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I Withdraw My Consent For Humann Violence, Including
The Violence Of Nuclear Energy And Lnadmines

By Mary Hamer

10 March, 2010

*PURPOSE: The purpose of this paper is to discuss the power of Nonviolence by Withdrawal of consent. We all give Consent to violence every day, everywhere on our planet Earth: in big & small ways. On a larger scale: We go to war for oil, we pollute the earth with Nuclear waste & fossil fuels emissions, we destroy wild animal Habitats to build more Homo Sapien houses & we kill billions of Animals for food each year. On a smaller scale: We yell at children, we hit a dog, we swear at our spouses; We swallow medical pills that justify the pain & suffering & killing of research animals, we wear sexy fur coats & leather shoes that justify the horrific skinning of animals & we laugh as we watch animals painfully entertain us. We chop down a tree, we spray pesticides and we throw a cigarette butt & a pop bottle out the window & we litter the Earth. We are violent with our angry words; We are violent in the way we ignore a disabled person; We are violent when we walk past a hungry stray cat or dog. All this violence causes great Suffering to humans, animals & the Earth. We are not a wise species as Homo “Sapiens” suggests; Rather we are Homo Violent & Homo Cruel. The human institutions of War, Nuclear bombs & revenge are obsolete & outdated – War, Nuclear Technology, etc. are the result of irrational thinking, cognitive distortions & emotional disturbances. May we transform to a Peaceful Do No Harm species. May we minimize our violence each day to humans, animals, plants & the Earth. Rather than violence, may we extend to each other: A kind smile, a kind word, a spirit of Namaste (1) & Compassion – Not only to humans, but also to animals, the trees & the Earth.

The Key sections of this essay are:

I. The Definition of Withdrawal of Consent

My Manifesto for Withdrawal of consent

e.g. I Withdraw My Consent for President Obama's

Nuclear Power & Landmine Programs

II. Examples of Non-Violent Action Steps

III. Paradigm Shifting from Violence to Non-Violence

IV. Compassion

Why are Humans so Violent?

V. Challenging Questions Regarding Human Violence

VI. Apology for Human Violence & Cruelty.

Homo Earth Philosophy


*Definition: Gandhi discusses the power of Nonviolence by Withdrawal of Consent: “Government of the people is possible only so long as they consent … to be governed” (2) “According to the theory of non-consent, a ruler's power is completely dependent on the acquiescence of the ruled (i.e.) the masses. If the masses withdraw consent to be ruled, this renders the ruler impotent. Power, therefore, is devised by virtue of the masses' willingness to obey. Without this consent, a ruler is … powerless”. (3)


*I, Mary Hamer withdraw my consent from the Homo Sapien species for the Cruelty & Violence committed by humans each day to: Other humans, to animals & to the Earth. I withdraw my consent from the Homo Sapiens' Domination ethic, imperialism, colonialism, the Me –vs- You/the Enemy belief, & the Revenge ethic. I withdraw my consent for Homo Sapien Wars including: Invading & occupying a country for Oil to support the growth of the invader's capitalist economy. I withdraw my consent for Shock & Awe campaigns with “Rapid dominance”, “Spectacular displays of force” & the destruction of an adversary's “Will to fight” (4) I withdraw my consent for bombs, guns, grenades, missiles, landmines & all other weapons of war. I withdraw my consent for Genocide: e.g. the genocide of the Jews during WWII by the Nazis, the ongoing 500+ year genocide of the Native American Indians on reservations & in American society (5) & many other genocides. I withdraw my consent from & I do Not celebrate or participate in Columbus Day or Thanksgiving – which represent the tragic genocide of the Native American Indians. I withdraw my consent for Child abuse – not only physical violence, but also emotional abuse. I withdraw my consent for the violence of poverty. I withdraw my consent for the Depraved indifference of society regarding: The elderly, the disabled, homeless people, ex-convicts, drug addicts & alcoholics. I withdraw my consent for all human Violence against animals including: the Slaughtering of animals for human food, the slaughtering of animals for fur coats & leather clothes, animal testing for Medical & product safety research -- and the use of animals for Entertainment (e.g. horse racing, dog racing, circuses, rodeos, marinas, etc.). I withdraw my consent for the aerial Gunning down of America 's wild mustangs & America 's wolf population. I withdraw my consent for leg-hold Trapping & poisoning of wildlife animals who are deemed a “nuisance” to humans. I withdraw my consent for animal Killing & Extinctions for the purposes of: human Aphrodisiacs, wall trophies, fur coats, floor rugs, superstitious medicine, jewelry, etc.. I withdraw my consent for Nuclear bombs, nuclear bomb testing & nuclear power plants that leave a trail of severe, widespread, long-term & expanding radioactive waste that harms humans, animals & plants on the Earth. I withdraw my consent for the dumping of nuclear waste on the Tibetan Plateau. I withdraw my consent for the use of Depleted Uranium (DU) bullets – with a “Half-life of 4.5 Billion years – The age of our solar system”. (6) I withdraw my consent for the exploitation of Earth's natural resources in the name of capitalism & growth. I withdraw my consent for habitat destructions, deforestation & pesticide spraying of the Earth.. I withdraw my consent for strip Mining, mountain-top mining & ocean trawling. In conclusion, I Withdraw my Consent from the Homo Sapien species – A Violent species. I withdraw my consent for the destruction of the planet Earth. I declare myself a New species: Homo Earth – A humble species that respects & is partners with humans, animals & the Earth. (7)


Nuclear energy & Nuclear waste are forms of violence --Violence against humans, animals & the Earth. President Obama declared in the State of the Union address in 2010 that “It was time to build a ‘New generation of safe, clean nuclear power plants” in the United States – with the goal of becoming more energy independent. (8) Yet, Nuclear power is Dangerous, Dirty, Expensive & CO2 Producing. (9) (10) Amy Goodman in her article Obama's Nuclear Option states: “The economics of nuclear power generation simply doesn't make sense. The cost to construct these behemoths is so huge & the risks are so great, that no sensible investor, no banks, no hedge funds will invest in their construction” – Except President Obama & the U.S. taxpayers. Ms. Goodman references Amory Lovins of the Rocky Mountain Institute who says in his report “The Nuclear Illusion”: “Nuclear power … is grossly uncompetitive, unneeded & obsolete … & uneconomic”. Also, Ms. Goodman reminds us of the Chernobyl & Three Mile Island nuclear power plant disasters. (11) So, What is a good alternative energy source compared to nuclear power? The Progress Report states: “In a free market, wind energy is superior to nuclear power”. … The Progress Report references Greenpeace France : “Investment in wind energy generates 5 times more jobs & 2.3 times more electricity than a nuclear reactor”. (12) In my opinion, an energy policy should also include: Increasing energy efficiency & Solar power. President Obama, Please consult with Ms. Goodman, Mr. Lovins, Greenpeace France & other experts to problem-solve the fossil fuel & peak oil issues and to develop a comprehensive safe, sustainable energy policy.


“President Barack Obama (went to) collect his Nobel Peace Prize on Dec. 10, 2009 – Two weeks after his administration announced a decision Not to join the global treaty Banning land mines”. The Mercury News goes on to say: “Land mines caused more than 5,000 casualties in 2008, many of them outside current war zones … (&) More than a third of the victims were children”. “More that 150 nations … have signed the treaty” (banning land mines). (13) It is a tragedy that America accepts a Nobel Peace Prize & at the same time America votes for land mines that are responsible for the amputations & deaths of many innocent people & animals throughout the world.


Grossinger states in the book Abu Ghraib: The Politics of Torture: “When slaughterhouse workers in West Virginia are filmed stomping on live chickens for fun, flinging them against the wall, strangling them with latex gloves while hamming it up, squeezing birds till they explode, & ripping off their heads for a pen to (write) graffiti in blood, how far are we (Americans & the human race) from hell itself? … Why wouldn't the same arrogant, sociopathic treatment of (living beings) be transferred from commercial fowl to … prisoners of war (e.g. in Abu Ghraib). (14) Whether it be the abuse & torture of chickens or prisoners of war at Abu Ghraib -- It is sad & tragic that human beings i.e. Homo Sapiens do such horrific, violent & cruel acts to other living beings with little or no compassion for the victims' suffering.


The Haitian people withdrew consent for slavery in the late 18 th Century and succeeded in their quest for freedom. “The Haitian Revolution (1791-1803) is the period of violent conflict in the French colony of Saint-Dominique, leading to the elimination of slavery & the establishment of Haiti as the first republic ruled by people of African ancestry. Although (many) rebellions occurred in the New World during the centuries of slavery, only the revolt on Saint-Dominique … was successful in achieving permanent freedom. The Haitian Revolution is regarded as a defining moment in the history of Africans in the New World ”. (15)

II. NON-VIOLENT ACTION Steps – In Response to Human Violence:

When I witness human violence: I ask myself what Nonviolent action can I take in response to this human violence? There are 3 main courses of nonviolent action (16) to take: #1. Nonviolent Protest & Persuasion. “The goal of this kind of action is to bring public awareness to an issue, persuade or influence a particular group of people or to facilitate future nonviolent action. The message can be directed toward the public, proponents or people affected by the issue. Methods of protest & persuasion include: Speeches, public communications, petitions, symbolic acts, art, marches & other public assemblies”. #2. Non-cooperation. “Non-cooperation involves the purposeful withholding of cooperation or the unwillingness to initiate in cooperation with an opponent. The goal of non-cooperation is to halt or hinder an industry, political system or economic process. Methods of non-cooperation include labor strikes, economic boycotts, civil disobedience, tax refusal”, etc.. & #3. Nonviolent Intervention. “Nonviolent intervention … is a more direct method of nonviolent action. … Intervention is often more immediate & effective than the other two methods, but it is also harder to maintain & more taxing to the participants involved. Methods of intervention include occupations (sit-ins), blockades, fasting (hunger strikes), truck cavalcades & dual sovereignty/parallel government”. (16)

*e.g. ANIMAL ABUSE & NON-VIOLENT ACTION: A majority of human society believes in eating meat & killing animals for food. Vegetarianism or a vegan lifestyle is a minority opinion – To which I belong. Therefore, Voting for a change via the U.S. President or Congress to a Non-meat eating civilization is Not a reasonable non-violent course of action for people such as me. Other more effective ways for people to take non-violent action on behalf of animal killing & abuse include: Gene Sharp's 198 Methods for Non-violent action. (17) e.g. Writing non-violent political essays, writing animal rights poems, writing peace songs or a screenplay on non-violence are examples of ways people can motivate social change to a vegetarian or vegan diet on behalf of animals.


*ME –VS- YOU War Philosophy: In my opinion, most Wars are the result of #1. Ego & the Me –vs- You philosophy & #2. Natural resource acquisition. The Me –vs- You belief allows a person to Demonize the other person/country & thereby allows the attacker to Kill, maim & torture the enemy. Furthermore, most wars are about killing to acquire scarce natural resources such as: land, oil, food or water resources. The Nonviolent approach to conflicts prefers Dialogue & natural resource management -- to wars. For example, I believe in talking to the enemy including negotiating with terrorists & finding common ground – Rather than engaging in war. Also, I believe that each country has a responsibility to manage it's human population & natural resources well – Rather than to use war as a means of correcting irresponsible human reproduction & over-population & irresponsible, excessive resource consumption. I also believe each country's leaders have a responsibility to act in a rational manner, with good critical thinking skills, restraining emotional behavior – when deciding how to deal with conflicts.

*THERE is NO JUST WAR: Howard Zinn states: “I gradually came to certain conclusions about war … I decided that was corrupts everyone who engages in it, that it poisons the minds & souls of people on all sides. I realized there was a process by which I & others had become unthinking killers of innocent people. A decision is made at the start of a war that your side is good & the other side is bad. … I also realized that the idea of just war is based on several logical fallacies. One of them is that if the other side is evil … than it means that your side must be good. Another fallacy involves a jump in logic that happens unconsciously … The jump is this: That a cause may indeed be just … something wrong has taken place – but then the reality of a just cause blends almost imperceptibly into the idea of a just war. In other words, a cause may be just, an injustice may have taken place, but that doesn't mean that the use of war to remedy that injustice is just”. (18) Howard Zinn comments on the topic of Just War on You Tube including: The immorality of war, the propaganda of war, the poor go to war for the rich & false war slogans such as War is for freedom & democracy. Mr. Zinn states: “When you can't solve a problem intelligently, you turn to violence”. (19)  May the international community withdraw it's consent for war.


*Obsolete: Cashman referencing Mueller explains that: “War is becoming obsolete” because “Attitudes about war are changing. War is no longer seen as a normal part of international relations. ..It is now widely viewed as irrational & immoral…Offensive war is not acceptable”. “Peace will come when…war is finally seen as unethical, improper, immoral & illogical”. (20)


NUCLEAR FREE ZONES: E.g. New Zealand is a good role model as a nuclear-free country. “ New Zealand was the first Western-allied nation to legislate towards a nuclear free zone”. “A nuclear-free zone is an area where nuclear weapons &/or nuclear power is banned”. (21)


If a medication is made by Animal Testing, I have the right to refuse that drug & opt for a medication that is Cruelty-Free.

*THE IGNORED, MARGINALIZED People of Society: Modern society often ignores poor people such as Drug addicts, the homeless, alcoholics & ex-convicts. May we all #1. Acknowledge the marginalized people in our society & #2. Help the sidelined people in society either through direct action or charities.



What is the cause of human violence? The human Ego & a feeling of Supremacy over others causes violent acts. “Violent acts follow from High self-esteem, not from low self-esteem”. (22) Ego is defined as: “An inflated feeling of pride in your Superiority to others”. (23) So if the human race #1. acknowledges Ego Violence & #2. wants to improve itself, then what is a reasonable solution to this problem? In my opinion the solution to Ego Violence is to cultivate traits such as: Compassion, Love, Morality, Humility & Equality. Also, Krishnamurti explains: “This craving for position, for prestige, for power, … is a wish to dominate others & this wish to dominate is a form of aggression … And what is the cause of this aggressiveness? It is Fear, isn't it?” (24) Also, I believe the solution to Ego Violence is to investigate & conquer one's Fears.  What are America's fears?

*ROLE MODELS for COMPASSION include: His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Mother Teresa, Thich Nhat Hanh, Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King & Nelson Mandela.

Definitions of Compassion include: “Wanting others to be free from suffering”. (25) & “A deep awareness of & sympathy for another's suffering” (26)


Hawkin's Levels of Consciousness below 200 (e.g. Pride & Anger) represent a Negative, harmful destructive state –vs- Consciousness levels above 200 (e.g. Love & Peace) represent a More positive & Life-promoting state. (27) Can the human race rise above Hawkin's level of consciousness of 200 & enter the more positive & less destructive realms of human awareness?

*Example of a Country with a High Level of Consciousness: Ecuador is an example of a country with a high level of consciousness regarding Nature: In 2008, “Ecuador voted & approved the first ‘Green' Constitution on Earth”; This constitution includes: “Nature … has the right to exist, persist, maintain & regenerate it's vital cycles, structure, functions & it's processes in evolution”. (28)

*MORALITY: A brief review of Kohlberg's 6 Stages of Moral Development in terms of motivation are as follows:

#1. Motivated by a need to avoid punishment

#2. Motivated by a need to satisfy one's own interests

#3. Motivated by a need to be approved of & to avoid rejection

#4. Motivated by a need to follow society's rules & to respect authority

#5. Motivated by a social contract & community respect

#6. Motivated by universal principles of justice. (29) (30)

The ultimate goal for each of us in the international community is to evolve from lower levels of morality including behavior motivated by: Punishment, pleasure & rejection to Kohlberg's moral stage #6 i.e. to act by our own conscience & to do the Right thing regarding a nonviolent lifestyle & world peace..

*HUMILITY: Whitfield et al state: “Within each conflict … we are given the power to choose”: Do we choose to protect … our ego's limited perceptions? Or through humility, do we choose … tolerance? Do we choose to … persecute … Or through humility, do we choose to … empower? Do we choose separation, or through humility, inclusion? Do we choose fear, or through humility, love? (31)

*EQUALITY: If a human being considers himself/herself an equal with others, then there would be no feeling of superiority & no pre-condition for violence & cruelty.

*Conclusion: Perhaps the human race can combine: Hawkin's levels of consciousness, Kohlberg's stages of moral development, Humility & Equality to form a highly evolved human being who embodies peace, compassion & respect toward humans, animals & the Earth.


*RUMI: *May we all seek Rumi's sense of tolerance & non-judgment of each other: “Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing & rightdoing, there is a field. I will meet you there”. (32) Let's meet in Rumi's field, in a nonviolent place, where it is safe & non-judgmental; Let's form a truce & a new peace ethic together -- with humans, animals & the Earth.

*IS WAR NECESSARY?: *As David Bohm states: “So much is being destroyed just because we have this notion of it (e.g. a goal such as war) being absolutely necessary. Now if you can question it and say, ‘Is it absolutely necessary?' Then at some point it may loosen up. People may say, ‘Well, maybe it's not absolutely necessary'. Then the whole thing becomes easier and it becomes possible to let that conflict go and explore new notions of what is necessary…Dialogue can then enter a creative new area”. (33)

*OFFER OUR ENEMY THE VICTORY?: When there is conflict, can we give up our egos & do the right thing? Can we as Thangpa's Eight Verses on Transforming the Mind states: “When others…treat me wrongly…May I take upon myself the defeat & offer others the victory”? (34) Can we offer our enemy the victory -- in the name of peace?

*BUDDHISM, NONVIOLENCE & TRUTH SEEKERS: “The Buddhist code that governs the life of monks permits them to defend themselves, but it forbids them to kill, even in self-defense”. When asked “What if someone had wiped out all the Buddhists in the world & you were the last one left. Would you not try to kill the person who was trying to kill you, & in doing so save Buddhism?” Thich Nhat Hanh answered: “It would be better to let him kill me. If there is any truth to Buddhism & the Dharma it will not disappear from the face of the earth, but will reappear when seekers of truth are ready to rediscover it”. (35) What is the moral code of the 21 st Century? What legacy will we in the 21 st Century give to present & future truth seekers?

*EGO DEATH: *The Ego & it's violence are dangerous – it is like a black hole. If we are not careful, the black hole of the ego will spiral all of us into an accelerating, collapsing dark reality of war, violence & revenge. Perhaps the international community can embrace Cohen's concept of “Ego death” when the “Will of the separate ego has finally been broken” and we go beyond “self-concern” & “unconsciousness” to a “spiritual awakening” & unity. (36) Can we practice the Buddhist concept of: Anatta: i.e.: “No-self, non-ego, egolessness”. (37) Can the human race overcome the black hole of our egos and avoid a nuclear war?

*SLAM: Extrapolating from the 1998 movie SLAM: May we confront the violence both within ourselves as well as in the external world with the force of rap poetry as in the movie SLAM. May we undergo a paradigm shift/a transformation/a metamorphosis in our irrational thinking & go through an inflection point evolving from hateful demands to a humble acceptance of reality. When we experience converging moments of crises, may we shift into a perpendicular diverging realm of awareness. May we use both the science of dialogue, negotiation, conflict resolution, etc & the fine arts approach of “Peace oratories”, etc. to appeal to/petition courts of law regarding legal/political/social injustices. (38)

*EMBRACE THE TIGER, i.e. the ENEMY: Krishnamurti explains: “When you say you dislike or hate someone…If you look at it, go into it completely, it ceases”. (39)

*TRUTH: Krishnamurti explains: “You cannot find out what is true if you have a motive, or if you are conditioned by a belief, by a dogma. You must die to all that”. (40) Can we all die to our motives, our agendas, our dogmas, etc.& discover the truth about human violence?


As the Endabuse.org TV commercial says: Rather that teaching children: What to Hit – Why can't we teach our children: What Not to Hit? (41)

*QUESTIONS: Can we become deeply aware of the truth & the dangers of: Domination, oppression, humiliation & violence? May we replace ego, enemy & bomb images with diplomacy, dialogue, humility & critical thinking skills.

May we use restraint, impulse control, & make wise, reasoned, intelligent choices

–vs- ego-based, emotional, knee-jerk reflex, do or die, fight –vs- flight reactions.

Can we go beyond the stimulus-response reaction to violence & evolve to a “Do no harm” ethic?


*Yoder asks: “What if in the awful days after 9/11, our U.S. leaders, the President, our governors, mayors, clergy and health professionals – had normalized our feelings of anger, bewilderment, humiliation, horror, and the desire for justice”…”What if they had displayed a greatness born of humility?” (42)

*Dalai Lama urged Regarding 9/11: “Restraint” & “Not to seek a brutal revenge”. The Dalai Lama suggested a non-violent solution to the conflict including Dialogue, compromise & negotiation. Regarding the cause of 9/11, the Dalai Lama states: “Grievances & suffering have provoked this violence”. (43)

*Satish Kumar states: “Events are never isolated. September 11 did not happen…without any cause or reason….Are there seeds of this event in the Gulf War or in some other war?” (44) Can the human race rise to a higher level of wisdom, exercise restraint in response to violence & seek a nonviolent solution to conflict?


Can we put down our weapons? Including weapons of Violent & “Abusive language”. (45)

Can we go beyond Revenge & Newton's 3 rd Law of Motion? (46)

Can we listen to each other's story without being defensive? – without taking it personally?

May we rise to a higher, greater internal level of self-mastery – over emotions & violent actions.

Can we go so far as offering Amnesty, mercy, & forgiveness to our enemies?


May we all in our own humble way be peacemakers each day.

May we offer each other an olive branch of peace.

May we rise above our anger & choose not to harm others.

May we be aware of each other's fears.

May we listen to the many untold stories of injustice.

May we all heal our wounds since “Every act of violence is an unhealed wound”. (47)

May we have compassion for all those who suffer as the result of violence.

May we choose not to offend, not to threaten, not to diminish, not to lessen each other.

*HOPE for the HUMAN RACE: Fry states: “According to the ‘Man the warrior' view, humans … are warlike by nature. … According to (the) new view, clearly humans are capable of great mayhem, but they also have a remarkable capacity for working out conflicts without resorting to violence. … A careful reexamination of the actual evidence will lead us to the conclusion that humans are not warlike by nature”. (48)

*WARNING for the HUMAN RACE: Regush warns all humans of our “Breaking Point” & our “Potential for Violence”: “We should expect (violence) to escalate worldwide as social structures come under heavy assault from the hungry, the disenfranchised, and the embittered. And in a world of environmental degradation & rapid technological change, we can also expect increasing numbers of individuals to be pushed to the breaking point.” He warns us about: “The potential of people everywhere on this planet to break down under severe stress”. Regush states: “Everyone is capable of causing harm or murder”. (49)


I apologize on behalf of all life on the planet Earth -- for the Violence of the human race. I am sorry for nuclear weapons. I grieve about war. I am sad for abused children. I anguish over human cruelty to animals. I am sad about 9/11 & the reaction to 9/11. I also apologize to Future human, animal & plant life on Earth on behalf of 20 th & 21 st Century human destructive behavior.


May I do no harm in my life to any living being or the Earth. May I inflict as little pain & suffering on any other creature as possible. May no human, no animal, no Earthly entity ever suffer because of me.


*Homo Earth is a philosophical concept that I have developed to deal with my Anguish after having witnessed many severe acts of Cruelty committed by Homo Sapiens -- inflicted upon humans, animals & the Earth -- throughout my lifetime.

*DECLARATION: As a result of Homo Sapien cruelty, I declare my withdrawal from the human race. This Homo Sapiens species is far too cruel for me. I am a new species: Homo Earth. I will not participate in this human madness of murder, torture, slavery, pollution, overpopulation & bombings that humans commit against other living beings & the Earth. I am Homo Earth – a New species that is partners with & that treats humans, animals & the planet Earth with respect.

The Homo Earth philosophy is Not about condemning or criminalizing the human race; It is Not about Me –vs- You. This philosophy Is about taking a Non-Violent stand against Homo Sapien cruelty; It Is about a paradigm shift in thinking from: The old Caveman, emotional, revenge, domination & violence ethic to a new Spiritual ethic of equality, respect, restraint & partnership with humans, animals & the Earth. Also, this concept Is about about a paradigm shift in thinking from: The old Status quo & Mob/crowd/groupthink mentality to a new ethic of independent thinking, critical self-examination & self-improvement.

The Basic Principles of the Homo Earth philosophy include: Do No Harm, Love, Education, Rational Thinking, Responsibility, Peacemaking & Truth Seeking, Awareness, Dangerous Human Ego, Revenge, Environmental Justice & Green Accounting, Animal Rights & Responsible Human Reproduction. The most important principle of all is the Do No Harm ethic & offering a humble Apology if one does harm to others. (50)

Salaam Shalom Shanti Peace

Thank you. Respectfully, Mary Hamer, M.D.


1. www.google.com : Definition of Namaste: Referencing: www.natureyoga.com : Namaste: “I bow to the divine in you”.

2. Gandhi, M.K. Non-Violent Resistance (Satyagraha). Dover Publications, Inc. C. 2001. Pg 35. Discussion of Withdrawal of Consent.

3. Nojeim, Michael. Gandhi & King. Praeger Publishers. C 2004. Pg 28,29. Referencing: Sharp, Gene. The Role of Power in Nonviolent Struggle. Cambridge , MA : Albert Einstein Institiution. 1990. & Sharp, Gene. The Politics of Nonviolent Action. Power & Struggle. Porter Sargent Publishers. C 1973.

4. en.wikipedia.org: Shock & Awe: Referencing: Ullman, Harlan & Wade, James et al.. Shock & Awe. The National Defense Univ. of the United States . 1996.

5. Hamer, Mary. Apology to the Native American Indians. Countercurrents.org. 12/8/9 .

6. www.csmonitor.com: Remains of Toxic Bullets Litter Iraq . By Scott Peterson. 5/15/3 .

7. Hamer, Mary. The New Human Species: Homo Earth. Countercurrents.org. 10/7/9 . Note: Commenter Greg Foote suggests the name Homo Humilis 10/9/9 .

8. www.telegraph.co.uk : President Obama to Step up Support for U.S. Nuclear Industry.

9. www.nirs.org : Nuclear Power: No solution to Climate Change: Exposing the Myths.

10. www.psr.org : Dirty, Dangerous & Expensive: The Truth about Nuclear Power.

11. www.countercurrents.org : Goodman, Amy. Obama's Nuclear Option. From TruthDig.com. 2/17/2010 . References: Amory Lovins & 2008 report: The Nuclear Illusion. Note: Denis Moynihan contributed to research for this paper.

12. www.progress.org : In a Free Market, Wind Energy is Superior to Nuclear Power. Referencing: Greenpeace France . Wind vs. Nulcear 2003. 12/4/3 .

13. www.mercurynews.com : Editorial: Obama Badly Disappoints with Land Mines Decision.

14. Abu Ghraib: The Politics of Torture. Essays by Many Authors including: Richard Grossinger: Abu Ghraib: A Howl. Pg 132-133.

15. en.wikipedia.org: Haitian Revolution.

16. en.wikipedia.org: Nonviolence: Referencing: Sharp, Gene. (1973) Waging onviolent Struggle. Extending Horizon Books. Pg 50-56.

17. www.aeinstein.org : Albert Einstein Institution: Gene Sharp's 198 Methods of Nonviolent Action. from The Politics of Nonviolent Action. Boston : Porter Sargent. 1973.

18. Zinn, Howard. Just War. Charta. 2005. Pg 37, 38]

19. www.google.com : Zinn, Howard. Just War. YouTube. 2006. 4 Parts.

20. Cashman, Grag. What Causes War? Lexington Books. C 1993. Pg 285, 287. Referencing: Mueller, John. Retreat from Doomsday: The Obsolescence of Major War. Basic Books. 1989.

21. en.wikipedia.org: Nuclear-Free Zone: Referencing: Nuclear Free: The New Zealand Way. The Right Honourable David Lange. Penguin Books. New Zealand . 1990.

22. Baumeister, Roy. Evil: Inside Human Violence & Cruelty. Henry Holt & Company. C 1999. Pg 25.

23. wordnetweb.princeton.edu: Definition of Ego.

24. Krishnamurti, J. Freedom from the Known. Harper Collins Publishers. C 1969. Pg 40.

25. www.viewonbuddhism.org: Compassion & Bodhicitta.

26. www.google.com : Definitions of Compassion. Referencing: wordnetweb.princeton.edu.

27. happy-firewalker.blogspot.com: The Key to Happiness. By Firewalker: Referencing Dr. David Hawkins. Power vs. Force. Veritas Publishing. 1995.

28. www.icastusa.org : Ecuador 's Green Constitution.

29. Kuhmerker, Lisa et al. Kohlberg Legacy for the Helping Professions. Doxa Books. C. 1994. Pg 27-30.

30. www.eli.pdx.edu : Kohlberg's Six Stages of Moral Development. Referencing: Professor Morgan's Course Handouts..

31. Whitfield, Charles et al. The Power of Humility. Health Communications. C. 2006. Pg 145.

32. Translations & Commentary by Coleman Barks. Rumi the Book of Love. Harper Collins Publishers. C 2003. Pg 123.

33. Bohm, David. On Dialogue. Routledge Publisher. C 1996. Pg 23.

34. His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Transforming the Mind. Thorsons. C 2000. Pg 135-136. Referencing: Thangpa's Eight Verses on Transforming the Mind

35. www.bbc.co.uk: Buddhism & War: Buddhism Philosophy & Thich Nhat Hanh quote.

36. Cohen, Andrew. Living Enlightenment. Moksha Press. C. 2002. Pg 121-123.

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