31 August, 2006
Targeted Farms And Homes
By Simon Assaf
An early survey of the destruction in Lebanon shows
that Israel deliberately attempted to destroy the Lebanese economy during
the month-long war - targeting farms, hospitals and generators
In Lebanon,
France Converging
To Pre-mandate Policy
By Nicola Nasser
In a pattern that reminds of the 1916 Sykes-Picot
Agreement, France seems converging to a role that belongs to its previous
colonial era in Lebanon and Syria
Hurtling Towards
The Next Intifada
An Interview with Jonathan Cook
Sooner or later they will find a way to fight back,
even from behind their walls. My guess is that the next intifada will
be called the Qassam intifada after the homemade rockets Palestinians
fire out the Gaza Strip to try to hit Israeli communities. We are going
to see more of that kind of resistance
On Rucarb Street
By Eliza Ernshire
Palestine has been so reduced and so humiliated
that it is now a country where the Occupying force can walk into a main
city on nightfall, can walk down the main street of that city and kill
a man and then walk away again as if that is a damn right of theirs
and no one is going to blink an eye at it
US Military
Escalates Confrontation
With Shiite Militia In Iraq
By Peter Symonds
Two days of fierce fighting in the Iraqi city of
Diwaniyah is one more sign that the US military is preparing for a bloody
showdown with the militia forces of Shiite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr. The
target of any new offensive will be not just Sadr’s Mahdi Army,
but the Shiite urban poor who are overwhelmingly hostile to the US occupation
CNN's Vice
President Of Racism
By Stephen Lendman
Why does CNN put up with the kind of demeaning
and racist programming Lou Dobbs specializes in? Simple, because it
draws large audiences meaning CNN can charge premium rates to corporate
advertisers that want their message heard on highly rated programs
The Best
War Ever
By Kevin Zeese & Sheldon Rampton
Interview with Sheldon Rampton: “Lies got
us into this war. Only the truth will get us out.”
Letter From
By Ghali Hassan
It is getting harder to describe Australia in terms
of an independent, democratic and morally responsible nation. Australia
has moved from a forward looking to a backward sliding society. Many
people, including many Australians are regarding this shift in direction
as morally reprehensible
For The Nation - Vande Matram Controversy
By Ram Puniyani
After Arjun Singh, MHRD Minister clarified that
singing of the (August 2006) of Vande Matram is voluntary, on 7th September,
the supposed centenary year of this song, BJP went hammer and tongs
blaming Congress for this 'appeasement' of minorities
Naguib Mahfouz
Is No More
By Jeff Black
Egypt paid tribute yesterday to Naguib Mahfouz,
father figure of Arabic literature, who died in Cairo aged 94
30 August, 2006
Rocks Balochistan
By Nirupama Subramanian
At least four persons were killed in a bomb blast
as violence rocked the Balochistan province of Pakistan for the third
straight day on Tuesday after funeral prayers for the slain Jahmoori
Watan Party (JWP) leader Nawab Akbar Khan Bugti
Balochistan Cause Gets A Martyr
By Nirupama Subramanian
The killing of Akbar Khan Bugti has angered Balochistan.
It has also sent shock waves through political circles in Pakistan.
A former military intelligence chief has sounded an early warning that
Bugti dead is more dangerous for Pakistan than Bugti alive
The Big Lie
About 'Islamic Fascism'
By Eric S. Margolis
The latest big lie unveiled by Washington’s
neoconservatives are the poisonous terms, `Islamo-Fascists’ and
`Islamic Fascists. They are the new, hot buzzwords among America’s
far right and Christian fundamentalists
Return Of
People Power
By John Pilger
There is no difference in principle between the
people's movement that saw off the Israeli invaders and the stirring
of people everywhere as they become aware of the real meaning of the
ambitions and hypocrisy of Bush and his vassal, who want us to be ever
fearful of and cowed by "terrorism" when, in truth, the greatest
terrorists of all are them
The Day
After: A Reading Into
The Post-Lebanon War
By Ramzy Baroud
The stratagem that was meant to crush any meaningful
nationalistic project and secure the US and Israel’s economic
and strategic dominance in the region, received another major blow in
Collapse Of
Greenland Ice Shield - Consequences
By Dr John James
The latest US Navy survey suggests there will be
no sea ice left in the Arctic summer by 2016. Is this the date we have
to look forward to?
Courage And
Resistance In Oaxaca And Mexico City
By Stephen Lendman
It began on May 15 this year when teachers belonging
to the 70,000 strong National Union of Education Workers in Oaxaca,
Mexico took to the streets for the first time to press their demands
to the state government to address their long-neglected needs
Katrina By Voting For Peace
By Rev. Yearwood
Bring our troops and resources home to the Gulf
A Social And Political Tinderbox
By Jean Shaoul
Last week’s collision between two trains
on a busy route packed with workers travelling into Cairo for work from
the poorer northern outskirts of the city has exposed the social and
political relations within Egypt today
In Doda: Hapless Victims
Of An Endless Conflict
By Yoginder Sikand
No one seems to be in a position to offer even
a rough estimate of the total number of orphans in Doda. The largest
district in Jammu and Kashmir after Ladakh in terms of area, Doda has
been racked by seemingly endless violence in the last fifteen years
28 August, 2006
Katrina And The Need
For Climate Justice
By William Hughes
Nearly one year after Katrina struck the Gulf Coast,
the Bush-Cheney Gang has done little, on the issue of global warming,
to prevent another devastating disaster
Tearing Down
The Master's House
By Adam Engel
An Interview With Derrick Jensen, author of End
An Environmental
Emerges On Lebanon Coast
By Christopher Allbritton
The sand along the public beach in south Beirut
is blackened and stained. The sea, normally a rich azure, is a noxious
yellowish green. The water reeks of petroleum. All the fish are dead;
there is not a single bird in the sky. These are the scars of the Lebanese
oil spill, triggered July 15 when Israeli jets bombed the power station
at Jiyeh, 18 miles south of Beirut
Cuba Under
By Stephen Lendman
The US may be planning to return the Cuban state
to its ugly past, but the best guess ventured here is it won't happen
because Cubans won't allow it to
Generation Of Arabs Hates
Israel More Than The Last"
By Uri Avnery
In his latest speech, which infuriated so many
people, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad uttered a sentence that deserves
attention: "Every new Arab generation hates Israel more than the
previous one." Of all that has been said about the Second Lebanon
War, these are perhaps the most important words
US Spy Agencies
Pressed For “Intelligence”
To Justify War Against Iran
By Bill Van Auken
With the clock ticking to an August 31 deadline
set by the United Nations Security Council’s resolution demanding
that Iran abandon its uranium enrichment program, a section of the American
ruling establishment is pressing US intelligence agencies to produce
“evidence” that Iran’s nuclear ambitions pose an imminent
nuclear weapons threat
Camp Democracy
Comes To Washington DC
By Kevin Zeese
Interview with David Swanson: “This is do-or-die
time for the people of this country”
Discourse In Pakistan:
An Indian Visitor's Perspective
By Yoginder Sikand
'What both India and Pakistan desperately need',
a Lahori friend told me while talking about the state of intellectual
discourse in our part of the world, 'are organically rooted public intellectuals
that articulate the lived realities and concerns of the masses. Only
then can the radical transformations that we desire ever come about'
25 August, 2006
Can't Go To Iraq. I Can't Kill Those Children'
By Cahal Milmo
Jason Chelsea,the 19-year-old infantryman, from
Wigan had even told his parents that he had been warned by his commanders
that he could be ordered to fire on child suicide bombers.It was a fear
that he never confronted. Within 48 hours of confessing his concerns
to his family, Pte Chelsea was dead after taking an overdose of painkillers
and slashing his wrists
International Details Israeli
War Crimes In Lebanon
By Peter Symonds
An Amnesty International (AI) report published
on Tuesday provides a chilling account of the death and destruction
inflicted on the civilian population of Lebanon by the Israeli military
during its month-long, US-backed offensive
Health And US Meddling
By Mavis Anderson
Now is the time for all of us to work together
to make our voices heard in Washington to ensure that the Bush administration
respects Cuba's sovereignty and international law, and promotes peace
by refraining from interference in Cuba's internal political process
Fired Up Over Global Warming
By Bill McKibben
You've seen or heard of Al Gore's movie. The pictures
of Hurricane Katrina remain in the back of your mind. You've sweated
through this record summer. You sense -- with just a bit of panic --
that there's really no problem more important in the long run than global
warming. So what do you do?
Never In
Hisitory Have So Many
Been Cowed By So Few
By David Truskoff
How can so few cower so many? One of the reasons
is that a large portion of the American population still believes that
God gave the Jews the land Of Israel. The other reason is that the guilt
of the Christian church’s anti-Semitism of the twenties and thirties
seems to be passed down generation to generation
A Little Poverty
Never Hurt Anybody
By Jason Miller
A collective populist movement is slowly evolving.
It is only a matter of time before humanity’s oppressed put aside
their religious, racial, and nationalist differences to unite against
their common enemy. When six billion people act in unison against a
few million, there will indeed be a new world order
24 August, 2006
Reconstructs Lebanon
By Robert Fisk
Hizbollah has trumped both the UN army and the
Lebanese government by pouring hundreds of millions of dollars - most
of it almost certainly from Iran - into the wreckage of southern Lebanon
and Beirut's destroyed southern suburbs
And Sexual Abuse
By Robert Rosenberg
There is almost nobody in the public arena right
now who objects to the view that the last month of fighting against
Hizbollah was interrupted and that sooner or later, whether next month
or next year, another round will erupt
Stop The
Cancer, End The Occupation
By Uri Avnery
But, thank goodness, there is another remedy. An
amazingly simple one: to free ourselves from the occupation once and
for all. To get out of the occupied territories in agreement and cooperation
with the Palestinians. To make peace with the Palestinian people, so
they can establish their independent state side by side with Israel
Untold Story
Of The Massacre Of Marjayoun Leaves
Blame On Both Sides Of The Border
By Robert Fisk
There are those who break down when they recall
the massacre at Joub Jannine - and there are the Israelis who gave permission
to the refugees to leave Marjayoun, who specified what roads they should
use, and who then attacked them with pilotless, missile-firing drone
US Administration
Rejects Iran’s
Offer Of “Serious Negotiations”
By Peter Symonds
The Bush administration yesterday signalled its
rejection of Iran’s offer of “serious negotiations,”
setting the stage for punitive economic sanctions and an escalating
confrontation with Tehran
23 August, 2006
Ensured Iran Offer Would Be Rejected
By Gareth Porter
Even before Iran gave its formal counter-offer
to ambassadors of the P5+1 countries (the U.S., Britain, France, Germany,
Russia and China) Tuesday, the George W. Bush administration had already
begun the process of organising sanctions against Iran
Not Leaving So Long
As I’m The President.”
By Patrick Martin
President Bush’s press conference Monday
gave a glimpse of the deepening political crisis of the US administration
over the failure of its policies in Iraq and the broader Middle East
Bush -- "Take
Your Time"
By Ralph Nader
Since you view yourself as a reborn Christian,
and since you have the power to stop the Israeli state terror assaults
on Lebanon, you may wish to reflect on Leviticus 19:16 "Neither
shalt thou stand idly by the blood of thy neighbor." Lebanon was
a friendly country to you and you have stood by not just idly, but willfully
aiding and abetting its devastation
To The Collapsed
WTO Doha Round Talks
By Stephen Lendman
Chavez and his allies know how important these
alliances are, and if they can convince enough other nations to join
with them their strength in combination may give them the power they
need to challenge US dominance and end its bullying days forever. For
now it's just a glorious dream. But isn't that the way all great social
movements begin?
The Real Terrorism
By Ramzy Baroud
Is it not rational to deduce that "mass murder"
in the Middle East, happening at such an "unimaginable" scale,
could lead to a culmination of bitterness, resentment, anger and radicalisation
that would unavoidably yield terrorism?
The Murtha
Model: How The Democratic Party
Misleads Antiwar Voters
By John A. Murphy
We all know how the antiwar movement fell silent
in 2004 so as not to jeopardize the bloodthirsty campaign of John Kerry
who promised to kill more Iraqis faster and cheaper than George Bush.
Last week some of us experienced a similar phenomenon in Washington,
DC and in other cities around the nation
Despite President’s
Denials, Sri Lankan
Military Continues Offensive War
By Sarath Kumara
In a meeting on Monday with diplomats from the
US, the European Union, Norway and Japan, Sri Lankan President Mahinda
Rajapakse denied that his government was waging war against the Liberation
Tigers of Tamil Eelam
22 August, 2006
In Sri Lanka Creates A Flood Of Refugees
By Nanda Wickramasinghe
Ongoing fighting initiated by the Sri Lankan military
against the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) is creating a social
catastrophe. More than 160,000 people have been displaced since the
army launched what the Colombo government falsely described as a “limited,
humanitarian operation” on July 26 to seize the Mavilaru irrigation
sluice gate inside LTTE territory
Apartheid: The striking Parallels
To South Africa
By Bruce Dixon
Someday the sun will rise on a post-apartheid Jerusalem,
one that belongs to all the people who live there of whatever origin.
This is bound to happen because Palestinians as well as substantial
numbers of Israeli Jews do and will continue to resist the regime. They
will do what they can. What will we do?
"I Was
a Propaganda Intern In Iraq"
By Willem Marx & Amy Goodman
"I Was a Propaganda Intern in Iraq" -
Fmr. Lincoln Group Intern Describes Paying Iraqi Press to Plant Pro-American
Articles Secretly Written by U.S. Military
Little Chance Of Nuclear Compromise
By Siddharth Varadarajan
Tehran will respond to the pending European package
but is unlikely to suspend enrichment under pressure. What the world
must realise is sanctions will take us further from and not closer to
a peaceful solution
Stifle Antiwar Voices, Again
By Joshua Frank
The Democratic Party doesn’t allow dissent,
and like the Republican Party, they are even willing to stifle democracy
in order to ensure their ascendancy on Election Day. Here in New York
the Democratic Party has willfully ignored Jonathan Tasini’s popular
antiwar campaign against Hillary Clinton
UK Terror Scare:
Airlines Threaten Legal
Action Against British Government
By Steve James
A bitter row has broken out between the government
of British Prime Minister Tony Blair and companies operating airports
and airlines in the UK, following the officially driven hysteria over
the alleged plot to blow up aircraft en route from Britain to the US
A Motorbike Trip
To Little Tibet- Part II
By Ingmar Lee
The Indian military occupation is an insidious
cultural, environmental and economic calamity of the worst order for
the people of Ladakh and should be as widely condemned as the Chinese
occupation of Tibet and the Pakistani occupation of the Karakoram
21 August, 2006
Ceasefire Under Threat
By Eric Silver
A high-ranking UN official has warned that the
week-old truce in Lebanon could soon collapse
After Lebanon,
Israel Is Looking For More wars
By Jonathan Cook
The bloody nose Israel received in south Lebanon
has not shaken its leaders’ confidence in their restless militarism.
If anything, their humiliation has given them cause to pursue their
adventures more vigorously in an attempt to reassert the myth of Israeli
Where Are
The Achievements Of This War?
By Uri Avnery
With A few words, a Lebanese army officer destroyed,
the day before yesterday, the illusion that Israel had achieved anything
in this war
Land Reduced To Rubble
By Robert Fisk
'These places now look like French villages did
after German bombardment during the First World War'
Lebanon Oil
Spill Spells Environmental Catastrophe
By Alice Gray
As if the murder of 1,300 civilians and the wide
scale destruction of homes and property were not enough, Lebanon's population
will suffer for years to come from the effects of the massive oil spill
caused by an Israeli attack on the Jiyyeh power station on July 14th
Condy Is
Absolutely Right !
It Is A 'New Middle East' ?
By Subhash Gatade
Condoleeza Rice, the foreign Secy of the Bush Administration
would not have imagined in her wildest dreams that developments in mid-east
would so truly vindicate her prophesies albeit with a minor change
Grass And The Waffen SS
By Peter Schwarz
The confession by Germany’s most celebrated
author, Günter Grass, that he served in a division of the Waffen
SS as a 17-year-old at the end of war, and not, as previously claimed,
in an anti-aircraft unit, has unleashed a torrent of grotesque accusations
Kevin Zeese:
Attack On Iran May Lead To WWIII!
By William Hughes
“The dividing line between peace candidates
and pro war candidates is no longer opposition to the Iraq War. It is
whether they oppose the premeditated destruction of Lebanon and a military
attack on Iran.”
19 August, 2006
The UN Security Council Among The losers
By Hasan Abu Nimah
The so-called "international community"
provided cover for extending the war under the guise of prolonged negotiations
at the UN, hoping that Israel would win a decisive victory. But what
Israel failed to win on the battlefield, its friends helped to deliver
in the UN resolution
Lebanon Have The Rigth To Defend Itself ?
By Farzana Hassan-Shahid
The question then which more appropriately needs
to be asked is: Do Israel's neighbors have a right to defend themselves
from Israeli aggression? Does Lebanon have the right to defend itself
and why hasn't this right been acknowledged by the world community at
The Day
After: How We Suffered A Knockout
By Reuven Pedatzur
Bint Jbail is a symbol of the second Lebanon war.
For the Hezbollah fighters it will be their Stalingrad, and for us it
will be a painful reminder of defeat
Forget Gaza
By Khaled Amayreh
With the UN-sponsored ceasefire between Israel
and Hizbullah going into effect, Palestinians are apprehensive that
Israel might embark on a fresh rampage in Gaza in order to boost the
morale of a conspicuously dispirited Israeli public
Bush's Iraq
By Sami Moubayed
In July, the number of Iraqis killed in sectarian
violence - and what else can one call it? - was a staggering 3,438 -
two times the number of Lebanese civilians killed during the 30 days
of daily air raids by Israel, and more than 100 deaths a day
Leading The Race For The UN
Security Council Seat
By Stephen Lendman
In October, elections will take place for five
non-permanent UN Security Council seats to be held in 2007. One of them
will be for the Latin American seat now held by Argentina. The two leading
regional contenders vying to fill the opening are Venezuela and Guatemala
The Real Threat
We Face In Britain Is Blair
By John Pilger
If the alleged plot to attack airliners flying
from London is true -- remember the lies that led to the invasion of
Iraq, and to the raid on a "terrorist cell" in east London
Be Skeptical
... Be Very Skeptical
By M K Bhadrakumar
But there is no way that India can hope to gain
entry into the exclusive, charmed circle that comprises the US Central
Intelligence Agency, Britain's MI6 and Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence.
The so-called Islamic terror network is the trinity's fabrication. It
has become what would be known in intelligence parlance as an "asset"
or an "instrument"
Sea Levels Worry Floridians
By Mark Weisenmiller
A dramatic rise in sea levels predicted by researchers
at a major U.S. government agency has renewed concerns among scientists
and community planners about the fate of Florida's coastlines
Global Warming - Denial
By Bill Henderson
The scientific debate about human induced global
warming is over but policy makers - let alone the happily shopping general
public - still seem to not understand the scope of the impending tragedy
18 August, 2006
Army Is Back, But Don't Expect It
To Disarm Hizbollah
By Robert Fisk
Most of the Hizbollah live in villages south of
the Litani and several of their officers made it clear that they had
told the Lebanese army not to search for weapons. So much for the disarmament
of the Hizbollah south of the Litani river. And so much for President
Bush's "war on terror" which the Israelis claim to be fighting
on America's behalf
The Gaza
"Disengagement" Plan
And West Bank "Expansion" Plan
By George Bisharat
Thus, the Gaza "disengagement" plan is
also the Jerusalem and West Bank "expansion" plan. The number
of Israelis settling in the West Bank this year exceeds the number withdrawn
from Gaza
Flood Back To Devastated
Southern Lebanon
By Rick Kelly
Hundreds of thousands of refugees have returned
to what is left of their homes in Lebanon in defiance of Israeli warnings
and threats to stay away. Openly expressing their support for Hezbollah,
residents have rushed to reclaim their land in a display of mass opposition
to US-Israeli aggression
Wall Street
Journal Rhapsodizes Over Sham
UN Resolution To End Lebanon War
By Stephen Lendman
On its editorial page the Wall Street Journal never
fails to disappoint or miss an opportunity to misinform its readers.
The August 16 article by the right wing Hoover Institution George Shultz
Senior Fellow and former US State Department legal advisor in the 1980s
Abraham Sofaer is just the latest example. The article is a typical
Journal litany of propaganda, distortion, and deliberate misstatement
of facts
Again’ Does Not Mean ‘An Eye For An Eye’
By Lucinda Marshall
As Jews we must rethink the meaning of Never Again
and realize that it applies not only to our own religion but to all
people, even those we see as enemies. We must finally accept that An
Eye for an Eye has truly made us blind. Only then can we begin the long
road to real peace and security in the Middle East
Why Do We Hate
By Jason Miller
Islamophobia is a mental and spiritual affliction.
And our Western ruling elites bear the responsibility for inflicting
it upon the psyches of the masses
The Fog Of Wars
By Jeff Berg
Now following the logic that the greater our perceived
interest in the outcome the greater our difficulty with a non-partisan
interpretation of events it stands to reason then that the more major
the conflict the more intense the fog. Its effect becoming most pronounced
when the conflict is classified by common consensus of the intelligentsia
to be a “clash of civilizations” or a World War
US Suffers
World's First Climate Change Exodus
By Jitendra Joshi
The first mass exodus of people fleeing the disastrous
effects of climate change is not happening in low-lying Pacific islands
but in the world's richest country.A quarter of a million people who
fled the devastating impact of Hurricane Katrina a year ago must now
be classed as "refugees"
Muslim Leaders
Begin To Doubt The Plot
By Sanjay Suri
Many Muslims in Britain are beginning to doubt
the alleged plot to blow up aircraft flying to the United States from
Islam And
Indian Nationalism
By Yoginder Sikand
The claim that Muslims cannot be loyal citizens
of India because of their faith, articulated in different ways by both
Hindutva and radical Islamist ideologues, has been stoutly refuted by
a major section of the Indian ulama or Muslim clerics. In fact, numerous
ulama, particularly those associated with the Deoband madrasa, played
a major role in the Indian freedom movement
17 August, 2006
Death Toll Hits 1,300
By Robert Fisk
They are digging them up by the hour, the swelling
death toll of the Lebanon conflict. By last night, they had found 61
more bodies, taking the Lebanese dead of the 33-day war to almost 1,300
The Thirty
Three Day War-
From Mania To Depression
By Uri Avnery
In Israel, there is now a general atmosphere of
disappointment and despondency. From mania to depression. It's not only
that the politicians and the generals are firing accusations at each
other, as we foresaw, but the general public is also voicing criticism
from every possible angle
Self-Defeating Unilateralism
By Nicola Nasser
With the Palestinian – Israeli peace process
dormant, deadlocked and declared “dead” and at least two
thirds of the Palestinians living in exile hosted and influenced by
regional powers, the Palestinian leadership is facing an overdue review
of its self-defeating unilateral approach to change course towards a
multilateral, or better a collective, Arab approach to resolving the
conflict with Israel
Could Sanctions
And Divestment
End The Occupation?
By Am Johal
As in the case of South Africa, individual consumers
not wanting to associate with the regime forced major corporations to
divest from the country from a moral position. As long as Hezbollah
is well armed as a militia movement, the likelihood of building broad
based Western support for sanctions and divestment against Israel will
be much more difficult given the most recent conflict
A Critical Battle For New Middle East
By Ramzy Baroud
The war on Lebanon indeed is generating a new Middle
East, but hardly the one the US and Israel have long fought for. Arabs,
and for the first time in their recent history unreservedly speak of
a real military victory
Is the Lebanon
Invasion A Step Toward
A Regional War In the Middle East?
By Kevin Zeese
The dividing line between peace candidates and
pro-war candidates is no longer opposition to the Iraq War – a
view now held by large majorities of Americans. It is whether they oppose
the pre-meditated destruction of Lebanon by Israel – with U.S.
weapons, and oppose a first strike military attack on Iran.
To 9/11
By Rudo de Ruijter
This research article is intended to reveal the
facts that lead to the US invasion of Afghanistan and to reveal the
logical place of the 9/11events in that context. It is not meant to
offend anyone. Don't read it if you are pleased with the "official"
version of our history
Anomalies, Questions
Mount In UK Terror Scare
By Julie Hyland
It is fair to surmise from the unusual length of
the hearing and the limited extension of the warrants that the evidence
presented by the authorities fell considerably short of constituting
a hard and convincing case
A People’s
By Anthony Ravlich
The introduction of the ‘unspoken’
economic, social and cultural rights in New Zealand
India Drowning
In Pesticides
By Vandana Shiva
The issue of toxics and poisons in our food system
has once again moved to the contre of national concern. CSE's study
on pesticides in Coke and Pepsi shows that three years after the Joint
Parliamentary Committee, no action has been taken by the cola giants
16 August, 2006
Many, Lebanon Appears As A Mirror Image
By Brian Conley & Isam Rasheed
Iraqis are beginning to see striking similarities
between Lebanese civilians and their own position three years ago. Talk
on the streets of Baghdad is taking a tone of oneness with the Lebanese
In The Face
Of Bush's Lies, It's Left To
Assad To Tell The Truth
By Robert Fisk
The fact that Syria could bellow about the "achievements"
of Hizbollah while avoiding the destruction of a blade of grass inside
Syria suggests a cynicism that has yet to be grasped inside the Arab
world. But for now, Syria has won
Lebanese Deaths,
And Israeli War Crimes,
Kept Off The Balance Sheet
By Jonathan Cook
This urgent moral case is being quietly overlooked
in favour of the material damages story, and for reasons not hard to
discern. Because if we concentrated on the tally of war crimes, Israel
would come out the undoubted winner in both Lebanon and Gaza
'Peace’ Plan A 'Green Light’ For War
By Doug Lorimer
There is no timetable set out for this to happen
— leaving the way open for Israel to continue its war on Lebanon
under the guise of “defensive” military operations
When Demons
And Criminals Rule Our World
By Habib Siddiqui
Through the invasion of Lebanon, Israeli warlords
have shown that their hatred of Arabs is more than their love for their
own children. The sheer brazenness of this operation and the American
complicity to let this mayhem continue shows that the axis of evil seems
to run through the administrative centers of the USA to Israel via UK
Bush &
Co.: Desperate Desperados
By Bernard Weiner
Let's go behind the news and try to figure out
what the Bushevik reactions to Lamont's victory and the liquid-bomb
terror plot tell us about the current political situation in the U.S
The Persistence
Of Fascism
By Ghali Hassan
Common in today’s parlance is that Fascism
ended with the end of World War II (WW II). The reality is that Fascism
did not end, but it was replaced by another variant of Fascism; one
that is much more powerful and violent. Fascism violence and racial
philosophy remain unaffected and were put into practice elsewhere against
different nations
How Did We
Let This Happen?
By David Truskoff
How did we let this happen? What was it Eugene
O’Niel said, There is no tomorrow or today, just yesterday, again
and again and now
The US Media
And The London Terror Scare
By David Walsh
Since August 10, when British authorities arrested
two dozen individuals in connection with an alleged plot to blow up
a number of airplanes over the Atlantic Ocean, the American mass media
has worked ceaselessly to create a climate of fear
Tryst With Secular Democracy
By Ram Puniyani
This 15th August, India completed 59 years of its
independence. Today where do we stand in our resolve to have a secular
democratic India? It is a tragedy that conditions have so shaped during
last couple of decades that one is forced to think about the very future
of the democratic foundation of the country
15 August, 2006
Verdict: We Lost The War
By Donald Macintyre
Ehud Olmert, the Israeli Prime Minister, was obliged
to admit "shortcomings" in the 34-day-old conflict in Lebanon
yesterday as he launched what may prove a protracted fight for his own
political survival
Desert Of
Trapped Corpses Testifies
To Israel's Failure
By Robert Fisk
They made a desert and called it peace. Srifa -
or what was once the village of Srifa - is a place of pancaked homes,
blasted walls, rubble, starving cats and trapped corpses. But it is
also a place of victory for the Hizbollah, whose fighters walked amid
the destruction yesterday with the air of conquering heroes. So who
is to blame for this desert?
One-Eyed View Of War:
Stars, Stripes, And The Star Of David
By Andrew Gumbel
There are two sides to every conflict - unless
you rely on the US media for information about the battle in Lebanon.
Viewers have been fed a diet of partisan coverage which treats Israel
as the good guys and their Hizbollah enemy as the incarnation of evil
What The
Hell Has Happened
To The Israeli Army?
By Uri Avnery
Before the choir of generals utters their expected
cries of being stabbed in the back--"The government has shackled
our hands! The politicians did not allow the army to win! The political
leadership is to blame for everything!"--it is worthwhile to examine
this war from a professional military point of view
Mad Dog
On A Leash
By Sheila Samples
Edward Said pleaded with the American people to
speak out before it's too late. "Who knows what more evil will
be done in the name of Good?" Said asked. "Every one of us
must raise our voices, and march in protest, now and again and again"
India- The
Burning Train
By Satya Sagar
It may well be time for all of us to jump off this
burning train and help derail it. It is an act of resistance that may
launch yet another battle for Indian Independence- this time from our
own home grown Colonial State
Ehren Watada
By Dahr Jamail
Lt. Ehren Watada, for those who don't already know,
became the first commissioned officer to publicly refuse deployment
to the unlawful war and occupation in Iraq. While doing this on June
22, 2006, Watada said, "As the order to take part in an illegal
act is ultimately unlawful as well, I must refuse that order."Here
is a speach he gave at the Veterans for Peace National Convention
The Politics Of
The Latest Terror Scare
By Barry Grey
Why was the Bush administration so insistent that
the alleged plot be exposed last Thursday? The answer has nothing to
do with security considerations. It has, rather, to do with the machinations
of the clique of political gangsters—Dick Cheney, Karl Rove, among
others—who run the US government
Electoral Fraud Wins Round One -
Round Two Now Begins
By Stephen Lendman
It was no surprise on Sunday that the Mexican Federal
Electoral Institute (IFE) ruled its partial recount of about 9% of the
ballots cast in the disputed presidential election held on July 2 showed
ruling National Action Party (PAN) candidate still the winner. In doing
so, the IFE ignored the clear evidence of election irregularities and
blatant fraud uncovered by losing Party of the Democratic Revolution
(PRD) candidate Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador
The Moment
Of Confrontation
By Dan Lieberman
Somewhere in the history of Israel, there occurred
a moment of confrontation that could not be resolved. Hezbollah is not
a result of this moment, but the unresolved situation has fueled Hezbollah’s
anger and paved the road to the war between Israel and Lebanon
Sri Lankan
Air Force Bombing Kills
Scores Of Students
By Sarath Kumara
Amid escalating fighting between government forces
and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), the Sri Lankan air
force bombed a school compound in the LTTE-held Mullaittivu district
yesterday, killing 61 students and injuring more than 100
Golwalkar Guruji-
Coming Soon To A Theater Near You
By Subhash Gatade
As part of the grand birthday centenary celebrations of the second Supremo
of RSS, Madhav Sadhashiv Golwalkar the Sangh Parivar is organising number
of programmes intended to sanitise the man including a film directed
by Nitish Bhardwaj,( of ‘Mahabharat’ fame)
14 August, 2006
The 6am Ceasefire Takes Effect...
The Real War Begins
By Robert Fisk
The real war in Lebanon begins today. The Israeli
army, reeling under the Hizbollah's onslaught of the past 24 hours,
is now facing the harshest guerrilla war in its history. And it is a
war they may well lose
Bush 'Viewed
War In Lebanon As A
Curtain-Raiser For Attack On Iran'
By Andrew Buncombe
The Bush administration was informed in advance
and gave the "green light" to Israel's military strikes against
Hizbollah with plans drawn up months before two Israeli soldiers
were seized it has been claimed. The US reportedly considered Israel's
actions as a necessary prerequisite for a possible strike against Iran
Interests In Israel’s War
By Seymour M Hersh
The Bush Administration, however, was closely involved
in the planning of Israel’s retaliatory attacks. President Bush
and Vice-President Dick Cheney were convinced, current and former intelligence
and diplomatic officials told me, that a successful Israeli Air Force
bombing campaign against Hezbollah’s heavily fortified underground-missile
and command-and-control complexes in Lebanon could ease Israel’s
security concerns and also serve as a prelude to a potential American
preëmptive attack to destroy Iran’s nuclear installations,
some of which are also buried deep underground
Sham UN
Resolution Guarantees No End
To Israel's War Of Illegal Aggression
By Stephen Lendman
UN Resolution 1701 is little more than an outrageous
and illegal expression of victor's justice. It allows Israel the right
to resume hostilities any time it wishes and for any reason so long
as the Israelis claim an imminent threat exists regardless of whether
or not it's true
Tea And Rockets:
Café Society, Beirut-Style
By Robert Fisk
Too many journos are wearing flak jackets and helmets,
little spacemen who want to show they are "in combat" on television.
I notice how their drivers and interpreters are usually not given flak
jackets. These are reserved for us, the Westerners, the Protected Ones,
Those Who Must Live
Revolution Of Hope
By Joshua Frank, Kim Peterson & Sunil K. Sharma
We were fast waking up to something we hadn’t
felt before as we battled Bush day in and day out in North America:
revolutionary hope, Bolivarian style. And we hadn’t even had our
first sips of Venezuelan coffee yet
Terror Nation:
Lies, Injustice,
And The American Empire’s Way
By Jason Miller
We live in a fascist state that inflicts terror
on billions of human beings. Terror Nation….Notes from the Perimeter,
the latest book by Mike Palecek, offers us a glimpse of the future potentially
awaiting those of us in the United States who pose a threat to corporate
and plutocratic hegemony
By Lucinda Marshall
In Israel, in Iran, in Afghanistan, when women
speak out about the global ramifications (word used intentionally) of
penis politics, they are screamed at, shot at, arrested. But this is
a truth that must be spoken and we dare not be silent
After Heathrow:
What Accounts
For The Threat Of Terrorism?
By Chris Marsden & Julie Hyland
There is still little substantive information on
the alleged plot to explode transatlantic flights from Britain to the
US in mid-air. To date, the British government has provided no facts
to substantiate its claims of a conspiracy to commit mass murder in
the air
How London's
Terror Scare Looks From Beirut
By Robert Fisk
I think Paul Stephenson huffs and he puffs but
I do not think he stands for law and order. He works for the Ministry
of Fear which, by its very nature, is not interested in motives or injustice.
And I have to say, watching his performance before the next power cut
last night, I thought he was doing a pretty good job for his masters
War Spreads
To The North Of Sri Lanka
By Sarath Kumara
Fighting between the Sri Lankan military and the
Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) intensified and expanded over
the weekend to the northern Jaffna peninsula, claiming as many as 200
lives. While neither side has formally withdrawn from the 2002 ceasefire,
the agreement is effectively a dead letter. The island is rapidly sliding
back into full-scale civil war
11 August, 2006
This Tragedy Now !
By Fouad Siniora
We in Lebanon call upon the international community
and citizens everywhere to support my country's sovereignty and end
this folly now. We also insist that Israel be made to respect international
humanitarian law, including the provisions of the Geneva Conventions,
which it has repeatedly and willfully violated
Iron Discipline Is
Watch For Military Machine
By Robert Fisk
Hizbollah is a different enemy, one which turns
the Israeli Prime Minister, Ehud Olmert's, claims that he is pursuing
the same "war on terror" as George Bush into dust. The Hizbollah
is officered by men who spent 18 years fighting Israeli occupiers, and
who learned the hard way that improved weaponry and iron discipline
are more important than nationalist rhetoric
Who? Me?!
By Uri Avnery
WHO? ME? Now everybody already admits that something
basic has gone wrong in this war. The proof: the War of the Generals,
that previously started only after the conclusion of a war, has now
become public while the war is still going on.The Chief-of-Staff, Dan
Halutz, has found the culprit: Udi Adam, the chief of the Northern Command
How I Found
Myself With The "Islamic Fascists"
By Jonathan Cook
So I find myself standing with Bush’s “Islamic
fascists” in the hope that -- just possibly -- my solidarity and
that of others may dissipate the rage, may give it meaning and offer
it another, better route to victory
Must Be Held Accountable For Its
International Law Violations
By Stephen Lendman
The prime motive of Israel's assault on Lebanon
and invasion in the south is to seize, occupy and then annex the 20
mile stretch of territory into the country up to the Litani to be able
to use for its own needs what now supplies a major portion of Lebanon's
fresh water
Facing Reality In Derrick
Jensen's "End Game"
By Adam Engel
Civilization, as we know it, is on its way to extinction.
The signs are too apparent for the corporate media to hide any longer.
Global warming, peak oil, these are realities that will reach a critical
point, if they have not done so already, of no return
Ice Cap Is Melting
At A Frighteningly Fast Rate
By David Perlman
The vast ice cap that covers Greenland nearly three
miles thick is melting faster than ever before on record, and the pace
is speeding year by year
Is A Disease And
We Have An Advanced Case
By Jason Miller
Obscenity Yields Obscene Profits And Capitalists
Can’t Resist
And Impunity - Coca-Cola In India
By Amit Srivastava
In what can only be characterized as arrogance
and impunity, we are learning that Coca-Cola and Pepsi have continued
to sell soft drinks in India with dangerously high levels of pesticides
- three years after even the government of India confirmed that these
products were dangerous
Class Warfare
– Delivering A Rare
W For The Bush Team
By Robert S. Becker, Ph.D.
So, respect is due – in whatever skirmishes
define class warfare, there’s hardly been a pitched battle –
so Republicans (and operators like Karl Rove) should at least take credit
for what they worked so hard to achieve: enrich the rich by soaking
the middle class. Class warfare at its best!
Sri Lankan
Government Intensifies Military
Offensive Against LTTE
By Sarath Kumara
Despite the opening of the Mavilaru irrigation
sluice gate on Tuesday, the Sri Lankan military has intensified its
offensive against the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) in the
eastern province, making clear that the government has no intention
of upholding the 2002 ceasefire
10 August, 2006
Pressure Continues, Iran Can Change Mind On NPT
By Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Siddharth Varadarajan
& John Cherian
"If they decide to use the
instruments at their disposal to put pressure on us to limit our activities,
and try to take away or deny what is rightfully ours, and to distort
our rights, obviously we are going to change our mind" - An interview
with Iran President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
War Resonates In Iraq
By Nicola Nasser
The Israeli war on Lebanon has shaken the sectarian
pillar of the U.S.-Israeli regional plans, especially in the Iraqi launching
pad of the U.S.-promoted “New Middle East”
And The Clamor Against Hizbullah
By Jonathan Cook
Hizbullah’s strikes against civilians may
be intentional or they may be the result of inaccurate guidance systems
trying to hit military targets. Israel’s strikes against civilians
are either intentional or the result of accurate guidance systems and
very faulty, to the point of reckless, military intelligence
Death, And Drastic Measures
By Dahr Jamail
"I never supported Hezbollah before,"
a young student at the American University of Beirut told me shortly
after I arrived in the capital city. "But now they are defending
us against Israel." His view of Hezbollah is quickly becoming the
norm for hundreds of thousands of previously unsympathetic Lebanese
as American-made Israeli bombs and missiles continue to rain down on
the country
A Million
Mutinies Now: It's Time To Say 'No!"
To The Bullies In The Middle East Playground
By Am Johal
The UN is desperately in need of a backbone. This
is what our civilization has come to after all these years. The bureaucratic
intransigence and diplomatic foot dragging of Western powers in their
inability to call for a ceasefire when it matters, will no doubt have
violent implications in the future
A Connecticut
Donkey In King George's Court
By Niranjan Ramakrishnan
Congrats and thanks, Ned Lamont, for your wake
up call to the Democratic Party, and for causing more sleepless nights
for all those other minor and major Liebermans in the Senate
Defeat And The State Of
American Politics
By Barry Grey
The response of Connecticut Senator Joseph Lieberman
and the Democratic Party leadership to Lieberman’s defeat in Tuesday’s
Democratic primary election says a great deal about the politics of
the Democratic Party and the state of American politics as a whole
Arctic Thawed
In Prehistoric Global Warming
By Steve Connor
The last time massive amounts of greenhouse gases
were released into the atmosphere, the North Pole was an ice-free expanse
of open ocean that was teeming with tropical organisms, a study has
Teach The
Girls To Swim
tsunami, survival and the gender dimension
By S Gautham
In Indonesia, in the four villages in the Aceh
Besar province surveyed by Oxfam only 189 of 676 survivors were female.
That is a ratio of 3:1. In the worst affected village, Kuala Cangkoy,
for every male who died, there were four females. In Cuddalore in Tamil
Nadu, almost three times as many women were killed as men, with 391
female deaths, compared with 146 men. In Pachaankuppam village, every
single person to die was a woman. Why does this happen?
Stop Harrassing
The Innocents
An Appeal from All India Secular Forum
The Mumbai blasts shook the nation and killed over
200 innocent people. This act is highly condemnable and the perpetrators
of this ghastly crime need to be punished with all severity. In the
wake of horrific bomb blasts the police is blindly operating on the
formula that all Muslims are suspects and has been arresting and harassing
innumerable innocent Muslims
09 August, 2006
Loses Battle Over War
By John Whitesides
Connecticut Sen. Joseph Lieberman lost a Democratic
Party showdown to a relative unknown on Tuesday, a casualty of voter
anger over his support for the war in Iraq and President George W. Bush
Voters Mean Business
By Linda Schade
For months, polls revealed increasing opposition
to the US occupation of Iraq. Lamont’s victory shows clearly that
Americans oppose the war and are willing to vote en mass against pro-war
Challengers Across US
Get A Vote Of Confidence
By Susan Milligan
Upstart challenger Ned Lamont's win last night
in Connecticut's Democratic Senate primary election against three-term
incumbent Joseph I. Lieberman has given added momentum and confidence
to antiwar candidates like Lamont across the nation, politicians who
believe discontent over Iraq could be a deciding factor in their campaigns
The Failures
Of The Antiwar Movement,
Summer ’06
By Joshua Frank
The only visible opposition to all this madness
here in the US is Cindy Sheehan and her followers. If it wasn’t
for her bravery and commitment it’s certain the antiwar movement
would still be sitting here without a voice or a conscious. But for
all the wonderful things Sheehan has done for us, I still don’t
think she understands the importance of breaking with the Democratic
Party -- the two-faced warmongers that they are
Throat" On Nov. Vote:
It's Now Or Never
By Bernard Weiner
"Do you Democrats still have your death wish?
Can't you see that this may be your last chance to take the country
away from the extremists that have hijacked my party and to start moving
America back to the rational center?"
What Do You
Say To A Man Whose Family
Is Buried Under The Rubble?
By Robert Fisk
What do you say to a man whose family is buried
under the rubble? The last corpse had been a man whose face appeared
etched in dust before the muck was removed and he turned out to be paper-thin
- so perfectly had the falling concrete crushed him
Promise Of Humanitarian
Corridors Is Exposed As A Sham
By Robert Fisk
So much for Ehud Olmert's "humanitarian corridors".
Two weeks after the Israeli Prime Minister's comforting assertion -
which no one in Lebanon believed - the Israeli air force has blown up
the last bridge across the Litani river, in effect ending all humanitarian
convoys between Beirut and southern Lebanon
Israeli War
Crimes Aimed At
“Cleansing” South Lebanon
By Bill Van Auken
What the US-Israeli offensive aims to accomplish
as its immediate goal is the thorough ethnic cleansing of southern Lebanon.This
is a term that never appears in the mainstream media in relation to
the present war in Lebanon
Precision: The Logic Of
Israel's War On Civilians
By Ramzy Baroud
The Israeli tactics are reaping a conflicting outcome,
as both Hezbollah and Hamas are emerging more powerful than ever before,
widely viewed as the only defenders of Lebanon and Palestine
Conditions" - The Water Crisis In Gaza
By Alice Gray
The political rhetoric and frequent violence of
the Israeli-Palestinian conflict often serve to mask underlying environmental
issues which, if not resolved, may pose an even greater threat to the
well-being of the Palestinian population than the guns and bombs of
the military occupation
Kerala State
Government Bans Coke, Pepsi
By Kerala News
The Kerala State government today banned the production
and sale of soft drinks marketed by cola majors Coca-Cola and Pepsi
in the state
A Disastrous
By Praful Bidwai
Those advocating armed attacks on Pakistan in response
to the Mumbai bombings wish to emulate Israel's aggression. That is
the worst model India could follow
08 August, 2006
Theater Of War Moves To The UN
By Jonathan Cook
If there were any remaining illusions about the
purpose of Israel’s war against Lebanon, the draft United Nations
Security Council resolution calling for a “cessation of major
hostilities” published at the weekend should finally dispel them
Tears Of Leaders As City Burns
By Robert Fisk
It was preposterous, scandalous, shameful to listen
to these robed apparatchiks - most of them are paid, armed or otherwise
supported by the West - shed their crocodile tears before a nation on
its knees
Behind Bush’s
“Truce” Plan: The Drive
Towards A Wider Middle East War
By Bill Van Auken
US President George W. Bush on Monday declared
his full support for a US-French United Nations resolution that dictates
Israel’s terms to the Lebanese people while allowing the Israeli
military to indefinitely continue its occupation and devastation of
The Junkies
Of War
By Uri Avnery
So we shall get to the Litani River. Beyond it,
there is another river, and another one. Lebanon has an abundance of
rivers we can get to.Perhaps it would be worthwhile for these two junkies,
Olmert and Peretz, to come down from their "high" and study
the map
Of Violence
By Mathew Maavak
As fighting intensifies in Lebanon, a concurrent
battle for the global hearts and minds is being waged in any every possible
fora, from the U.N. to the blogosphere
Collateral Damage
Is Murder
By Michael Boldin
Collateral damage is nothing more than a euphemism
for state-sponsored mass murder. It is the term given to people killed
in military actions who were "not intentionally targeted."
In reality, this is pure propaganda
Collapse Of
Greenland Ice Shield - Consequences
By Dr John James
The Greenland glaciers that cover the island contain
enough water to raise sea level twenty feet, or seven meters. The latest
US Navy survey suggests there will be no sea ice left in the Arctic
summer by 2016. Is this the date we have to look forward to?
What Is
A Jew
By David Truskoff
Why is Senator Lieberan the hypocrite that he is,
because he does not have the character or the moral strength that the
polish workers had back in the thirties. He can not believe that the
war in Iraq is good for America.He only believes what he is told to
believe and that it is good for Israel. Therefore, he does not represent
the people of the state of Connecticut. He represents the ,blind faith,
right wing, Zionists of Israel
Running Scared... Again
By John A. Murphy
The Democratic Party in Pennsylvania is once again
trembling in fear. The last time it suffered such a political panic
attack was when it faced the prospect of having to run against Ralph
Nader in 2004
And Muslims!
By Ram Puniyani
Doctoring of Mass Consciousness in the era of US
Oil Hunger
07 August, 2006
While The UN fiddles...
The Middle East Burns
By Donald Macintyre , Eric Silver
Anne Penketh and Colin Brown
Israel suffered its worst casualties in its 26-day
war on Hizbollah while United Nations negotiations for a ceasefire intensified.
A direct hit by a Katyusha rocket killed 12 Israeli soldiers in the
border kibbutz of Kfar Giladi yesterday while a barrage of rockets aimed
at Israel's third city, Haifa, left three civilians dead and 150 wounded
This Draft
Shows Who Is Running
America's Policy... Israel
By Robert Fisk
So the great and the good on the East River laboured
at the United Nations Security Council - and brought forth a lemon.
You could almost hear the Lebanese groan at this draft resolution, a
document of such bias and mendacity that a close Lebanese friend read
carefully through it yesterday, cursed and uttered the immortal question:
"Don't these bastards learn anything from history?"
UN Resolution
On Lebanon:Blueprint For
Intensified War And Colonial Occupation
By Bill Van Auken
The US-French resolution that is to be voted on
by the United Nations Security Council early this week represents an
imperialist diktat to the people of Lebanon and an attempt by Washington
to legitimize and consummate the geo-strategic goals pursued in the
last month of US-Israeli war of aggression
In Qana
By Robert Fisk
Fifty-nine dead? Thirty-seven? Twenty-eight? An
air strike this time, and the usual lies follow. Ten years ago, Hizbollah
were "hiding" in the UN compound. Untrue. Now, we are supposed
to believe that the dead of Qana - today's slaughter - were living in
a house which was a storage base for Hizbollah missiles. Another lie
Rides A New Popularity
By Dahr Jamail
As the war in Lebanon approaches the one-month
mark, and amid the destruction of much of Lebanon, Hezbollah appears
to be gaining strength within the country and around the Arab world
Out To Lunch
By Remi Kanazi
The US media’s biased coverage of the crisis
in Lebanon should come as no surprise. While the White House and Congress
claim a “special relationship” with Israel, our news outlets
are not supposed to have a “special relationship” with anyone.
Their job is to fairly reports on matters; anything less is a disservice
to those watching their news programs and reading their newspapers
Of Power
By Dr. Bernard Sabella
Neither the horror of history nor the arrogance
of power can justify Israel in what it is doing in both Lebanon and
the Palestinian Territories
Tightens The Siege Of Gaza
By Rick Kelly
While the world’s media has focused attention
on Israel’s four-week offensive in Lebanon, a no less ferocious
assault is also underway in Gaza. The Palestinian territory’s
1.4 million residents have been subjected to an unrelenting Israeli
military offensive, as well as an air, land, and sea blockade which
threatens a humanitarian catastrophe
Going Their Own Way
By Mohammed A. Salih
Amid failed moves for a peace deal between the
government and insurgents through a national reconciliation plan, the
Shia majority in Iraq are pushing ahead for creating a federal region
for themselves in the southern part of Iraq
Ecological Crises:
Are We Up To The Challenges?
By Dr. G.F. Hartman
There is a very substantial volume of highly credible
writing, for anyone that wants to see it, that warns us that humankind
has only a few decades left in which to ‘get it right’
Comments On
Helen Caldicott's New Book:
Nuclear Power Is Not the Answer
By Stephen Lendman
In her new book, Dr. Caldicott makes her convincing
case in 10 chapters, each one covering a separate crucial issue about
commercial nuclear power. Eight of them explain in detail its dangers
and problems, and the two final ones propose sensible and urgently needed
solutions so far largely unaddressed
Can You Say
Hidden Agenda?
By Jason Miller
The Discovery Institute's True Raison d’être
and Why We Need to Be Deeply Concerned
And Communal Riots
By Vibhuti Narain Rai & Yoginder Sikand
Vibhuti Narain Rai is a senior Indian Police Service
officer. He is also the author of 'Combating Communal Conflicts--Perception
of Police Neutrality During Hindu-Muslim Riots in India'. In this interview
with Yoginder Sikand he talks about the role of the Indian police in
handling communal riots
05 August, 2006
Begin To Unlearn Some Lessons
By Urban Hamid
"Rockets landed on our house and destroyed
it totally, so many people were injured," says nine-year-old Issara.
Her two brothers, four-year-old Hussein and five-year-old Mahmoud, listen
carefully. So does Ola Attaya, 31, a psychologist heading a pilot project
to help traumatised children
A Terrible
Thought Occurs To Me -
That There Will Be Another 9/11
By Robert Fisk
And watching the martyrdom of Lebanon this week
- its slaughtered children in Qana packed into plastic bags until the
bags ran out and their corpses had to be wrapped in carpets - a terrible
and daunting thought occurs to me, day by day. That there will be another
A City
Lives On With Its Ill-Fated Charm
By Dahr Jamail
The poster on the corniche near the American University
campus in Beirut has become justly well known. It shows a Muslim woman
in full black abaya walking next to a slender woman in a bikini. Together,
they're the face of Beirut
Iraq Faces
Civil War And Sectarian Partition
By Julie Hyland
Iraq is sliding into civil war and sectarian partition.
That is the view of leading personnel in the British foreign service,
the US military and the government of Iraq itself
Of Goodbyes...
By Baghdad Burning
I sometimes wonder if we’ll ever know just
how many hundreds of thousands of Iraqis left the country this bleak
summer. I wonder how many of them will actually return. Where will they
go? What will they do with themselves? Is it time to follow? Is it time
to wash our hands of the country and try to find a stable life somewhere
Feel The
Beat : A Boshian Peak Oil Canvas
By Bill Henderson
With billions now contemplating the imminent peak
of oil production and the consequent peak of that spike of human population
we are all a part of, each day brings a wider, deeper understanding
of what life at the peak means
An Evolution
That Would Blow Darwin’s Mind
By Jason Miller
Since 1998, pro-Evolutionary forces have been grappling
with anti-Evolutionary forces for control of the Kansas State School
Board. In the recent election, power changed hands for the fourth time
in eight years as Darwinists reclaimed a 6-4 advantage on the board.
It is virtually a foregone conclusion that the board will again re-write
the science standards to restore Evolution to its proper stature. Thankfully,
reason will again prevail in science classes from Overland Park to Dodge
Forgotten Muslim Past
By Yoginder Sikand
The Ayodhya controversy continues to drag on, with
no sign of any solution in sight. Hindutva ideologues insist that Ayodhya
must be theirs alone. Reinventing tradition and myth, they claim that
Ayodhya has always been Hindu, thus promoting it to the status of a
Hindu Vatican. Yet, as critical historians have pointed out, this claim
is completely unsubstantiated
04 August, 2006
Children Who Want To Go Home
By Anne Penketh & Kim Sengupta
"I don't want to die. I want to go to school,"
says Jamal, a four-year-old Lebanese boy scarred by the Israeli bombing
of his country. Home for Jamal is now a "displacement centre"
in the southern town of Jezzine, where his family fled in fear for their
Human Rights
Watch Catalogues Israeli
War Crimes In Lebanon
By Rick Kelly
The US-based Human Rights Watch (HRW) accused Israel
of committing war crimes in a 50-page report released yesterday
Knife In
The Back
By Uri Avnery
The day after the war will be the Day of the Long
Knives.Everybody will blame everybody else. The politicians will blame
each other. The generals will blame each other. The politicians will
blame the generals. And, most of all, the generals will blame the politicians
Future History:
A Glimpse Of What U.S.
Lebanon Policy Could Spawn
By Lawrence Pintak
It is very likely that the world will look back
at the summer of 2006 as a seminal moment in Middle East history. We
may well be seeing, as Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice says, “the
birth pangs of a new Middle East.” But it is also quite possible
a monster will be born
The Fig Leaf(let)
Of Warning
By Niranjan Ramakrishnan
Along with its leaflets, myths of Israeli military
invincibility and moral superiority too have dropped out of the sky,
making their way to the ground where Hezbollah stands
Prince Of
Peace- Ban Religion!
By David Truskoff
One would think that if there was a supreme being,
be it a he or she supreme being, the first thing that Supreme Being
would do is ban religion.If God sent his son down to be the Prince of
Peace then the first thing the Prince of Peace would have to do would
be to get rid of the most deadly weapon man has ever invented. RELIGION
The Gordian Knot
Of The Christian Faith
By Doug Soderstrom
Christianity (as understood by Christian fundamentalists)
is not a rational system of thought, that the primary axioms upon which
the faith is based are inherently flawed, internally inconsistent, to
the point that such can no longer be considered to be an ontologically
valid theory of life
To Fascism - A Must-See Film
By Stephen Lendman
Aaron Russo has produced an important documentary
film titled Freedom to Fascism that should be must viewing for everyone
An Open Letter
To America
By Ibrahim Ebeid
Are we really aware of why people around the world
don’t harbor love and respect for us? Have we ever thought why
people around the world "hate" us?
More Evidence
Of Lieberman’s Republican Nature –
His Support From The Chamber Of Commerce
By Ralph Nader
U.S. Chamber of Commerce - - the largest, cruelest
and most extreme corporate lobby against workers', consumers' and environmental
protections - - endorses Senator Joseph Lieberman
Fighting In
Eastern Sri Lanka Spreads
To The Town Of Muttur
By Wije Dias
Fighting is intensifying between the Sri Lankan
military and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE)
Pesticide Spray
Proves Disastrous
In Salkiana Village, Jalandhar
By Kheti Virasat Mission
Report of a Fact Finding Visit by Kheti Virasat
03 August, 2006
Onslaught On Lebanon Intensifies
By Mike Head
Backed by the Bush administration, Israel has poured
thousands more troops into Lebanon and escalated its aerial bombardment
in its bid to crush all resistance and take control of the south of
the country
Entire Lebanese
Family Killed In
Israeli Attack On Hospital
By Robert Fisk
An attack on a hospital, the killing of an entire
Lebanese family, the seizure of five men in Baalbek and a new civilian
death toll - 468 men, women and children - marked the 22nd day of Israel's
latest war on Lebanon
'No Hezbollah
Rockets Fired From Qana'
By Dahr Jamail
Red Cross workers and residents of Qana, where
Israeli bombing killed at least 60 civilians, have told IPS that no
Hezbollah rockets were launched from the city before the Israeli air
Newspaper Reports That
The Army Lied About Qana
By Ira Glunts
There Were No Hezbollah Fighters or Missile Launchers
In Qana
Red Cross Repeatedly Targeted
By Dahr Jamail
Israeli warplanes are attacking the Lebanese Red
Cross repeatedly, members of the medical aid group say
Reach A Place Where You Look At
Life Like It's Nothing."
By Dahr Jamail
Walking into the scene of the massacre yesterday
in Qana felt like entering a bottomless pit of despair. A black whole
of sadness, regardless of the fact that the bodies of the women, 37
young children, the elderly, and what few men were there had been removed
Israel, Not
Hizbullah, Is Putting Civilians
In Danger On Both Sides Of The Border
By Jonathan Cook
So if Israeli officials have been deceiving us
about what has been occurring inside Lebanon, have they also been misleading
us about Hizbullah’s rocket attacks on Israel? Should we take
at face value government and army statements that Hizbullah’s
strikes into Israel are targeting civilians indiscriminately, or do
they need more serious investigation?
Of Arab League
By Nicola Nasser
Did the Arab League change since 1987? Yes it did,
but towards more de-Arabization.The failure of the Arab leaders to convene
an emergency summit meeting on the Israeli offensive on Lebanon has
exacerbated the people-state conflict
US - Israeli
UN Resolution Hypocrisy
By Stephen Lendman
Two nations stand out above all others as notorious
serial abusers of UN resolutions - the US and Israel. Over the last
half century, the US has used its Security Council veto many dozens
of times to prevent any resolutions from passing condemning Israel for
its abusive or hostile actions or that were inimical to Israeli interests
No Lasting
Peace Without Hezbollah
By Taj Hashmi
A peace without Hezbollah might look impressive,
but it would remain hollow and meaningless in the long run
People Of America…Rise Up And Rebel!
By Doug Soderstrom
I am calling upon the youth of this country to
say no to war, to tell their leaders that they will not obey the government’s
request that they take up arms, that they will not go to war for the
purpose of killing the enemy
Naked Terrorism
By Ghali Hassan
Most Lebanese see the U.S. as being complicit in
Israel’s terror against Lebanon and want to join the Hizbullah
resistance to defend their nation against Israel’s aggression
The West
Needs Moderate Voices
By Shajahan Madampat
The West is in serious need of moderate moral voices.
The ones that exist - like Noam Chomsky, Robert Fisk, John Pilger, Howard
Zinn, Jean Baudrillard - are all completely marginalized from the public,
or have been conveniently imported whole sale into the East. The East,
of course, loves them all intensely, but that is of hardly any consequence,
unless they are heard clear and loud in the West
When Is
Violence ‘Terror’ And When Is It Not?
By M R Narayan Swamy
There was nothing ‘natural’ about the
slaughter of Sikhs in 1984, and nothing ‘natural’ about
Gujarat 2002
01 August, 2006
Rules Out A Ceasefire As Syria
Puts Troops On Alert
By Donald Macintyre
Israel plans to "expand and strengthen"
its military operations in Lebanon, despite the growing international
calls for a ceasefire and its own agreement to a 48-hour halt to bombing
after killing 56 civilians, including many children, in Qana
Syria In
the Gunsight
By Uri Avnery
The cabinet ministers recite in unison: No! Never
ever! We shall not attack Syria! Perhaps some of them really don't intend
to. They do not dream of a war with Syria. Definitely not. But the ministers
only delude themselves when they believe that they control the war.
The war controls them
A Nato-Led
Force Would Be In Israel's
Interests, But Not Lebanon's
By Robert Fisk
Every foreign army - including the Israelis - comes
to grief in Lebanon. So, how come George Bush and Lord Blair of Kut
al-Amara - after their inevitable disasters in Afghanistan and Iraq
- believe that a Nato-led force is going to survive on the south Lebanese
Of Hezbollah"
By Dahr Jamail
Just last Thursday, Israeli Justice Minister Haim
Ramon announced on Israeli army radio, "All those in south Lebanon
are terrorists who are related in some way to Hezbollah.
Qana Survivor's
Night Between The Dead
By Hanady Salman
"Why did you leave me there alone, sleeping
with our neighbor's kids? How could you? You know, if I weren't scared
I would have followed you home. But it was dark and they were shelling,
so I slept again. Where is Zeinab?"His mother, Rabab, told him
the following: "She's having fun in heaven. There are no Israelis
there. She's happy there."
By Ghali Hassan
While most people have reached a (false) conclusion
that the U.S. has “failed” to shape Iraq according to its
planned agenda, it is not hard to see that the U.S. is carrying out
its original plan to destroy Iraq and colonise its people and national
Fed Up With
By David Howard
The Iraq War is an outrage, an obscene feast of
aggression. Here’s how US citizens can help end it: Write, call
or e-mail Congress and the President; sign the Voters Pledge to refuse
to support pro-war candidates
Energy Dependence
And Why we War-War
By Jeff Berg
Now more than ever America is dependent on other
people’s oil and this is what the wars in the Middle East are
about everything else by contrast is mere pretext. The one exception
being water issues which are still a very distant second
The Decider
And Its Poodle
By Ingmar Lee
As the Zionist obliteration of Lebanon will surely
yield the long sought-for pretext for the PNACian grand masterplan,
the hair-trigger nukular Decider's got his sights steadfastly set on
Iran, while its short-leashed quisling wag Poodle gasped as he glimpsed
his glorious Road to Damascus leading off to the brink of that unfathomable
abyss beyond
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