30 April, 2009
Climate Myths?
By Andrew Glikson
Responses by Andrew Glikson to Andrew Bolt’s article “10 climate myths”
FDR'S New Deal v. Obamanomics
In Their First 100 Days
By Stephen Lendman
Roosevelt promised change and delivered. So did Obama - for his Wall Street backers and beneficiaries
Sri Lanka: Humanitarian Disaster In Making
By Bobby Ramakant
The Sri Lankan government’s indiscriminate military actions have exacted an appalling toll on the civilian Tamil population. Unless India does its part to negotiate an immediate ceasefire, civilian casualties will continue to escalate, tarnishing India’s claim to be a morally responsible regional ‘spiritual’ power
Why Should Hindus Vote For BJP ?
By R.B. Sreekumar
An open letter to Shri L.K.Advani Member of Parliament, Gandhinagar
Pakistan: Tens Of Thousands Displaced
By US-Ordered Offensive
By Keith Jones
Tens of thousands of Pashtun-speaking villagers have been forced to flee from their homes in recent days as the result of the punishing offensive the Pakistani military has mounted against pro-Taliban militants in the country’s North-West Frontier Province
Cricket And Monopoly Capitalism
By M.Mohibul Haque
The Supreme Court as the custodian of rights and liberties of people may intervene in the matter to save the promising career of hundreds of Indian cricketers associated with the ICL. The BCCI should not be allowed to transgress its power against the will of millions of cricket lovers in India. After all it is not a private limited but a state-controlled Board
29 April, 2009
Sri Lanka: Media Kept On Tight Leash
By IPS Correspondents
As the latest round of Asia’s longest-running guerrilla war winds down, scores of journalists here are experiencing intimidation and harassment for being critical of the military campaign against the separatist Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam
And So It Goes
By Dahr Jamail
Last week found Iraq swimming in blood once again. Attacks last Thursday brought the worst violence Iraq has seen in over a year, with at least 96 Iraqis killed and 157 wounded in two massive suicide bombings. Over 35 bombings have rocked Baghdad this month alone. There appears to be no end in sight for the escalating violence. For an Obama administration that plans to keep at least 50,000 US troops in Iraq indefinitely, look no further for a justification in doing so
Sane EnvironmentalismTo Save Earth
By Aaron Wissner
Sane environmentalists recognize that money system of our global culture inherently encourages damage to Earth; and that a new money system which does just the opposite needs to be devised and adopted. Until this new system is in place, they seek to minimize their use of money; work to renew and restore Earth; and gently invite, encourage, and support others to join in this mission to save Earth
The Myth of Sectarianism in
The "New Middle East"
By Ali Jawad
In the Middle East, we are now witness to a post-sectarian phase; the unity and solidarity that exists between its' peoples - in identifying the key challenges that face this region - is palpable in whichever direction you turn. Western discourse on the Middle East however, remains fixated on talk of civil wars, sectarian strife and religious tension
What Happened In The Skies Over New York City?
By Alex Lantier
How could one of two specially-designed presidential jets be requisitioned for a flight over New York City, where nearly 3,000 were killed in the 9/11 attacks, without the knowledge of the president, the mayor or high-ranking US military officials such as the defense secretary and the joint chiefs of staff? If the official story is indeed true, it raises the question of who is in control of the US military
Stop South Asia’s Talibanisation, Protect Women
By Amrita Nandy-Joshi
South Asia is fast emerging as the global epicentre of a backlash against women’s rights and liberties. It will be a real tragedy if millions of women across South Asia continue to lose their identities because of creeping fundamentalism. We need to check the tide before it causes havoc
Binayak Sen: Prisoner of Conscience
By Anand Patwardhan
May 14 this year will mark an ignominious date for Indian democracy the start of the third straight year of Binayak Sen’s incarceration in a Chhattisgarh jail. I wonder if there are words left to describe this travesty. What is left to say that has not been said?
Terror and Torture
By Jim Miles
The current media frenzy concerning Obama's coming release of more information on U.S. torture between 2000 and 2005 is a political storm conveniently kept out of context
The Global Research News Hour (GRNH):
Media As It Should Be
By Stephen Lendman
Stephen Lendman introduces Global Research News Hour
27 April, 2009
Millions Of Iraqis Displaced
By James Cogan
As many as 2 million Iraqi citizens are still refugees in neighbouring countries and at least 1.6 million are classified as internally displaced persons (IDPs). Despite the US occupation forces and Iraqi government claiming that the security situation has “stabilised”, most of the people who fled their homes are too terrified to return
"... The Horrible Truth"
By Dahr Jamail
Each of these Iraqis have been killed as a direct result of the US occupation of Iraq - their blood splattered on the hands of President Obama, who, during a visit to Baghdad's airport on April 7, praised the US military for their "extraordinary achievement" in Iraq
Dr. Binayak Sen's Unjust Imprisonment
By Aseem Shrivastava
On May 14 it will be two years since Dr. Binayak Sen's arrest by the Chhatisgarh government in Raipur . He was detained for allegedly being in violation of the provisions of the Chhatisgarh Special Public Security Act (2005) and the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (1967). The chargesheet against Dr.Sen bears resemblance to a page torn from Kafka. It accuses him, among other things, of “sedition”, of “waging war against the state”, and of “abetting unlawful activities”
Israeli Use of Palestinians As Human Shields
By Stephen Lendman
In April, The Al Mezan Center for Human Rights , published a seven-case study update of its July 2008 report titled: "Hiding Behind Civilians - The Continued Use of Palestinian Civilians as Human Shields by the Israeli Occupation Forces." This article reviews both reports to highlight what international law unequivocally prohibits. Nonetheless, it's customary IDF practice even though Israel's Supreme Court banned it on October 6, 2005
Adventures In Post-Oil Paradise
By Peter Goodchild
Lessons from Peter Goodchild's experiments with rural living
23 Years After Chernobyl, Nuclear Power Is
Still A Threat
By Mary Shaw
Proponents of nuclear power are using the movement away from dependence on foreign oil as an excuse to ramp up nuclear power development. But there are safer alternatives out there, such as wind power and solar energy. We should be putting our time and money into the safer alternatives
RSS: BJP- Father, Son And Unholy Mission
By Ram Puniyani
One will beg to differ with Sonia Gandhi on one small count; slaves normally are just obeying the orders of the masters. Here the BJP, its leadership not only obeys the RSS orders, it has internalized the RSS agenda and its job is to devise different strategies and moves to ensure that RSS agenda of Hindu nation becomes strong
Incredible India [Elections]: Jay Ho!
By Partha Banerjee
India is a country where status quo is the name of the game. Nothing really changes. Elections only validate the status quo. We do the democracy exercise every five years spending stupendous amount of money we can’t even afford. Then we go to sleep; rather, we’re put to sleep. The rich and the powerful live happily ever after
24 April, 2009
Coal-fired Power Stations In Britain To Be Fitted With Carbon Capture And Storage Technology
By Michael McCarthy
Any new coal-fired power stations built in Britain will have to be fitted with cutting-edge technology to capture their carbon emissions, the Government announced yesterday in a revolution in energy policy
IMF Issues Grim Forecasts For 2009
By Patrick O'Connor
The International Monetary Fund’s updated World Economic Outlook, released Wednesday, predicts world economic growth of negative 1.3 percent this year, marking “by far the deepest global recession since the Great Depression”. Not since the 1930s has the global economy undergone a collective contraction
Gaza Resistance Destroys Fatah Faction
By Adam Morrow & Khaled Moussa Al-Omrani
The recent onslaught against the Gaza Strip - and Israel's failure to achieve its military objectives there - left Palestinian resistance group Hamas politically stronger than ever. Concurrently, it dealt a possible death blow to the faction within Fatah led by strongman Mohamed Dahlan, long known for its closeness to Israel
Middle East 'Spies': A New Front
For Gaza's Conflict
By Ramzy Baroud
The reverberations of the Israeli war on Gaza are still felt throughout the Middle East. One could in fact speak of a silent war being waged in the region. Now that Israel’s clear intentions in Gaza - discrediting Hamas and ultimately ousting them from their democratically elected position - resulted in utter failure, Israelis are hoping to exploit regional conflicts to rein in Hamas and other such organizations through alternative means
Lieberman: Wishing For World War III?
By Brenda Heard
What is most interesting about Lieberman's first comprehensive interview on foreign policy since taking office is his view of Russia . Lieberman, Haaretz points out, granted his first major interview not to an Israeli newspaper, but to Alexander Rosensaft, the Israel correspondent of one of the oldest Russian dailies, Moskovskiy Komosolets. Courting favour with the Slavic world power?
Re-Visiting Race And Class In Post 9/11 USA
By E. San Juan Jr.
Socialist revolution is the requisite precondition for ending racism
Dr. King Spanks Obama: Part 1
By David Kendall
It seems ridiculous to speculate about what Dr. King might say to Barack Obama when we have a published record of what King actually did say to his government immediately before they had him assassinated
A Meditation On Our Monetary System:
State of Permanent Siege
By Richard Cook
The level of public ignorance on the topic of the U.S. and world monetary system is astonishing. This is part of the plan, of course, because the monetary elite control not only the financial system but also the news media, the publishing industry, and the educational system. The blueprint for control was put together over a century ago by Cecil Rhodes and his friends, including British financier Nathan Rothschild, as documented by Professor Carroll Quigley
“Palling Around” With Reactionaries,
Republicans Embrace The Fringe
By Robert S. Becker
I suspect, as with the economy, the news and demographics will get worse for Republicans before they get better. In the meantime, let’s recognize an historic event occurring with about the frequency of a major volcanic explosion: the unimpeded, self-generated dissolution of yesterday's dominant political party
Muslims And The Indian Media
Book Review by Yoginder Sikand
This book attempts to explore the projection of Muslims and Islam in the media while also seeking to account for the ways in which these images are created and sustained. Many of the contributors to this book are non-Muslim journalists and academics, some of them leading names in their respective fields. They provide valuable clues as to how key non-Muslim media professionals look at Muslim-related issues. Several other contributors to the volume are of Muslim background and possess an intimate knowledge of the Indian Muslim press. They offer readers a critical insider’s perspective that is often lacking in discussions about Islam, Muslims and the media
Diplomacy of Madness: Baal Habayit Histageya
By Mustafa Khan
The most interesting part of all this would be if the Israelis go the whole hog and make full invasion of the Gaza strip every time a rocket is fired from there. If they retaliate with comprehensive invasion and reoccupation of Gaza everytime a Qassem is fire at them they would be really rational and their act based on ratiocination
Its Raining Miracles in Apna Uttar Pradesh!
By Anjali Singh
Just a month old Sakhsham has left no doubt in people’s mind that he is a miracle baby. Separated from his mother at birth when he was delivered on the roadside by his emotionally disturbed mother near Khurramnagar a local residential area in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, it took a mammoth effort to reunite the two. And how it was done, is nothing short of miracle itself
23 April, 2009
Two Senior LTTE Officials Surrender
By B. Muralidhar Reddy
Amid a declaration by the Sri Lanka military that the number of civilians who have fled the no-fire zone (NFZ) since Monday morning has crossed the 1-lakh mark, two senior LTTE officials have surrendered to the security forces. They are Daya Master, head of the Tigers’ Media and Publicity Division, and George Master, who served as interpreter to Thamilchelvam, political head of the LTTE who was killed in an air raid by the Sri Lanka Air Force in 2007
Dr. Binayak Sen Is In Danger
By Ilina Sen
lina Sen’s SOS Message on Conspiracy by Chhattisgarh Administration
What Jesus Might Tell The Pope Regarding Gaza
By Eileen Fleming
Pope Benedict announced that he would visit the Holy Land this May to pray "for the precious gift of unity and peace for the Middle East and for all of humanity," but he would not be going to Gaza. Might the Pope have a heart that pulls him to go to Gaza with ears to hear and eyes to see Jesus in all the people suffering there-be they Christian, Muslim or Jew-for the Bible tells us Jesus loves them all- and we Christians are to too!
An Interview With Imran Khan
By Gul Jammas Hussain
We have changed the discourse of Pakistani politics -- without actually coming into power. We’re the first party that talked about an independent justice system, abuse of power by the governments, corruption in the government, of accountability. All this was brought in by Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf. Until then no politician talked about these issues- Imran Khan
Economics And Education
By Peter Goodchild
Education for the real world begins with the principle that every teenager, at least in rural areas (where any sensible person would be living) should know how to use a rifle and an ax, since the first might provide food and the second might provide a home. A university degree that leaves its owner many thousands of dollars in debt, on the other hand, is not providing a foundation for survival in the Age of Entropy. The corollary is that education in such real-world skills will not be acquired by sitting at a desk
"Hizzhonor:" Chicago Politics
Under Richard M. Daley
By Stephen Lendman
"Hizzhonor," the most prominent of today's big city bosses with no sign of stepping down or changing decades of Chicago-style politics
The Financial Experts: Malgudi On The Mississippi
By Niranjan Ramakrishnan
The hero of R. K. Narayan's novel , "The Financial Expert", Margayya, is often acclaimed by critics as Narayan's most memorable character. Now the novel itself may also prove to be his most prescient -- the way it captures today's economic meltdown in the microcosm of its tragi-comic hero's rise and fall, it might have hit the shelves this month to win plaudits for its timeliness. Actually, it was published in 1952
Business Gets Carded
By Rob Larson
The business world is up in arms about the Employee Free Choice Act. EFCA would make it easier for workers to unionize, by obliging companies to recognize a union once a majority of workers sign verified union cards. This would replace the more common practice of voting in union representation elections, which take several months and are conducted by secret ballot. The Wall Street Journal calls this “antidemocratic,” but it's the employers, not union organizers, who flex the muscle in union elections. The reality lies in two words: “You're fired.”
Are Muslims A Part Of The American Story?
By Mike Ghouse
We, the American Muslims, are not connected enough with the mainstream society for a vast majority of Americans to stand up for us, empathize with us, or even understand the truth about us that we are no different than them in our endeavors and aspirations of life. We must however express our gratitude to the millions of Americans who have stood up for us, compelled by their sense of justness and fair play
Advani As PM?
By M Shamsur Rabb Khan
By projecting L K Advani as the Prime Ministerial candidate for the next government, the BJP has done the biggest political blunder. With aggressive media campaign, the party is putting an all-out effort to elevate Advani to a cult figure, as if creating a new avatara by putting the leader over party but failed to grasp the fact that the bottle, like the wine, has become too old to fetch enough admirers
22 April, 2009
Sri Lanka: 58,000 Civilians Flee No-Fire Zone
By B. Muralidhar Reddy
Amid an announcement by the Sri Lanka military that over 58,000 civilians trapped in the no-fire zone (NFZ) have crossed over into government territory in the early hours of Monday since the security forces breached the three-kilometre-long earthen wall built by the LTTE on the western edge of the NFZ, President Mahinda Rajapaksa turned down a fresh request by the United Kingdom for a pause in the military action
Sri Lanka: Victory Will Be Hollow Without
Constitutional Reforms
By Charu Lata Hogg
Justice and pragmatism require a package of constitutional reforms that will offer Tamils real rights and an effective share in power. Until that happens, victory in the battlefield will remain hollow; an aggrieved minority at home and an embittered diaspora abroad will ensure that peace remains elusive in Sri Lanka
Lies And Torture - When Policies
And Words Diverge
By Emily Spence
If American government leaders cannot uphold the law and universally apply it across the board, then all of the underlying principles of our nation's founding fathers, our justice system, itself, and the ethical underpinnings that make our country truly great are without value. They are merely empty platitudes and nothing more
Iraq: Attacks Commence
By Dahr Jamail
Right now in Iraq, the formerly US-backed al-Sahwa (Sons of Iraq) Sunni militia, ripe with broken promises from both the occupiers of their country and the Iraqi government that they would be given respect and jobs, have gone into attack mode
Rule of Law Vetoed By President Obama
By Joel S. Hirschhorn
There are no headlines or pontificating pundits, but the real news that has become crystal clear to any but the most delusional and distracted Americans is that President Obama has no commitment to applying the rule of law where it counts. Certainly, not applying it to the large number of rich and powerful people that have violated our Constitution and plunged the nation into economic disaster
Durban II: Underscoring The Vile And
Shameful Hypocrisy of The West
By Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich
The vile and shameful hypocrisy of the West in order to accommodate Israel has no boundaries - with no end in sight
President Ahmadinejad's Speech At The Durban
Review Conference On Racism
By President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
The speech of the Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad at the Durban Review Conference on racism in Geneva on April 20
From Marx To Climate Change
By M. Rajkumar
Leaders of the globe meet at summits – G8, G20 & G5. The context is the ‘global recession’. This is the softy label they have given for the impact of the capitalist economy. The more they meet the greater the drain of public money towards buttressing the crisis ridden globalized corporate economy. Everyone starts believing in the theory of TINA (there is no alternative). That is the sign of success for the decaying capitalism amidst its crises. Can there be any solution? Definitely yes!. And significantly India can withstand it and manage successfully without any further damage. How?
Media Coverage of Haiti's Sham Elections
By Stephen Lendman
What if a national election was held and virtually no one showed up? That's precisely what happened in Haiti. On April 19, scheduled senatorial elections were to fill 12 open seats. However, after majority Fanmi Lavalas (FL) candidates were disqualified on a first time ever procedural technicality, party leaders called for a national boycott, and Haitians responded overwhelmingly with estimates of as few as 3% of eligible voters participating
Understanding Pakistan’s Problems
By Riaz Ali Toori
Parachinar : Presently Pakistan is passing through a series of chronic and painful problems include political, socioeconomic, energy crises, security, uncertainty in Balochistan, day to day suicide bombing, foreign Drones attacks and worst situation of law and order in FATA and NWFP. These all are brain blasting and heart pinching for all true Pakistanis
Dehumanising The Muslim Woman
By A. Faizur Rahman
The passage of a law in Afghanistan asking Muslim women to unconditionally submit to the sexual whims of their husbands once in four days is a shocking piece of legislation that seeks to dehumanise women reducing them to mere chattels devoid of human rights
Critical Reforms Of IMF Policies Demanded
By Bobby Ramakant
Earlier this month the Group of Twenty (G-20) leaders had announced a USD 1.1 trillion booster-dose into the world economy by the end of 2010 through multilateral institutions like the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Health advocates believe that critical reforms are needed for IMF policies to prevent disastrous fallouts like rising tuberculosis (TB) incidence in countries that might receive IMF funding
21 April, 2009
Roxana Saberi And Vikram Buddhi –
Compel A Comparison
By Dr. Buddhi Kotasubbarao
A comparison of the case of 31 year old Iranian-American journalist Ms. Roxana Saberi sentenced by Iranian Court and the case of 37 year old Indian Graduate Student of Purdue University Mr. Vikram Buddhi awaiting sentencing after a helpless jury found him guilty in US District Court, has much to show the entrenched preferences of the United States of America
Gaza's Underground Economy
By Ebrahim Sobeh
For the Gazans as a whole, the tunnel economy is all that exists between them and starvation. Tunnels have been used to smuggle through a vital economic lifeline, including domestic goods, medicine, fuel, cigarettes, power generators, motorcycles, livestock and sometimes people into, or out of, Gaza. The Hamas leadership has welcomed the emergence of this new tunnel economy, as a way of circumventing Israel's blockade on the Gaza Strip
Delegates Walk Out Of UN Racism Conference
By The Irish Times
Delegates attending the United Nations conference on racism have walked out as Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad spoke on the Middle East and racism in Europe. The delegates left the conference during Mr Ahmadinejad's speech after he called Israel a racist government
Disney, Casino Capitalism And the Exploitation of
Young Boys: Beyond the Politics of Innocence
By Henry A. Giroux
As reported recently in a front-page article in The New York Times, Disney is in the forefront of finding ways to capitalize on the $50 billion dollars spent worldwide by young boys between the ages of 6 and 14. As part of such efforts, Disney has enlisted the help of educators, anthropologists and a former researcher with "a background in the casino industry" to not only study all aspects of the culture and intimate lives of young boys, but to do so in a way that allows Disney to produce "emotional hooks" that lure young boys into the wonderful world of corporate Disney in order to turn them into enthusiastic consumers
The Economics Of Turning People Into Things
By Nitasha Kaul
Economic violence is not only the violence caused for economic reasons, but also the violence caused by spurious economics. It is the violence caused to people when they lose their jobs and livelihoods, when they witness massively divergent rewards for work, when they see an endless perpetuation of inequality around them. Such involuntary unemployment in the long run leads to social breakdown and community fragmentation. This is already ongoing, but it must not be exacerbated
The West’s Hysterical Reaction To North Korea
By Scott Ritter
Although North Korea declared the vehicle to be intended for launching a satellite, the launch was condemned even before it occurred as “dangerous” and “provocative,” unlike Japan’s similar efforts
Putting Finance Capitalism "Back in Its Box"
By Stephen Lendman
Make no mistake. "Tooth-and-claw" capitalism is pernicious and toxic. End it or it'll destroy us. What better proof than the current crisis heading America for neo-feudal bondage unless a mass-awakening comes soon enough to stop it
They Are All Accountable For Torture
By Mary Shaw
Spain will not prosecute the "Bush Six" because they didn't participate in the torture. And Obama will not prosecute those who did. So which approach is correct? In my opinion, neither
Once You’ve Seen the Light...
By Jim Taylor
In March, Afghan president Hamid Karzai signed into law a bill that severely restricts the rights of Shiite women. They are now subject to Sharia law. They can be married off as young as nine. They cannot hold jobs outside the home without the husband’s permission. They cannot withhold sex, except during illness and menstruation. Critics call this provision the right of a husband to rape
Obama's Real Plan in Latin America
By Shamus Cooke
And although Obama’s policy towards Latin America has a similar subversive feeling to it, many of FDR’s methods of dominance are closed to him. Decades of U.S. “good neighbor” policy in Latin America resulted in a continuous string of U.S. backed military coups, broken-debtor economies, and consequently, a hemisphere-wide revolt
BJP As Slave Of RSS: What Does
the RSS Archive Tell?
By Shamsul Islam
All those who are concerned about the future of democratic-secular polity in the wake of aggressive communal politics by the RSS rightly hope that Ms. Gandhi and her party, Indian National Congress will carry forward this debate about the linkages of Hindutva politics. There is no need to be apologetic about the comment. The RSS archives are a mine of such degenerated- fascist documents. One simply needs commitment to fight and expose this evil organization; it will not prove to be more than a paper tiger
19 April, 2009
Barack Obama: Crime Boss
By Stephen Lendman
Since taking office, Obama, wittingly or otherwise, has headed the largest criminal enterprise in history - the mass looting of national wealth to enrich his Wall Street benefactors. He assembled a rogue economic team of Clinton/Robert Rubin retreads - to fix the current crisis they engineered
From Corporate Strategy to Global Justice
By Jessica Ludescher
It has become fashionable to laud corporate social responsibility as a win-win practice for business and society. Yet CSR is a misleading and distracting doctrine that blinds us to the political realities of corporate economic globalization, writes Jessica Ludescher
Protectionism: All Bad?
By Pranav Bihari
Self-reliant local economies are better suited to withstand crisis and are more responsive to the needs of local communities. So why are politicians so resistant to the growing sentiment in favour of protectionist policies, asks Pranav Bihari
Toward Climate Geoengineering?
By Andrew Glikson
That global climate change has reached an impasse whereby the “powers-to-be” are entertaining climate geoengineering mitigation, instead of the urgent deep reduction of carbon emissions required by science, represents the ultimate moral bankruptcy of institutions and a failure of democracy
Déjà Vu All Over Again in Afghanistan
By William Astore
Mary McCarthy in Vietnam, Barack Obama in Afghanistan. Seven lessons and many questions for the President
Human Body Parts
By Dahr Jamail
In Iraq, time leaves bloody marks upon each day of the ongoing US occupation. The policies of the Obama administration, adopted from the Bush administration, continue to wreak their havoc on the Iraqi people
Bouncer in Jerusalem
By Sam Bahour
Now Netanyahu seems to have a new gambit: diverting our attention from the ever-more- entrenched military occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip with an "economy first" approach to peace
The Boot Of The State
By Tarun Tejpal
Three myths were shattered when a diffident Sikh took off his footwear
Balochistan’s Unaddressed Grievances
By Rahil Yasin
Normalcy returns to Balochistan. The latest wave of violence erupted in strategically important and resource-rich province of Balochistan after the killing of three leaders of Balochistan National Party (BNP), a nationalist political party which believes in national right of autonomy for Balochistan through a peaceful and democratic struggle
Orissa: Tragedy Continues
By Ram Puniyani
The after-effects of the anti Christian violence (2007) in Kandhamal district of Orissa are not over, so to say. Recently the Archbishop Cheenath of the state said that the elections in the Kandhmamal district should be postponed as the refugees living in the camps are not able to return. The reason is that many of them who returned were threatened by the local Bajrang Dal workers and associates
17 April, 2009
Consumption Dwarfs Population As Main
Environmental Threat
By Fred Pearce
It is hubris to downgrade the culpability of the rich world's environmental footprint because generations of poor people not yet born might one day get to be as rich and destructive as us. Overpopulation is not driving environmental destruction; overconsumption is, argues Fred Pearce
Profiting Without Producing
By Marcos Arruda
While millions face poverty and hunger, others make fortunes without producing. A sustainable alternative to financial globalisation must be based on international cooperation and solidarity - with new indicators in place to measure well-being. By Marcos Arruda
The Coming Siege Of Austerity
By James Howard Kunstler
Barack Obama, charming as he is, had better drop his pretensions about kick-starting the old consumer economy, fire the Wall Street clowns and parasites who are running that futile exercise, and start preparing a US Lifeboat Economy aimed at reducing the scale and scope of our outlays so we can survive the coming siege of austerity. Meanwhile, I'm glad that he finally got a dog for the White House, because the President knows full well where to turn in Washington if you want some genuine love and affection
The Financial War Against Iceland
By Prof Michael Hudson
Iceland is under attack – not militarily but financially. It owes more than it can pay. This threatens debtors with forfeiture of what remains of their homes and other assets. The government is being told to sell off the nation’s public domain, its natural resources and public enterprises to pay the financial gambling debts run up irresponsibly by a new banking class
On Globalization, Economics,
And The History of Food Crises
By Michael Perelman & Max Haiven
In this interview Perelman offers his insights into the contemporary food and economic crises, some of their historical antecedents, and themes ranging from speculation to dependency to class
Genocide of Tamils : UN Action Appalling
By Dr C P Thiagarajah
The Tamil race had come to their low ebb of their endurance. Unless this genocide is stopped forthwith under power vested under UN charter 39-42 military measures it will be another blot on the current century
Sri Lanka: Politics of Perceptions
By Chandi Sinnathruai
Tamils have to face the reality rather than engaging in mere play with words. Iyakkam cannot stand still nor can it become stagnant. It ought to be taking steps to stand in the gap, regain its moral force, and take full political charge. Even that were to mean, politics of forgiveness and healing of memories. A liberation movement must have within its capacity to engage not only in politics but also in statesmanship. And to this end the Tamils must rise up!
Electoral Sham in Haiti
By Stephen Lendman
Sham elections will be held on April 19, shamefully with Preval's approval. Once again, Haitians will lose out. Their long overdue rights will be denied, the result of Obama continuing the same hard line policies as George Bush
President Obama Announces
Climate Change Investigation
By Bill Henderson
Aspeech President Obama should give on climate change
15 April, 2009
Climate Risks: Lessons From The Financial Crisis
By Robin Hahnel
Since both the probability of a climatic black swan and the magnitude of the damages are far greater, the rational choice is to pay our precautionary premiums to insure ourselves against climate change. Arguments that the expected value of our insurance policy may be negative are beside the point. There are times to maximize expected value and there are times to buy insurance. Now, as we are deciding how to respond to climate change, is surely a time to buy a life insurance policy for our planet. Haven't we learned our lesson yet?
Investigating Israeli War Crimes in Gaza
By Stephen Lendman
Independent investigations and convincing testimonies, on both sides, provide compelling evidence of Israeli war crimes in Gaza. It's time to hold the guilty accountable
Hindutva: Projections And Reality!
By Ram Puniyani
One is happy to know that the new RSS chief knows the word emancipation. So far so good, as he can't go beyond parroting this word as the meaning of the word is totally against the agenda of RSS, which is opposed to emancipation and stands for suppressing the low caste, and women in perpetual subjugation
Parachinar: The Valley of Death
By Ali Jawad
Tensions began in April 2007 when a procession of Shias came under fire from fanatical Wahhabis who view Shia Muslims as heretics. What followed on from that initial attack however, has been a systematic attempt to wipe out Parachinar of its’ Shia presence
14 April, 2009
White House Pushing GM Toward Bankruptcy
By Jerry White
The Obama administration is aggressively pushing General Motors into bankruptcy, the New York Times reported Monday. The White House wants to use bankruptcy courts, the newspaper said, to break up the century-old industrial icon and sell off its profitable parts to private investors. Meanwhile, the company’s undesirable assets, including health-care and pension obligations, would be liquidated in drawn-out bankruptcy proceedings
No Coincidences in Iraq
By Dahr Jamail
Following George W. Bush’s example of keeping war funding off the books, President Barack Obama is seeking $83.4 billion in additional “emergency” funding for the American wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, which, if approved, would bring the 2009 funding to around $150 billion and the overall costs of the two wars to nearly $1 trillion
Pro-Zionist Western Genocide Denial
By Gideon Polya
It is useful to compare current examples of “holocaust minimizing” and the differential responses of lying, racist, holocaust-ignoring Mainstream media, academics and politicians of the Western Murdochracies
Human Need And The Economy
By James Keye
We will only be able to change the present total domination of almost every detail of our lives by an exchange token economy by being able to meet the most essential of our needs by our own efforts: that is the bad news. And it is also good news since there is nothing more rewarding than to be in real control of even a short life compared to being the disenfranchised observer of a life owned by an economic system
13 April, 2009
Will Israel Attack Iran?
By Roane Carey
Israel has been steadily ratcheting up pressure on the United States concerning the grave threat allegedly posed by Iran, which seems poised to master the nuclear fuel cycle, and thus the capacity to produce nuclear weapons. The new Israeli prime minister, Likud Party hawk Benjamin Netanyahu, has warned President Barack Obama that if Washington does not quickly find a way to shut down Iran's nuclear program, Israel will
Tamil Civilians: A Moral Outrage
By Chandi Sinnathurai
The two-day pause in fighting declared by the Sri Lanka Government (SLG) owing to the Sinhala-Tamil New Year festivities does not change the plight of over 100,000 Tamil civilians in Vanni
ICRC's Damning Expose Of US Torture
By Stephen Lendman
Closing Guantanamo, Thai, Polish, and other offshore prisons means moving their detainees elsewhere, not ending the "war on terror" or ways chosen to pursue it. Nothing short of that is acceptable
Iraq in Fragments
By Dahr Jamail
All of the recent talk of withdrawal from Iraq is empty rhetoric indeed to most Iraqis, who see the giant “enduring” U.S. military bases spread across their country, or the U.S. “embassy,” the size of the Vatican City, in Baghdad. The gulf between the rhetoric of withdrawal and the reality on the ground spans the distance between Iraq and the United States, while the reality is pressed in the face of the Iraqi people each day the occupation continues
The Mubarak Factor
By Ali Jawad
Hosni Mubarak and his fellow comrades in Riyadh and Amman have tied the destinies of the Arab world to the feet of their thrones. Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Egypt find themselves in a precarious situation: they cannot disembark off the US ship (by extension Israeli) on which they have sailed for so long - suffice it to say, one that happens to be sailing over incredibly rough waters
The Jewish State VS Mordechai Vanunu:
A Case Of Christian Persecution
By Eileen Fleming
The Shin Bet has developed a ritual of publicly harassing Vanunu at Christmas and Easter time because he is a Christian convert; an unpardonable sin for particular people
The Debate Over Nationalization:
The Establishment Divided
By Shamus Cooke
As Wall Street deludes itself into thinking that the economy has finally “turned the corner,” the more intelligent economists continue sounding the alarm bells, pleading for a fundamental change in government policy to avoid a devastating, systemic collapse
Is America At War With Islam?
By Rahil Yasin
Barack Obama, making his first visit to a Muslim nation as president, declared the United States “is not and will never be at war with Islam.” His claims are not based on any solid ground realities. Actions speak louder than words
Recalling Jamshedpur Riots of 1979
By Kashif-ul-Huda
This month in the year 1979, the Hindu-Muslim violence in Jamshedpur took the lives of 108 people. The number of dead could have easily been 114, but as it turned out, my family and I survived the mayhem, to write about it thirty years later
People to Draft the Election Manifesto of
SR Darapuri
By Bobby Ramakant
Lok Rajniti Manch desires to build a new political culture which will be an alternative to the dominant money and muscle powered politics, which will bring the common people's issues to the core of politics, where the candidates will have a history of serving the people, where the politicians will not require armed security, where the candidates will strictly follow the code of conduct set up by Election Commission, where the election expenses will be made public and where the candidate will conduct himself/herself in a transparent manner and will be accountable to the people. The candidate irrespective of the result of the election will continue to serve the people
Caught Between Berlin And Hong Kong,
A Filipina Worker Unleashed
By E. San Juan, Jr.
Review of MARISOL (2009)—a film directed by Hella Wenders
10 April, 2009
G8 Document On World Hunger Warns Of
Global Instability
By Hiram Lee
A document prepared by the Group of Eight, or G8, countries for its inaugural summit of agricultural ministers entitled “The Global Challenge: To Reduce Food Emergency” was leaked to the press this week, revealing the G8's concerns of global instability arising from a worldwide food crisis
Economic Crisis: Women Will Suffer Most
By Jay Fletcher
As the economic crisis continues to worsen, with capitalism unable to stop the spiral towards a global depression that will plunge millions into poverty, women will experience the negative consequences more rapidly and with more severity
The Killing-Fields Of Inequality
By Göran Therborn
Globalisation is not a convincing excuse for accepting inequality. But is equality and generosity sustainable in the context of the world market? As the example of Scandinavian countries shows us, the irrefutable answer is yes, says Göran Therborn
Obama's New World Order
By Stephen Lendman
This article addresses Washington's financial coup d'etat in the context of discussing Michael Hudson's important, very lengthy and detailed April 5 Global Research.ca article titled: "The Financial War Against Iceland - Being defeated by debt is as deadly as outright military warfare." It reviews its key information in advance of Hudson's April 14 scheduled appearance on The Global Research News Hour to discuss
Genocide 1984: Long Search For Culprits
By Shamsul Islam
It is generally believed that the Congress cadres were behind this genocide. This is true but there were other forces too which actively participated in this massacre and whose role has never been investigated. Those who were witness to the genocide of 1984 were stunned by the swiftness and military precision of the killer marauding gangs (later on witnessed during the Babri mosque demolition, burning alive of Dr. Graham Steins with his two sons and recent pogrom of the Muslims in Gujarat) who went on a burning spree of the innocent Sikhs. This was beyond the capacity of the Congress thugs
The Minority Perspective On The BJP Manifesto
By Firdaus Ahmed
A party’s manifesto is not taken too seriously since the compulsions of power impact the promises in it considerably. In the coalition era, this is even more so. Therefore to assess the BJP’s position on security through its manifesto may be neither fair nor accurate. However, the exercise needs to be done if only to point out that the manifesto in its references to national security shows a remarkable insensitivity to minority concerns
09 April, 2009
The Rise Of The Shoe-cide Bomber
By P. Sainath
Jarnail Singh is a reporter of considerable experience and generally, his colleagues say, very mild-mannered. He certainly chose a good place to put his foot down and his shoe up. This was a press conference with the nation’s home minister, bursting with TV cameras. Jarnail Singh has since made it clear that he bore no personal animus towards the minister. He was just registering his anguish -- and that of his community. He even wants to meet the home minister and make that clear. After all, only the wearer knows where the shoe pinches. At the press conference, though, it was hell for leather
When Justice Fails, Shoes Are Bound To Hurl!
By Bradhi
The Forty year old Jarnail Singh, who has been a respected journalist for the past 15 years, probably decided to understate. So he was merely throwing it towards the dais but clearly away from the Minister. He was protesting the home Minister’s justification of the CBI giving clean chit to Jagdish Tytler, so as to enable Tytler to get a party ticket in the forthcoming elections
Iraqi Shoes And The Demotivated Media
By Guy Gabriel
It is these sins of omission, and countless others like it, that help to explain why the motivation of al-Zaidi in throwing his shoes was absent in a large part of the reporting in the British media. Perhaps if the media was to take a more frank look at itself and its conduct surrounding the Iraq war, then the impressions of humour that met al-Zaidi's act would fade as the full details and extent of his motivation become clearer. This is a debate that is yet to take place
Commodifying Children: The Forgotten Crisis
By Henry A. Giroux
The current financial crisis offers an opportunity to question the corruption of children's culture by rampant commercialisation, commodification and consumption. A road to recovery cannot be simply about returning to a re-established, bankrupt consumer society, argues Henry A. Giroux
Israel’s Arab Students Cross To Jordan
By Jonathan Cook
Obstacles to Israel’s Arab minority participating in higher education have resulted in a record number of Arab students taking up places at universities in neighbouring Jordan, a new report reveals
Palestinian Nationalism
By Dan Lieberman
The Palestinians need a state not just to live within borders. They need a state that all peoples claim, especially those who are dispossessed, to assure ontological security and live healthy lives
“So Let Me Be Clear…”
By Jim Miles
This is quoting Obama’s comment that “North Korea broke the rules.” In order to be clear, I would need to know what rules are being referred to. Are they rules established under international law? Are they rules for the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty to which they never belonged? Or are they the continuing neocon rules that the ‘axis of evil’ should not be allowed to have nuclear weapons while the U.S. works towards first strike capability, helped in part by expanding its anti-missile ‘defences’?
Let's Talk About Israel's Nukes
By Jeremy Scahill
Jeremy Scahill, author of Blackwater: The Rise of the World's Most Powerful Mercenary Army, gives the full context to U.S. condemnations of North Korea's rocket launch
30,000 Gather In Strasbourg, France To Say
'Destroy Nato, Yes We Can'
By Michael Galvin
A report on the Strasbourg protest against Nato
Why The World Should Not Be Controlled
By The Zionist Jews?
By Mustafa Khan
India was developing its own missile technology but opted to buy Israeli missiles because of the monetary consideration. The current government signed 10, 000 crore dollar deal with Israel on the sly even when there was CBI inquiry going on. Moreover, Akash surface to air missile was better than the ones Israel has. It was this fact which made the defence ministry official cry out in anguish: “What do we do when we are neck deep with the Israelis?”
Eelam Tamils: A Question Of Pressure And Strategy
By Chandi Sinnathurai
Over 100,000 Tamil civilians are trapped within an ever shrinking 14 Sq km pocket of land in the Vanni. The Sri Lankan war has been rightly dubbed by the Media as the War on Civilians. Reports from the ground has emerged that the indiscriminate killings of Tamils is yet to cease. Thousands have lost their lives and multitudes are maimed for life. Both sides, the Tamil Tigers and the State Forces have traded blame
Pardon Us, If This Is The Ram Rajya
By Aleem Faizee
One needs to ask the BJP leaders what kind of Ram Rajya they intend to bring to the country. For not very long ago we had seen them endorsing the demolition of the Babri Masjid and blissfully dancing as the errant mob pulled down the historic mosque brick by brick. Before that the Prime Ministerial candidate of the party, which is assuring to bring Ram Rajya, riding on the Rath was spurting venom in the whole country. Ram Rajya as far as we have learnt is supposed to provide safety, equality and justice to everyone and respect to every religion and every cast. How then the BJP leaders justify their leading and encouraging the mob to demolish a religious site?
07 April, 2009
Why Is Binayek Sen In Prison?
By Arundhati Roy
There is very little doubt that Dr Sen is in prison because he spoke out against this policy of the State Government, because he opposed the formation of the Salwa Judum. His incarceration is meant to silence dissent, and criminalize democratic space. It is meant to create a wall of silence around the civil war in Chattisgarh. It is meant to absorb all our attention so that the stories of the hundreds of other nameless, faceless people - those without lawyers, without the attention of journalists - who are starving and dying in the forests, go unnoticed and unrecorded
Daniel McGowan, Another
"War on Terrorism" Victim
By Stephen Lendman
Fronting for corporate America, right wing groups like the Center for the Defense of Free Enterprise, Wise Use, the Competitive Enterprise Institute, and their lobbyists and PR flacks claim otherwise in their relentless war on the greens, backed by federal and state authorities calling saving the earth "eco-terrorism" and managing to get activists like Daniel McGowan sent to prison
US Expands War Into Pakistan
By Keith Jones
Unveiled by US President Barack Obama late last month, Washington’s new strategy to pacify Afghanistan calls for a dramatic escalation of the war—US troop strength in Afghanistan is to almost double from 38,000 to 68,000—and for the war’s further expansion in Pakistan, both through coordinated action with Islamabad and unilateral US strikes inside Pakistan
Mr. Obama: Why Are You Courting
The Muslim World In Turkey?
By Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich
On his first overseas tour as President of the United States, Mr. Obama deliberately chose Turkey to make his case to Moslems and stated that the United States is ‘not at war with the Muslim world’. The choice of country merits scrutiny
Christians, Resurrections And Revolutions
By Eileen Fleming
Imagine what a transformed world it would be, if every Christian would ponder upon just who their Jesus is, just what god/God do they serve. That would be revolutionary!
The Political Meaning Of Easter
By Jim Rigby
Even though it's Easter, I'm not going to say that the resurrection is when Jesus got up from the grave. Or that, if you believe in Jesus' resurrection, then your body will get up too someday. That's a religion for children. We all start out as children and that's fine. But if our faith does not grow, then when we are afraid our immature religion will cause us to hurt other people, our immature religion will cause us to reject those who are different, our immature religion will be capable of taking advantage, enslaving, or even killing other people
07 April, 2009
Climate Warning As Antarctic
Ice Bridge Shatters
By Alister Doyle
An ice bridge which held a vast Antarctic ice shelf in place shattered at the weekend and could herald a wider collapse linked to global warming
Iraq: The Storm Widens
By Dahr Jamail
One week after Iraqi government forces arrested an Awakening Group (commonly referred to as Sons of Iraq, al-Sahwa) leader, Adil al-Mashhadani, head of a patrol unit in central Baghdad’s Fadhil neighborhood in Baghdad, sparking gun battles that raged for hours between US-backed Iraqi forces and US-allied Sunni militiamen that killed three people, militiamen have once again been detained, widening concerns that sectarian violence may once more engulf Baghdad. There are 50,000 Sahwa fighters in Baghdad alone
Arabs Left On The Wrong Side Of
The Tracks In Israel
By Jonathan Cook
A decision by Israel’s state-owned railway company to sack 150 Arab workers because they have not served in the army has been denounced as “unlawful” and “racist” this week by Arab legal and workers’ rights groups
Obama's War On Labor
By Stephen Lendman
Voters expecting change keep getting rude reminders of what kind, none they can believe in reiterated again on March 30 in Obama's remarks to the auto giants. While stating "We cannot....must not (and) will not let (this) industry vanish," he laid down a clear marker. Labor, not business, is targeted. More on that below
What Obama’s Trip To Europe Revealed
By Shamus Cooke
The truly pitiful joint-response of the G 20 summit sparked zero inspiration in the peoples of the world. The corporate controlled media, however, hailed the meeting a success of epic proportion and awarded Obama the title of Messiah
A Starling Taught To Speak
By Mickey Z.
I don't know about you, but I'd rather live in a world where… a) A resilient mimic of a bird is valued above stone, metal, and masonry b) Humans are the species correctly labeled "invasive" and a "health risk"
Reciprocal Terms Missing
In The Proposed India-EU Pact
By Kavaljit Singh
Since many big European banks are in the midst of turmoil since 2007, it raises serious questions about their efficiency, ‘best practices’, state-of-the-art risk management models, corporate governance and transparency norms. Keeping these in view, policymakers should rethink about the benefits of opening up banking sector under India-EU FTA
How Many Children Did Maya Kodnani Have?
By Mustafa Khan
As she wished from behind the bars that especially women would show through ballot box how she has been handled by the police, Maya Kodnani deserves closer attention. It need not be electoral but clinical. The clinical couch is in Vienna and she is without one in the dungeon. Even so why should she appeal to women? If she were really concerned for women she must have come across scores of naked women who were raped and sticks and rods were still clinging to their vagina as they made their way to the relief camps of Shah Alam and other places in Ahemdabad and elsewhere in 2002
Communalism, Minority Identity And Secularism
In The Time Of Elections 2009 – An Evaluation
By Cynthia Stephen
Has our inaction succeeded in making what was surely only a communal majority into a political majority? Is it too late already? A peep into the future suggest that there may still be time. There is still space for sections of society who have so far been marginalized from these processes to come to the fore, such as women, youth and the professional class, at least those from the newly upwardly mobile classes. Their involvement and fresh thinking, their identification of issues and location of solutions will bring in a new vibrance to our maturing democratic system
05 April, 2009
Iraq: Occupation Year 7
By Dr. Omar Al – Kubaisy
The transcript of the “Occupation year 7” speech by Iraqi cardiologist Dr Omar Al-Kubaisy to the European Parliament, 18th March 2009, about the horrendous consequences of the illegal, war criminal and genocidal US, UK and Australian invasion and occupation of Iraq
The New Class And The Workers
By Gaither Stewart
The current and spreading revolt of labour against capital seems to mark the second phase of the crisis of capitalism, as a consequence of the financial crisis caused by the New Class of an elite that has illogically chosen to separate itself from labour in the Occidental world
It's A Lieberman Government
By Uri Avnery
On the first day of the new Israeli government, the fog cleared: it's a Lieberman government
Israel And The Crime Of Apartheid
By Hazem Jamjoum
In recent years, increasing numbers of individuals around the world have begun adopting and developing an analysis of Israel as an apartheid regime. This can be seen in the ways that the global movement in support of the Palestinian anti-colonial struggle is taking on a pointedly anti-apartheid character, as evidenced by the growth of Israeli Apartheid Week
Homeless In Tent City, USA
By Kathy Sanborn
Homeless encampments around the country are mushrooming, much to the embarrassment of government officials, may of whom prefer to hear no evil, see no evil. In Fresno, California, a shantytown called “New Jack City” is host to newly poor, unemployed electricians and truck drivers, who share space with drug addicts and the mentally ill who have been homeless for years
Procuring Academics For Empire:
The Pentagon Minerva Research Initiative
By James Petras
Pentagon strategists, recognizing the socio-political bases of their failures, have turned to willing accomplices in the academic world to provide intelligence, in the form of ethnographic accounts of targeted peoples, tactics and strategies in order to divide and destroy local and national loyalties.The Pentagon is contracting social scientists to develop ‘social maps’ to identify leaders and groups, susceptible to recruitment in the service of the empire
Irondale: An Experiment In Post-Oil Survival
By Peter Goodchild
As long as there is chaos, there is hope. When industrial society has collapsed, there will be a chance for something better. One day, for some people, the enigmatic quest for a return to Nature will be fulfilled
Towards The Second Year Of Mockery
By Jhuma Sen
A month to go and India will again show that the cost of dissent a peaceful man pays in this country is a detention for two years on fictitious grounds. Binayak Sen is held in prison inspite of international pressure for his release
Movements Towards Discretion:
AFRICOM’s Active Security Strategy
By Stephen Roblin
An inquiry into the most recent and significant change to the U.S. military structure – the establishment of the U.S. Africa command, commonly referred to as AFRICOM – may offer evidence that U.S. foreign policy planners still remember the lessons learned from the Vietnam war
03 April, 2009
Arctic Sea Ice Melting Faster Than Expected
By Randolph E. Schmid
Arctic sea ice is melting so fast most of it could be gone in 30 years. A new analysis of changing conditions in the region, using complex computer models of weather and climate, says conditions that had been forecast by the end of the century could occur much sooner
Earth's Atmosphere Tracking Toward
A Mid Pliocene Like State
By Andrew Glikson
Another warning from a top earth/paleo-climate scientist
State Of The Nations - III The Environment
By Jim Miles
Global structures need to be reinforced, rebuilt, or created anew, otherwise all of us will find ourselves in a world decimated by environmental decline and increasingly hostile militaries. A just and fair distribution of wealth is required, and limits need to be placed on the consumptive habits of our current society. If we cannot make the changes, they will be forced upon us, by the military of one country or another combined with the serious effects of a changing climate and the co-opting of dwindling resources by the wealthy few. Better that we make the changes ourselves for the equality and betterment of all
Fake Faith And Epic Crimes
By John Pilger
These are extraordinary times. With the United States and Britain on the verge of bankruptcy and committing to an endless colonial war, pressure is building for their crimes to be prosecuted at a tribunal similar to that which tried the Nazis at Nuremberg
Iraq: The Growing Storm
By Dahr Jamail
Last weekend, the Iraqi government arrested an Awakening Group leader of a Baghdad neighborhood, then moved into the area. With the help of US occupation forces, they disarmed the militiamen under his control, but only after fighting broke out between US-backed Iraqi government security forces and the US-formed Sunni Awakening Group militia. This disturbing event is the realization of what most Iraqis have long feared - that the relative calm in Iraq today would eventually be broken when fighting erupts between these two entities
Avigdor Lieberman: A Response To
Offensive Ego And States Of Deficiency
By Eileen Fleming
Once upon a time in Moldova, Avigdor Lieberman was employed as a night club bouncer. Today he is Israel's latest foreign minister and the leader of the hard-line party Yisrael Beitainu and national movement following in the path of Revisionist Zionism
The War On Drugs Is A War On You
By Michael Boldin
If you are concerned at all about liberty, the economy, the Constitution and the power of the Federal Government - you cannot ignore the US government's longest and most costly "war" - the War on Drugs
GMO Proliferation Bills
By Stephen Lendman
Using the ruse of food safety and security, they aim to eliminate competition to have it all and replace wholesome foods with unsafe GMOs. Congress is willing to go along. And why not. Representatives like DeLauro get large Ag business contributions. In return, they assure bills like HR 875 are passed. It's for concerned people to stop them
02 April, 2009
Solution To Carbon Problem
Could Be Under The Ground
By Steve Connor
Hope for the fight against climate change as study finds greenhouse gas can be buried without fear of leaking
Netanyahu Threatens War On Iran
By Bill Van Auken
Sworn in Tuesday as prime minister in the most right-wing government in Israel's history, Benjamin Netanyahu threatened a military strike against Iran and signaled a break with the so-called "two-state solution" to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict backed by Washington
Changing The Rules Of War
By George Bisharat
The extent of Israel's brutality against Palestinian civilians in its 22-day pounding of the Gaza Strip is gradually surfacing. Israeli soldiers are testifying to lax rules of engagement tantamount to a license to kill
The Subprime Court
By Rob Larson
The Roberts Court is a major new tool of business power
Canadian Parliament Votes Again
To Let U.S. War Resisters Stay
By Mike Ferner
Two days ago, for the second time in 10 months, Canada’s House of Commons told Prime Minister Stephen Harper and his Conservative government, including Immigration Minister, Jason Kenney, to stop deporting U.S. soldiers resisting wars in Iraq and Afghanistan
Bring On The Misery!
By Charukesi Ramadurai
Article on a recent photoessay that was published in the Washington Post documenting the procedure of female genital mutilation of a 7 year old in Kurdish Iraq - the article questions the photographer's (and publication's) insensitivity to the victim by revealing her name and face in the essay
Obama’s Disastrous Afghan Plan
By Ann Robertson
True security will only be achieved, not by deploying more troops, but by bringing all U.S. troops home from all over the world. But this will only happen when working people choose to redefine the fundamental principles of this society and insist, through a democratic process, that we begin to produce in order to raise everyone’s standard of living, not for corporate profits where the aim is to make the rich even richer
Combating Piracy In The Gulf Of Aden
Via Multilateral Means: A Pyrrhic Victory?
By Nazery Khalid
The multilateral, UN-sanctioned initiatives to deter piracy in the waters off Somalia and in the strategic Gulf of Aden (GOA) have been touted by many maritime security analysts as a great leap forward in the fight against piracy. Indeed, the school of thought of multilateral actions to combat this scourge at sea is fast converting disciples and winning adherents on the back of several cases of skirmishes between pirates and naval forces in GOA in favor of the good guys. However, upon deeper contemplation, this approach may be nothing more than a hollow victory and no more than a stop gap, short term response of the issue of piracy
Democrats Duck Bush Torture Probe
By Jason Leopold
Despite now overwhelming evidence that ex-President George W. Bush and many top aides engaged in a systematic policy of illegal torture, national Democrats appear to be shying away from their recommendation last year for a special prosecutor to investigate these apparent war crimes
Terror Factory: Degeneration Of
Human Resources
By Purti Marwaha
The modern phenomena i.e. Terror factory is single handedly responsible for the collapse of rarest resource i.e. Human Resource. We the people of the world should get our act together so as to do at least something in an organized way to completely stop the degeneration of human resources. The need of the hour is to stop all talk and do a piece of action or in any case swing into action
Hypocrisy Of Brahminical And Mainstream
Feminist Movements
By Surendra Gopinath Rote
Mainstream feminist movement could focus on the livelihood issues of women. However, the point is not to feed the stomach only but it is question of self respect, dignity and of equal status which all denied by caste system. My question still stands there those feminist who worships Rama, Krishna, Shiva and Ganesh how could they become the emancipatory force for Dalit women or even for mainstream women?
01 April, 2009
How To Tackle Climate Change:
The Maldives Example
By Simon Butler
The tiny Indian Ocean nation of the Maldives will become carbon-neutral within 10 years. This was the pledge made by Maldives President Mohamed Nasheed on March 15
OECD Paints Bleak Picture Of Global Economy
By Peter Symonds
On the eve of the G20 summit in London, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) has issued a grim forecast for the global economy, undercutting the more optimistic predictions being made by governments around the world
World Depression: Regional Wars
And The Decline Of The US Empire
By James Petras
All the idols of capitalism over the past three decades crashed. The assumptions and presumptions, paradigm and prognosis of indefinite progress under liberal free market capitalism have been tested and have failed. We are living the end of an entire epoch: Experts everywhere witness the collapse of the US and world financial system, the absence of credit for trade and the lack of financing for investment. A world depression, in which upward of a quarter of the world’s labor force will be unemployed, is looming
Slow Demise Of Israel’s Great Survivor
By Jonathan Cook
Olmert will be remembered for little but scandal
Israel's Illegal Annexation Of East Jerusalem
By Stephen Lendman
So says a confidential EU report revealed on March 7 by The London Guardian's Rory McCarthy. It accuses Israel "of using settlement expansion, house demolitions, discriminatory housing policies and the West Bank (Separation) barrier as a way of 'actively pursuing the illegal annexation' of East Jerusalem." More still, including restrictive permits, "closure of Palestinian institutions," and various other ways to "increase Jewish presence in" the city, "impede Palestinian urban development, and separate East Jerusalem from the rest of the West Bank" incrementally to annex it
Wake Up, America. The Boys Are Coming Home
By Ann Jones
Men sent to Iraq or Afghanistan for two, three, or four tours of duty return to wives who find them "changed" and children they barely know. Tens of thousands return to inadequate, underfunded veterans' services with appalling physical injuries, crippling post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and suck-it-up sergeants who hold to the belief that no good soldier seeks help
State Of The Nations
By Jim Miles
There are several large problems that afflict the globe in a major way today, with the economy being the prime time concern receiving the vast majority of the governmental/corporate/media attention. Global climate change seems to have dropped off the mainstream media’s agenda. Similarly, the global war on terror is much less in the spotlight, although here in Canada with four recent deaths from IEDs a quick flurry of ‘support the troops sympathy’ and ‘good news from Afghanistan ’ flashed on the screens. These are the big three: the economy, global climate change, and the war on terror
Electoral Parties And Secular Values
By Ram Puniyani
How do we weigh these parties on the scale of secularism? Are BJP, Congress and CPM comparable in this regard? One can dismiss BSP as being too opportunist to be considered as secular. Amongst the major one’s, we will focus on Congress, Communists and the BJP. A tough situation has been created due to the weak policies of Congress and the arrogance of CPM in Nandigram. Are all these parties in the same league or is there a shade of difference which is worth recognizing in order to save the democratic ethos, which has been weakened due to the happenings of the current times