30 April , 2011
All Arbs To March On Israel On May 15th
By Dr. Ashraf Ezzat
To commemorate the Palestinian exodus day 1948 ( Nakba) when well over 750000 Palestinians were forcibly expelled out of their home land by Israel, similar number of angry Arab protesters from Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon along with their Palestinian brothers from Gaza and the occupied west bank will advance toward Israel on May 15th in what they call, the third intifada
Egypt Warns Israel: Don't Interfere With
Opening Of Gaza Border Crossing
By Haaretz
Chief of Staff of the Egyptian Armed Forces General Sami Anan warned Israel against interfering with Egypt's plan to open the Rafah border crossing with Gaza on a permanent basis, saying it was not a matter of Israel's concern, Army Radio reported on Saturday. Egypt announced this week that it intended to permanently open the border crossing with Gaza within the next few days
The War Against Gaddafi's Libya:
The West's Record Of Depleted Uranium Use
By Dr. Peter Custers
Although Western officials routinely deny that they have used depleted uranium in the war on Libya, - they have not excluded its possibility either. There are ample reasons to suspect that the denials are a war tactic, as was the initial denial stating that Western powers do not target bringing down Gaddafi´s government
US Intervention In Syria
By Stephen Lendman
Despite genuine popular Middle East/North Africa uprisings, Washington's dirty hands orchestrated regime change plans in Egypt, Libya, Yemen, Jordan, and Syria as part of its "New Middle East" project
Three Question Quiz For Leftist Liberals
Regarding (1) Oil Profits; (2) Libyan Rebels;
(3) Sex, Romance, Maturity, & Integrity
By Mary Lynn Cramer
Exxon Mobil Corporation reports a $10.65 billion first-quarter profit this week (4/28/11)—that's 69% more than for the same period last year. According to Amy Goodman's media contact in Libya, many of the anti-government “rebels” are wealthy professionals who own two or three cars and several homes
Sierra Leone : 50 Long Years
By Meha Dixit
How far has this tiny West African country come almost a decade after the conflict ended in 2002 does not seem to concern a number of leading news channels nor does its 50 th anniversary of independence from the British rule. This aside, let's take a glimpse into post independence Sierra Leone
On Suicides of Dalit Students In
India's Premier Educational Institutions
By Insight Foundation
The disproportionate numbers of Dalit and Adivasi students committing suicides, especially, in premier institutions also points towards the kind of caste discrimination prevalent in these campuses
Fear Factor In Gujarat
By Farzana Versey
If it were not so tragic, the story of the Gujarat riots might have qualified for an edge-of-the-seat thriller. Witnesses are either coming out of the woodwork or turning hostile. Every accusation is termite-like eating into the riots case
J&K’s Favourite NHPC Facing 584 Litigations,
Four Criminal Liabilities
By Syed Junaid Hashmi
National Hydroelectric Project Corporation (NHPC) which has been major stake in Jammu and Kashmir’s Hydroelectricity generations has 584 litigations including four criminal liabilities, with financial implication of Rs 5.9 million pending in various courts across the country
29 April , 2011
India Joins Global Ban on Endosulfan,
Sadly with Exemptions
By Gopal Krishna
Endosulfan has finally been PUT under Annex A of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs), with exemptions for few countries like India. This means a global ban of all production and use after 5 years (possibly extended to 10 years for some exemptions)
Questions About "Hamas-Fatah Reconciliation"
By Ali Abunimah
If there is an agreement on a joint “government” how can it possibly function without Israeli approval? Will Israel allow Hamas ministers be able to operate freely in the occupied West Bank? Will PA officials be able to move freely between the West Bank and Gaza?
One Word - Bravo!
By Uri Avnery
The news about the reconciliation agreement between Fatah and Hamas is good for peace. If the final difficulties are ironed out and a full agreement is signed by the two leaders, it will be a huge step forward for the Palestinians – and for us
As A Holocaust Survivor,
AIPAC Doesn't Speak For Me
By Hedy Epstein
The vicious discrimination brought to bear against Palestinians in the occupied territories deserves no applause from members of Congress attending the AIPAC conference
Oil Bosses Rake In Record Profits
As US Economy Stalls
By Patrick Martin
Exxon-Mobil, the world’s biggest and most profitable corporation, raked in a staggering $10.7 billion in profits during the first quarter of 2011, the company reported Thursday. One year after the Gulf oil disaster, BP posted a first-quarter profit of $7.1 billion, an increase of 17 percent. Occidental Petroleum saw its profits soar 46 percent to $1.55 billion in the first quarter, while Apache Corporation netted $1.1 billion, an increase of 51 percent
The Economic And Social Losses On The Way
By Emily Spence
What sorts of problems will exist in times ahead? What can we do to deal with them? A suggestion ...
"Energy And Economic Myths"
By Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen
An article from 1975 by Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen author of the The Entropy Law and the Economic Process, which situated the view that the second law of thermodynamics, i.e., that usable "free energy" tends to disperse or become lost in the form of "bound energy", governs economic processes
America's Terminal Decline
By Stephen Lendman
What distinguished experts long knew (timetables aside), the IMF just recognized, saying China's economy will surpass America's in 2016. If so, it will signal an end to the "Age of America," and no wonder after decades of heedless profligacy
Sri Lankan Government Denounces
UN War Crimes Findings
By K. Ratnayake
UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and his appointed panel of experts to investigate war crimes in Sri Lanka have become the object of a campaign of denunciation in Colombo, not only by the government, but also the media and main opposition parties
No Justice, No Peace: Canadian Mining
In Ecuador And Impunity
By Carlos Zorrilla & Cyril Mychalejko
Intag residents lose much more than a lawsuit against the Toronto Stock Exchange and Copper Mesa
Protect Sanjiv R. Bhatt
By Concerned Citizens
A letter to home minister P. Chidambaram on protection of Sanjiv R. Bhatt
Tracing The Smear Trail !
By Shazia Ilmi
The moot question in the recent tsunami of allegations against the Civil society members of Draft Committee of the Lokpal bill is whether it is mere ineptness, intellectual lethargy or selective amnesia that has prevented many journalists from raising certain questions? Questions about the timing, probity and motives of those who initiated this vilification against the Bhushans
A Story Of Afghan Conflict
By Rizwan Asghar
Decades from now, when the US would have withdrawn its forces from Afghanistan after a humiliating defeat, historians will puzzle over what made the most sophisticated and developed army of the world fail against a ragtag and untrained army of militants
By David Sparenberg
Can we say: I am a human being, living here, in this time, in this space, a citizen of the world; an integral and engaged member of this One Earth Global Village. I am a Hindu and a Moslem, a Christian and a Buddhist, a Pagan and a Jew
28 April , 2011
US, NATO Defend Policy Of Targeting Gaddafi
By Patrick Martin
The Obama administration and spokesmen for NATO have publicly defended the targeting of Libyan ruler Muammar Gaddafi through air strikes on his residential compound in Tripoli, the Libyan capital. NATO warplanes struck the residence on Monday and destroyed much of it, but the Libyan leader escaped the assassination attempt unhurt
Libya: Drones Of Disaster
By Frank Scott
Having sent one of it’s most lethal drone weapons to Libya in the person of Senator McCain, the U.S. more firmly established its murderous bias in a civil war it has promoted and possibly helped organize
Crowdsourcing Japan's Radiation Levels
By D. Parvaz
A group of motivated individuals have come together to create a community approach to gathering radiation data in Japan
Bearing Witness To Collapse
By Paul Chefurka
These days I’m putting all my chips on abetting that r/evolution of human consciousness, by acting as a vocal witness to the unfolding collapse
Questions We Should Be Asking
By Timothy V. Gatto
The worm is turning. It may be an oversimplification, but I believe the political momentum is in favor of the American Left. People are tired of corporate welfare
Supreme Court Lets Corporations
Ban Class Actions
By Stephen Lendman
The Court blocked "a class action lawsuit alleging AT&T Inc. (T) wireless subsidiary acted fraudulently by charging sales tax on cellphones that it advertised as free. The case was considered a test of the enforceability of arbitration agreements that bar individuals from pooling their claims together in a class action."
Professor Hassan Diab: Unjustly Victimized
By Stephen Lendman
The case of former University of Ottawa and Carleton University Professor Hassan Diab is disturbing and shocking
A Sad Certificate
By Farooque Chowdhury
This is part of a campaign to de-legitimate the Obama presidency. And, this de-legitimacy campaign is part of an effort to distract the American people from the burning issues of job, home, health care, tax, budget, debt, CEO bonus, bailout money, economic reform, and wars abroad
Why Do I, Among Others,
Feel Excluded, Mr. Hazare?
By Sharib Ali & Shazia Nigar
As the Bill gets embroiled in controversy, loosing its strength as several key people threaten to disassociate themselves, along with a number of others who already have, its time not to play identity politics, but to work towards something which will be a step towards inhibiting the conscious and unscrupulous looting of the common people of India- and this means a lot more than just bringing to task all those who have been caught in scams. And when that happens Mr.Hazare, I would like to be a part of it
27 April , 2011
US, UK Plot Libya War Escalation
By Bill Van Auken
The civilian and uniformed chiefs of the US and British militaries met in Washington Tuesday to plot a sharp escalation of the imperialist intervention in Libya. Among the top items on their agenda are plans to continue attempts to assassinate Libyan ruler Muammar Gaddafi by means of a “precision” air strike
The Hidden Horrors Of WikiLeaks’
Guantánamo Files
By Andy Worthington
These documents released by WikiLeaks deserve to be read widely, and to be acted upon decisively by Americans who care about justice and the rule of law
Lies, Damn Lies, And Misreporting
About Gitmo Detainees
By Stephen Lendman
Post-9/11, The New York Times became the lead misreporting source about Guantanamo detainees, largely characterizing them as dangerous terrorists threatening US security
Israel's Lawless Arrest Of Ahmad Qatamish
By Stephen Lendman
Qatamish's latest ordeal began before dawn on April 21 when Israeli soldiers and intelligence officers arrested him, his wife, daughter, and two other female relatives (including a 14-year old child). He alone was taken to Beitunia's Ofer detention center
Politics -- Spinning Out of Control
By Sheila Samples
When we see these selfish, immoral, corporate-owned money changers -- both Democrats and Republicans -- being hurled out of House windows and doors, it's possible that the Lord responded to the good Reverend Coughlin, and His Spirit -- at long last -- will have descended upon the Chamber
Republican And Democratic Plans For Medicare
And Medicaid Misguided: Push For
Privatization Will Accelerate Costs And Deaths
By Margaret Flowers
Underneath cuts to Medicare and Medicaid is a dangerous trend of increasing privatization of health care in the U.S
North American Perimeter Security
And The Militarization Of The Northern Border
By Dana Gabriel
With the release of a U.S. Congressional report that found only a small fraction of the border with Canada was being adequately monitored, there is now more focus being placed on the northern border. As a result of increased scrutiny, there are efforts to militarize and expand surveillance on the Canada-U.S. border
Fukushima's Abandoned Dogs
By Mary Hamer, M.D
Plight of Fukushima 's abandoned animals, including dogs -- in the aftermath of the Fukushima Nuclear accident of March 2011
The Story of Dr. Yunus And Grameen Bank
By Badruddin Umar
The government of Bangladesh did not snatch away Nobel Peace Prize from Dr. Muhammad Yunus which was bestowed on him by the imperialist powers, and in any case they have no power to do so. They simply have removed him from his post of managing director of Grameen Bank on legal grounds. This was done according to the rules of the Bangladesh Bank and the law of the land
Narayanpatna: A Report From Ground Zero
A Fact Finding Report
Preliminary report of the DSU fact finding visit to Narayanpatna, Odisha
New Awakening And Confidence
In The Battle Against Corruption
By Kavita Krishnan
Is it a threat to democracy and democratic process for people, through democratic protests, to demand a say in what kind of law a Government introduces? Many critics of the anti-corruption movement that emerged around the fast by Anna Hazare on the Lokpal Bill issue seem to believe so
Bhagwan Satya Sai: Faith Marginalizes Reason
By Ram Puniyani
The death of Satya Sai Baba, April 24th 2011, has created a big turmoil. One hopes that some semblance of reason is brought forth while dealing with the innumerable Godmen, flourishing all around like mushrooms
Indian Jamaat-e-Islami Finally Discards
Its Longstanding Pretence Of Being
A Benign Religio-Cultural Organisation
By Sahil Khan
The floating of the new political party by the Jamaat thus represents a shift in terms of the Indian Jamaat’s strategy in the face of a transformed political context. Yet this does not necessarily mean a transformation of its overall ideology. Given the Jamaat’s particular understanding of Islam, which many other Muslims do not accept, it is not surprising that the move has provoked considerable debate, including visceral opposition, in Muslim circle
MPK : The Disdainful Crusader
Against "Secular Fatwas"
By Sadanand Patwardhan
What is galling however is the heady brew of innuendoes and facts that are distilled by Kishwar and with which she expects to knock over most. She has been trenchantly critical of Medha Patkar over the years. No one is above criticism. Not even Patkar. But Kishwar it appears for some unknown reason is viscerally allergic to Patkar
26 April , 2011
Japan’s Nuclear Crisis Far From Over
By Peter Symonds
Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), estimates six to nine months will be required to bring all the reactors to what is known as cold shutdown. The damage to the cores of units 1, 2 and 3 is at this stage unknown; the normal reactor cooling systems are not operating and large amounts of highly radioactive water still have to be removed
Chernobyl Survivor Warns Of 'Bombshell' In Japan
By Channel News Asia
A survivor of the Chernobyl disaster says people exposed to radiation from Japan's crippled nuclear plant will spend the rest of their lives fearing the "bombshell" of cancer and other dire illnesses
WikiLeaks Reveals Secret Guantánamo Files,
Exposes Detention Policy As A Construct Of Lies
By Andy Worthington
In its latest release of classified US documents, WikiLeaks is shining the light of truth on a notorious icon of the Bush administration’s "War on Terror" — the prison at Guantánamo Bay
Living Economies: Learning From The Biosphere
By David Korten
How we humans can redesign our failing systems by turning back to nature—and learning to live by the rules of life
Cornerstones Of A Rooted Economy
By Robin Broad & John Cavanagh
Can the small fishers of Trinidad and Tobago become pillars of a new economy when the oil- and gas-based economy finally runs dry?
Partial Understanding On Planet Easter Island
By Guy McPherson
The recent S&P downgrade of U.S. debt is yet another example of a circus sideshow in a nation filled with clowns sleepwalking off a cliff
Bahrain: Beginning Of International Awareness
Amid More Anti-Shia Campaign
By Bahrain Freedom Movement
The situation on the ground is deteriorating as more acts of revenge against the majority Shia Muslims continued. More mosques have been demolished in the past few days, bringing the total to more than 27. The people, however, have continued their anti-regime protests
Brutal State Terror In Bahrain
By Stephen Lendman
On April 22, Physicians for Human Rights (PHR) condemned the violence in a public statement and new report titled, "DO NO HARM: A Call for Bahrain to End Systematic Attacks on Doctors and Patients," as well as against protesters demanding change
Systematic Injustice Against Sundiata Acoli
By Stephen Lendman
Today in America, heroic activists are incarcerated unjustly, including Mumia Abu-Jamal, Leonard Peltier, Ramsey Muniz, Oscar Lopez Rivera, the Cuban Five, lawyers Lynne Stewart and Paul Bergrin, and, among many others, Sundiata Acoli (born Clark Edward Squire) for 38 years
Is There Anyone To Hear This Boy’s Cry?
By Gladson Dungdung
The worst thing is Anup Oraon has not even seen his father since his birth. When he was born his father Paulus Oraon was already behind the bars. Though he cannot express his pains, sufferings and sorrows in words but his endless cry, anguish and anxiety are enough for describing everything he has been undergoing in the absence of his father
Among Ciphers, Barn Burners And Confidence Artists:A Comb-Over Treatment For Declining Empire
By Phil Rockstroh
The troubles of the U.S. are many and spreading. As a nation, our prospects at home and prestige abroad are thinning. Apropos, Donald Trump is the man of this empty hour -- just the manqué of the moment to give the problems that are besetting the nation a comb-over treatment
Citizens of 48 Nations Fought US Invading
Afghanistan(779 Men in Guantanamo)
By Jay Janson
Citizens from forty-eight nations are against what America does? No, there are citizens of every country in the world who are against the America prerogative of killing from the sky anyone Americans choose to
Is Myanmar At A Crossroads?
By Brian McAfee
What direction will Derek Mitchell, the new U.S. envoy, encourage Myanmar to take? Only time will tell, but the operations of Chevron in other countries besides Burma is possibly an ominous sign of events to come. Particularly the devastation that Chevron has caused in Ecuador does not bode well
Shadow Over Democracy In Punjab
By Rajesh Kumar Sharma
Illuminating the dark implications of some recent Punjab legislation
Endosulfan: Compensation To The Victims
Is Crucial
By S.Faizi
While it is heartening that the entire Kerala is aligned against the endosulfan scourge, it is important not to miss the need to pay adequate compensation to the victims based on the universally agreed polluter pays principle
Sachin Tendulkar's Walk: Playing Fair And Square
On The Green Fields
By Dr. Murali Sivaramakrishnan
When Tendulkar walked away he was playing fair and square on the green fields! But he was also making a statement that rules and regulations are invisibly present in the game and this sport is essentially a play that needed to be played out within a structure-- an arbitrary system-- that is always open-ended
Goldhagen’s Insincere Attempt To Explain
Eliminationist Policy
By Dr. Habib Siddiqui
Book Review: Worse Than War by Daniel Jonah Goldhagen
25 April , 2011
Guantánamo Leaks Lift Lid On World's
Most Controversial Prison
By David Leigh, James Ball, Ian Cobain & Jason Burke
More than 700 leaked secret files on the Guantánamo detainees lay bare the inner workings of America's controversial prison camp in Cuba. Innocent people interrogated for years on slimmest pretexts .Children, elderly and mentally ill among those wrongfully held.172 prisoners remain, some with no prospect of trial or release
US Senators Call For Gaddafi’s Assassination
By James Cogan
Senior leaders of the US Congress used appearances on CNN’s “State of the Union” program yesterday to brazenly call for the assassination of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi and a major escalation of air strikes to achieve the war’s real aim—the installation of a compliant puppet regime
President Obama Makes a Fair Trial of
Bradley Manning Impossible By
Declaring Him Guilty
By Kevin Zeese
The “Bradley Manning Exception to the Bill of Rights” Devastates the Credibility of the Military Justice System
'US To Recoup Libya Oil From China’
Interview With Dr. Paul Craig Roberts
Libyan ruler Muammar Qaddafi has made two mistakes: It blocked the US Africa Command by not joining it and let China into Libya with major energy investments instead, says a former US official
Washington On The Rocks
By Alfred W. McCoy & Brett Reilly
An Empire of autocrats, aristocrats, and uniformed thugs begins to totter
The Corporate State Wins Again
By Chris Hedges
The game is over. We lost. The corporate state will continue its inexorable advance until two-thirds of the nation is locked into a desperate, permanent underclass. Most Americans will struggle to make a living while the Blankfeins and our political elites wallow in the decadence and greed of the Forbidden City and Versailles
Capitalism And Class Struggle
By James Petras
While on the surface there is a decline of revolutionary political class struggle from below, there is the potential for economic struggles to become political in so far as inflation erodes gains and political leaders fix rigid ‘guidelines’ on wage advances. Secondly, as Venezuela illustrates, political leaders can provide conditions which favor the advance from economic to political class struggle
BP Stonewalling Compensation To Gulf Residents
By Stephen Lendman
For most Gulf residents, financial, health, family and community circumstances are much worse now than a year ago because of BP's stonewalling and government dismissiveness to their plight, complicit with the company's bottom line priorities
2010 State Department Human Rights
Report On Haiti
By Stephen Lendman
State Department's report reveals disturbing civil and human rights violations, despite understating them. As a result, ordinary Haitians are at risk in a nation spurning democracy because Washington and local oligarchs won't tolerate it
Binayak Gets Bail: When Will All Our
Binayaks Get Justice?
By Dipankar Bhattacharya
While welcoming the bail granted to Dr. Binayak Sen and the remarks made by the judges, the human rights movement cannot lose sight of this larger ongoing war. In fact, the time is now absolutely ripe for a powerful countrywide people’s movement for democratic rights. The draconian laws – some of them archaic, and some are of recent origin – must go
Dear Mr Pope
By Siddharthya Swapan Roy
A disaster is unfolding in one part of the world as we speak – the broken reactors of Japan . Will all the prayer in the world vanish the killer radiation that is oozing out from it or will that be accomplished by engineers and men of science sweating it out there and who will do at least something concrete to cure the situation?
Whose Burden Is The Burqa?
By Farzana Versey
If anyone is benefiting from the Islamist idea, specifically the veil, then it is the western elite or the westernised liberals among Muslims
Extremism Breeds Extremism
By Nazia Nazar
The danger of nuclear arsenals is considered as an imminent threat to this globe; however, the real enemy the world confronts today is extremism. Unfortunately, the words ‘extremists’ and ‘extremism’ are considered as synonyms for Muslims and Islam only, which is a flawed and biased perception propagated by the western media. The fact of the matter is that extremists could be found everywhere in the world belonging to every religion and creed
Satisfying The Zionists: Obama's First Priority
By Kourosh Ziabari
Barack Obama will be facing a serious dilemma in his path toward the 2012 Presidential Elections. Satisfying the Zionist lobby, regaining the confidence of the American public and compelling the international community that he deserves to be a Nobel Peace Prize laureate are all the responsibilities which seem to be quite unachievable and far-fetched for the so-called man of change
24 April , 2011
The Law Of Mother Earth:
Behind Bolivia’s Historic Bill
By Nick Buxton
A new law expected to pass in Bolivia mandates a fundamental ecological reorientation of the nation’s economy and society
Renewable Energy: No Solution For
Consumer Society
By Ted Trainer
It would be difficult to find a more taken for granted, unquestioned assumption than that it will be possible to substitute renewable energy sources for fossil fuels, while consumer-capitalist society continues on its merry pursuit of limitless affluence and growth. There is a strong case that this assumption is seriously mistaken. Following is a summary of the discussion in my forthcoming book Renewable Energy Cannot Sustain Consumer Society
The Battle Ahead
By Lester Brown
Long after the political uprisings in the Middle East have subsided, many underlying challenges that are not now in the news will remain. Prominent among these are rapid population growth, spreading water shortages, and growing food insecurity
Endosulfan: Endgames In Geneva And New Delhi
By Prof. K.M. Seethi
India is one of the largest global producers of endosulfan. It is the supplier of 70 per cent of the world’s endosulfan needs—a market valued at $300 million (Rs. 1,340 crore). Out of the 9,000 tonnes India produces every year, half is bought by the country’s 75 million farmers, making it the world’s largest consumer of endosulfan. That explains New Delhi’s reluctance to impose a ban!
Armenian Genocide Day, Australian Anzac Day
And Australian Holocaust Denial
By Dr Gideon Polya
Armenian Genocide Day, 24 April, commemorates the death of 1.5 million Armenians who died in the Turkish-imposed Armenian Genocide that commenced on 24 April 1915, the day prior to the Anglo-French and Australian and New Zealand Army Corp (ANZAC) invasion of Turkey at Gallipoli in the Dardanelles on 25 April 1915. 25 April is marked as Anzac Day in Australia and New Zealand that commemorates the war dead of both these sister countries. Yet Australia resolutely ignores its causal connection to the Armenian Genocide and indeed to other genocidal atrocities as a participant in Anglo--American wars
Capitalism's Warplanes: CIA AndAl Qaeda Destroy
Socialist Libya's 53rd Highest Living Standard
By Jay Janson
With all the strongest capitalist nations' firepower against what now remains of an Arab socialist society, of its blasted army and its heroic loyal citizen militias, it seems impossible that Gaddafi and his Libya will survive, let alone be able turn this blitzkrieg into a second Bay of Pigs defeat for weaponized private capital
What’s The Harm In Hunting?
By Alyssa B. Johnson
It’s an expression of our most fundamental relationship with nature, but can you really be moral and be a hunter, too?
"Modern Times" Really Akin To The "Dark Ages"
By Sherwood Ross
Humans may believe we live in enlightened times but future historians, (if there are any) will look back at our era as “dirty, crowded, superstitious, dangerous, and primitive” as the Dark Ages, ecologist Carl Safina, president of Blue Ocean Institute, says
Commemorating Palestinian Political Prisoners
By Stephen Lendman
From 1967 - 2008 over 650,000 detained, or about 20% of the total Occupied Territory (OPT) population and 40% of all males. Moreover, since the beginning of the September 2000 second Intifada, 70,000 were interned. According to PCHR, 760,000 have been held since 1967. Currently, it states, about 6,500 are detained, including over 250 children and 37 women
Sleepwalking Into The Imperial Dark
By Tom Engelhardt
What it feels like when a superpower runs off the tracks
Many U.S. Officials See The Events In Bahrain
As Part Of The Chess Game With Iran :
Robert Naiman
Interview by Kourosh Ziabari
In the case of Bahrain , U.S. officials say they are concerned about alienating Saudi Arabia . Also, many U.S. officials see the events in Bahrain as part of the chess game with Iran ; a successful democracy movement there might bring to power a government that would be less hostile to Iran and less friendly to the United States . Even Egypt , under its new government, is moving to thaw relations with Iran . Many in Washington are concerned about this
Obama's Slapstick Open Mic' Routine
By Dave Fryett
Damn the luck! No sooner had he launched his re-election campaign than did our unpopular emperor get tripped up by an open microphone
The Untold Story of the Anna Hazare Phenomenon
By Devinder Sharma
The inside story of the Anna Hazare fast
Shout! Scream! Protest!
By Rohit Mishra
So next time govt tries to silence you, raise your voice. Shout. Scream. Protest. Not just in your homes. But on the road. If govt wants participatory democracy to take form in this way, give them this way. But create a space for intellectual dissent. Participate. Debate. Contribute. Coz if you don’t, you lose that right and empower govt in the battle against you
Need For Rational Alcohol Policy
Instead Of Failed Prohibitionist Approach
By Sukant Khurana & Brooks Robinson
The debate over the merits of alcohol consumption is hotly contested worldwide. There is no doubt that excessive drinking has caused pain and suffering for millions of people. On the other hand, human beings have been enjoying alcoholic beverages since prehistoric times and it is a tradition deeply rooted in many cultures, including Indian. Mild amounts of alcohol can have several health benefits while large doses can be poisonous. Can the two sides be reconciled?
New Islamist-Backed Muslim Political Party
Stirs Intra-Muslim Debate
By Yoginder Sikand
The floating of a new political party, styling itself the ‘Welfare Party of India’ (WPI), by India’s apex Islamist outfit Jamaat-e Islami Hind late last week has, predictably, set off a vigorous debate in Indian Muslim circles
Investigate War Crimes In Sri Lanka
Petition Campaign
Please sign the petition
Petition Campaign Against False Allegations
The recent false allegations by several politicians against Senior Advocate of the Supreme Court Shri Shanti Bhushan and eminent Lawyer Shri Prashant Bhushan shows the level of panic and consternation that has spread among the corrupt elements in the corporate and the political class, at the widespread public anger which has erupted against corruption
Hunger Strike Of The Prisoner
Falsely Accused In 2006 Malegaon Blasts
By Mustafa Khan
After spending more than four and a half years in prison Dr Faroqh Magdumi announced on March 17, 2011 that he would go on hunger strike. He started his hunger strike on April 5th and wrote from Arthur road prison in Mumbai making his reason for taking such crucial step
23 April , 2011
Dozens Killed In Syrian Protests
By the Bill Van Auken
Dozens of protesters were killed in Syria Friday as security forces opened fire on demonstrations called one day after President Bashar al-Assad enacted partial concessions aimed at quelling the unrest
Mounting Libyan Death Toll From
US-NATO Bombings
By Barry Grey
The death toll in Libya from US, French and British air strikes continues to mount and promises to rise sharply as the imperialist powers escalate their attacks on both military and civilian targets
Al Jazeera's War On Gaddafi
By Stephen Lendman
Based on its recent Libyan and Gulf states reporting (or lack thereof), Qatar-based Al Jazeera's credibility appears extremely compromised
Documentary Evidence Confirms
That Iraq War Was About Oil
By Ray McGovern
If you don’t tune in to Amy Goodman’s Democracy Now or read the British press, you will have missed the latest documentary evidence showing that Great Britain’s Lords and Ladies lied about how big oil companies, like BP, lusted after Iraqi oil in the months leading up to the attack on Iraq
Quarter Century Retrospective On
The Chernobyl Nuclear Accident
By Dr. Peter Custers
As a retrospective on the Chernobyl catastrophe easily brings out: one cannot trade one catastrophe against another; one can´t exchange a climate catastrophe for a nuclear catastrophe. On this anniversary we need a sacred pledge in favor of reliance on technologies that are productive, that squarely sustain all forms of life on planet earth
It Is Time For Obama To Demonstrate
True Courage And Statesmanship
By Iqbal Alimohamed
Both Mr Obama and Mr Netanyahu have before them a historic opportunity to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and to leave a legacy of genuine and lasting peace in this embattled region They should strive hard, as Kennedy said, to seize the moment before the issue goes to the UN General Assembly
Pernicious Koch Brothers Political Influence
By Stephen Lendman
With 2012 elections ahead, the Kochs plan to raise $88 million for potential Republican presidential candidates, besides millions more for House and Senate ones, as well as state and local officials
The State Of Human Rights in Bangladesh
By Dr. K. M. A. Malik
Suppression of political and media freedom, extrajudicial killings, deadly border and other issues
Beyond The Lokpal Bill
By Leo F. Saldanha
There is no effort to enquire whether the economic reforms aren't to blame for the sheer scale and grandeur of corruption in India today. Abhorring the thought of making such connections, the influential middle classes by and large believe that institutions such as the Lokpal and Lokayukta can and will tackle the malaise of graft
Idiosyncrasies Afflicting The Indian Middle Class:
A Critical Commentary
By Subit Chakrabarti
The whole hullabaloo surrounding the drafting of the Jan-Lokpal bill betrays manifestations of a strange dichotomy in the actions and thought processes of the Indian middle class, and by extension, the mainstream media (which, by and large, caters to them)
Chidambaram Is Happy
By Mahtab Alam
Binayak Sen gets bail and Mr. Palaniappan Chidambaram is also happy with the judgment. I think it is important to ask hard questions of the Home Minister because his happiness seems to be disingenuous. Isn’t it because of the policies adopted by him and his ministry, hand in glove with the BJP government of Raman Singh (in Chhattisgarh), that Binayak was sent to jail?
Rationing Water or Rationing Human Right
By S. Mohammed Irshad
The Planning Commission of India, vice chair man Montek Singh Ahulwalia declare the one of the future policy initiatives of Government of India i.e rationing of water. While government trying to implement rationing of water the UN declares water as human rights; hence, any attempt on rationing or denying access over water is the violation of human right
Shiv Sena In Konkan Struggle: A Corporate Strategy
By Prabhat Sharan
Has the people’s movement in Konkan been hijacked by the rabid right wing fascist party Shiv Sena? Going by reports appearing in the corporate media it appears that the movement which till now was moving on the lines of people’s aspirations and struggles, has now been taken over by the moribund Shiv Sena
22 April , 2011
April 22, Earth Day:
We Must Stop Climate Catastrophe
By Dr Gideon Polya
We are one species confined to one planet and we revel in the richness of nature and human cultural diversity. The peace and cooperative community we commonly experience at the level of village, town, city and nation should apply internationally throughout Spaceship Earth
What’s With The Weather?
Is Climate Change To Blame?
By Alyson Kenward
One of the thorniest questions facing climate scientists is whether human-induced climate change is leading to more heat waves, floods, and extreme weather events. Now, employing increasingly sophisticated methods of studying weather extremes, climatologists say they are closer to answering that key question
Poisoning Mother Earth:
America's Gulf And Fukushima
By Stephen Lendman
As best we know it, the shocking truth is that preventable disasters keep proliferating life destroying contamination globally. Yet news about them is suppressed, so few people everywhere are unaware how calamitously they're being harmed
Obama Sends Drones To Libya
As Britain Readies Troops
By Bill Van Auken
The Obama administration has joined Britain and France in a major escalation of the war against Libya that entails the deployment of US drones, intensified bombing and the preparation of an invasion force
Benghazi Human Traffickers Back In Business
By Thomas C. Mountain
The human trafficking mafia is back in business in Benghazi, Libya. It has been about three weeks now since a floating death trap, crammed to the gills with hundreds of Horn of Africans, part of a small flotilla of such, set off from Benghazi for the Italian island of Lampedusa
Is The World Too Big To Fail?
By Noam Chomsky
As long as the general population is passive, apathetic, diverted to consumerism or hatred of the vulnerable, then the powerful can do as they please, and those who survive will be left to contemplate the outcome
Tale Of Two Gandhians:
Anna Hazare And Irom Sharmila
By Mahtab Alam
In India, to garner support, it is not enough to be a mere Gandhian, but a Gandhian with a difference-a Gandhian, who can sit with the murders of Gandhi, praise the person who was responsible for genocide in the land of the Mahatma, back the racist and fascist mentalities and policies. ‘Unfortunately', Irom Sharmila disqualifies to be such a Gandhian and I am sure she must be proud of being ‘unfortunate'!
Crisis Of Ambedkarites And Future Challenges
By Anand Teltumbde
Ambedkar Memorial Lecture at Ambedkar Habba, Spoorthi Dham, in Bangalore on 14 April 2011
Sinning Against Zionism: Traitor To Country
By William A. Cook
Richard Goldstone’s journey from Justice to Sinner represents the spiritual act of dying in the Zionist world
Staying Human: The Heroic Legacy Of
Vittorio Arrigoni
By Ramzy Baroud
Vittorio Arrigoni, or Vik, was reportedly murdered by a fundamentalist group in Gaza, a few hours after he was kidnapped on Thursday, April 14. Vik's killers failed to see his humanity. But many of us will always remember, and we will continue trying to “stay human”
Adam Smith: A Progressive?
By Ron Forthofer
Given the recent disaster in which deregulation of part of the U.S. financial sector played a key role, it may be useful to re-examine the writings of Adam Smith, the father of modern economics and capitalism. Many people are familiar with Smith's seemingly all-knowing 'invisible hand', but several of his other important quotes are rarely mentioned
Posada: Protecting A Terrorist
By Dr. Chandra Muzaffar
On the 8th of April 2011, a Court in El Paso, Texas acquitted the notorious terrorist, Luis Posada Carriles, of 11 charges of perjury, fraud and obstruction. By freeing him of all charges, the US authorities proved yet again that they are extremely protective of Posada
United Nations Report On Sri Lanka: Time To Act
By Karthick RM
Activists in Tamil Nadu and politicians who have used the Eelam struggle for their careers should take this UN report seriously. Coming as it is from a recognized legal body, they should use the report to push for the recognition of genocide in the Tamil Nadu Assembly that shall soon be formed after the elections
The Secular Talibans In France:
Are They Any Better?
By Dr. Habib Siddiqui
Although the new law claims to be drafted as gender neutral, the marks of chauvinism, bigotry and xenophobia are all too visible. It clearly targets the few Muslim women who wear the niqab
Oil, Water, And America's Price Priorities
By Mary Shaw
As of April 11, the average price for a gallon of gasoline in the U.S. was $3.79. And I hear people complaining about it all the time. Still, they don't think twice about spending much more per gallon for bottled water
Debtlessness As A Human Right
Interview with Farooque Chowdhury by Sonja Ernst
An interview with Farooque Chowdhury, editor of "Micro Credit Myth Manufactured, Unveiling appropriation of surplus value and an icon"
A Messiah And The Melodramatic Middle class:
‘Rethinking' The Anna Hazare Movement
Against Corruption
By Avinash Pandey Samar
So what is it that makes Anna's movement such a success while condemning workers' protest to the margins of print and electronic media alike? It was lack of politics, nothing else
NAPM In Solidarity With Prashant Bhushan
And Need To Focus On The Lokpal Bill
The triumph of the Lokpal Bill campaign, which shows the effectiveness of people power is clearly unpalatable to certain sections who, rather than discussing the details of the proposed Jan Lokpal Bill, are attempting character assassination of two of India's finest public interest lawyers
Mimesis And The State Of US Democracy
By Gaither Stewart
Reflections on Democracy
16 April , 2011
Arab Spring Yet To Bloom
By Stephen Lendman
Despite months of heroic Middle East/North African uprisings in over a dozen countries from Morocco to Syria to Oman, none so far achieved change, suggesting months, perhaps years, of sustained struggles lie ahead
International Silence Over
The Middle East Felonies
By Kourosh Ziabari
As the U.S.-backed repressive regimes of the Middle East harshly crack down on their unarmed, innocent citizens, the international community has kept a low profile and indifferently watches the massacre of pro-freedom demonstrators in Libya, Bahrain and Yemen by the merciless dictators of the Persian Gulf region
Obama Demands Regime Change In Libya
By Stefan Steinberg
In an open letter issued printed simultaneously in the Washington Post, the Times of London and Le Figaro, the Obama administration, together with the heads of government in France and Great Britain, openly acknowledged that the purpose of the NATO bombing of Libya was regime change, i.e., the forcible expulsion of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi from power
Saudi Arabia Did Not Make Up For Libyan Oil
By Stuart Staniford
Instead of Saudi production increasing to compensate for Libya, total world production decreased, and oil prices went up sharply to enforce the necessary conservation on the world's oil consumers. Rather than trying to flood the market with their oil to help supplies post Libya, the Saudis are ramping back and extracting every dollar they can get
Binayak Sen Granted Bail
By Free Binayak Sen Coalition
Free Binayak Sen Coalition Activists Welcome Supreme Court Bail Decision -Remain Vigilant for Campaign Battles that Lie Ahead
Lobbyocracy Australia Opts For
Disastrous Coal To Gas Transition
By Dr Gideon Polya
The pro-gas, neocon Gillard Labor Government of Lobbyocracy Australia has opted for a disastrous, Carbon Tax-driven coal to gas transition, ignoring the science which says that gas burning for power is worse than coal burning in relation to greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution
Don't Cut Entitlements-Cut The Military
By Timothy V. Gatto
The government wants to cut everything under the sun, but the military is sacrosanct. It's about time we brought the subject up loud enough for these cowards in Washington to hear us. Don't you think?
David Cameron Pushing For A 'Free Ride To India'
By Devinder Sharma
At a time when everyone swears in the name of free markets, none of the UN Permanent members of the Security Council are willing to allow skilled and unskilled workers from the developing countries. Whether we like it or not, the western countries are trying to create the illusion of development and economic growth in a bid to gain a stranglehold of developing country markets. But when it comes to discussing the movement of workers across countries, they simply refuse to talk
Face-Veil Ban: Mixed Muslim Reactions
By Yoginder Sikand
The French ban on the Muslim face veil that came into effect earlier this week has added new dimensions to on-going debates about secularism, democracy, religion, identity, the freedom of choice and gender justice. There is no simple answer to many of the troubling questions that the ban has provoked. Unequivocally approving or condemning the ban, to take any particular side in the fiercely polarised debate about the ban, is not an easy option
Inflation Hits Money And Lies
By Joel S. Hirschhorn
Unemployment at 20 percent, inflation at 10 percent, a multi-trillion dollar national debt, and nothing but lies from politicians. Have you had enough? Do you still believe that voting in different Republicans or Democrats will fix things?
15 April , 2011
Divisions Deepen As NATO Digs In
For A Prolonged War Against Libya
By Stefan Steinberg
Foreign ministers from all 28 NATO countries met in Berlin on Thursday in an atmosphere of growing tension and recriminations between alliance states. The main issue to be discussed at the two-day summit is the NATO led war in Libya
Depleted Uranium Used In Libya
By Thomas C. Mountain
NATO aircraft are routinely equipped with anti-armor missiles fitted with depleted uranium war heads
Iraq , 15 April: The Friday of the Free
By Dirk Adriaensens
Observations from an Iraqi Human Rights activist
International Day Of Peasant’s Struggle
By Farooque Chowdhury
The day, April 17, is not meant to get engaged into adventurous or terrorist acts as those play no role in making social advancement or achieving food security for country. Rather, exposing hollowness of neoliberal ideas and its effects on peasantry can be a way to observe the day
Now Israel Is Free To Declare Its Innocence
Before The International Court Of Justice
By William A. Cook
Thank God Judge Goldstone recanted his judgment on Israel and its IDF forces in the slaughter inflicted on Gaza during its Christmas invasion in 2008-2009; both are now innocent of wrongful intent to kill Palestinian civilians since the Israeli military courts investigated Goldstone's allegations and determined he was wrong
‘Matter Of Policy’: Gaza War And Goldstone’s
Moral Collapse
By Ramzy Baroud
Shocking is not a sufficient term to describe Justice Richard Goldstone’s decision to recant parts of the 2009 report on alleged war crimes in Gaza
No Politician With An "Anti-Zionist Mindset"
Could Ever Dream Of Living In
The White House: Naseer Aruri
By Kourosh Ziabari
The American political system has institutional and constitutional barriers against anti-Zionists winning the U.S. presidency
Emotional Resilience In Traumatic Times
By Carolyn Baker
A Few Ways Of Developing Emotional Resilience
Sril Lanka: Beyond The UN Drama
By Nilantha Ilangamuwa
No matter what the UN report contains, it should be made available to the people of Sri Lanka and the world at large
Obama Violates Law Of Pendulum Politics
By Robert Becker
Now he's done it -- the most Republican of modern Democratic presidents has violated the cosmic political order, that inescapable fluctuation wherein one disgraced party triggers the inevitable, system-saving reversal
Obamanomics: Waging War On American Workers
By Stephen Lendman
Like all his demagoguery, Obama hypocrically stressed we're broke and have to make shared sacrifices, suppressing how he's served wealth and power interests at the expense of working Americans during the greatest economic crisis since the Great Depression
Libya's Great Man-Made River
By Stephen Lendman
A key objective of imperialist attck on Libya is getting little attention - to take control of Libya's Great Man-Made River
Where Did The Towers Go? The Evidence Of
Directed Free-Energy Technology On 9/11 (PDF)
By Eric Larsen
Review of Dr. Judy Wood's new book on 9/11
Beggers Can’t Be Choosers
By Abdus Sattar Ghazali
US resumes Drone attacks in Pakistan as CIA turns down ISI plea to halt controversial strikes
The Ambedkar Party
By Siddharthya Swapan Roy
Celebrating Babasaheb Ambedkar's birthday
Silent Racial Attack On Own Countrymen
By Madhu Chandra
Abstract of Research Project Report: North East Migration and Challenges in National Capital Cities
Regionalism, Ethnicity, And Trifurcation:
All In The Name Of National Integrity
By Dr. Nyla Ali Khan
The question relevant to my purposes here is that is the “executive order,” not “bill” permitting the issuance of Dogra certificates to the Dogras, Hindu and Muslim, of Jammu province along the lines of Sir Owen Dixon’s proposition of the trifurcation of the State along religious and communal lines? Why is this vestige of British colonialism still given legitimacy?
14 April , 2011
Conflict Intensifies In Syria
By Jean Shaoul
The Assad regime has stepped up its clampdown on demonstrators calling for democracy and an end to corruption. It is seeking to prevent the protests, as yet relatively small, from becoming a mass movement for the removal of the ruling clique, as happened in Tunisia and Egypt
Police State Terror In Bahrain
By Stephen Lendman
Daily crackdowns continue, Bahrainis still terrorized by US-backed militarized repression
Obama's Deficit Plan Starts At The Center Right;
Where Will He End Up?
By Kevin Zeese
President Obama put forward a center-right deficit plan that does not cut the military --only moderately slows its growth, cuts essential services for working Americans who are already under financial stress, does not adequately tax the economic elite and fails to address the driving force of deficits, health care
A Twelve Year Plan From A Guy With Two Left
By David Swanson
Obama's speech on the deficit on Wednesday was a flop. He proposed to end no wars, make no serious cuts to the military, REDUCE corporate taxes, tax no estates or investments, raise no taxes on any billionaires, and give an unelected commission the power to slash Medicare
The Planet Strikes Back
By Michael T. Klare
Why we underestimate the Earth and overestimate ourselves
Interstates And States Of Grief
By Phil Rockstroh & Angela Tyler-Rockstroh
Traveling US interstate highways one suffers a confluence of so much contemporary madness and tragedy extant in the land … so much suppressed fear and aggression. Yet, through it all, the heart still yearns to see what lies over the next horizon. Although, lamentably, what is revealed, all to often, proves to be as sterile, inhospitable, ugly, and inhuman as what was beheld at the last
Why I As A Muslim Woman Don't Wear A Headscarf
By Lamya Kaddor
Does the Koran really demand that women wear headscarves? Or is it mainly older men who claim they can decide how women should dress – with no theological foundation whatsoever? For the Islam scholar Lamya Kaddor, there is no question about it: the headscarf is obsolete
Alternatives To Free-Market Capitalism
By Ron Forthofer
Americans have been exposed to so much propaganda about free-market capitalism that few ever think there is any other way of running an economy
Human Rights: Abusers And Accusers
By Farooque Chowdhury
Human rights issue, an effective, soft, but sharp tool in geopolitics, and being used publicly as a pretense for pressing, threatening, coercing countries and for intervening, now signifies the on-going changes in world balance of power. Now, the tool is not the monopoly of Empire. That monopoly is weakening. For general public, debate on the issue helps see two faces of actors in geopolitics as abusers appear accusers
Anna Hazare And Anti Corruption Upsurge
By Ram Puniyani
One hopes that while working on the Lok Pal Bill, the collective leadership of the movement will take note of these points to ensure that this movement does not meet the fate of two similar earlier one’s and that Right wing divisive forces are kept at bay
Who Can Doubt The “Strong Secular Credentials”
Of Your Movement Mr. Kejriwal?
By Avinash Pandey Samar
The article explores the secular claims made by the Anti-corruption movement led by Anna Hazare
The Revolution And Me...
By Suroor Mander
It is not like I don’t believe that corruption is an evil phenomenon or that I think that a person of my class or privilege does not need to participate in change. But I cannot bring myself to be part of a change that is superficial and compromises on the Idea of India. I cannot follow a leader who joins hands with the RSS, the same organization behind the killing of the M.K. Gandhi, a person he emulates
Anna Hazare Movement: Its' Project Brahmanism!
By Goldy M. George
I have been following all the different sets of emails and other communications since Anna Hazare began his hunger strike. Much before he paid his kudos for Modi and Nitish and his recent statement supporting MNS, it was clear to at least a few of us that it's a modern way of placing Brahmanism on a capitalistic plank
Goldstone Commission Members Affirm
Study Findings
By Stephen Lendman
Commission members resent pressure exerted to undermine their credibility and integrity. To give in "would be doing a serious injustice to the hundreds of innocent civilians killed during the Gaza conflict, the thousands injured, and the hundreds of thousands whose lives continue to be deeply affected by the conflict and the blockade."
Border And Community Vigilantism
By Stephen Lendman
All Americans were once immigrants. It's high time newcomers were embraced like early arrivals in colonial times. They were welcomed and helped, not spurned the way Latinos and other people of color are today
Nature, All Too Nature Human, All Too Human
By Shibu Shanmughom
A critique Of Manoj Das’s A Tiger At Twilight And Cyclones
13 April , 2011
Israel Steps Up Aggression Against Gaza
By Jean Shaoul
For more than a week, Israel mounted frequent aerial attacks on Gaza’s defenceless population, killing at least 25 and wounding dozens more. Most of the casualties were civilians, and many of those injured were children
Israel Steps Up Jerusalem Expulsions
By Jonathan Cook
Even Tony Blair can’t save Palestinian bookseller
US Blocks UN Torture Investigator
From Seeing Bradley Manning
By Naomi Spencer
The US government has blocked the United Nations’ special rapporteur on torture from visiting Army Private Bradley Manning, who has been held in solitary confinement at Quantico Marine base since July
Fukushima At Level 7: Now What?
By Stephen Lendman
Fukushima's disaster will scar much, perhaps all of Japan for generations, including fetuses and newborns to be genetically harmed by radiation poisoning
Fukushima And The Plutonium Mystery
By Mary Hamer
I request that the Fukushima nuclear officials publish more comprehensive information to the public regarding: #1. The source(s) of Plutonium in the positive Fukushima soil samples, #2. The isotopes of Plutonium found at Fukushima such as plutonium-239 & #3. Fukushima Radiation exposure & radioactive contamination data for the alpha emitters such as plutonium & uranium
Dear William And Kate: Cut The Crap;
This is Our Home!
By Gary Corseri
William and Kate: Get over yourselves! This culture of excess must end… or we shall all end soon “on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam.”
Hold Both Parties Responsible For
Bankrupting The USA
By Timothy V. Gatto
Bring the troops home for good and return to a representative republic. Enact Campaign Finance Laws that rid the political system of corporate money. Pass an amendment that revokes “corporate Personhood”. Stop believing in the Democrats and Republicans
A Soulful Guide To Society’s Collapse
By Lindsay Curren
Navigating the Coming Chaos: A Handbook for Inner Transition, by Carolyn Baker, is a a meditative approach to transition
Waiting For The Fall Of Saudi Monarchy
By Zaheer Ali
These rebellions can reach to their logical conclusion only if the USA refrains from interfering directly or indirectly in the affairs of the region and most importantly the people of Saudi Arabia who are politically leading a life of slavery rise against the tyrannical rule of the House of Saud..Unless the Saudi monarchy is overthrown the region would never become truly democratic
The Imam Of Wahhabism,
Not The Imam Of All Muslims
By Arshad Alam
The visit of the Imam of Saudi Mecca Masjid to India a couple of weeks ago created quite a flutter in the Indian English media. It was disturbing to note that leading English newspapers hailed him very nearly as the Pope of the Muslim world, betraying an acute lack of understanding of the nature and pattern of religious authority within Islam
Habits Of The Heart To Counter Bigotry
By Mohamed Imran Mohamed Taib
There are uncanny similarities between Mullah Mohammed Omar's order to the Taliban to destroy Afghanistan's Bamiyan Buddha statues in 2001, and the recent burning of the Quran by American Pastor Terry Jones that sparked a mob in Pakistan which left 12 dead. Both started as fringe actors who gained global attention through the media. Both share a narrow vision of religion. Both chose to attack symbols of other religions to make a point
12 April , 2011
Japan Raises Meltdown Severity Level
To Highest 7
By Kyodo News
Japan has now decided to raise the severity level of the accident at the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant to 7, the highest on an international scale, from the current 5, government sources said Tuesday
How Nuclear Apologists Mislead
The World Over Radiation
By Helen Caldicott
Helen Caldicott's rejoinder to George Monbiot's article "The unpalatable truth is that the anti-nuclear lobby has misled us all"
Monbiot Goes Strangelove
By Dave Ewoldt
But, like so many others today, Monbiot frames his response to life threatening crises in the terms and with the assumptions of the dominate paradigm that created these crises. It is taken as a given that human ingenuity will rescue us and we can go on with livin' large in a green economy using clean renewable energy--never mind those pesky little concepts like entropy, conservation, and finitude
African Union’s Libya Ceasefire Rejected By
Opposition And NATO Powers
By Chris Marsden
Libya’s rebels formally rejected a ceasefire proposed by the African Union on Monday, following talks in Benghazi
Planned Libyan Invasion
By Stephen Lendman
On April 6, EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton told the European Parliament that plans for military intervention were being considered. On April 7, the German Press Agency DPA said she wrote UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, "telling him about the EU's readiness to act."
The US-Nato War Against Libya:
Washington Responds To Geopolitical Crisis
By Jack A. Smith
Any examination of the many rebellions without taking into primary consideration the decisive role of U.S. hegemony in this strategic, resource-rich region of the world would be like attempting to understand global warming without mentioning the key role of fossil fuels
The Threat Of Internet Censorship In India
By Prabhat Sharan
Government of India is all set to implement the banning of thought, expression and critical consciousness by proposing to carry out amendments in the Information Technology Act (2000.)
The Rise Of Fascism In America
By Tristan Aaron Shaw
If Sarah Palin, or any other politician under the Tea Party banner, runs for president in 2012, brace yourself. Let us hope enough Americans muster the sanity to refuse their election. But if the momentum of the movement grows and they seize control of the country, we will see the current proto-fascism morph into an overt form of fascism
Fight Economic Oppression,
Target The Top One Percent
By Joel S. Hirschhorn
Massive economic inequality is killing America and we the people. It has already killed American democracy. The rich have captured the political system so they could manipulate the economy and benefit unfairly
America's Bankruptcy : Not Just Limited
To Its Failing Economy
By Dr. Habib Siddiqui
As I noted many times, the American politicians are failing their people. Many are openly behaving like fascists. Many others are closet fascists who would reveal their true ugly self when push comes to shove
Does America Have A Muslim Problem?
By Franklin Lamb
Even as Jones prepares to act as grand inquisitor and plans to prosecute the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) for various imagined crimes, it reminds us that when it comes to intolerance, nothing is new under the sun in our land
The War On Planned Parenthood
Is A War On Poor Women
By Mary Shaw
The Planned Parenthood organization is under attack from the right. With ACORN out of the way, I guess they needed to invent a new bogeyman to distract us from their failure to create all those new jobs they promised us during the 2010 campaign season
Why Does Israel Have A Veto
Over The Peace Process?
By Alan Hart
As I explained on a lecture tour of South Africa (Goldstone Land) from which I have just returned, the answer is in what happened behind closed doors at the Security Council in New York in the weeks and months following the 1967 war. But complete understanding requires knowledge of the fact that it was a war of Israeli aggression and not, as Zionism’s spin doctors continue to assert, self-defense
Feeding The World: It’s Not About Quantity
By Danielle Nierenberg & Mara Schecter
The resilience of our food supply is as much about the quality and diversity of our food sources as it is about how much we produce
The Coolest Book I've Ever Read On Energy
By Kurt Cobb
It may seem a bit over the top to say that a book entitled Into the Cool is the coolest book I've ever read on energy. But energy junkies should take note of its two compelling theses
Justice Denied For The Dalit Girl
Thrown Into Fire By Upper Caste Men
By Madhu Chandra
A six year old little girl from dalit community in UP was tossed into the burning fire by the members from upper caste community in her village three years ago. Her pregnant mother who tried to rescue her was severly burnt and lost her mental balance due to the shock. But the court had closed the case as there were no witnesses to testify against the culprits
Beyond Politics: Assassination Of
Maulana Showkat Ahmad Shah
By Mushtaq Ul Haq Ahmad Sikander
We have lost another person to the ravaging conflict and as a norm all parties to the conflict would do politics over this assassination, and the real culprits as usual is apprehension would go Scot free
Are Wealthy Philanthropists Modern Janus?
By Kamalakar Duvvuru
If the wealthy really want to create a better world through philanthropic activities, first they should meet other commitments such as paying more taxes, not pressing on laws and regulations, giving better benefits, job protection and work conditions to their employees, and manufacturing goods using environmentally friendly products and processes
Kashmir : Internet Campaign Led Youth's Release
By Fahad Shah
Faizan Rafiq Hakim, a minor, released from prison after persistent campaign on the internet
Activists Condemn Anna Hazare's
Pro-Modi Remarks
By Rohit Prajapati & Trupti Shah
The Statement of Anna Hazare creates wrong impression, endorsing the authoritarian fascist Government, which is anti-farmer, anti-women, anti-working class, anti-dalits, anti-tribals, anti-minorities and against all the marginalised groups
Why The Lokpal Act Alone Will Not
Reduce Corruption In India
By Faisal Ahmed Khan
I only want to underline the fact that no institution, no constitution, no authority or force can root out corruption until and unless the people themselves decide to shun corruption and the chances of that happening are as bright as Rakhi sawant winning an Oscar. Till then we should celebrate anna’s triumph
Killing Those Who Disagree
By Nazia Nazar
Despite extremists’ attacks on several shrines of sufi saints, the influx of people to shrine in Pakistan has seen no decrease so far. The reason is simple. The faith of a shrine visitor is as strong as the conviction of a suicide bombe. If you kill others to spread your dogma, many would be ready to die to practice their faith as well. So, what do the extremists gain by spilling blood of innocent people?
11 April , 2011
Egyptian Military Kills Protesters In Cairo
By Niall Green
Egypt’s ruling military junta, the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces, launched a deadly attack on thousands of protesters encamped in Tahrir Square on Saturday morning. Security forces killed six protesters, while the Egyptian health ministry reported that 71 people had been hospitalized
State Crackdown Claims Scores Of Lives In Syria
By Jean Shaoul
The Syrian government cracked down hard on protesters who took to the streets in many parts of the country after prayers on Friday and Saturday, using tear gas, rubber bullets and live ammunition. At least 37 people have died, and this number is expected to rise, making a total of over 160 deaths in four weeks of clashes, mostly in Dera’a, Douma and Latakia
Climate Change: Speaking Truth to Power
By Bill Henderson
We are in denial and won't quantify the risks of our use of fossil fuels in a due diligence to future generations framework because of fear of the inconvenient costs to us today
Why The United States Is Destroying
Its Education System
By Chris Hedges
Teachers, their unions under attack, are becoming as replaceable as minimum-wage employees at Burger King. We spurn real teachers—those with the capacity to inspire children to think, those who help the young discover their gifts and potential—and replace them with instructors who teach to narrow, standardized tests. These instructors obey. They teach children to obey. And that is the point
The New Reality For U.S. Labor Unions
By Shamus Cooke
The recent shakeup in Wisconsin is likely a preliminary tremor that predicts a larger earthquake. And like all natural disasters, the events in Wisconsin jolted people awake to grapple with their changed circumstances. Labor unions suddenly realized that their fate was hanging in the balance
Obama Again Capitulates
By Stephen Lendman
At least $38 billion in mostly unspecified social spending cuts were made, perhaps more, a down payment before greater ones coming, involving Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. Along with other vital programs, they're headed for incremental elimination to return America to 19th century harshness, an idea Republicans, Democrats, and Obama support
Hiding From Shame, Addicted To Optimism:
The Tyranny Of Our Collective Comfort Zones
By Phil Rockstroh
The technologies that inflicted upon the world the ongoing tragedies in both the Gulf of Mexico and Japan serve a dangerous addiction, an addiction to blind optimism, a habituation of mind that allows us to dwell within provisional comfort zones but renders vast spaces of the world into deathrealms
Radioactive Cloud, Radioactive Rainbow
By Odysseus
Ongoing revelations from the Japanese epicenter are warning us, in no uncertain terms, that we are taking our living spaceship, our source of abundance and sustenance for granted and there are consequences when trust slips into negligence and taking for granted turns into taking advantage of
Military Whistleblower Speaks Out
On Bradley Manning
By Billy Wharton
On a day when the anti-war movement in the US showed some signs of life, a military whistleblower, Lawrence Rockwood, took a stand in solidarity with Bradley Manning who is traveling a path quite similar to his own
Dantewada: Days Of Rage
By Javed Iqbal
One year after 76 security personnel were killed in the Chintalnar area, with allegations of rape being used as a weapon of war soon after by the state, the latest attack on the adivasis of Bastar during a five-day long carnage has led to break the silence on atrocities that have been committed for over six years now, across the undivided Bastar region
Ban Endosulfan
By Vandan Shiva
An open letter to Sonia Gandhi
Some Bigger Questions About Corruption
By Arpita Banerjee
There is a dualism about corruption. One who receives the inducement or bribe and the other who gives it. Most of the time we find the former more unacceptable than the latter, and the reason could be that we see the latter as a prey of the former. That latter is ‘us’, the ‘common people’, the ‘robbed victims’. While this is not entirely untrue, there is much more to this predator-prey dualism
Cracking Anti-Corruption Coalition
The Express way
By Sadanand Patwardhan
Very soon we need to address the profound issues that Ambedkar, Tyagi, and others raised some 61 years ago. It is not really the case that Hazare and activists have gone too far. It is that they have taken first steps on a really long march
Sheeba Aslam Fehmi On Islamic Feminism
By Yoginder Sikand
Sheeba Aslam Fehmi is one of India’s only Islamic feminist writers and one of the few Indian Muslim women scholars who writes on Islam (among other issues). She has written extensively on gender-just understandings of Islam, articulating equality for Muslim women using Quranic arguments
Gluttons For Partial Narratives
On Punjab’s Ailments?
By Mallika Kaur
A critical look at a popular facebook video “Glut - The Untold Story of Punjab.”
Police Brutality In Honduras
By Stephen Lendman
Since mid-March, police and soldiers unleashed violent repression throughout the country, using infiltrators to provoke demonstrators into confrontations to justify what may result in massacres. This is how police state barbarism works, crushing resistance oppressively
Icelanders Vote On Predatory Bailout: Nyet
By Stephen Lendman
Icelander choice is neoliberal bondage or freedom. Icelanders chose the latter in March 2010 and again on April 9. It's now up to their government to serve them or sell them out to UK and Dutch predators. Don't bet on it doing the right thing
A Question Of Values And Ethics
By Brian McAfee
The Muskegon Tea Party has scheduled a rally in the Muskegon area for April 15, it is important to take a look at them and their Republican cohorts to see what they are up to and what they really seem to want
08 April , 2011
Fukushima Disaster: Are We Told The Truth?
By Stephen Lendman
On April 6, Reuters reported that "the core at Japan's Fukushima nuclear reactor has melted through the reactor pressure vessel," Rep. Edward Markey told a House hearing on the disaster, saying: "I have been informed by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) that the core has gotten so hot that part of it has probably melted through the reactor pressure vessel." However, the NRC is denying this
Radioactivity In The Ocean:
Diluted, But Far From Harmless
By Elizabeth Grossman
With contaminated water from Japan’s crippled Fukushima nuclear complex continuing to pour into the Pacific, scientists are concerned about how that radioactivity might affect marine life. Although the ocean’s capacity to dilute radiation is huge, signs are that nuclear isotopes are already moving up the local food chain
Don't Be Fooled By The Spin: Radiation Is Bad
By Peter Karamoskos
With the 25th anniversary of Chernobyl looming, the pro-nuclear lobby is in overdrive
Support Anna Hazare!
We exhort everyone to join the struggle of millions of working class people, adivasis, dalits, women, forest workers, fisherfolks in their quest for a dignified livelihood and justice. Our movement against corruption has to go beyond the visible symbols of corruption and reach out for a wider systemic transformation in the country today. Let us all join this struggle !
War On Palestinian Memory: Israel Resolves
Its Democracy Dilemma
By Ramzy Baroud
Palestinian citizens of Israel must have been proud of the fact that their collective tenacity always proved stronger than any Israeli attempt at dislocating them from their rightful historical narrative. Now, they are being told to cease and desist from commemorating al-Nakba, the Catastrophe of 1948, which saw the brutal seizure and depopulation of most of Palestine in order to construct the Israeli ‘miracle’
Declaring An Independent Palestinian State
By Stephen Lendman
For decades, Palestinians have suffered. It's high time the world body afforded them full de jure recognition as an independent member state, their legitimate status long denied, and let Israel and America stew over it
Banned In Vermont
By Mickey Z.
An interview with advocacy journalist and author Rosemarie Jackowski
07 April , 2011
Divisions Among Imperialist Powers Deepen
Over Conduct Of Libyan Offensive
By Chris Marsden
Washington’s decision to withdraw from participation in air bombardment of Libya has exacerbated tensions between the major powers, above all between the United States and France
US Report Points To Serious Dangers
At Japanese Nuclear Plant
By Peter Symonds
A confidential assessment of the Fukushima nuclear disaster drawn up by the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) paints a far bleaker picture than the limited, sanitised reports being made public by the plant operator, Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) and Japanese nuclear authorities. The American document has not been publicly released but was leaked to the New York Times, which published some details on Tuesday
Energy Is Ugly
By Ellen Cantarow
Tar sands make their Mark
Ryan Turns Knife On Medicare, Medicaid
By Margaret Flowers, M.D.
Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin, the Republican chairman of the U.S. House Budget Committee, unveiled two proposals this week which if enacted would constitute a mortal threat to our nation's health – particularly to the health of our seniors and our most vulnerable populations
Republican Plan To End Social Security,
Medicare And Medicaid
By Stephen Lendman
Bipartisan complicity wants Medicare and Social Security ended, citing the nation's burgeoning debt and enormous unfunded liabilities for both programs
Military Commissions Will Try 9/11 Suspects
By Stephen Lendman
After months of indecision, the Obama administration "will prosecute Khalid Shaikh Mohammed (KSM) and four other (suspects) accused of plotting the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks before a military commission and not a civilian court, as it once planned." In fact, candidate Obama pledged: "As president, I will close Guantanamo, reject the Military Commissions Act, and adhere to the Geneva Conventions...."
The Link Between War And Big Finance
By Kevin Zeese
Veterans For Peace Endorses the April 15th Rally and Protest in Union Square Park
From The Underbelly Of Swarnim Gujarat
By Anand Teltumbde
Landmark collective take over of their own land by Dalits in Gujarat. In the Vav taluka itself 35 Dalit families would be benefitted by the ownership of over 150 acres
06 April , 2011
A Solar Transition Is Possible: Report
By Peter D. Schwartzman & David W. Schwartzman
Arguably no challenge is more serious for the world’s future than bringing about a rapid decarbonation of the energy infrastructure with the possibility of preventing the onset of catastrophic climate change. With a mathematical model we demonstrate that this transition is technically plausible using modest inputs of existing fossil fuel reserves in the creation of a global solar power infrastructure even with existing solar technologies such as wind turbines
Greed Is Not A Virtue
By David Korten
If all who share a mature moral consciousness find the courage to speak the simple truth that greed is driving us to collective self-destruction and cooperation is essential to our common salvation, we can put the perversion behind us and secure the future of our children
US, NATO Allies Join Scramble For Libya’s Oil
By Bill Van Auken
The Italian recognition and ENI’s forging of ties to the Benghazi council came just a day before a Liberian-registered oil tanker, owned by a Greek shipping conglomerate, docked at the Libyan crude export terminal of Marsa el-Hariga, near Tobruk. The tanker, the Equator, is capable of carrying 1 million barrels of crude, which would sell for over $100 million on the world market
‘Gasland’: A Film Review
By Rob Hopkins
‘Gasland’ is a film on the devastation caused by hydraulic fracturing or ‘fracking’ in USA
Letter To WHO On Binayak Sen
By Various Signatories
Endorsed by 178 Health professionals/Researchers/Medical students/Health Activists and 14 Health Organisations
Rightwing Posse Solves Prison Glut –
Criminalize, Prosecute, Lockup
By Robert S. Becker
Who can barely wait for the rightwing revelation that explains away a telling national threshold -- why our “greatest nation ever” has more criminals behind bars than any other on the globe?
A Closer Look At The Coming April 15, 2011
Union Square Demonstration
By Frank Rummel
A pivotal, historic event for the United States, with wide-scope impact on the whole planet could be in the making - if a critical mass of people catch on to this new opportunity
A Long, Rough Voyage To The Bottom
By Stan Cox
For decades, the world of merchant shipping has been falling victim to two other overpowering forces: breakneck growth in the volume of trade and ruthless cost-cutting by shipping-company owners. Today, cargo ships continue to go down with grim frequency
05 April , 2011
Radioactivity In Sea Up 7.5 Million Times
By Kanako Takahara
Radioactive iodine-131 readings taken from seawater near the water intake of the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant's No. 2 reactor reached 7.5 million times the legal limit, Tokyo Electric Power Co. admitted Tuesday. The sample that yielded the high reading was taken Saturday, before Tepco announced Monday it would start releasing radioactive water into the sea
US And Allies Gear Up For Protracted War In Libya
By Barry Grey
As the US-NATO war entered its third week, the fig leaf of a “humanitarian” intervention to protect Libyan civilians was further exposed by the preparations of the imperialist powers for a protracted war aimed at ousting Gaddafi and installing a colonial-style vassal state
Remember Libya: One Of History's
Terror Bombing Victims
By Stephen Lendman
Like Cast Lead against Gaza, Odyssey Dawn is criminal imperial war, willfully attacking non-combatants and civilian targets, including vital infrastructure, hospitals, non-military airports and buildings, ports, power generating facilities, and other sites unrelated to military necessity
US-Backed Regime In Yemen Carries Out
New Slaughter Of Protesters
By David Walsh
The regime of President Ali Abdullah Saleh in Yemen, which continues to enjoy the support of the Obama administration and other Western powers, carried out another massacre of anti-government demonstrators Monday, in the southwestern city of Taiz
Civilians Massacred By Western-Backed Forces
In Ivory Coast
By Ann Talbot
Up to 1,000 civilians have reportedly been massacred in the town of Duékoué in the West African country of Ivory Coast. This is the biggest loss of life in the former French colony since the disputed presidential election in November 2010
Goldstone's Shameful U-turn
By Ilan Pappe
Winning Zionist love in the short-term is far less important than losing the world's respect in the long-run. Palestine should choose its friends with care: they cannot be faint-hearted nor can they claim to be Zionists as well as champions of peace, justice and human rights in Palestine
Goldstone’s Rethink
By Jonathan Cook
Israel would certainly like observers to interpret Goldstone’s latest comments as an exoneration. In reality, however, he offered far less consolation to Israel than its supporters claim
Richard Goldstone's Fall From Grace
By Stephen Lendman
Goldstone's shameless reversal exposes the true man, a Judas, not what most people believed
Another War On Gaza?
By Ali Abunimah
In recent weeks an escalation in violence between Israel and Palestinian resistance factions in the Israeli-occupied Gaza Strip has claimed the lives of more than a dozen Palestinians, the youngest of them 10-year-old Mahmoud Jalal al-Hilu. Does this escalation increase the likelihood of another large-scale assault on Gaza similar to "Operation Cast Lead" in winter 2008-2009 that killed more than 1,400 Palestinians? There are worrying signs Israel -- by its words and deeds -- could be laying the ground for an attack
Shock Troops Used To Prevent Vet-Led
Flower Laying Ceremony At War Memorial
By Kevin Zeese
Right to Peaceably Assemble to Redress Grievances Undermined by Quantico Marine Command that Violates Soldier's Oath
The Fukushima Nuclear Disaster
And Carl Sagan's Baloney Detection Kit
By Mary Hamer
The purpose of this essay is to sample some of the articles on the Fukushima Nuclear Power plant disaster in Japan and investigate them for: Irrational, fallacious and fraudulent arguments using critical thinking skills including Carl Sagan's Baloney Detection Kit
Climate Change: A Warning From The Past
By Dr Andrew Glikson
The current rate of greenhouse gas rise is unprecedented in Earth history, excepting global volcanic events and asteroid impacts. The rise of atmospheric energy levels since the 18th century by 3.2 Watt/m2, masked in part by aerosols, leads the climate to over 2 degrees C temperature rise and meters-scale sea level rise
Despicable Lies, Delusional Recovery
By Joel S. Hirschhorn
The official government unemployment figure has been carefully crafted to intentionally underestimate actual unemployment. The way the data are collected through a survey of homes intentionally ignores a number of unemployed and underemployed Americans
Afghanistan: A Country, Not A War
By David Swanson
David Swanson's first day in Afghanistan
Assam: Alienating The Natives
By Ram Puniyani
In the recently concluded assembly elections in Assam (March-April 2011), one of the issues which was whipped up by BJP was about the Bengali speaking people especially the Muslims of Assam. Most of the Bengali speaking Muslims are projected to be from Bangla Desh, and the communal parties and groups are using this myth to enhance their political capital, which is mostly based on spreading hate against minorities and bringing to fore the issues related to identity
04 April , 2011
Japan Starts Dumping Radioactive Water Into Sea
Japan started dumping 11,500 tons of low-level radioactive water at sea Monday to free up storage space at its crippled Fukushima nuclear plant for more highly contaminated water
Mounting Evidence Of CIA Ties To Libyan Rebels
By Patrick Martin
Numerous press reports over the weekend add to the evidence that the Libyan rebels fighting the regime of Muammar Gaddafi are under the direction of American intelligence agencies
Libya And Obama’s Defense Of The ‘Rebel Uprising’
By James Petras
Washington’s ‘first black Chief Executive’ will earn history’s infamy as the US President responsible for the slaughter of hundreds of black Libyans and mass expulsion of millions of sub-Saharan African workers employed under the current regime
Obama's Terror War On Libya
By Stephen Lendman
Since WW II, America's gone to war as much to wage as win them because so many profiteers benefit. The prospect of peace, in fact, terrifies government, military officials, and corporate predators, so new enemies are invented when old ones are vanquished, are no longer of interest, or conflicts end for other reasons
Where U.S. Chooses To Back ‘Armed Struggle’
By Nicola Nasser
A thinly – veiled Arab cover and the UN Security Council Resolution 1973, which was not supported by major powers like Russia, China, Germany, India and Brazil, could hardly give legitimacy to the U.S.-led military intervention in Libya; neither does distancing itself by transferring the leadership to NATO because, as former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, John Bolton, told Fox News recently, “Obama may be the only man in the whole world who does not know that we, the United States, run NATO.”
I believe I Saw Muammar Gadaffi
On My Way To The Colosseum
By Gaither Stewart
The sting of satire can often underscore certain truths that straight prose rarely manages to touch
Are Hateful Provocateurs
Any Better Than Terrorists?
By Dr. Habib Siddiqui
Terry Jones, the provocateur responsible for triggering this latest episode of violence in Afghanistan, was well aware of the consequences of his sacrilegious action. He remains unrepentant and says that given the chance he would do it all over again
03 April , 2011
Fukushima And The Future Of Nuclear Power
By Sharon Astyk
There is a lot of debate over the EROEI of nuclear, but unless you calculate it in purely thermal terms, the returns come in on the lower side - 3-6. This is not enough excess energy to run a society on. Even EROEI is not the central obstacle, however - it is the upfront costs of nuclear, financial and energy that will be nearly impossible for an energy system in overall decline to bear
Situation At Japanese Nuclear Plant
Still “Very Serious”
By Mike Head
Three weeks after the disaster struck, serious doubts continue to surround the precise situation inside the stricken Fukushima Daiichi plant and the levels of contamination in the surrounding areas. From the outset, Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), the plant’s owner, has released conflicting, contradictory and incomplete information
Japan's Apocalypse
By Stephen Lendman
Despite a disaster multiples worse than Chernobyl, major media reports all along downplayed it. Now they largely ignore it, moving on to more important things like celebrity features and baseball's opening day, besides pretending American-led Libya bombing is well-intended
Much Ado About Nothing: Richard Goldstone's
Supposed Retraction
By Don Emmerich
Richard Goldstone's motives in writing this op-ed are completely irrelevant. What matters is the evidence. And the evidence—documented not just by the Goldstone Commission, but also by the Arab League , Breaking the Silence , Amnesty International , and Human Rights Watch —indicates that Israel committed numerous war crimes in Operation Cast Lead
Revisiting Israel's Terror War On Gaza
By Stephen Lendman
In his April 1 op-ed, Goldstone failed to explain and denounce Israeli crimes of war and against humanity. Instead, he defended the indefensible
After The Great Quake, Living With
Earth’s Uncertainty
By Verlyn Klinkenborg
The Japanese earthquake and tsunami remind us that we exist in geologic time and in a world where catastrophic events beyond our predicting may occur. These events — and the growing specter of climate change — show how precariously we exist on the surface of a volatile planet
How A Community-Based Co-op Economy
Might Work
By Dave Pollard
Most people have been brought up to believe that the competitive, grow-or-die, absentee-shareholder-owned, “free”-trade “market” economy is the only one that works, the only alternative to a socialist, government-run economy. But there are alternatives. Before we can plant these seeds we need to unlearn the nonsense we’re taught and told about economics, and learn how a healthy economy actually works
Impeach Obama Over Libya
By Prof. Francis Boyle
World-renowned International Law Professor Francis Boyle tells Jack Blood on the March 30, 2011 Deadline Live radio show that to prevent a U.S. land invasion of Libya, the American people through their representatives in Congress must immediately begin the call for the impeachment of President Obama for his unauthorized "Shock & Awe" U.S. bombing of Libya
The Media And The Attack On Libya
By Dan Lieberman
The attack on Libya is essentially an attack on one person, Colonel Muammar Gadhafi, who is the present poster boy for evil. Every Gadhafi deed is interpreted as malevolent; every word as an untruth. The characterizations might be correct, but when the media uses spurious and contradictory statements to expose his 'untruths,' its rhetoric become questionable and its reports lose credibility
Eternal Punishment: Obama Leads
Third Century Of Imperial Revenge On Haiti
By Chris Floyd
The blood and thunder of the American-led intervention in Libya has obscured one of the more revealing episodes of our times. We speak of the American rigging of the election in battered, helpless Haiti -- a brazen effort to disenfranchise the majority of the population and ensure the election of a vicious -- but acquiescent -- client to the presidency
They Came, They Saw And Now It's Time To Act
By Franklin Lamb
The Palestinian Return Centre (PRC), in partnership with the Council for European Palestinian Relations (CEPR) sponsored a delegation of British and EU MEPs to the Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon several weeks ago and the 10 member delegation has just released their findings
Three days of cultural events Organized By Free Binayak Sen Campaign
Lawsuit Seeks To Invalidate Monsanto's GMO Patents
By Rady Ananda
A landmark lawsuit filed on March 29 in US federal court seeks to invalidate Monsanto's patents on genetically modified seeds and to prohibit the company from suing those whose crops become genetically contaminated
Another Protester Dies In Bahrain
By Bahrain Youth Society
Another protester dies after 7 days in detention in Bahrain . This is the case no 27 of “Extra judicial killing” since 14 February
Bahrain: A Legacy Of Broken Promises
By Ali Jawad
In the current context of Bahrain, the suggestion of foreign interference in the shape of an ethereal "Iran threat" does not only represent a wholesale neglect of factual evidence, but in fact proceeds to insult the sacrifices of generations of Bahrainis tracing back to the birth of the nation
Anarchism, Political Violence,
And The London "March For The Alternative"
By Dave Fryett
It seems more likely that these incidents were staged by agents of the government or people in their employ. The purpose was to cast the protests in a negative light, and to justify ever more repressive crowd-control measures should the groundswell of protest come to threaten the state and those whose interests it serves
Russell Defreitas: Terrorist or Political Prisoner?
By Stephen Lendman
Many hundreds of wrongfully convicted men and women languish unjustly in US federal and state prisons, victims of judicial unfairness. Russell Defreitas is one of the many victims
"4th April, A Fateful Day"
By Riaz Ali Toori
4th April will forever be remembered as the saddest day in the political history of Pakistan when a dictator put a democratic rose to death with the help of judiciary. On the malicious judicial assassination of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto who taught the nation the art of living with heads held high and gave the public a voice for speaking aloud for their rights who so far had remained silent, confined to their homes
01 April , 2011
US, Britain Press Two-Track Policy In Libya War
By Patrick Martin
The United States and Britain are pursuing efforts to incite an internal coup against the Libyan regime of Muammar Gaddafi, while at the same time deploying CIA agents and military special operations forces to bolster the flagging military fortunes of the anti-Gaddafi rebel forces
War Criminal Obama Killing Civilians
In Six Counties And Accuses Gadhafi of Same
By Jay Janson
If Gadhafi is killer of civilians, "it takes one to know one.' Gadhafi ? Obama? Who is killing?
No End In Sight For Japan Nuclear Crisis
By Chris Talbot
The Fukushima nuclear crisis has already run for three weeks with no end in sight. Nuclear experts warn that it may go on for years. Hironobu Unesaki, a nuclear engineering professor at Kyoto University said that the process of decommissioning Fukushima would take longer than at Three Mile Island
The Culture Of Resistance Comes
To The Good Old U.S.A.
By Frank Rummel
Now, the "Sounds of Resistance Concert" and protest against the big corporate banks will convene in New York City at Union Square Park at 11 AM on April 15, 2011, demanding that banks stop foreclosures, pay their fair share of taxes, and be broken up to moderate their abuse of power
Technological Tsunamis: How We Forget
By Ed Ayres
With the nuclear disaster in Japan , once again we are forced to pause in our rush to the future, and wonder—briefly—whether the technologies we humans have unleashed prove that Pandora's Box was not just a myth. But if past behavior is any indication, our anxieties will soon fade and the rush will resume
New Report Picks Apart George Monbiot's
Support For Nuclear Power
By Paul Mobbs
New report picks apart George Monbiot's support for nuclear power and finds significant factual and analytical errors in his claims
Organic Farming Just As Productive
As Conventional, And Better At
Building Soil, Rodale Finds
By Tom Philpott
It might be chemical-intensive agriculture that's the frivolous luxury, and organic that offers us the right technologies in a resource-constrained, ever-warmer near future
Empire’s Overtly Covert Action In Libya
By Farooque Chowdhury
Now, Empire is going to take overtly covert action in Libya. It is not new. Covert action was there for long, but not formally. It was through friends. This is for the Empire’s Libyan “democracy” enterprise
America's Permanent War Agenda:
Military Keynesianism On Steroids
By Stephen Lendman
Since WW II, America's had a permanent war agenda for unchallengeable global dominance throughout decades without enemies since Japan surrendered on August 15, 1945
For The Love Of Egypt: When Besieged
Palestinians Danced
By Ramzy Baroud
The siege on Gaza – and on the whole of Palestine - is a constant factor that unites most Palestinians. However, the genuine solidarity that the people of the Gaza Strip felt when Egyptians took to the streets on January 25 surpassed even the political urgency around the humanitarian crisis in Gaza
Gilgit Baltistan A Battleground For A Future War
By Dr Shabir Choudhry
Speech of Dr Shabir Choudhry in a Seminar held in House of Commons (the British Parliament) organised by The Democracy Forum on 31 March 2011
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