31 August, 2005
Health Clinic Bombed In Iraq
By Doctors For Iraq
Doctors for Iraq has received reports from medical
staff in Al Qaim hospital, western Iraq that a field clinic in Al Karablaa
village situated on the borders of Al Qaim has been bombed
Iraqs Draft
Constitution:A Recipe
For Neo-Colonial Rule
By James Cogan
The constitution that was endorsed by Iraqs
presidential council on Sunday, and is to be put to a referendum by
October 15, is an outrage against the Iraqi people. From beginning to
end, it has been written to advance US imperialist ambitions in the
Middle East, notably long-term control over Iraqs oil reserves
and permanent military bases in the country
The Mothers Are
By Sheila Samples
Unfortunately, for the whole treasonous bunch,
America's mothers are awake and they're on the move. Not just those
whose sons and daughters were horribly slain for no good reason, but
those who realize their children are still alive and are in peril, are
being murdered at a clip of three a day, with no hope of survival and
no way out
Hypocrites And
By Cindy Sheehan
Camp Casey has grown and prospered and survived
all attacks and challenges because America is sick and tired of liars
and hypocrites and we want the answers to the tough questions that I
was the first to dare ask. This is George Bush's accountability moment
and he is failing miserably
Bunny Bugs The
War Profiteers
By Joshua Frank
So why did Bunnatine "Bunny" Greenhouse
get shoved out of her position? Well, she did a bad thing. She raised
a little hell over the Pentagon's no-bid contracts to Kellogg Brown
& Root (KBR), the fully owned subsidiary of Dick Cheney's old company
How Violence
Has Changed Kashmiri Society
By Ershad Mahmud
It almost seems a mystery how a once docile people
have turned violent. The present generation -- "the children of
war" --knows little about their ancient Sufi culture and Kashmir's
high level of tolerance. The people are living under tremendous stress,
and this has deeply changed their cultural and social values
Environmental Health
Crisis In Punjab
By Umendra Dutt
The Punjab has only 1.5 % landmass of the country
but it consumes about 18% of pesticides used in India and moreover the
south-western districts of Malwa region are consuming near 75% of pesticides
used in Punjab
30 August, 2005
To Stop Civil War
By George Monbiot
Nicaragua and South Africa, not the US, should
be the inspiration for the people framing Iraq's constitution
US Pushes
Military Build-up In Afghanistan
By Peter Symonds
Under strong pressure from Washington, a number
of countries have been building up troop numbers to bolster the US-led
occupation of Afghanistan
Anguish Remain Around Evacuated
West Bank Settlements
By Jon Elmer
In the northern West Bank, where Sharons
disengagement does not include the withdrawal of military
from evacuated settlements, bitter memories temper Palestinians
guarded optimism
Victims Groups
Question Algeria Amnesty
By Daikha Dridi
A campaign for a referendum on a civil war amnesty
has started in Algeria, but advocates for victims worry that the law
will allow the perpetrators of atrocities to escape justice
29 August, 2005
If America Found Its Soul?
By Jason Miller
Waking up to Discover Your Soul is Missing....the
Ultimate Nightmare
Not One More
By Cindy Sheehan
I am really sad that there are still people in
America who think that someone exercising her freedom of speech is anti-American.
People who say we DON'T have the right to dissent are un-patriotic and
Easily We Take The Deaths
In Iraq For Granted
By Robert Fisk
Taking things for granted. Or, as a very dear friend
of mine used to say to me, "There you go." I am sitting in
Baghdad airport, waiting for my little Flying Carpet Airlines 20-seater
prop aircraft to take me home to Beirut but the local Iraqi station
manager, Mr Ghazwan, has not turned up like he used to
28 August, 2005
War Approaching Tipping Point
By Mounzer Sleiman
A Vietnam veteran offers an interesting and telling
incident summing up his personal feelings about the war
By Remi Kanazi
The Western version of peace is simple, but unacceptable:
let Israel continue its warmongering, the appropriating and occupying
of Palestinian land, while the Palestinians sit idly by with a ball
in their court and no one to play with
Two Green
By Dahr Jamail
Because the price paid for this unimaginably huge
misadventure of the neo-conservative driven Bush junta is being paid
by real human beings who shed real blood and cry real tears. Because
well over 100,000 Iraqis and over 1,800 US soldiers would be alive today
if it wasnt for the puppeteers of Mr. Bush
26 August, 2005
Under Attack
By Aseem Shrivastava
And Bagram? Guantanamo? Abu-Ghraib? Rendition?
Torture jets? Attempts to redefine torture? Sexual humiliation of women?
Detention of children? Shall we not call them attacks on civilization
Drop Kicking Juan
Cole and Marc Cooper:
Will The Real Leaders Stand Up?
By Joshua Frank
The true leaders of the anti-war movement are going
to be Casey's fellow troops like Kelly Dougherty, Pablo Paredes and
Jason Gunn who have served in Iraq and are now speaking out against
the war
On Prairie Chapel
Road, Part 2
By Leigh Saavedra
This article is part -2 of a two-part report from
Camp Casey
Questions About
Kadirgamar Assassination
By W.A. Sunil and K. Ratnayake
The unanswered questions about Sri Lankan foreign
minister Lakshman Kadirgamar's assassination all point in one direction.
If those in charge of Kadirgamars security were not bungling amateurs
then the minister could well have been the victim of a high-level plot
involving the military or police
US States Bypass
Bush To Tackle
Greenhouse Gas Emissions
By Julian Borger
America's north-eastern states are on the brink
of a declaration of environmental independence with the introduction
of mandatory controls on greenhouse gas emissions of the kind rejected
by the Bush administration
Fifty-four Years
In Jail Without Trial:
The Plight Of Prison Inmates In India
By Parwini Zora
The state of Indias penal and justice systems
speaks volumes about the true nature of human rights and social equality
in a country routinely held up by the Western media as the worlds
largest democracy.
25 August, 2005
Back To Crawford
By Cindy Sheehan
I'm coming back to Crawford because -- now and
forever -- this is my duty for my son, for my other children, for other
parents, and for my country
A Day On Prairie
Chapel Road: Part- 1
By Leigh Saavedra
This article is part - 1 of a two-part report from
Camp Casey
The Democratic
By Lucinda Marshall
The Democratic leadership seems to be of the opinion
that the crucial issue is how best to achieve success in Iraq. Given
that, it is unlikely they want folks telling them they're concerned
that the 'war on terror' is going badly
Panel Sees Growing
Melting Arctic Threat
By Randolph Schmid
The rate of ice melting in the Arctic is increasing
and a panel of researchers says it sees no natural process that is likely
to change that trend. Within a century the melting could lead to summertime
ice-free ocean conditions not seen in the area in a million years
More Lies From
The British Police
On The de Menezes Murder
By Chris Talbot
More evidence has emerged relating to the July
22 police killing of the young Brazilian Jean Charles de Menezes in
London, providing further proof that the police systematically lied
about the subway shooting and have been conducting a cover-up, with
the aid of the Labour government of Prime Minister Tony Blair and a
largely compliant media
"Disengagement" As Seen From Gaza
By Ghada Ageel
In 2002, Moshe Ya'alon, then Israel's army chief
of staff, said that "the Palestinians must be made to understand
in the deepest recesses of their consciousness that they are a defeated
people." I wonder if Ya'alon would make the same statement today
after the completion of Gaza settlers evacuation?
24 August, 2005
Robertson Declares Fatwah On Chavez
By Leigh Saavedra
When a good friend referred to Pat Robertson's
call to assassinate Venezuelan president, Hugo Chavez, as a "declaration
of a fatwah on a president" I laughed, appreciative of the irony.
But, can we simply laugh it away?
Pat Robertson's
By John Levine and David Walsh
The call for Chavezs assassination is a serious
threat coming from a leading Republican and close ally of the Bush administration.
It is in line with the previous attempts of the Bush administrations
to destabilize and unseat the Venezuelan government
Arundhati Roy
By Arundhati Roy & S. Anand
The world is a small place. At least it is to the
Booker-winning author Arundhati Roy. She talks on, perhaps, every defining
topic of our times
Birth Of A
New Iraq, Or Blueprint For Civil War?
By Kim Sengupta
Iraq's new constitution, supposedly the blueprint
for a democratic future, is threatening to drag the country into civil
The Democrats And
Cindy Sheehan
By Joshua Frank
If Democratic politicians had a soul they'd be
standing shoulder to shoulder with Sheehan's supporters at candle light
vigils across the country. But that won't be happening anytime soon.
The Democrats in DC aren't even sure Sheehan's actions are justified.
They aren't even sure that her son died for an unjust cause
Can Play The Israeli Game
By Ahmad Samih Khalidi
Two profound assumptions underlie Ariel Sharon's
withdrawal from Gaza. The first is that Israel's overriding value is
the preservation of its Jewish character and majority. The second is
that the conflict with the Palestinians is not amenable to a final agreed
resolution, now or in the foreseeable future
23 August, 2005
Wonder Of The World Melting Away
By Caren Bohan
The Ilulissat glacier in Greenland, a UN heritage
site considered one of the wonders of the world, has shrunk by over
10 kilometers in just a few years, in one of the most alarming examples
of global warming in the Arctic region
President Bush
Knows The True Reasons
He Started A War In Iraq,But He's Not Going To Tell
By Jason Leopold
Every year, right around the anniversary of 9/11
the Bush administration spins the public about the reasons 1,864 American
soldiers have died fighting for a lie in Iraq. And every year, its
just as crucial that the media tell the public the truth about the reasons
the war was started
Gaza A Calculated Move
By Brita Rose
Far from being part of a peace plan, or a move
towards an independent Palestinian state, this is a last resort on the
part of Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, to politically maneuver
in order to secure the real issue at stake the larger West Bank
with its holy shrines and numerous settlers
Famine In
By Moussa Tchangari
Famine has gripped all regions of Niger. There
are nearly four million people on the edge of starvation across the
The Guardian And The de Menezes
By Chris Marsden and Julie Hyland
New leaks from official sources in Britain have
added to the evidence already brought to light, proving that the official
story of how Brazilian Jean Charles de Menezes was gunned down was a
pack of lies. In response, the liberal daily newspaper the Guardian
has rushed to the defence of Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Ian
Serial Blasts
By Vipin Agnihotri
Over 400 low-intensity bombs exploded across Bangldesh
on August 17, resulting in death of two people and serious injury to
over 100. Whoever might have done that, one thing is for sure that they
are very organized, meticulous and powerful, with large network and
connections. This is not a terrorist act that is passed; the evidence
shows that it is a prelude to something more alarming
Cancer And Pesticides
By Jatinder Preet
Cancer is widespread in the villages of Punjab,
broadly called cotton belt
Dalit Situation
In Tamil Nadu
By K. Nagaraj
Painstaking chronicle of the deprivations, discriminations
and atrocities faced by the Dalits in Tamil Nadu
22 August, 2005
For War Grows In Colombo
By K. Ratnayake
Following the assassination of Sri Lankas
Foreign Minister Lakshman Kadirgamar last week, there is a distinct
beating of war drums in Colombo ruling circles
Theme Park Death
By Robert Fisk
My guess is that whoever runs Iraq once the occupation
collapses will turn the whole thing into a theme park. Or maybe just
a museum
The Presidents
Greatest Fear
By Doug Soderstrom
Can you imagine
a commander in chief having
committed his country to war, but with no one to command? You see a
military leaders worst fear is not that he will lose the war,
but rather that, because he has lost the trust of his own men, no one
is willing to follow
Twilight For The
Age Of Oil
By Jeff Berg
Of all the points that swirl around the peak oil
debate perhaps two of the most telling are made by Matt Simmons author
of Twilight in the Desert: The Coming Oil Shock and the World
Economy and CEO of Simmons International, one of the world's largest
investment banks in the energy sector
"A Kansan's
By Jason Miller
Life in Kansas can be as surreal as the landscape
of a Salvador Dali painting. Critical thinking is often a scarce commodity
See RSS, Think
Al Queda!
By Subhash Gatade
The RSS may call itself a cultural organisation,
but an established US think tank has virtually equated it with Al Queda
and some other outfits, terming them "new religious movements (NRMs)
that have also emerged as sources of violence". ..
21 August, 2005
Into The Iraqi Quagmire
By James Cogan
As tensions increase, the Bush administration
and the Iraqi government are presiding over a stepped-up campaign of
repression against the population
What Does Democracy
Really Mean In
The Middle East?Whatever The West Decides
By Robert Fisk
Democracy, democracy, democracy. Take Egypt. President
Mubarak allows opponents in the forthcoming elections. Bush holds this
up as another sign of democracy in the Middle East
Has Won
By Benjamin Granby
The redeployment plan is a thinly veiled attempt
for Sharon to solidify Israeli control over the West Bank, maintain
an obfuscated occupation of the Gaza Strip and to splinter what should
be a united and free Palestinian nation. No matter what, Sharon has
taken the initiative and for the old warrior it means he has won this
Peat Bogs And
Peak Oil - I'm Sorry
Doubting, Mr. President
By Bill Henderson
All we're left with is war or economic collapse
(or maybe Rapture?) to prevent our present economic trajectory from
destroying the ecological basis for human life on Earth
The Rising Of The
By Rajiv Rawat
A Bollywood blockbuster debates Imperialism, while
North American film critics take a pass
20 August, 2005
Ordered To Stop Production
By The Hindu
The Kerala State Pollution Control Board on Friday
ordered stoppage of production at the Palachimada unit of the Coca-Cola
Company in Palakkad district for failure to comply with pollution control
Face Chronic Food Shortages
By Barry Mason
As the news of starving people in
Niger drops from the headlines, warnings of food shortages in many parts
of Africa have been issued by the US Famine Early Warning Systems Network
(FEWS), the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) and a number of
aid agencies
Wealth Of The West Was Built
On Africa's Exploitation
By Richard Drayton
Profits from slave trading and from sugar, coffee,
cotton and tobacco are only a small part of the story. What mattered
was how the pull and push from these industries transformed western
Europe's economies
Oil Drives The
Genocide In Darfur
By David Morse
This is a resource war, fought by surrogates, involving
great powers whose economies are predicated on growth, contending for
a finite pool of resources. It is a war straight out of the pages of
Michael Klare's book, Blood and Oil
Warming: Will You Listen Now, America?
By Andrew Buncombe
Two of the leading contenders to contest the next
US presidential election have delivered an urgent warning to the United
States on global warming, saying the evidence of climate change has
become too stark to ignore and human activity is a major cause
We Must Act Now
To Prevent
Another Hiroshima - Or Worse
By Noam Chomsky
This month's anniversary of the bombings of Hiroshima
and Nagasaki prompts only the most somber reflection and most fervent
hope that the horror may never be repeated
Grief As Barrier Segregates
Palestinian Village From Farms
By Jon Elmer
Palestinians from a farming community stage weekly
demonstrations against the massive barrier that, once built, will segregate
them from the fields and groves around which their entire lives revolve
War Manager,
World Bank And Our Protest
By Anu Muhammad
We are not happy with the news of Paul Wolfowitzs
visit to Bangladesh on 21st August 2005. In fact we feel worried and
angry specially when we go though his work history and find him as an
active one in making destruction in Iraq and patronizing rulers accused
for committing crime against people in many other countries
19 August, 2005
New Constitution
By Ghali Hassan
The US is pushing the Iraqi government
to agree on a draft constitution which will divide the Iraqi people
and weaken their nation. The new draft constitution is based on the
November 2003 US-crafted illegitimate interim constitution, the Transitional
Administrative Law (TAL), produced from the notes book of Paul Bremer,
then the US Proconsul in Baghdad. Its aim is the colonisation of Iraq
and the wholesale privatisation of Iraqs economy
Casey Sheehan Was Killed
By Aaron Glantz
Since President Bush wont meet with Cindy
Sheehan to explain why her son Casey died in Iraq, I thought I would
put forward the information I have. Like Army Specialist Casey Sheehan,
I was in Baghdads Sadr City on April 4, 2004
The Rise Of The
Democratic Police State
By John Pilger
Terrorism is the logical consquence of American
and British "foreign policy" whose infinitely greater terrorism
we need to recognise, and debate, as a matter of urgency
How We Left
By Tanya Reinhart
Over the years we have become accustomed to the
idea that US. pressure means declarations that have no muscle
behind them. But suddenly the words have acquired new meaning. When
the U.S. really does exert pressure, no Israeli leader would dare defy
its injunctions (and certainly not Netanyahu). And so we have pulled
out of Gaza. If the U.S. continues to lose ground in Iraq, maybe we
will be forced to pull out of the West Bank as well
Kanchi Mutt
And Bob Jones University
By Sridhar Kannan
The question of the day is how an elected politician
or a policeman or a judge will perform his or her duty if he is a follower
of such organizations that do not believe in the equality for everyone.
It is time that the decent and saner Indians demand an apology from
these people
18 August, 2005
Satyagrahi Is Born
By Niranjan Ramakrishnan
Cindy Sheehan's story shames me. It has shamed
many others into driving to Crawford to stand with her. The least we
could do is to draw inspiration from her, and begin taking tiny steps
toward the long overdue task of salvaging our own
Call It Heartless:
Bush's Emotional Incapacities
By Joshua Frank
Bush's emotional instability is only part of his
problem says celebrated novelist E.L. Doctorow, who claims Bush's real
issue has to do with his incapacity to feel. Bush doesn't have the mind
or the capability to understand death
New Abuse Photos
Could Spark Riots,
US General Warns
By William Fisher
In response to a lawsuit by the American Civil
Liberties Union (ACLU), the Centre for Constitutional Rights (CCR),
and a number of medical and veterans groups demanding release of 87
new videos and photographs depicting detainee abuse at the now infamous
prison, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Richard Myers,
said the release would result in riots, violence and attacks by
The Gazan Fiasco
By Jennifer Loewenstein
A great charade is taking place in front of the
world media in the Gaza Strip. It is the staged evacuation of 8000 Jewish
settlers from their illegal settlement homes, and it has been carefully
designed to create imagery to support Israel's US-backed takeover of
the West Bank and cantonization of the Palestinians
The Risk Of A
Third Intifada
By Marwan Bishara
All Palestinians deserve an immediate end to an
ordeal that includes freedom from occupation that has lasted decades.
Anything less would transform Israel's Gaza nightmare into a daily West
Bank reality
Under Withdrawal Curfew
By Laila El-Haddad
Palestinian communities living near Jewish settlements
are bracing themselves for a month-long Israeli-imposed closure
Slicing Off Gaza
Is Just A Diplomatic Nose Job
By Sharif Hamadeh
If the government of Israel were sincerely concerned
about racist attacks on its Arab citizens, it would not only disengage
from Gaza, but also from discrimination. That means a withdrawal from
the entirety of the occupied territories, and a departure from the attendant
colonial mentality. Under those circumstances, Israelis and Palestinians
could truly begin to prepare for peace
Bush Menaces
Iran With Threat Of Military Attack
By Peter Symonds
President George Bushs inflammatory comments
last Friday menacing Iran with military attack have again underscored
the lawless character of the US administration
History Resurrected
At Gurgaon
By Dr.K.Venugopal Reddy
The strike at Honda Motorcycles and Scooters India
(HMSI) in Gurgaon sends a signal to the MNCs entering India with vision
of making enormous profits through exploiting the readily available
raw material and the cheap Indian labour that the Indian workers are
not as mellowed as they expected to be. It also makes it obvious to
them that the support from the Indian government to the MNCs is not
17 August, 2005
Agreement Reached On Iraqi Constitution
By James Cogan
After six weeks of negotiations and intense pressure
from Washington, the Iraqi political factions supporting the US occupation
of Iraq failed to agree on the wording of a new constitution by the
August 15 deadline set down by the Bush administration
How Bush Would
Gain From War With Iran
By Dan Plesch
Iraq is proving an electoral liability. This is
a threat to the Bush team's intention to retain power for the next decade
- perhaps, as the author Bob Woodward says, with President Cheney at
the helm. War with Iran next spring can enable them to win the mid-term
elections and retain control of the Republican party, now in partial
rebellion over Iraq
Political Perspectives
On Iran
By Ardeshir Mehrdad and Mehdi Kia
In the recent presidential elections in Iran, Mahmood
Ahmadinejad, an unknown conservative military commander, won. His victory
was surprising. The shock of this surprise victory may partly explain
the crude nature of some of the analyses that followed. Even more striking
is the failure to address the deeper causes and background to this event,
and to analyse its consequences. This article is an effort to address
these issues
Hephalumps And
Woozels: A Review
Of Josh Frank's "Left Out"
By Adam Engel
First the good news: Joshua Frank is a first-rate
journalist who's written a superbly researched, incisive book about
who and what the Democrats really are. Now the bad news: Joshua Frank
is a first-rate journalist who's written a superbly researched, incisive
book about who and what the Democrats really are
Kerry's Pummeling
Not A Surprise:
Bush with a TKO
By Joshua Frank
An excerpt from Joshua Frank's new book Left Out!,
just published by Common Courage Press
Going Nowhere
By Dr. Trudy Bond
Aside from the need to get elected, how does one
denounce reality so readily, to the point that he or she can watch 1800
Americans and over 125,000 civilians be killed and not take action?
Thurgood Marshall
And Judicial
Conservatism In Foreign Affairs
By Nikhil Shah
With all the recent talk about Supreme Court nominations
and the controversy over the extreme conservatism of nominee John Roberts,
it is worth analyzing what the other side of the Supreme Court has to
offer advocates of international law and human rights
Let's Talk Representation
If Reservation Is Against Merit
By V.B.Rawat
The supreme court verdict on the issue of unaided
minority institution gives a freehand to the people who have always
wanted the education to be the domain a few people and communities.
Unfortunately, these institutions serving in the name of minorities
will end up creating more brahmins for our country. The very purpose
of educating poor andminorities gets defeated
16 August, 2005
Figures Show: US Controls Iran Permanently...
By Henk Ruyssenaars
Coming September 3d, when IAEA chief Mohamed ElBaradei
reports on Iran's nuclear activities, the figures in this article will
be used concerning the number of visits in the field to inspect in Iran.
Showing that for years already nuclear development in Iran has been
controlled by the US and UN: day and night. So: Why War?
Cindy Sheehan's
By Tom Hayden
Cindy Sheehan inhabits an alternative world of
meaning that more Americans need to experience before this war can end.
She represents the survivors' need to define a meaning in her son's
death - and her life - that is counter to the meaning offered by President
Redemption Within
Reach For
The American Empire
By Jason Miller
My wife and I will travel from our home in Kansas
to be at the White House on September 24 to help hundreds of thousands
of others delivering the demands for social justice and peace. It is
my sincere belief that there are many others who care as much as she
and I do, and it is my sincere hope that together we can reinvigorate
the soul of America
A Constitution
That Means Nothing
To Ordinary Iraqis
By Robert Fisk
Behind ramparts of concrete and barbed wire, the
framers of Iraqs new constitution wrestled yesterday to prevent
- or bring about - the federalisation of Iraq while their compatriots
in the hot and fetid streets outside showed no interest in their efforts
Miracle Of Rare Device
By Uri Avnery
Sharon's outlook is simple. He wants to expand
Israel's borders as much as possible, and minimize the number of Arabs
within them. Therefore it makes sense to him to give up the tiny Gaza
strip with the million and half Palestinians living there, and also
the centers of Palestinian population in the West Bank
Of Sri Lankas Foreign Minister
Threatens A Return To Civil War
By K. Ratnayake
The assassination of Sri Lankas foreign minister
Lakshman Kadirgamar last Friday has greatly heightened political tensions
throughout the country and the danger of a return to civil war
Women, "Their" Women
By Ram Puniyani
The shifting of girls' college away from Muslim
locality by the BJP led Madhya Pradesh government reveals the deeper
communal agenda, it does intensify the communalization process in the
manners which are novel and horrific, both at the same time
The Nanavati
Report And After
By Praful Bidwai
India's claim to high stature in the world does
not lie in a Security Council seat or in nuclear weapons, and not even
in economic might. It lies in democracy and pluralism. That claim will
be reduced to a farce if heinous mass-level crimes and barbaric forms
of collective victimisation go unpunished. That would be a tragedy not
just for Delhi's Sikhs or Gujarat's Muslims, but for all Indian citizens
14 August, 2005
Raises Option Of Using Force Against Iran
By Reuters
President Bush said on Israeli television he could
consider using force as a last resort to press Iran to give up its nuclear
Is Iraq War
Fuelling GCC's Economic Boom?
By Emilie Rutledge
Since the US-led invasion and occupation of Iraq,
the price of oil has steadily climbed upwards. A barrel of oil today
costs twice as much as it did on the eve of combat, back in March 2003.At
the same time all six Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) states have experienced
levels of economic growth not witnessed since the 1970s
Ten Minutes
By Robert Fisk
"Another suicide bombing in Baghdad. An attack
on a police patrol. Four policemen dead." Welcome back to the city
of one thousand and one nights
or 'Against' The Gaza Disengagement Plan
By Tamar Amir
Jewish settlement youth were distributing ribbons
in two colors, orange and blue/white. The orange ribbons represent those
'against' the Gaza disengagement plan. The white/blue on the other hand
represent those 'with' the Gaza disengagement plan
Terrorism, Agriculture
And U.S India Cooperation
By Vandana Shiva
The India - US Agreement on Agriculture and Science
and Technology will breed more insecurity and erode people's capacity
to make choices. It will therefore fail in its two prime objectives
of promoting democracy and ending terrorism
An Evaluation
Of The Communal Violence (Suppression) Bill, 2005
By Colin Gonsalves
The big question is, would a communal violence
law have prevented the 1984 riots? My guess is that the Communal Violence
(Suppression) Bill, 2005, in its present draft, would have proved a
13 August, 2005
Discrimination Root Cause Of Conflict in Nepal
By Center for Human Rights and Global Justice
Caste discrimination is a root cause and an insidious
consequence of the civil war in Nepal, the Center for Human Rights and
Global Justice charged in a new report
The Worlds Largest Prison
By Ghali Hassan
Israels disengagement plan is
nothing but an Israeli PR over-sold by Western media as the brutality
of the Occupation continues unhindered, and Israel will continue to
guard the worlds largest open-air prison
Saudi Arabia
A House Built On Sand
By Anne Ashford
The recent death of King Fahd has focused attention
on the tensions in Saudi Arabia
Protest At Bushs
Ranch Gathers Momentum
By Kate Randall
The protest in Crawford, Texas, by Cindy Sheehan,
the mother of a fallen soldier in Iraq, has gained strength and momentum
since she arrived last Saturday and set up camp down the road from George
W. Bushs ranch
Let's Play War:
How Militarism
Is Marketed To Children
By Lucinda Marshall
Parents are becoming more aware of the presence
of military recruiters in high schools because of the No Child Left
Behind Act which requires schools to turn over contact information on
students to the military unless the students request that their records
not be shared
India And
Pakistan's Deadly Code Of Dishonour
By Salman Rushdie
In honour-and-shame cultures like those of India
and Pakistan, male honour resides in the sexual probity of women, and
the "shaming" of women dishonours all men
Hiroshima Memories
Don't Deter South Asia's Hawks
By J. Sri Raman
The Hiroshima-Nagasaki week has come and gone,
leaving India's peace movement preparing to face a tougher challenge
over the coming years
12 August, 2005
Right Time For An Islamic Reformation
By Salman Rushdie
What is needed is a move beyond tradition -- nothing
less than a reform movement to bring the core concepts of Islam into
the modern age, a Muslim Reformation to combat not only the jihadist
ideologues but also the dusty, stifling seminaries of the traditionalists,
throwing open the windows to let in much-needed fresh air
British Muslims
Face Increased Racist
Attacks And State Harassment
By Mike Ingram
Police figures on religious hate crimes
have revealed a sixfold increase in attacks, particularly against Muslims,
since the July 7 terror bombings
Global Warming
Hits 'Tipping Point'
By Ian Sample
A vast expanse of western Siberia is undergoing
an unprecedented thaw that could dramatically increase the rate of global
Shameless Collaborators
By V.B.Rawat
The ghost of the 1984 massacre of Sikhs has returned
to haunt the Congress. For two days you make noise in the parliament
and then ask a person to resign. It's good but not enough
Stop Funding
By Yoginder Sikand & Biju Mathew
Biju Mathew is a prominent Indian leftist social
activist based in New York. In this interview he talks about his work,
particularly about the Campaign to Stop Funding Hate that has sought
to stop American funding to Hindutva groups in India
The Vanished
Of Punjab
By Rajesh Ramachandran
From 1984 to 1994, the Punjab Police was at its
brutal best. A decade later, NHRC is still to administer justice
11 August, 2005
Iranian Nightmare
By Michael Schwartz
The record of Bush administration belligerence
makes it difficult to imagine America's top leadership giving up the
ambition of toppling the Islamic regime in Iran. And who knows where
future Washington plans and dreams are likely to lead -- perhaps to
destruction, certainly to bitter ironies of every sort
Comparing Japanese,
Jihadist And UK-US War Crimes
By Gideon Polya
As we celebrate the 60th anniversary of the final
end of World War 2 , it is useful to compare the human cost of jihadist
terrorism and UK-US state terrorism with other violent crimes against
humanity such as WW2 war crimes
The New American
Security State
By David Sugar
Fresh on the heals of the London Bombings overseas,
US government, known otherwise for dismembering state involvement when
used to protect citizens from corporate greed, has been quick to exploit
these incidents to further usher in the new security state
The Revolution
is NOW...
By Sheila Samples
By the time Cindy Sheehan leaves her station at
the pig farm, Bush will know that he was wrong. He will know, because
"Mother" is not just half a word . "Mother" is Nature.
"Mother" is Earth. "Mother" is an invincible, protective
force that, if awakened and sufficiently outraged, will sweep the entire
murderous bunch from their seats of evil power. Ultimately, "Mother"
will bring our troops home
Cheney + Pakistan
= Iran
By Jason Leopold
Bush, Vice President Cheney and top members of
the administration reacted with shock when they found out that Abdul
Qadeer Khan, Pakistans top nuclear scientist, spent the past 15
years selling outlaw nations nuclear technology and equipment. So it
was sort of a surprise when Bush, upon finding out about Khans
proliferation of nuclear technology, let Pakistan off with a slap on
the wrist
Slain Brazilian's
Family Demands Answers
By Gibby Zobel
Since Alex Pereira found out that London's Metropolitan
Police killed his cousin with eight bullets to the head and shoulder,
his world has turned upside down
The Ugly Case: NHRC
Of Nepal
By ACHR Review
The National Human Rights Commission of Nepal which
played a crucial role to monitor human rights violations both by the
security forces and the Maoists since its inception today stands as
the most discredited National Human Rights Institution in the Asia Pacific
The Shanghaification
Of Mumbai
By Medha Patkar & Joe Athialy
The Shanghai dream, as it is reflected in the Vision
Mumbai Plan, is to reduce the slum population, which is 60 per cent
today to 10 per cent. But it fails to say how
In Private Sector:Not A Charity,
But A Social Necessity
By Dr. K. Vidyasagar Reddy
This concept of private reservation cannot be considered
as charity, but a right from a government that exposed its hollowness.
Further, it is a necessity as the government failed to create jobs to
its qualified aspirants
10 August, 2005
Years Since Hiroshima And Nagasaki
By Joseph Kay
An article in three-parts marking 60 years since
the dropping of atomic bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and
Bob Herbert's
By Bill Henderson
Finally the true story of war in Iraq has been
told in major media in the US, in the NY Times. In Bob Herbert's Oil
and Blood column there's the motive, premeditation, deceit and then
aggression in a crime, an illegal war, we are all witness to
Howard Dean And
By Joshua Frank
Don't' believe the hype, for nothing could be more
damaging to building a left alternative than believing Howard Dean and
the PDA are avenues for legitimate change in the US
The New Chauvinism
By George Monbiot
I'm not ashamed of my nationality, but I have no
idea why I should love this country more than any other
Watching The
US Economy Crumble
By Paul Craig Roberts
The US continues its descent into the Third World,
but you would never know it from news reports of the Bureau of Labor
Statistics July payroll jobs release
Palestinians In
Israel Find Themselves
Part Of The Disengagement Debate
By Jonathan Cook
Palestinians under Israeli rule - whether Arab
citizens or occupied subjects - are finding themselves being pushed
into the same corner, victims of the same oppressive and racist policies.
The more Israel presses on with its "unfinished business"
from 1948, the more likely it is that a third, even more violent intifada
is just around the corner
The Real Buddha
By Chandrabhan Prasad
Questioning the theory of Buddha's Parivraja or
09 August, 2005
Next For Wikimania?
By Danny Schechter
Knowledge is said to be power and the "Wiki
way" of sharing knowledge is very powerful. Perhaps its time for
those who would change the world consider adopting the participatory
process that the Wikipedians are using to great effect and with a measurable
George Bush Knows
Why They Hate Us
By Jason Miller
Terrorist acts and acts of military aggression
are morally repugnant. Those committing these crimes deserve to face
justice. Regrettably, as evidenced by the poignant example of Iraq,
the leaders of the United States have been committing war crimes and
acts of terrorism for years without consequence
Gitmo's Kangaroo
Court: First Torture Them,
Then Rig Their Trials
By Joshua Frank
The Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) obtained
two leaked emails from former military prosecutors at Guantanamo Bay
over the weekend of July 30. The emails both claim that the military
committees set up to try detainees at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba are "rigged,
fraudulent, and thin on evidence against the accused."
Mumbai Flooded
By Ram Kumar
An estimated 20 million people across the state
of Maharashtra have been affected by the flooding. Damage to industry,
agriculture and infrastructure is put at between $US700 and $2.8 billion.
The slow response of state and national governments to the crisis has
provoked angry demonstrations by victims who have been left without
food, water, shelter and other essentials
Dalit movement
At The Cross Road
By V.B.Rawat
It is time for us to provide our own democratic
secular progressive vision and rather then just work on an agitation
mode forever. We need to introspect and bring the last man into our
mainstream, otherwise these contradiction are powerful enough to destroy
the legacy of a powerful man, named as Ambedkar
Enquiry Commissions
As Black Hole
By Sorit Gupto
The police atrocities on agitating unemployed workers
of Honda Scooter corporation of Gurgaon and its later developments should
not seen as isolated incidence.The incident is just the tip of the iceberg
of the new world 'order' and its overall impact to the common masses
24 July, 2005
Marx Is The Man Of The Moment
By Francis Wheen
The BBC poll suggests that Marx's portrayal of
the forces that govern our lives -- and of the instability, alienation
and exploitation they produce -- still resonates, and can still bring
the world into focus. Far from being buried, he may only now be emerging
in his true significance
or Terrorists
By Ghali Hassan
Western powers are too busy condemning retail terrorism,
while turning a blind eye to Israels policy of daily acts of terrorism
against the Palestinians. For these reasons Israel should be condemned
and force to abandon its policy of genocide against the Palestinian
Black Men Can't
By Paul Myers
Up until Jean Charles de Menezes was shot in Stockwell,
I was scared of the explosions. Now there's a double whammy. Do I worry
about the Asian with the backpack or the nonchalant white guy?
23 July, 2005
Illegal War:Final
By Bill Henderson
Humanity's Bottleneck condition promises fierce
competition for resources. In this context the Bush Administration sent
a signal to the world in invading Iraq. The world is a much more dangerous
place for everybody because the Bush Administration chose a resource
war path, a path for all of us toward a nuclear World War Three
Al Qaeda or
Al Fayda- Roots of Global Terror
By Ram Puniyani
Lured by the oil wealth of the region US-UK axis
has violated every possible international law and have removed all roadblocks
to its pursuits for profit (Fayda). This axis also attacked Afghanistan
and Iraq telling the World that this is the only way to make their countries
safer for themselves
By Tom Turnipseed
Ecocide means destroying our ecosystem by actions
of the human species. Human activity like war and the profligate use
of our ecosystems resources is ecocidal
By Merit or birth?
By Vimlaksh Gautam
The caste Hindus have to realise that reservation
is a direct result of our unkind past and it will take some adjustment
and understanding on their behalf when the SC/ST's feel confident enough
to pursue their progress without any state help
22 July, 2005
Woos India With "World Power Illusions
By Keith Jones
One indication of the importance powerful sections
of the Washington establishment attach to the India card
is demonstrated by a recent CIA report which reputedly identified India
as the most important swing state in the worlds geo-political
systemthat is to say a state that could either ally with the US
or become a party to anti-US alliance
Suicide Attacks
By Subhash Gatade
It is high time that the civilised world
while mourning for the 50 plus innocents who died on 7/7 also gets ready
to mourn the innocents who are getting killed daily on the streets of
Iraq, Afghanistan or for that matter Palestine
London: Another
Casualty Of The "War on Terror"
By William Blum
In the period leading up to the US invasion of
Iraq, from many quarters came the warnings of the great chaos and violence
this would lead to in various parts of the world, the many new anti-Americans
-- terrorists and otherwise -- who would be produced. But I think it
can be said now that the consequences have been even worse than predicted
Srebrenica,Thinking Of Fallujah
By Ghali Hassan
Will Western leaders who commemorated Srebrenica
massacre and promised to bring the indicted leaders to justice
apply the same standards of justice to those who committed the Fallujah
Orwellian Media
Won't Report
UK-US State Terrorism
By Gideon Polya
In relation to "terrorism" there is a
huge gulf between mainstream media reportage and actual reality - a
huge media lie encapsulated in the dishonest and semantically absurd
phrase "War on Terror"
Resort To Fear
By Noam Chomsky
The resort to fear by systems of power to discipline
the domestic population has left a long and terrible trail of bloodshed
and suffering which we ignore at our peril. Recent history provides
many shocking illustrations
Blood, Ink,
And Oil: The Case of Darfur
By David Morse
Oil rigs are now drilling on land seized from black
African farmers - who have been killed, raped, and driven off their
land by their own government through its proxy militias, known as Janjaweed,
in a campaign of ethnic cleansing now in its third year
Scorched Earth
By John Vidal
With forest fires, failing crops and reservoirs
running on empty, southern Europe is in the grip of the worst drought
since records began. But why is it happening?
21 July, 2005
Cost Of Israel And US Wars
By Gideon Polya
In the post-war era the US has economically and
militarily dominated the people and resource utilization of the World
and is accordingly complicit in the associated horrendous global avoidable
mortality (currently about 20 million per year). The post-1950 avoidable
mortality (excess mortality) has been 1.3 billion (for the World)
Battle For The West Bank
And East Jerusalem
By Am Johal
Last week marked the one year anniversary of the
International Court of Justice decision declaring the construction of
the Separation Wall in East Jerusalem and the Occupied Palestinian Territories
Failure In
By Thomas Riggins
What is true of Falluja is also true for the country
itself. Falluja is a microcosm of Iraq
The Daily
Horrors Of Iraq
Have Been Brought Home
By John Pilger
No one doubts the atrocious inhumanity of those
who planted the bombs that killed and caused mayhem in London. No one
should also doubt that this outrage has been coming since the day Tony
Blair joined George Bush in their bloody invasion and occupation of
Predicting The Inevitable
By Brita Rose
How many more predictable and inevitable revenge attacks do we have
to witness or suffer before our politicians are either voted out, or
get the message that this foreign policy is not working and there needs
to be a drastic change of strategy? Too many more, I fear
Combating Global
Blue Skies, Green Cities
By Niko Kyriakou
Ignoring inaction at the highest levels of the
U.S. government, 145 mayors across the country have formed a coalition
to combat global warming and begun to reshape their cities using innovative
programs and technologies
India, US Open
Can Of Nuclear Worms
By Praful Bidwai
More than 30 years after the United States walked
out of a nuclear cooperation agreement with India, because it conducted
an atomic test, the two countries have agreed to resume collaboration
in civilian nuclear energy
For A Free Press
By Nuiman
New Delhi based Malayalam magazine Free Press has
been forced to stop its publication for having written against state-sponsored
terrorism. The journalists at Free Press have been under constant attack
from the establishment ever since the magazine boldly covered the wrongs
done to Abdurahman Geelani who was falsely implicated in the Parliament
attack case
20 July, 2005
Asian Nations Rethink US Presence
By Benjamin Robertson
The Great Game, historically played between the
Western powers and Russia, got a shot in the arm in early July when
the Shanghai Co-operation Organisation (SCO), a security alliance dominated
by Russia and China, urged the US and its allies to set a timetable
for troop withdrawal from Central Asian republics
The Great Iraq
Oil Giveaway
By Chris Floyd
Just one day after London's agony, the state terrorists
who perpetrated the ongoing mass atrocity of aggressive war in Iraq
celebrated an important victory in their campaign of violence and fear:
11 juicy oil fields are being put up for tender to international investors
By Robert Dreyfuss
George W. Bushs war in Iraq may not be going
as planned. But for those whove stopped believing the myth that
prewar Iraq represented any sort of threat to the United States, there
is plenty of circumstantial evidence mounting that the real reason for
the American invasion of Iraq was the most obvious one: Oil
Nukes For India;
Threats For Iran
By Norman Solomon
President Bush agreed yesterday to share civilian
nuclear technology with India, reversing decades of U.S. policies designed
to discourage countries from developing nuclear weapons
The London Bombings:Why
Did It Happen?
By Chris Marsden
The response of the Labour government to the July
7 bombings in London has been a mixture of hand-wringing and hypocrisy
19 July, 2005
Sends Troops Back To Afghanistan
By James Cogan
The Australian government is sending troops back
to Afghanistan some two-and-a-half years after they were withdrawn
Get Out The Vote
By Seymour M. Hersh
Did Washington try to manipulate Iraqs election?
6/7: The Massacre
The World Ignored
By Naomi Klein
When terror strikes western capitals, it doesn't
just blast bodies and buildings, it also blasts other sites of suffering
off the media map. A massacre in Haiti alleged to have taken place the
day before the London bombings never even entered the media map