slate in Iraq's
national elections is a victory for one of the nation's most enigmatic
figures and a consistent critic of U.S. policy: senior cleric Abdelaziz
Mon Amour
By John Chuckman
The total loss and devastation in Iraq are comparable
to America's dropping of an atomic bomb on Hiroshima and likely exceed
it. Those who say Bush was right are telling us that it was a sound
decision to drop an atomic bomb just to change the government of Iraq
Indian Seed Act And Patent Act:
Sowing The Seeds Of Dictatorship
By Vandana Shiva
In India two laws have been proposed a
seed Act and a Patent Ordinance which could forever destroy the biodiversity
of our seeds and crops, and rob farmers of all freedoms, establishing
a seed dictatorship
Sex Choice
As Advertisement,
Rape As infotainment !
By Subhash Gatade
The process of sanitising violence against women
to enhance one's business prospects can be said to be a effective marketing
strategy the world over and media has been a party to this
Woman And
Social Class
By Sarabjit K.
A Critical Study of Roopa Bajwa's "The Sari
14 February, 2005
Warming Requires A Global Solution
By Linda McQuaig
Greenhouse gases in the Earth's atmosphere aren't
a national problem; they affect the Earth's entire climate system. This
is a global problem requiring a coordinated global solution
Global Warming:
"Tragedy Of The Commons" Revisited
Even if the land becomes overgrazed, people will
continue to put their animals on the damaged fields and even add to
their herd. Swap the common land for Earth's atmosphere and overgrazing
for greenhouse gases and you have the greatest environmental challenge
of the early 21st century: how to tackle climate change
India Under Pressure
To Cut Emissions
By Sugita Katyal
India, with a billion people, is one of the world's
bigger polluters and is projected to account for a larger share of global
carbon emissions as its economy expands. But it has no obligation to
cut emissions under Kyoto's first phase to 2012
And Life Goes On...
By Baghdad Burning
At the end of the day, its not about having
a Sunni or Shia or Kurd or Arab in power. Its about having someone
who has Iraqs best interests at heart- not Americas, not
Irans, not Israels
Peace Festivals
By Tanya Reinhart
Just as in the days of the Aqaba summit, the majority
of Israeli society is euphoric with expectations for change and calm.
As always before, there is an absolute lack of collective memory. It
is the media's responsibility to remind the readers of recent history
'Dalit Voice'
Speaks Out
By V.T Rajshekar & Yoginder Sikand
An interview with V.T.Rajshekar, the editor of
the Bangalore-based English fortnightly 'Dalit Voice'. Here he speaks
to Yoginder Sikand on various aspects of the Dalit movement and about
Dalit-Muslim Relations
Social Implications
Of Tsunami Relief: Reflections
By Medha Patkar
The collection centres, are still functioning,
day and night. The newspapers are still appealing. The NRIs are pouring
in - money and big NGOs writing their proposals for more and more and
more.Where is all the money going? What has it been spent on? Who have
spent on what and who all on the same items and at what rate? Who has
benefited? Who will build the houses and temporary apartments?
12 February, 2005
walking To The End Of The Earth
By Geoffrey Lean
Floods, storms and droughts. Melting Arctic ice,
shrinking glaciers, oceans turning to acid. The world's top scientists
warned last week that dangerous climate change is taking place today,
not the day after tomorrow
Stories From
By Dahr Jamail
These are the stories that will continue to emerge
from the rubble of Fallujah for years. No, for generations
02 February, 2005
Change Already Here
Evidence is growing that global warming is already
starting to disrupt the world's delicately-balanced climate system,
and the damage will reverberate for generations
What Theyre
Not Telling You
About The Election
By Dahr Jamail
Thus, one might argue that the Bush administration
has made a deal with the SCIR: Iraq's oil for guaranteed political power.
The Americans are able to put forward such a bargain because Bush still
holds the strings in Iraq
The Violence
Of Hypocrisy
By T. Patrick Donovan
If we are to ever move beyond the violence that
permeates America, and with which America is attempting to recreate
the world in its own image, then we must take a long, hard look at the
sticky web of hypocrisy that holds this country in thrall
The US And Iran:
Questions That
Still Need To Be Answered
By Am Johl
With the Bush Administration's penchant for unilateralism,
there will no doubt be an escalation of tensions between the US and
Iran over the next eighteen months
01 February, 2005
Voted For Food
By Dahr Jamail
Many Iraqis said Monday that their names were marked
on a list provided by the government agency that provides monthly food
rations before they were allowed to vote
The Vietnam
Turnout Was Good As Well
By Sami Ramadani
No amount of spin can conceal Iraqis' hostility
to US occupation
Triumph And Tragedy
For Iraq
By Robert Fisk
If this election produces a parliamentary coalition
which splits the Shi'ites and turns their largest party into the opposition,
then the Sunni insurgency will become a national uprising
Iraqs Food Security
By Ghali Hassan
The US Occupation Authority has imposed legislation,
which could have detrimental and lasting impact on Iraqis farmers and
Iraqs ability to produce food for the Iraqi people
The Tsunami And
The Brandt Report
By Mohammed Mesbahi and Dr. Angela Pain
Ecological and human disasters such as the 2004
tsunami will continue to occur as long as the current Global Economic
system is allowed to exist in its present form
Myths About Copyright
By Lawrence Liang, Atrayee Mazmdar and Mayur Suresh
An enquiry into the myths about copyright